Sunday, December 22, 2024

Film Review - Succubus (2024 - The One With Ron Perlman)

In this case "Title [Year]" is not enough as two films called Succubus came out in 2024.  This is the RJ Daniel Hanna one with Ron Perlman in it.  I thought it looked interesting from the trailer.  There seemed to be hints the main character might end up getting trapped in their own mind and other mind-fuckery going on.

Most of the first third of the film plays out on computer monitors as the main character, Chris (Brendan Bradley), a struggling dad with a bunch of debt and failing marriage is talked into setting up a profile on a dating app by his best friend, the more outgoing Eddie (Derek Smith).  He matches with the mysterious Adra (Rachel Cook) and chaos ensues.

I was initially worried the see-everything-on-monitors gimmick would wear out its welcome, but the film wisely knows when to break from that.  Rachel Cook's Adra makes for an alluring succubus and the prosthetics for her demon form look pretty good.  In a nice variation from the usual succubus playbook, Adra makes good use of vulnerability to get both Chris and Eddie on the hook.

Ron Perlman is the mysterious doctor trying to warn Chris and later a threat as he's fully willing to embrace more drastic solutions to fix things.  He's not given a lot to work with here in what is a fairly stock horror role.

The succubus entity appears to be eldritch rather than biblical in nature.  In a nice variation of the usual succubus-to-incubus myth, she appears to be looking for a man so she can hijack their sperm and use them to impregnate women with demon babies.  The mechanics of this seem fairly confused.  She wants to seduce men into visiting her, but also seems to be able to possess them remotely through a computer, which seems to make visiting her or not irrelevant.  I think this might be case of the filmmaker having a really cool death scene – Eddie's death is one of the standout moments – and wanting to keep it in even if it doesn't quite fit.

Overall I thought it had a lot of interesting ideas and enjoyed watching it, but felt it lacked a spark to move it from merely okay to good/great.  The film does make sex an integral part of what's going on, which is what I want to see in a succubus movie, but did feel a little tame about it.  A little bit more steam and salaciousness might have given the erotic aspects more punch and made for a more memorable film.  This might be more down to the cultural mores of our current times.  Until a new Verhoeven/Sharon Stone combo comes along to push the boundaries, I suspect Western filmmakers are a little afraid of going too far lest they be dumped in with those 'low-brow' movies that flash a bit of nipple to hide the fact they haven't got anything else going on.

The horror aspects do make up somewhat.  Eddie's death is delightfully gross and gruesome, and Chris... poor Chris.  If you think I'm mean to my protagonists...

Not a bad little succubus horror.

* * * *

As someone who's written an awful lot of succubus fiction, what I like to do after watching these films is think about how I'd have done things (without hopefully dragging the film into territories even riskier filmmakers dare not tread!).

I like the story.  It's fairly similar to some of the stories I've written, with maybe "Arachne's Web" from my A Succubus for Christmas collection being the closest, despite that story featuring an arachne monster girl rather than a succubus.  I don't think I'd change much and I think the horror of Chris's predicament is superb with a really nice bleak ending.  I'd have been quite satisfied to write that, so hats off to the writing team there.

The one minor quibble I did have is with what the succubus needs to achieve her ends.  At first she wants to lure them to her house (and achieves this with Eddie), but later it seems that it's not necessary as what she does to Chris remotely also seems to work as well.  I think this might be a case of having two really strong ideas and not wanting to give up either, which I can understand.  My approach in those circumstances would be to make two stories showcasing each, but that's far easier to do for a short story than a full film production!

The elephant in the room is nudity.  This film really needed some tits.  It has the sizzle, but the flame never gets high enough to... I'm not sure this metaphor works, but fuck it... cook the meat.  When I think of the erotic horror films that have made an impact on me they usually have that scene or moment that burns itself onto the memory.  The spider girl and soapland girl in Yoshiaki Kawajiri's Wicked City, Dracula's wives rising up out of the bed in Coppola's Dracula, Sharon Stone before she gets busy with the icicle pick in Basic Instinct, the many many heaving bosoms of old Hammer Horror vampire movies, and so on.  To be fair, nudity isn't always required.  Salma Hayek certainly didn't need to flash anything to set the screen on fire in From Dusk till Dawn.  I think a good erotic horror needs a that scene, and that felt lacking from this movie and part of the reason it's just okay rather than great.

