Showing posts with label Literotica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literotica. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2024

New story - "The Real Money Shot"

For the first time in a couple of years I actually finished my Halloween story in time for Literotica's annual Halloween story competition.  You can read it here:

A young man with financial problems answers an advert and goes to a sleazy flat to participate in a porn shoot. His fellow 'stars' are five extremely attractive and busty Asian women. At first he can't believe his luck that he's the one being paid for this rather than the other way around, but there's always a catch...

I had fun writing this one. In the past when writing group scenes I often found they became sequential - a sequence of one-on-ones rather than a full group scene. This felt a bit more fluid with all five definitely-not-succubi-ahem involved at all times.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

While it is a competition, I don't take them very seriously. It needs a very high score and specific type of story to place. I generally use them to try and attract interest from new readers. This is also the first time in a while I've actually finished the Halloween story in time for the Halloween competition.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Story - "An Exclusive Performance with Magistrix Synn"

After struggling a bit with writing the mini-boss scenarios for House of Hellish Harlots, I switched to some regular story writing to clear my head and make sure I was productive on something.

I noticed Literotica had a Pandemonium 2024 event coming up.  Writing sexy demons is my forte, so I rattled off a new tale:

An Exotic Performance with Magistrix Synn

Two university lads are invited to an exclusive performance for extremely upper-class clientele.  One is offered a chance to be a participant in a devilishly sexy show... that might just take his soul.

I'm a little rusty at writing regular stories, so this one came out a little longer than intended.  I did think about hacking it back down to a target 5K words, but I remembered doing that to a similar story in the past to less-than-ideal results, so I left it as is.  I might give it a proper edit when it comes time to add it to a collection.

The story is very cynical with not particularly likeable protagonists, so I don't expect it to score all that well.  It's always nice to put out some new fiction though.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

New Story on Literotica - "The Succubus in Mr Herbert's Summer House"

 As I said in the last post, the new short story, "The Succubus in Mr Herbert's Summer House" has been entered into Literotica's Halloween contest.  The contest has begun and the story is now live.  You can read it here:

The Succubus in the Summer House

Two local toughs in a seaside town are given a job by a grizzled old mobster.  They must 'babysit' Mr Herbert's summer house for the night, and the mysterious woman tied-up on a bed inside...

(I had to truncate the original title as Literotica story titles have a character limit.)

Quick note on Literotica contests.  Because of the way the scoring works, voting lower than a 5 for anything is actually worse than not voting at all.  Also, don't do anything silly like downvote other stories to help mine.  While there is a prize, the contests are a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously.  I doubt this one will be a contender anyway because of the nature of the story. ;)

Also, yes, I'm aware of the formatting problem with the sentences in italics.  There shouldn't be two extra lines of white space after the sentences.  I'm guessing it's because the closing italics tag was put on the next line and Literotica formatted it oddly.  So, sorry about that.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

I don't think this particular story is finished just yet...

Friday, February 07, 2020

New Story - "The Succubus Heart Squad"

Oh, and this one is up on Literotica, so everyone can read it.

The Succubus Heart Squad

Piotr Kurtzburg is your average nerdy software developer.  Normally, he doesn't get anything for Valentine's Day.  This year he gets a surprise as a statuesque beauty wearing nothing but a longcoat over lingerie hand delivers a card and chocolates.  Who are they from and just what is the 'Heart Squad'?

Yes, this is the complete "The Heart Squad", that mini-serial I started a couple of years back and then abandoned.

It's for Literotica's Valentine's Day story competition.  Every year, at this time of year, I drag it out and try to finish it, and every year I fail to do so.  Except this year.  To be honest, I didn't think I'd finish it.  I was a bit late getting the latest House of Hellish Harlots demo out and didn't think I'd left myself enough time.

Then I wrote 6,000 words on Tuesday...

I hope you enjoy it.  I'm also hoping I didn't allow too many typos to slip through.  My usual editing process is to leave the work on the side for a couple of weeks and then go back with fresh eyes.  As I was still finishing off the 1st draft on the day it was supposed to be submitted, I might have had to shortcut that process somewhat.  So, it might not be as 'tight' as usual.  It's one of those stories I might end up tweaking again when I come to put it into an ebook collection.  Any feedback would be helpful to that end.

(There are sneaky hints to another one of my characters, but it shouldn't matter if you haven't read any of her stories - it's Valentine's Day, just enjoy the succubus orgy!)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New(ish) story on Literotica - "Let Sleeping Beauties Lie"

I say newish because those of you with good memories will recognize this as the Sleeping Beauty Mimic story from the H-space bestiary super short stories I put out a while ago.  I fleshed the story out to add more background and let Bate have a little more fun with the monster girl before his inevitable grisly demise (and it is grisly, that editor's note at the top is there for good reason!)

