Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hell Harlot - Morticia Rose

Morticia Rose is the House's uninvited guest.  Nobody is quite sure what she is and The Madam can't get rid of her.

If you want to 'play' with her, the public demo of House of Hellish Harlots can be found here.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hell Harlot - Sapoonismenee Nerei

I've got things a little organised with the Hell Harlot profiles.

Wednesdays I'll show off new art as part of a Hell Harlot profile.

Saturdays will be where I catch up for harlot art that was already been publicly revealed.  (I let patrons/subscribers see it early as their money is helping fund the commissions!)

I'll start with the older art from back before I found a way to add them to the game.  This is the soapy massage specialist Sapoonismenee Nerei.

If you want to 'play' with her, the public demo of House of Hellish Harlots can be found here.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hell Harlot - Nicolette

Now I have a template, I'm going to make these a regular weekly reveal (at least until I catch up on the art, depending on how busy marwmellow is).  With a few extras from already revealed artwork at the weekends.

Here is Nicolette.

Art is by marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

The text version of House of Hellish Harlots can be played here.

I almost have a new demo version with art ready featuring all the harlots from the first 4 rounds (36, most with art).  More on that when I get it out.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hell Harlot - Chén

Now that I have a proper template in place, I can return to the original plan of publicly revealing harlot art for House of Hellish Harlots as MGE-style profiles.

Here is Chén.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Re-introducing Hell Harlot Profiles

Normally today I'd be revealing another piece of harlot art from the game project I'm working on.  I'm still spoiling the same art, but a little differently.

A while back I had the idea to make MGE-style profiles for the harlots and use them to help promote the game.  However, getting that template right proved a bit more difficult than I anticipated.  The results weren't the best.

I had a second stab at it, to mixed results again.  Thankfully, this time Noeru helped me out by providing a simple open book background and I think that might have done the trick.

Here is Pêl-V Gnoi, whose are I was due to show off today anyway.

The layout was inspired by Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia and Pêl-V Gnoi is inspired by the watermelon monster girl from Monmusu Quest. She's also a character in the game project I'm working on, House of Hellish Harlots, where - like the 70-odd other harlots in the House - she has a fairly detailed and hot CYOA sex scenario. I've made this post public to widen the number of people who can see it, and because Pêl-V was due to be revealed publicly on my blog today anyway.

For a quick bit of background on the profile text. The section in italics is written by The Madam of the House in order to entice visitors into picking one of her 'gals'.

The section in regular text below is written from the perspective of The Portly Gentleman. He's been trapped in the House for a while and knows a bit more about the various Hell Harlots than The Madam is prepared to reveal!

I also created profiles for the other Pêls I revealed recently.

I'm hoping I've finally found a template that works for this. If people like it, I'll create more for the other harlots which have had their art revealed and continue to do so for future harlot art reveals.

I want to use these to help promote the game, so please feel free to spread them around the internet in places that enjoy sexy monster girls and succubi.

Let me know what you think below!

Also, what I forgot to add in the excitement.  The artwork for these was done by Marwmellow.  If you want to find more of his work or get in touch for commissions of your own, he has a DeviantArt page here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Harlot Art - Pêl-O Sugn

Continuing the art previews from House of Hellish Harlots, here's another of the Pêls, Pêl-O Sugn.

She gives visitors a very bouncy energetic fuck.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his work here.

The current most recent pubic demo can be played over on the houseofhellishharlots website.  It's currently text-only, although I'm currently working on a version that utilizes the art I've been showing off.  That can be tried out under the experimental tab.

If you like what you see, please consider supporting the project on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Harlot Art - Pêl-Z Perffeithio

Here is some more art from the House of Hellish Harlots game project I'm working on.

This is the lovely comfy Pêl-Z Perffeithio.  Don't you just want to cuddle up with her?

(She's actually more benign than some of the harlots in the House.)

You can fun with her in the demo here (still text-only at the moment - a proper demo with art is on the way)

Art is by Marwmellow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Harlot Art - N-Carnizadalama

I skipped a week to get the latest House of Hellish Harlots release out.  Now it's back to more art previews.