Eddie's death scene is fairly close, and might even be there for normal people that haven't written thousands and thousands of words of weird succubus smut and possibly have faulty calibration.

What I would like to see from an erotic horror movie is a scene that blurs the horny into horror, rather than using the horny as just a means to get to the horror.  In an era where Pornhub, and endless boobs and vags, are just a click away on anyone's phone, I think creators need to get a little extra creative in order to create that scene.

One thing Toro Toro Resistance makes great use of in his Monmusu Quest series and something I also like to use a lot in my fiction is:

"I really shouldn't stick my dick in that... but."

You shouldn't stick your dick in a succubus because she'll suck out your life and soul... but she looks gorgeous and sex with her looks and sounds awesome.  I really shouldn't want that... but.

It's the "... but" that makes it interesting, as you're hitting the reader/viewer with competing emotions.

Eddie's scene is deliciously gross.  He lifts up the bedsheet and the succubus's true from is revealed as a trailing mass of oozing meat and gristle.  If you've played Elden Ring, it looks like one of the slime monsters from that game.  There is no "... but", you as the audience definitely Do Not want to stick your dick in that.

Eddie does, but he's entranced by the succubus and she even makes him think he's enjoying it.

I wonder if that scene could be more potent if the audience is also thinking "I really shouldn't stick my dick in that... but".

Instead of icky bone'n'gristle slime, maybe have something alien – a different type of slime, or maybe something soft and grublike.  I'm not a special fx guy, but I wonder if you could take something like a Venus 2000 (a high-end sex toy that uses a rubber tube within a vacuum diaphragm to 'milk' a penis) and build a horror prop around it.  Viewed end on, you'd have this prop that would outwardly look alien and wrong, but would have this rhythmically contracting rubber opening in the middle that would stir up... other thoughts.

That's to make the audience, who isn't under the control of the succubus, think "I really shouldn't stick my dick in that... but" as well.

Obviously you don't have the actor stick their dick in the sex toy.  That probably would count as porn, or be close enough to get people into trouble.  You could play it out similar to how it's done in this movie.  Cut to the actor simulating humping the bottom of the bed.  Then cut to a separate sideways shot of a special fx prop of some horribly organic grub/tentacle thing pulsating and working away.

The actor acts like he's having the best sex ever.  The audience starts to think that maybe it isn't that bad after all, then... bang... his skin gets torn off, he shrivels up as his insides are sucked out, or whatever icky gore effect you want to use for his end.

That way you're hitting everything at once at the same time, which should make for a fairly memorable scene with all the mental dissonance it's causing.

Could work, maybe.  Hopefully an idea for any budding horror filmmakers out there.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sister Squeeze

This week's hell harlot is the sexy supervillainess Sister Squeeze. She loves wrapping up would-be heroes and giving them a good squeeze.

Sister Squeeze is a pre-existing character of mine.  She previously appeared in this short story some years ago: "Squeezed".

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Sister Squeeze over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Hell Harlot - Alsharajea Hira

This week's hell harlot is Alsharajea Hira, the Corruptress. She loves a bit of anal, and has perfected her technique enough to pump large quantities of semen from a man's balls.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Alsharajea over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Work on the new autosave and notebook meta-progression functionality has proceeded pretty well.  I've put out a demo for patrons and I'll be looking to incorporate that within the base game soon.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Hell Harlot - Panta Prota

This week's hell harlot is the lovely Panta Prota. She wants to be everyone's first, so she can sensually pamper them with a lighter and softer succubus experience.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Panta over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Work on the new autosave and notebook meta-progression functionality has proceeded pretty well.  I've put out a demo for patrons and I'll be looking to incorporate that within the base game soon.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Hell Harlot - Brittnee

This week's hell harlot is the bratty Brittnee. She might not be the most powerful of succubi, but she has a cunning plan...

(It's not that cunning.)

