Despite getting distracted by various things, I still want to get those old short story collections back up for sale again.
One thing I wanted to add was a little segment at the back detailing the inspiration behind the stories. Writing them (or rather rewriting them as I wrote some for Christmas and Valentine's Day a while back) did unfortunately lock me up last month and is part of the reason why I've been a little quiet recently. It's usually the non-fiction that locks me up, for some reason. It's why I stopped blogging on almost anything other than documenting recent releases.
In this case I wasn't happy. What I was writing felt self-indulgent. I know I'm only trying to emulate what I've read in other horror short collections/anthologies, but let's face it, I'm not Stephen King and a previous publication history of "I uploaded them to Literotica" is not as interesting as a list of dates and original magazines the stories were published.
I think it might be better to use this segment to answer questions people might have on the inspiration for the characters and story, or to clarify things I intentionally left vague and cryptic.
Starting up is "A Succubus for Christmas", which has this line-up:
1) A Succubus for Christmas
2) The Masterton Covenant
3) Bubble Bath
4) Flesh Pitchers of Prague
5) Hookah'ed
6) Pool of the Undine
7) Slayer vs Succubus
8) Arachne's Web*
9) Wrapdance
10) The Coils of Aenictia
11) Squeezed
12) Happy Ending
13) Incall with a Succubus
*exclusive to the collection
If you've read the stories before and have any burning questions on them, fire away below.
That might be a little more interesting for me to write about than "I was inspired by a monster girl picture I saw on the internet and uploaded the story to Literotica on [insert date here]".