This is another artificial being, N-Carnizadalama.  I'd say she's the companion scenario to the previously previewed Negralima-V, but those two gals don't like each other all that much...

You can play with her in the public demo, which can be found on the houseofhellishharlots website here.

Art is by marwmellow, who has a deviantart with more art you can enjoy here.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

House of Hellish Harlots v0.053 (Chelida Gattagrandi)

It's been a few months since I last updated the public version of House of Hellish Harlots.  The reason for this I've started work on the 'mini-boss' harlots.  These are larger, more complex scenarios that occur at fixed rounds in the game.  I went a little overboard on the first one, and then panicked, got distracted, but finally, a couple of months later, I was able to drop the v0.055 release for patrons/subscribers.

This adds the first mini-boss to the House - Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid, the artificial scylla.  She's a creation of The Doctoress as has 13 specialised sucking tentacles to thoroughly milk a man.  That was a fairly monstrous scenario of 20K+ words that took me a little longer to write and implement than the others.

However, she is out now (for patrons).  This means I can bump up the public version of HoHH to v0.053.

This release adds one new harlot:

Chelida Gattagrandi
This is the 'forbidden smotherer'.  She was exiled from The Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs for the development and use of a forbidden technique.  In the House, she is allied with the wrestling faction.  She loves dirty femdom wrestling and has a very special hold she likes to use on men.

You can play with her in the public demo over here on the houseofhellishharlots website.

This is still the text-only version.  I'm still working on the updated HoHH1.5 with art and hope to be able to show off a proper full demo of that soon.

I hope you enjoy playing with Chelida.

The future release schedule might be a little erratic.  I'm trying to get back to regular monthly releases, but now that I'm up to the mini-bosses and eventually queens, those scenarios might be a little too big to write and implement in a month.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Harlot Art - Negralima-V

Just a quick art preview this week as I'm hard at work trying to get a new release of House of Hellish Harlots ready for the end of the month.

This is Negralima-V, one of the artificial beings created by The Doctoress.

Art is by Marwmellow.

You can play the current demo(s) of House of Hellish Harlots here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Harlot Art - Couchelaxa

Here is another art preview for House of Hellish Harlots.

This is the mysterious Couchelaxa.  Unfortunately, I'll probably only be using the portrait part of the piece in the game.

Couchelaxa is an unusual harlot.  When I wrote her scenario I was intentionally trying to misdirect the player into thinking she might be an "invisible woman".  Couchelaxa instead is an artificial slime girl/mimic that disguises herself as the bed in her room.

Initially, my plan was to show full pin-up art of the harlot during the selection phase where The Madam introduces three new harlots to the player.  This causes a few problems as The House uses illusion magic to disguise the more unusual harlots.  The player doesn't find out they're arachnes or lamias until he goes up to their room.

This would necessitate commissioning two pieces of art for those harlots - their illusion form and their real form.  I don't have the budget for this, so I made the decision to only show the harlot's portrait during the selection process.  This also means the player has to go up to the harlot's room to see her full art, which I think is a better fit for the gameplay than showing off the art early.

At some point I'll need to go back and commission a piece of Couchelaxa's true form.  In the meantime this is a nice piece of sexy mysterious art.

Art is by Marwmellow, who is currently doing a brilliant job bringing the various harlots to life.  You can find more of his work here.

You can play with Couchelaxa over on the demo version of House of Hellish Harlots over here.  Just remember to take your clothes off...

Funding for the art commissions is done through my $5 and higher tiers on Patreon and SubscribeStar.  Initially I thought HoHH would have too many characters to make art feasible.  Now, with 36 done, it's starting to look very doable...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Harlot Art - Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh

The art previews for House of Hellish Harlots keep coming.

This is the dominatrix fairy pair of Broinn and Ciùin Mùchadh.  They are affiliated with the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs and just love putting the 'bug uns' in their place.

(Just don't ask how they smother people...)

You can play with her (and others) in the text-only demo over on  I'm still working on the version with art and hope to have a demo out soon.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his art over on DeviantArt.