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Brittnee over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Currently I'm working on the save game functionality and hoping to add a "notebook" to track harlot information the player has learned between runs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Hell Harlot - Amoura d'Coeur

This week's hell harlot is the lovely Amoura D'Couer.  She is a classic succubus and capable of enfolding and overwhelming a man with pure sensuality.  She is also considerate enough to not drain a man to death on the first date.  Be careful with that second date though...

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Amoura over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Hell Harlot - Pix Decipula

This week's hell harlot is the exceedingly lazy Pix Decipula.

She might not put much effort in, but she's so talented with her mouth and pussy she doesn't really need to.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Pix over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details. (This received a new update this week to update the portrait art of The Madam and other NPCs.)

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Hell Harlot - Cèis nan Cridheachan

This week's hell harlot is one of the wee succufairies, Cèis nan Cridheachan.

Despite the size difference, there are ways... although you're maybe better off not knowing them.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Cèis over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Friday, November 01, 2024

House of Hellish Harlots v0.054 (Friesya Holstun)

As the Temptacia release has - finally! - gone out, I can now update the public version.  Below are the details.

Version 0.054 adds one new harlot to the House.

Friesya Holstun
This is an "extra" harlot I'm adding on top of the planned ones.  I don't want to do that too often, but there were good solid reasons for her inclusion.  She's a Cow Girl, at least in appearance.  Being a Cow Girl (in appearance), her scenario includes the usual Cow Girl things of lactation and big boobs.  Her main scenario has her give the player the typical nursing handjob.  This is something I've been asked for in the past, so I'm happy to sneak it in.

The real reason for her inclusion is she's one of the handful of 'beneficial' harlots.  With most of the harlots, the goal for the player is to figure out how to survive and escape the room afterwards.  To balance that out, I've sprinkled in a few that have mechanics that help the player.  It should be fairly easy to work out how Friesya helps the player.

However, my thirst for horror must be slaked and so even the beneficial harlots are not completely safe.  While Friesya looks like your typical monster-girl Cow Girl, the harlots in the House are all hungry lust daemons.  Friesya is no different.

Ironically, because of the way the releases work, I have a horrible feeling Friesya's first impression will be to kill most of you.  Trust me, she is supposed to be helpful.  It's a quirk of how the demos are sent out.  In the final game you'll be very glad to see her as one of your options, especially in the later rounds.

But now, yeah, she's going to kill you.  She apologises in advance.  She is trying to be better.

The public demo can be played on the houseofhellishharlots website by clicking on the 'public' button.

The public demo is currently two releases behind the Patreon/SubscribeStar version. $1 and higher tiers recently got v0.056, which adds the 2nd 'mini-boss' harlot to the House - the long awaited elite succubus Temptacia.

Friesya Holstun is also one of the harlots I have art for.

I'm still working on HoHH 1.5, which adds art to the game.  The experimental demo can be found here and is currently restricted to $1 tiers and higher.  I am hoping to get a full public demo out soon covering the first 3rd of the game.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Hell Harlot - Hati Krim

This week's hell harlot is another erotic massage specialist.  Hati Krim uses a sensual cream massage to get the man in the mood, then finishes him off an exquisite lingam massage.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Hati Krim over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

In other update news, I've finally finished and tested the mammoth Temptacia scenario.  It's huge (25,000 words!).  That will be going out later for patrons and subscribers.  It also means I can finally update the public demo version.  This will bring in v0.054 and the cowgirl nurse Friesya Holstun.  The new version should be available on the houseofhellishharlots website on Nov 1st.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Hell Harlot - Nooru

This week's hell harlot is the adorable Nooru.  She specialises in erotic massage and just loves to get wet and slide all over a gentleman's body.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Nooru over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

I'm also finally near completion with the massive Temptacia scenario (she really does like to play with her men!).  This means there should finally be an update to the demo versions at the end of the month.  This should bring Friesya into the public version, if I remember right.  Patrons and Subscribers will get an early look at Temptacia.  Hopefully she'll be worth the hype (and long wait!).