Let Sleeping Beauties Lie

The H-space bestiary shorts have given me a quandary for a while.  I'd like to put them in some sort of collection up on Amazon (and maybe reveal a bit more of the mystery around Bate and why he keeps dying).  I don't think the stories in their current state are good enough.  They were only originally intended to be placeholders to show off an unusual monster girl without having to develop a plot of how the protagonist ended up in the monster girl's sexy clutches.  I've been looking at taking the better ones and filling in the story to bring them up to the standard of the other stories in my collections.

It's a... trickier process than I thought.  Still trying to figure out the most efficient way of doing it as at the moment it seems even more time-consuming than writing a brand new story from scratch!  (On a more positive note, I have been chipping away at a few new bestiary stories - this time full stories rather than quick sex scenes ' n ' grisly death.)

The other thing I'm quite relieved about is that the story was accepted and is now live on Literotica.  Originally it was rejected and this post was going to be very different - me bemoaning how my usual Bad End stories were no longer acceptable and wondering if I'd ever have anything up on Literotica again.

I wouldn't have blamed Literotica for that, to be fair.  This story does feature one of my nastier bad ends and we live in the sort of outrage-hungry times where owners of sites like Literotica have to walk a fine line in what they allow.  Sucks, but that's how it is.  It would have also made continuing the Succubus Summoning series on there tricky.  At some point Nyte would be Nyte and then I'd have a chapter I couldn't put up.

Fortunately, rather than mope around in a funk, I reread the rejection note, saw that it mentioned "snuff" and then PMed Laurel (Lit's head honcho) for clarification.

While I have seen my good (vile) self referred to as "The Snuff Guy", I don't consider what I write to be snuff.  I think I've written on this before.  Snuff in erotic literature is generally writing from the perspective of someone getting their rocks off by killing someone else.  The sexual titillation comes from the act of killing.  You can do this in regular horror to depict a particularly nasty character, but it's a little trickier in erotic horror.  With erotica the purpose is to sexually arouse and titillate the reader.  If the reader is getting turned on by putting themselves in the shoes of someone killing someone else there is a real risk of feeding unhealthy fantasy.  Now, as far as I'm concerned, fantasy, even unhealthy fantasy, is still fantasy.  If it remains fantasy it's harmless, no matter how sick other people might think it.  The nightmare scenario is if someone indulges that fantasy, develops a liking for it, finds fantasy is no longer enough, and then - to try and recapture that same thrill - takes it into the real world.  With that risk, you can understand why a site like Literotica would not want to publish that type of story.

Then you get to my stuff.  There is sex.  There is death.  And while I do like to blur one into the other, the viewpoint is always from the victim, and the sexual arousal comes from the sex stuff the succubus is doing to them rather than the death stuff.  The death stuff is also nearly always supernatural in nature, and therefore impossible to copycat into the real world.  That to me is the important distinguishing feature between "snuff" and regular (even if extremely squicky) erotic horror - is there a risk someone might copycat this and cause a tragedy in the real world?

I didn't get a reply from Laurel (I imagine she's way too busy to be fair - Literotica gets a massive number of submissions every day), but as the story is now live it must have been given a second look and deemed okay.  This is an important thing to remember, if you're having stories bounced by Literotica, remember they get a ton of submissions daily.  Sometimes it's worth giving Laurel a (polite!) PM to check if a story got bounced by the filters by mistake.

I'm happy anyway.  The horror in erotic horror is still allowed at Literotica (although I should flag my nastier stories a little better next time!).

Hope you enjoy the new(ish) story!

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Some Quick Notes on Patreon vs Blog/Literotica

Seen a few concerns about me paywalling everything behind Patreon and whether I'm going to post stories on Literotica again.  I thought I'd address them here.

I'm always conscious of a need to give people something in return for their hard-earned money, so I want to produce at least one thing (short story, CYOA scenario) for patrons every month.  I should stress these are temporary exclusives.  The two CYOAs I've done were later posted to the internet.  The short stories will find their way into later ebook short story collections.

Anything past that first item is open to be either posted to Literotica or held back as an ebook collection exclusive (I do like to have a few of these to entice people into buying the books).

This would work better if my productivity wasn't quite so painfully slow at the moment.  I'm aware of it and trying my best to fix it.

So, no, I've not quit Literotica or posting stories for people to read for free.  I just need to shake off this annoying pernickity perfectionism that's crept into my writing process and get back to being a carefree pulp writer of succubus smut again.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Halloween Story Out - "AProudMaleFeminist gets Creamed"

I didn't think I'd make Literotica's Halloween contest this year.  I had a story unfinished from last year, but when I picked it up again I realised one of the characters was too similar to Volumpula and I didn't want to put it out right after the "Escape Volumpula" CYOA.  (I still think it's a very good story idea and I will finish it at some point.)

With a couple of days to go before the deadline I had a few ideas and fragments, but nothing close to completion.  Then an old idea unlocked, I typed up 4,000 words in a day and got the story in with half an hour to spare.