These commissions are funded by my 5$ and higher patrons and subscribers on Patreon and SubscribeStar (and me to cover the shortfall :D).  If you like the look of how the project is progressing, please consider signing up.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Harlot Art - Osculia Suffocati

And the art reveals continue weekly.

Today it's time to show off another suffocatrix from the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.  This is the 'dark queen' Osculia Suffocati.  She has a kiss that will take your breath away.

You can play with her (and others) in the text-only demo over on  I'm still working on the version with art and hope to have a demo out soon.

Art is by Marwmellow.  You can find more of his art over on DeviantArt.

These commissions are funded by my 5$ and higher patrons and subscribers on Patreon and SubscribeStar (and me to cover the shortfall :D).  If you like the look of how the project is progressing, please consider signing up.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Harlot Art - Soffocaria Gattagrandi

I'm speeding up the pace of showing these off, so expect new art every week for the next few months (and I still won't be able to reveal all of them before the upcoming demo - I have that many harlot pieces now!).

This is Soffocaria Gattagrandi.  You will perform cunnilingus on her or else!

Soffocaria is a suffocatrix from the Sanctum of Strangulated Sighs.  If you like oxygen, do as she says.

You can play with her in the (currently text-only) demo on

The artist is Marwmellow.  A big thank you to my patrons over on Patreon and Subscribestar for providing the financial help so I can add art to what was a text-only project.

I'm currently bogged down with writing the bigger 'mini-boss' scenarios.  Public updates have been paused until I start to get them out.  (Hopefully soon!)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Harlot Art - Asphya

Testing is going pretty well with the updated HoHH1.5 demo (the version with art).  That means I need to speed up the frequency of art reveals.

Here is Asphya.  She's one for the heavy rubber fetishists.  I hope she hits the spot.

This is the same Asphya from the aborted Okasare Kenny writing project from a few years back (which I'm still hoping to go back to at some point).  It's nice to finally give her a new home (even if she isn't the easiest to write!).

You can play with her in the public demo over on the website.  This is currently text-only, but I am hard at work updating everything to have art.

The artist is Marwmellow, who's been doing some great work for me in drawing all these harlots.  You can find more of his sexy monster girls and other art over on DeviantArt.

I'm currently using both Patreon and SubscribeStar to fund the commissioning of this art.  If you like what you see, please consider supporting me.  Higher tier subscribers currently get to see the art early as well as detailed posts on the harlots' lore and background.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Lifeboats and Contingency Measures

Hullo Patrons (and other people that read my blog).

Apologies for the cryptic nature of the post that sent you here.  While posting the Harlot Spotlight earlier today I received a warning that that particular post had some naughty no-no words in it and might be reviewed by Patreon's Orwellian "Trust and Safety" team.

It might be nothing, or it might mean a very big axe is hanging right over my account and about to fall.

If this does happen and my account suddenly vanishes overnight, I'd like to let you know I have already prepared a lifeboat and have contingency plans.

I've been running a mirror account on SubscribeStar, featuring all the same content I've posted on Patreon, for the past couple of years.  If my Patreon account does fall prey to the axe, you should be able to jump ship and be able to find everything that was on Patreon.

Here is the link:

I had a feeling Patreon might not take too kindly to me advertising a competitor on their site, hence a bit of skullduggery and a redirect to my personal blog.

Hopefully, it will turn out to be a dumb warning and nothing will come of it, but it always pays to be prepared.

If SubscribeStar turns out to be a problem and you know of other similar sites you use to fund creators, please let me know below.  You can't have too many lifeboats in these crazy modern times!

Oh, and here's a picture of Succuba from House of Hellish Harlots.  I'm not spending all the money on myself.  I want to make a good succubus/monster girl game!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Harlot Art - Tete Khantu

You might have noticed there haven't been updates to the public version of House of Hellish Harlots for a couple of months.  This is because I'm currently working on the 'mini-boss' scenarios and they're a bit longer and more complex than the regular ones (and I also started a short story that's a little longer than first anticipated).