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hell Harlot - Calliophi

This week's hell harlot is the sweet and pious Calliophi.  This lovely lamia follows a religion that is dedicated to the arts of pleasure.  She is only interested in giving her visitors a relaxing and sensual massage.

Unfortunately, she also possesses the deadliest venom within the House in her bite, and accidents do sometimes happen...

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Calliophi over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

New story - "The Real Money Shot"

For the first time in a couple of years I actually finished my Halloween story in time for Literotica's annual Halloween story competition.  You can read it here:

A young man with financial problems answers an advert and goes to a sleazy flat to participate in a porn shoot. His fellow 'stars' are five extremely attractive and busty Asian women. At first he can't believe his luck that he's the one being paid for this rather than the other way around, but there's always a catch...

I had fun writing this one. In the past when writing group scenes I often found they became sequential - a sequence of one-on-ones rather than a full group scene. This felt a bit more fluid with all five definitely-not-succubi-ahem involved at all times.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

While it is a competition, I don't take them very seriously. It needs a very high score and specific type of story to place. I generally use them to try and attract interest from new readers. This is also the first time in a while I've actually finished the Halloween story in time for the Halloween competition.


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Hell Harlot - Baloobia

This week's hell harlot is the lovely boobilicious Baloobia.  She loves enveloping men in the all-encompassing pleasures of her enormous boobs.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can find it and play with Baloobia over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

There have been a few delays with new demos.

The public demos are a couple of versions behind the paywalled demos.  I got a little stuck writing some of the more complex mini-boss scenarios, which has resulted in some disruption to my regular monthly release schedule.  Taking some time off to write some regular short stories (and getting closer to finishing the next short story collection) seems to have worked in getting things moving.  I'm hard at work writing Temptacia.  Once she's out for Patreon/SubscribeStar, I can advance the public demo again.

As for the HoHH 1.5 version with the art.  I now have art for all the low-tier harlots.  I'm just waiting on art for some of the NPCs, GUI elements and - most importantly - a proper title screen.  Once I have those I'll release a full public demo that covers the first third of the game.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Hell Harlot - Kanna bi Grafolita

This week's hell harlot is the House's resident stoner caterpillar girl, Kanna bi Grafolita.  Unlike the other harlots, she just wants a lazy smoke and comfy hug with her visitors.  Unfortunately, her 'mix' can be a little too strong for some constitutions.

I really like the art Marwmellow did for this one.  She looks like something you might find in a more mainstream fantasy RPG work.  You can find more of his work here.

You can play with Kanna over here on the houseofhellishharlots website.  The public version is current text-only.  There is a more advanced version with art.  This is currently only available to Patreon and SubscribeStar subscribers.  I'm still working on getting a proper full public demo covering the first third of the game together.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hell Harlot - Acarina

This week's hell harlot is the lovely vampy Acarina.  Beware of her 'vampiric boobies'.  They're very thirsty and like to give a man a good suck.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Acarina over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

I've received all the art for the low-tier harlots.  I'm hoping to put out a proper public demo soon.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hell Harlot - Suka no-Hirudo

I delayed the usual Hell Harlot post this week to announce the new short story up on literotica (see prev post)

This is the popular Suka no-Hirudo.  She likes giving men a really good suck.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

This is also not the only art of Suka.  One of my patrons, smithlfarrel, likes the character so much he commissioned an additional piece from Marwmellow.  He kindly gave me permission to add it to the game, which I have.  Hopefully we'll see more extra pieces like this in the future.

You can find it and play with Suka over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

I've received all the art for the low-tier harlots.  I'm hoping to put out a proper public demo soon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Story - "An Exclusive Performance with Magistrix Synn"

After struggling a bit with writing the mini-boss scenarios for House of Hellish Harlots, I switched to some regular story writing to clear my head and make sure I was productive on something.

I noticed Literotica had a Pandemonium 2024 event coming up.  Writing sexy demons is my forte, so I rattled off a new tale:

An Exotic Performance with Magistrix Synn

Two university lads are invited to an exclusive performance for extremely upper-class clientele.  One is offered a chance to be a participant in a devilishly sexy show... that might just take his soul.

