This week's hell harlot is another erotic massage specialist. Hati Krim uses a sensual cream massage to get the man in the mood, then finishes him off an exquisite lingam massage.
You can play with Hati Krim over on the househellishharlots website (which has recently been revamped and improved). The public demo is currently the text-only version of the game. There is a newer demo featuring the new harlot art. Check my Patreon and SubscribeStar for more details.
In other update news, I've finally finished and tested the mammoth Temptacia scenario. It's huge (25,000 words!). That will be going out later for patrons and subscribers. It also means I can finally update the public demo version. This will bring in v0.054 and the cowgirl nurse Friesya Holstun. The new version should be available on the houseofhellishharlots website on Nov 1st.