Thankfully, some of the art I commissioned for the harlots has now been out long enough for me to start revealing it to the general public, so I still have some cool things to show off.

Here is the lethal boob smotherer Suffocatrix Tete Khantu.  Her tits are lethal weapons and she just loves using them to suffocate the life out of a helpless man.

You can "play" with her over on the website.  Be warned, the scare quotes are apt for this one.  Not many get to leave her room afterwards, although they enjoy their time with her.

Artist is Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.  They're currently doing a great job in depicting the various sexy inhabitants of the House.

If you wish to see more harlot art, I currently have $5 tiers and higher to help fund it on both Patreon and SubscribeStar.  I'm still in the middle of testing the Tier 1 harlots for a 1.5 version of HoHH that is more than just plain text.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Harlot Art - Ygolia Campbell

Here is more art of harlots from the game project I'm currently working on.

This is Ygolia Campbell, a lust daemon that likes to roleplay as a femme fatale spy (despite being more dangerous on account of being a... well... daemon).

Artist is marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here.

You can play with Ygolia over here on the houseofhellishharlots website.

March is shaping up to be another month without an update.  I'm currently working on the mini-boss scenarios and they're a bit longer and more complex to write.  I'm also working on the HoHH 1.5 version which will include all this lovely art.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Harlot Art - Bebi Ansikt-Sitta

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I've been commissioning art of harlots for my current game project: House of Hellish Harlots.

Here is the adorably naive facesitting specialist, Bebi Ansikt-Sitta.

If you wish to play with her, you can find her over on the website, where she has a full scenario in the public demo version of the game.  It's a text-only Twine game for now. I am currently working on a more advanced version with art.

To help fund the commissions, I created additional $5 and $10 tiers on Patreon and SubscribeStar.  As a reward they get to see the artwork earlier.  I also give them the original scripts to read as well as a full rundown on the background and inspiration behind each character.  This extra financial support is much appreciated as otherwise I'd struggle to get all the characters done (HoHH has over 75 harlots currently).

Once the period of timed exclusivity is up, the plan is to post the pictures publicly to help promote the House of Hellish Harlots game project.  We've now reached the end of that first period, so it's time to start showing off some harlot art.

I hope you like her!

The artist is Marwmellow.  You can find more of their work on deviantart here.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Hentai Game Review - Succubus Duel (サキュバスデュエル前編)

This was a pleasant surprise.

The developer is Irojikake Matome.  They were also responsible for Succubus Senki, a hentai monster girl version of Advance WarsSuccubus Duel (or Succubus Card Battle, I'm not sure of exact translation of サキュバスデュエル前編) is a card game, similar to Yugioh (I think), and is a rare hentai game where the game mechanics are also as good as the H-content.

The player takes on the role of a rookie Card master, who's training up to find a sister that was abducted by succubi some years previously.  As part of his training he heads off to the nearest city to improve his rank by battling other Card Masters.

The city where everyone has big boobs

So far, so typical fantasy RPG.  The main difference is the battles are done through card games where the players summon heroes and monsters to fight on their behalf.  The players can also get stuck in themselves (and both the player's attack power and LP (life points?) will level up over the course of the adventure).

Male Card Masters have the generic wolves, goblins and knights, and those fights take place without any H-content (there are two during the course of the game).  Female Card Masters have monster girls and succubi, and they fight... dirty.

With succubi influencing the world, the current 'meta' is all about pleasure attacks and the women have a distinct advantage.

I think the lamia wins this round...

Most of the H-content comes from the card battles.  Summoned monsters and even the opposing player will attempt to win through induced ejaculation.  Pleasure attacks can impart hidden weaknesses on the player (and his units) such as weakness to boobs, and subsequent attacks of that type do more damage as well as opening up the target to sexy grapple moves.  The dirty tricks don't end there.  If a sexy unit is 'defeated', her last action will be to tempt the opposing unit/player, often with a time limit.