I'm a little rusty at writing regular stories, so this one came out a little longer than intended.  I did think about hacking it back down to a target 5K words, but I remembered doing that to a similar story in the past to less-than-ideal results, so I left it as is.  I might give it a proper edit when it comes time to add it to a collection.

The story is very cynical with not particularly likeable protagonists, so I don't expect it to score all that well.  It's always nice to put out some new fiction though.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair

This week's profile is the infamous dick-destroying fairy, Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair.

You can't fix her.  Don't even think about it.

(Yet.  There might be a special side quest added at a later date.)

I think marwmellow did a great job with this one.  It's s very moody piece that perfectly fits her character.  You can find more of his work here.

You can play with Sgriosar (allow you might want to avoid this one, she's not called the 'dick-destroying fairy' for nothing!) over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Hell Harlot - Couchelaxa

I'm currently in the middle of typing up a new short story, so the profile reveal schedule is slightly scrambled at the moment.  This profile is another for a harlot whose art has already been revealed.

This is the mysterious Couchelaxa.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Couchelaxa over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sammy

Here is some more new art of harlots from my current game project, House of Hellish Harlots.

The adorable Sammy has a rather cursed backstory.  She's not as she appears...

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Sammy over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hell Harlot - N-Carnizadalama

Catching up on the profiles for already revealed art, here is the sexy flamenco dancer, N-Carnizadalama.  She's more than she seems...

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with N-Carnizadalama over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hell Harlot - Friesya Holstun

I think this might be new art I've not previewed publicly.

This is the sexy buxom House nurse, the cow girl Friesya Holstun.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Friesya over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hell Harlot - Negralima-V

Catching up with more profiles from harlots with already-revealed art.  Here is Negralima-V.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Succuba over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Hell Harlot - Succuba

I've finally got the buffer between art reveals to paying patrons/subscribers and art reveals to blog/twitter public to where I want it, which means I can now reveal some new art...

Oh, it's Succuba, who I randomly spoiled about a month back.

It is a very lovely piece of succubus art though.

Succuba is a Jack-of-all-trades-Master-of-none within the House.  She has a lot of different scenes, but tends to rush them so you she move on to the next guest.  Still, a succubus is a succubus, and even one that copies the bad habits of common whores can provide quite an intense, pleasurable experience.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Succuba over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hell Harlot - Ygolia Campbell

Catching up on the Hell Harlot profiles, here is Ygolia Campbell.

She is a succubus obsessed with old human spy movies.  She loves to play the sexy femme fatale and runs an erotic roleplay session where she interrogates her guest with rather unusual methods.

(Yes, I know I should have given her any hair colour that wasn't red.)

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Bebi over on the househellishharlots website (which has been revamped and hopefully improved this week).  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Hell Harlot - Asphya

I'm still looking to put a nice neat monthly gap between art being previewed to paying patrons/subscribers and the public reveal of profiles.  As a result this is another one where the art has already been revealed.

Asphya originally showed up in my aborted Okasare Kenny serial.  It's nice she got a second lease of life as one of the harlots in The House of Hellish Harlots.  She's still a pain to write.  Completely silent characters are for some reason.

Her scenario is a nice mix of heavy rubber fetish and breathplay, so she has a natural affiliation with the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Bebi over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Hell Harlot - Bebi Ansikt-Sitta

Catching up on the profiles for art already revealed, here is Bebi Ansikt-Sitta.

Don't be fooled by her innocent appearance.  She loves ruthlessly face-sitting a man until he's unconscious and getting a lovely big spunk in her tailpussy.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Bebi over on the househellishharlots website.  The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game.  There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art.  Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sorpresa Ombra

More Hell Harlot profiles.  I'm trying to get the gap between revealing artwork on Patron and revealing it publicly back up to a month, so there will be some old revealed arts for the next couple of weeks while I get things organised.

