Showing posts with label Halloween competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween competition. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Writing Updates: Oct 19th, 2015

Somebody highlighted this on my twitter feed.

My first thought was:  Well, durr.  You people have become the Stop Having Fun people, and it's in the nature of youth to rebel against the Stop Having Fun people.

(@radicalbytes is the man behind Feminist Frequency, responsible for the Tropes vs. Women series on Youtube.)

In the past it was the religious morality brigade.  Nowadays it's authoritarian SJWs.  South Park has already lampooned it with PC Bros, it's only a matter of time before other comics lock the trope in.

This is nothing new.  The late 80s/early 90s saw a similar push for political correctness and trumpeted the arrival of the 'New Man' - in touch with his caring, sharing side.  By the mid 90s the New Man was soundly rejected by women as an unsexy wet drip and Political Correctness was buried beneath universal mockery.  This was the decade that saw the emergence of Lads' mags and Lad Culture in Britain.

The same cycle is repeating itself now.  Unfortunately, the viciousness of the more extreme fringe of activism is greater and more visible this time around because of social media.  And I think that means the resulting pushback will also be vicious.  My own personal opinion is that the average person is considerably less [foo]ist and [foo]phobic nowadays, but there's only so many times you can get hit in the head by a rock before you give in to the temptation to start throwing them back.  It's become a cottage industry (or, in some cases, a financially lucrative business) to throw a rock at a group, then scream harassment and seek sympathy when the riled-up group throws rocks back.

Where does that leave us?  Probably with a bunch of virulent anti-women misogynists when those 10 to 14-year-old boys, fed up of being constantly told they're the root of all evil, grow up.

And on that cheery note, it's time to get back to writing.

This week I'll be trying to finish off the two stories I have planned for the Literotica Halloween Contest.  It ended up not quite being the story bonanza I was hoping for.  Progress was a little too much on the stop/start side.  I suspect I might be going too long on my short stories (6-7K instead of 4-5K words) and not getting them finished fast enough.  I've noticed my productivity and enthusiasm for a story starts to wane once it drags past a certain number of days.  Getting an idea down in 2-3 days, while it's still fresh, is what I should be aiming for.

The second story features plenty of weirdness and dangerous snu snu.  That's typed up and should be posted in the next few days after I've finished editing it.

The third story references the #GamerGate controversy, so the response to that should be... interesting.  It also features an appearance of one of my regular characters.  Sort of.  I'm deep in the 1st draft for that one.  The closing date for the competition is the 22nd.  That might be tight, but I'll still post it even if I fail to make the deadline.

Originally I had another third story planned.  The first draft is nearly done on that one.  Horror-head and Erotica-head had a fight over the ending and Erotica-head rightly pointed out the original ending, as planned, would likely leave readers feeling like they'd been cheated out of some of the sexy stuff.  The story does have plenty of nice cliff-hanger moments, so I'll be running that here on the blog throughout November as a mini-serial.

Then it's back to getting the long-delayed "Sandwiched by Scyllas" ready for publication.  I'm hoping a break from banging my head against the wall trying to write the second half of that will get it flowing again.  Lots of tentacle goodness to come there. ;)

Breaking the Sandwiched by series out of the monthly cycle that wasn't doing me any good means I won't be immediately pressured to get the 5th done (currently pencilled in as the slightly voretastic "Sandwiched by Stomachs").  That means it will be time to do what people have been asking me for all year and bring Succubus Summoning 201 to a satisfying end.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

New story for Halloween – What Kevin Did Last Summer

It’s that time of the year where I go shamelessly vote-whoring.

Literotica’s 2014 Halloween story competition has started and I have a runner.

Actually, it was supposed to be my entrant for the Summer contest, but the succubus ended up having far too much fun and the story grew too long for me to finish in time for the deadline.  Like pretty much every story I’ve written, it also fits the Halloween theme.  So I entered it into that competition rather than wait until next year.