The card game itself is surprisingly good.  I think it has some similarities to Yugioh, but I'm not familiar enough with that game to know if this is its own game with some similar mechanics/cards, or a straight rip.  The player can summon a single creature a turn, which can attack the moment it comes out.  Advanced summons require the sacrifice of one or two creatures in play depending on the advanced summon's power.  There are trap cards (red) that trigger under certain circumstances and magic spells (green) which can be set or cast right away.  Players cannot be attacked as long as they have summoned units to defend them.  The individual games are fast-paced, which is fortunate, as you'll need to grind quite a few battles in the city to unlock content.

The deck editor

There are also a surprising number of cards and archetypes to build.  New cards are unlocked by using in-game gold to buy packs.  I haven't played around with different builds too much.  The default starting deck is pretty good as it is.  The player has a Black Knight card, which is very powerful and likely has some plot significance.  All I needed to do was replace some of the weaker units and that was enough to get through the game, so don't fret if you're not too hot at card games.  The only real difficulty spike is the bunny girl, and she can be overcome by adding cards to blow up the opposing player's permanent magic cards.  The cannoneers are useful for this.

I don't think I'm going to be able to put up resistance against that...

The campaign sees the player battling through a series of checkpoint opponents, either as part of quests or to rank up within the guild.  In between the checkpoints you'll be grinding up ranking points by battling a selection of opponents in open challenges within the city.  It's not too grindy.  You won't need to fight anyone more than a couple of times, and will often want to anyway in order to experience all the various... ahem... delights their decks have to offer.

Praise needs to be given to Irojikake Matome for the variety of opponents.  There are about 20-25 opponents in total.  Each has a deck themed around a mechanic and a type of monster girl, and there are 2-4 monster girls in each deck, each with their own scenes and Bad Ends.  Overall I think there are around 90 characters with H-scenes, which is an impressive amount.  Some are also quite inventive.  I liked the MILF tavern owner with her fleet of cocktail fairies.

Who wouldn't want a drunken party with these lovely fairies... 

Most of the H-content is animated, but it's fairly simple – if effective – distortions to give the impression of movement.  As with their previous game, Succubus Senki, there is a heavy emphasis on boobs.  About 80% of the scenes feature big bouncing boobs, either in the face or on the cock.  I like big bouncing boobs, so this wasn't a problem for me, but I think the game could have maybe done with a bit more variety.  To only have two regular vaginal intercourse scenes out of 90 (Jellyfish Girl and Aegis Angel) is a little strange, but it's what the circle is known for, so manage your expectations accordingly.

It's not all boobs...

While the game doesn't have a gallery as such, it gives you plenty of tools to experience all the available content.  The Reminisce option allows you to refight anybody and gives you the option to look at the opponent's deck and force them to summon any sexy succubus from it.  The player also has the standard surrender options if they want to let the sexy succubus have her way with him.

The other thing to be aware of is this is Part 1.  The first part is the ranking up arc, and then it ends with a cliffhanger as the naughty succubi show up to take over the city.

(There's actually some nice foreshadowing of what their plan is and how it's put into operation before it happens.  Why does that Card Master with the mermaid deck randomly have a completely unrelated succubus in it?  A nice touch.)

I don't think this is much of a negative.  The game already has plenty of content and there are a lot of cards to experiment building new decks with.

Energy drain paizuri - the ultimate finisher

I really hope the game gets a proper English translation and maybe even a Steam release for more people to play it.  It's a really good game.  I look forward to seeing what Part 2 has to offer!

Thursday, February 01, 2024

House of Hellish Harlots v0.052 (Nicolette)

I've updated the public version of House of Hellish Harlots to v0.052.  This adds another harlot from one of my old stories... sort of.

Okay, let's be honest.  It's Nicole from my stories... kind of.

Nicole is a popular character of mine.  However, while I've been able to sneak other characters in, I know most of Nicole's back story and have very specific plans for her in future stories, and there are quite strong lore-specific reasons why she can't be here.  To get around that, I've added Nicolette, a suspiciously similar expy.  I didn't want that to be too lazy, so I've also snuck in a few little lore tidbits to explain what's going on.