Here is the sinuous Sorpresa Ombra, who was pretty much the guinea pig the last time I tried to create harlot profiles.  She loves smothering men with her big tits while inserting her tail in very 'private' places.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

I've just recently put out a full HoHH 1.5 demo on the houseofhellishharlots website.  It can be found here.  This contains all 36 Tier 1 harlots, representing the first 3rd of the game.  31 of the 36 now have art.  The project is progressing quite nicely.  Details on how to access the demo can be found on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hell Harlot - Queen Colubridis

Continuing to catch up with profiles for older art, here is the Hell Harlot profile for Queen Colubridis, the regal but extremely gluttonous lamia.

If you want to 'play' with her, the public demo of House of Hellish Harlots can be found here.  For Patrons and Subscribers I've also recently put out a full HoHH1.5 demo, which includes this and other art.  Details on Patreon and SubscribeStar (for all paying tiers).

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hell Harlot - Morticia Rose

Morticia Rose is the House's uninvited guest.  Nobody is quite sure what she is and The Madam can't get rid of her.

If you want to 'play' with her, the public demo of House of Hellish Harlots can be found here.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sapoonismenee Nerei

I've got things a little organised with the Hell Harlot profiles.

Wednesdays I'll show off new art as part of a Hell Harlot profile.

Saturdays will be where I catch up for harlot art that was already been publicly revealed.  (I let patrons/subscribers see it early as their money is helping fund the commissions!)

I'll start with the older art from back before I found a way to add them to the game.  This is the soapy massage specialist Sapoonismenee Nerei.

If you want to 'play' with her, the public demo of House of Hellish Harlots can be found here.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hell Harlot - Nicolette

Now I have a template, I'm going to make these a regular weekly reveal (at least until I catch up on the art, depending on how busy marwmellow is).  With a few extras from already revealed artwork at the weekends.

Here is Nicolette.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

The text version of House of Hellish Harlots can be played here.

I almost have a new demo version with art ready featuring all the harlots from the first 4 rounds (36, most with art).  More on that when I get it out.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hell Harlot - Chén

Now that I have a proper template in place, I can return to the original plan of publicly revealing harlot art for House of Hellish Harlots as MGE-style profiles.

Here is Chén.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Re-introducing Hell Harlot Profiles

Normally today I'd be revealing another piece of harlot art from the game project I'm working on.  I'm still spoiling the same art, but a little differently.

A while back I had the idea to make MGE-style profiles for the harlots and use them to help promote the game.  However, getting that template right proved a bit more difficult than I anticipated.  The results weren't the best.

I had a second stab at it, to mixed results again.  Thankfully, this time Noeru helped me out by providing a simple open book background and I think that might have done the trick.

Here is Pêl-V Gnoi, whose are I was due to show off today anyway.

The layout was inspired by Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia and Pêl-V Gnoi is inspired by the watermelon monster girl from Monmusu Quest. She's also a character in the game project I'm working on, House of Hellish Harlots, where - like the 70-odd other harlots in the House - she has a fairly detailed and hot CYOA sex scenario. I've made this post public to widen the number of people who can see it, and because Pêl-V was due to be revealed publicly on my blog today anyway.

For a quick bit of background on the profile text. The section in italics is written by The Madam of the House in order to entice visitors into picking one of her 'gals'.

The section in regular text below is written from the perspective of The Portly Gentleman. He's been trapped in the House for a while and knows a bit more about the various Hell Harlots than The Madam is prepared to reveal!

I also created profiles for the other Pêls I revealed recently.

I'm hoping I've finally found a template that works for this. If people like it, I'll create more for the other harlots which have had their art revealed and continue to do so for future harlot art reveals.

I want to use these to help promote the game, so please feel free to spread them around the internet in places that enjoy sexy monster girls and succubi.

Let me know what you think below!

Also, what I forgot to add in the excitement.  The artwork for these was done by Marwmellow.  If you want to find more of his work or get in touch for commissions of your own, he has a DeviantArt page here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Harlot Art - Pêl-O Sugn

Continuing the art previews from House of Hellish Harlots, here's another of the Pêls, Pêl-O Sugn.

She gives visitors a very bouncy energetic fuck.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his work here.

The current most recent pubic demo can be played over on the houseofhellishharlots website.  It's currently text-only, although I'm currently working on a version that utilizes the art I've been showing off.  That can be tried out under the experimental tab.