Hope you enjoy it.  It’s a hot one:
What Kevin Did Last Summer

I talked about how voting works in the Literotica contests back here.  In short, anything other than a 5 is worse than no vote at all.  Literotica is also fairly sharp at spotting shenanigans.  Bashing competitors and multi-voting on a favoured story doesn’t achieve anything as they have a good filtering system for removing dodgy votes.  It’s why I like Lit’s contests.  I play fair (I don’t even vote on my own entrants) and can still place.

I don’t know how this one will do.  “Streetwalking with a Succubus” placed in the money last year.  This features a similar character to Nicole and is nicer than my usual ambush-the-unsuspecting-paranormal-romance-fans-with-horror-and-vore entrants.  The sex is hot, but the story might not have as strong an aww factor as my previous winners.  We’ll see.  A lot will depend on the quality of the other entrants (no full-length novels this time, please!).

Speaking of Nicole.  While I was writing “What Kevin Did Last Summer” I had an idea for a story—possibly even novella or novel length—featuring both Nicole and Madam Voluptula together.  How does that sound?  Would you like to read about Nicole and Madam Voluptula double-teaming some poor (lucky!) unsuspecting dude?

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Literotica's 2013 Halloween Story Contest: Nicole needs your votes!

Ok, I need your votes.

Literotica has started its 2013 Halloween Story Contest.

Here's my entrant, a sexy little succubus tale featuring Nicole:
Streetwalking with a Succubus.

This time I thought I'd put a serious entrant in rather than trying to ambush nonhuman-romance fans with a gruesome horror tale.  If you like it, please show your appreciation by voting.

I talked about Literotica contests before.  They have quirks.  Because of the way the scoring works, anything other than the maximum '5' is strictly worse than no vote at all.  While a '4' might look like a helpful vote, it's actually a bullet through the head for a story's chances.  Also, the site owners are pretty good at detecting skullduggery.  Multiple votes and votes trashing an opponent's story are filtered out.

While I'd like to place (oddly, given what I write about, I've never placed in Literotica's Halloween contest), mostly I hope people enjoy the story.  I do write lighter and fluffier succubus tales from time to time.

If you like my darker stuff, never fear.  I've been sitting on a little stockpile.  More will be revealed on that over the coming month. ;)

Think of this tale as a little preview of goodies to come...

Saturday, October 08, 2011

October is the month for new manyeyedhydra stories

Not only do I have a 3rd anthology coming out on the 21st (I may have mentioned this a few times), but I also have a few runners in Literotica's annual Halloween competition.

"Guard Duty" features gangsters, a mysterious crime boss and a succubus in a cage. It expands on the little universe I'm slowly putting together and introduces a new player. It also features a very nasty bit of philosophical fridge horror if you look hard enough.

"Naga Massage Review" is a follow-up to "Naga Special Massage" and shows a different aspect of the lovely Amanda.

I might also enter a new Nicole story for the less death-by-sex inclined if I manage to finish it in time.

So there you go. Stories are like buses. You wait ages for one to show up and then a whole bunch appear at once.

Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

More vote whoring for Rosa and Verdé

Literotica's Halloween competition is over. I didn't place, but the story did well considering it has a very dark ending. Next up is the Winter Holidays competition, and I've got a really nasty idea brewing for that one...

Yeah, I know I'd stand a much better chance if I entered one of my nicer tales, but where's the fun in that! :)

Voting for the 11th Annual Literotica Awards is still in progress and it's running very close in the Erotic Horror category. Succubus Summoning 114 is just behind the leader at the moment. If you haven't already voted and like the series, you can put in a vote for Verdé and company right here.

I really should get back to working on 201...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Literotica's Halloween Competition 2010

I didn't quite finish the two stories I wanted to get done for this year's competition. It's a shame as they both complement each other. You'll see what I mean when my third collection comes out next year (providing I finish it first and the sales of the other two aren't so bad I get canned!).

In the meantime I got one in before the deadline and you can read and vote for it right here.

The succubus from the black stone tablet is back and she's as naughty as ever.

(naughty might be a teensy bit of an understatement...)