As for the scenario.  It's fairly straightforward, being a rewrite of some of Nicole's waterbed scenes in "Locked in with a Succubus".  Unfortunately, I didn't realise how much I'd have to deviate from that, and - as I've found with some of the H-space bestiary updates - sometimes trying to edit and alter an existing story can be fiddlier than just writing something new from scratch.

The scenario isn't very complex to play through.  Nicolette in-universe fangirls over Nicole, and shares a lot of her attitude and mannerisms because she wants to be like her.  To get around that, it's a fairly long and detailed sex scene (about 6K words).  Like Nicole, Nicolette also likes to give men a thorough pampering.

Her scenario also serves a mechanical purpose within the game.  As to what that is, I'll leave it to players to discover.

You can have fun with her here:

Patrons and subscribers are a couple of releases ahead.  I'm back to my regular end-of-month release schedule, so they had v0.054 yesterday.  That release also adds a 'beneficial' harlot.  Friesya Holstun is a buxom and sexy cow girl nurse-in-waiting, and her scenario features lactation, a nursing handjob, and - of course - lots of big boobs.

I've also been getting a lot of art commissioned of the harlot characters, and have been previewing it for higher tiers as part of an ongoing Harlot Spotlight series.

If you like what you of the project, please consider helping to fund it at Patreon or SubscribeStar

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Harlot Art - The Madam (2)

Here is some more House of Hellish Harlots art.  Not commissioned by me this time.  You have Atlantis27 to thank for this one.  He commissioned Thraeh for another piece of the House's boss, The Madam, and kindly allowed me to share it here.

There's a nice baroque style to this, which fits for The Madam.  She's been around for a very long time, but is still elegantly gorgeous.

I'm still intimidated by the prospect of writing her scenario.  It's going to need to be special to do her justice.

Anyway, until then, I hope you like the art.  Thank you to Thraeh for creating it, and Atlantis27 for commissioning it and kindly allowing me to share here.

You can find more of Thraeh's art on his DeviantArt here.  There are a couple more HoHH pieces Atlantis27 has had commissioned, including more of The Madam.

Monday, January 01, 2024

House of Hellish Harlots v0.051 (Sister Squeeze)

New Year and new update to House of Hellish Harlots!

Version 0.051 adds a requested character from my short stories.  This adds a harlot scenario featuring Sister Squeeze from my old short story "Squeezed".

Sister Squeeze
Her speciality is sexy roleplay.  It's a comic book superheroes and villains roleplay.  Sister Squeeze roleplays the sexy femme fatale villainess.  She'll either let the player defeat and "punish" her, or defeat and dominate them.

The wrinkle is that Sister Squeeze has actual powers and they're pretty dangerous.

Going behind scenes, what started as a straight rewrite of her story sex scene ended up being a little more complex.  When working out her mechanics, I didn't know whether to make Sister Squeeze an early round Tier 1 harlot, or a much more dangerous late round Tier 3.  In the end, the spot I needed to fill was in the Tier 1 bracket and I felt it fit her personality better.  However, if the player is unlucky, they can get her Tier 3 version, and probably won't survive it.

(As always, if you'd like to see her Tier 3 version, you can always bring her a Black Rose.  This might be the scenario where it has a real use.)

Working on her background was fun.  Is this the same Sister Squeeze as the story?

Maybe.  I worked some lore in to make it work if needed.  I'm still not sure whether I want to bring that story into the wider universe.  This might be the same Sister Squeeze, or it might be a very similar character with the same name.  I'll leave my options open.

You can check out the new version here:

Patrons and subscribers are still roughly a couple of releases ahead.  I got knocked off schedule Oct/Nov and I'm gradually getting back to normality.  They received v0.052 with Nicolette on Christmas Day and will be getting a new one with the 'forbidden smotherer' in a few days.

I'm also still hard at work on a newer version of HoHH that isn't just basic text.  I've commissioned a bunch of art of the various harlot characters and have been teasing it on Patreon and SubscribeStar.  If you like what you see of the project so far, please consider supporting me there so I can continue working on it.

I put up a public post yesterday with my plans for the year.

I hope 2024 will be great for everyone!