If you like what you see, please consider supporting the project on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Harlot Art - Pêl-Z Perffeithio

Here is some more art from the House of Hellish Harlots game project I'm working on.

This is the lovely comfy Pêl-Z Perffeithio.  Don't you just want to cuddle up with her?

(She's actually more benign than some of the harlots in the House.)

You can fun with her in the demo here (still text-only at the moment - a proper demo with art is on the way)

Art is by Marwmellow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Harlot Art - N-Carnizadalama

I skipped a week to get the latest House of Hellish Harlots release out.  Now it's back to more art previews.

This is another artificial being, N-Carnizadalama.  I'd say she's the companion scenario to the previously previewed Negralima-V, but those two gals don't like each other all that much...

You can play with her in the public demo, which can be found on the houseofhellishharlots website here.

Art is by marwmellow, who has a deviantart with more art you can enjoy here.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

House of Hellish Harlots v0.053 (Chelida Gattagrandi)

It's been a few months since I last updated the public version of House of Hellish Harlots.  The reason for this I've started work on the 'mini-boss' harlots.  These are larger, more complex scenarios that occur at fixed rounds in the game.  I went a little overboard on the first one, and then panicked, got distracted, but finally, a couple of months later, I was able to drop the v0.055 release for patrons/subscribers.

This adds the first mini-boss to the House - Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid, the artificial scylla.  She's a creation of The Doctoress as has 13 specialised sucking tentacles to thoroughly milk a man.  That was a fairly monstrous scenario of 20K+ words that took me a little longer to write and implement than the others.

However, she is out now (for patrons).  This means I can bump up the public version of HoHH to v0.053.

This release adds one new harlot:

Chelida Gattagrandi
This is the 'forbidden smotherer'.  She was exiled from The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs for the development and use of a forbidden technique.  In the House, she is allied with the wrestling faction.  She loves dirty femdom wrestling and has a very special hold she likes to use on men.

You can play with her in the public demo over here on the houseofhellishharlots website.

This is still the text-only version.  I'm still working on the updated HoHH1.5 with art and hope to be able to show off a proper full demo of that soon.

I hope you enjoy playing with Chelida.

The future release schedule might be a little erratic.  I'm trying to get back to regular monthly releases, but now that I'm up to the mini-bosses and eventually queens, those scenarios might be a little too big to write and implement in a month.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Harlot Art - Negralima-V

Just a quick art preview this week as I'm hard at work trying to get a new release of House of Hellish Harlots ready for the end of the month.

This is Negralima-V, one of the artificial beings created by The Doctoress.

Art is by Marwmellow.

You can play the current demo(s) of House of Hellish Harlots here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Harlot Art - Couchelaxa

Here is another art preview for House of Hellish Harlots.

This is the mysterious Couchelaxa.  Unfortunately, I'll probably only be using the portrait part of the piece in the game.

Couchelaxa is an unusual harlot.  When I wrote her scenario I was intentionally trying to misdirect the player into thinking she might be an "invisible woman".  Couchelaxa instead is an artificial slime girl/mimic that disguises herself as the bed in her room.

Initially, my plan was to show full pin-up art of the harlot during the selection phase where The Madam introduces three new harlots to the player.  This causes a few problems as The House uses illusion magic to disguise the more unusual harlots.  The player doesn't find out they're arachnes or lamias until he goes up to their room.

This would necessitate commissioning two pieces of art for those harlots - their illusion form and their real form.  I don't have the budget for this, so I made the decision to only show the harlot's portrait during the selection process.  This also means the player has to go up to the harlot's room to see her full art, which I think is a better fit for the gameplay than showing off the art early.

At some point I'll need to go back and commission a piece of Couchelaxa's true form.  In the meantime this is a nice piece of sexy mysterious art.

Art is by Marwmellow, who is currently doing a brilliant job bringing the various harlots to life.  You can find more of his work here.

You can play with Couchelaxa over on the demo version of House of Hellish Harlots over here.  Just remember to take your clothes off...

Funding for the art commissions is done through my $5 and higher tiers on Patreon and SubscribeStar.  Initially I thought HoHH would have too many characters to make art feasible.  Now, with 36 done, it's starting to look very doable...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Harlot Art - Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh

The art previews for House of Hellish Harlots keep coming.

This is the dominatrix fairy pair of Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh.  They are affiliated with the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs and just love putting the 'bug uns' in their place.

(Just don't ask how they smother people...)

You can play with her (and others) in the text-only demo over on  I'm still working on the version with art and hope to have a demo out soon.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his art over on DeviantArt.

These commissions are funded by my 5$ and higher patrons and subscribers on Patreon and SubscribeStar (and me to cover the shortfall :D).  If you like the look of how the project is progressing, please consider signing up.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Harlot Art - Osculia Suffocati

And the art reveals continue weekly.

Today it's time to show off another suffocatrix from the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.  This is the 'dark queen' Osculia Suffocati.  She has a kiss that will take your breath away.

You can play with her (and others) in the text-only demo over on  I'm still working on the version with art and hope to have a demo out soon.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his art over on DeviantArt.

These commissions are funded by my 5$ and higher patrons and subscribers on Patreon and SubscribeStar (and me to cover the shortfall :D).  If you like the look of how the project is progressing, please consider signing up.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Harlot Art - Soffocaria Gattagrandi

I'm speeding up the pace of showing these off, so expect new art every week for the next few months (and I still won't be able to reveal all of them before the upcoming demo - I have that many harlot pieces now!).

This is Soffocaria Gattagrandi.  You will perform cunnilingus on her or else!

Soffocaria is a suffocatrix from the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.  If you like oxygen, do as she says.

You can play with her in the (currently text-only) demo on

The artist is Marwmellow.  A big thank you to my patrons over on Patreon and Subscribestar for providing the financial help so I can add art to what was a text-only project.

I'm currently bogged down with writing the bigger 'mini-boss' scenarios.  Public updates have been paused until I start to get them out.  (Hopefully soon!)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Harlot Art - Asphya

Testing is going pretty well with the updated HoHH1.5 demo (the version with art).  That means I need to speed up the frequency of art reveals.

Here is Asphya.  She's one for the heavy rubber fetishists.  I hope she hits the spot.

This is the same Asphya from the aborted Okasare Kenny writing project from a few years back (which I'm still hoping to go back to at some point).  It's nice to finally give her a new home (even if she isn't the easiest to write!).

You can play with her in the public demo over on the website.  This is currently text-only, but I am hard at work updating everything to have art.

The artist is Marwmellow, who's been doing some great work for me in drawing all these harlots.  You can find more of his sexy monster girls and other art over on DeviantArt.

I'm currently using both Patreon and SubscribeStar to fund the commissioning of this art.  If you like what you see, please consider supporting me.  Higher tier subscribers currently get to see the art early as well as detailed posts on the harlots' lore and background.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Lifeboats and Contingency Measures

Hullo Patrons (and other people that read my blog).

Apologies for the cryptic nature of the post that sent you here.  While posting the Harlot Spotlight earlier today I received a warning that that particular post had some naughty no-no words in it and might be reviewed by Patreon's Orwellian "Trust and Safety" team.

It might be nothing, or it might mean a very big axe is hanging right over my account and about to fall.

If this does happen and my account suddenly vanishes overnight, I'd like to let you know I have already prepared a lifeboat and have contingency plans.

I've been running a mirror account on SubscribeStar, featuring all the same content I've posted on Patreon, for the past couple of years.  If my Patreon account does fall prey to the axe, you should be able to jump ship and be able to find everything that was on Patreon.

Here is the link:

I had a feeling Patreon might not take too kindly to me advertising a competitor on their site, hence a bit of skullduggery and a redirect to my personal blog.

Hopefully, it will turn out to be a dumb warning and nothing will come of it, but it always pays to be prepared.

If SubscribeStar turns out to be a problem and you know of other similar sites you use to fund creators, please let me know below.  You can't have too many lifeboats in these crazy modern times!

Oh, and here's a picture of Succuba from House of Hellish Harlots.  I'm not spending all the money on myself.  I want to make a good succubus/monster girl game!