Here it is:

"AProudMaleFeminist gets Creamed."

Yes, the title is a little troll-y.  The story is a throwback to the old ones I used to write where random asshole runs into succubus/monster girl and (maybe) lethal snu-snu occurs.  Sometimes I try to add a bit of nuance to the assholes (or randomly destroy an undeserving good guy instead to keep readers on their toes).  With this one I stuffed him full of straw and gave him a good thwack.  Sometimes you have to have a little fun as a writer.

It wasn't the story I originally intended to put out, but I hope people have fun with it anyway!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Literotica's Nude Day Contest Results

Are in.

I didn't place, but I think I came close.  I was on the site just as the results were announced (which tends to be important if you want to check scores as winners usually have their entrants bombed by jealous eedjits right after the announcement).  The 3 winners were all in the 4.83-4.84 range and I think my story finished up around 4.82-4.83.  So, close.

Closer than I was expecting to be honest.  Usually I have to throw in a nice ending and a satisfying twist like this or this to place.  "Night of the Nude Succubus Orgy" has 3 idiots who end up being very very lucky.  But it's good fun and I know the "nice-ending" fans have been a little under-served of late with all the grimdark H-space stuff.

The main purpose was to get back on Literotica, and that was achieved.  I'm hoping this will continue.  I have a story I didn't quite get finished for last Halloween and hopefully by next Valentine's Day I will have retrieved "The Heart Squad" from its current production hell.

And also, you'll notice on the right...

roughly about here if I got my placement right--------------------->
(Which I... uh... didn't)

...I have a link button to my Patreon.

Yes, I finally managed to set one up if you missed my announcement yesterday.

My Patreon page is here.

I'm going to be using this to fund things like writing the Literotica stories, the H-space monster girl bestiary shorts and the CYOA scenarios.

A big thank you to the people who are already backing me.

Today I've mostly been writing bouncy paizuri scenes with a lovely pink slime girl.  That CYOA scenario is back on the go, even if it has spiraled a little out of control.  More updates to come as soon as I'm nearer completion.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Story - "Night of the Nude Succubus Orgy"

Yay.  I made it.

As can be seen from the list of entrants to Lierotica's Nude Day Erotic Story Competition, I did just manage to get my story in before the deadline (by about 45 minutes according to my reckoning - leaving it fine just adds to the drama).

Here is the direct link:

Night of the Nude Succubus Orgy

A bit about it.  I wanted to start with a traditional horror/ghost story opening going over the history of a spooky old mansion... and then it turned into a big old porn fest, probably one of the porniest stories I've ever written.  Oh well, I'll have to write that traditional spooky horror/occult tale some other time.

The opening is a bit long, cynically so.  There is a weird quirk to Literotica contests where it's better to have a reader give up half way through than have them read to the end and give the story an "ok" 4 out of 5.  Because of how the scoring works, it's better for a writer if they're given no score at all rather than a 4 (or lower).  Shorter stories have traditionally suffered for this in their competitions.  So stick with it, even if you don't care for the wobbly occult stuff, it gets a lot hotter and sexy later.

Another note on Literotica contests.  Please don't vote more than once or bomb other writers entrants.  One, it's not very sporting and two, Literotica has algorithms to spot that type of behaviour and the votes just end up getting scrubbed.

While I wouldn't recommend starting an erotic tale this slow, it was fun to play around with all the Crowley stuff.  Aleister Crowley is a real-life historical occult figure and tends to get name-checked a lot in this type of story to give them a pseudo-grounding in reality.  The indie adult game "Lust for Darkness" I talked about a couple of weeks ago clearly took some inspiration from Crowley's exploits.  A bust of his likeness can be found in the mansion and one of the books you can find mentions Crowley's Thelema religion.

Rather humorously, I botched my research and had to make some last minute edit changes as the original date I had for when the ritual took place was during a time when Crowley had already moved back to England.  The body double stuff is pure fiction on my part.

The succubi also developed stronger characters than I was expecting.  I'm tempted to use them again.  Maybe there's a full novel here once I include the other succubus scenes.  Obviously it will depend on how the story is received.  I enjoyed writing it, but that might not necessarily translate to people enjoying reading it!

If you did really like one (or more) of the succubi in the story, let me know in the comments below and I'll see if I can give them some more action in a future story.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some good news, finally - a new Literotica story on the way

Some good news, finally, as the title says.

I've kept quiet about this one, mainly because I wasn't sure I'd get it finished in time and I didn't want to repeat what happened with "The Heart Squad" earlier this year.

Literotica is currently running their annual Nude Day Erotic Story Contest.  I thought I had a good idea for last year, then failed to finish it on time, because I've had a rough patch of struggling to finish stories.  I dusted it off for this year... and just about got it done, considering I posted it just now, about an hour before the contest deadline.

The main reason is I... uh... might have got a little carried away.  Normally I aim for around 6K words for a short story.  When I finished typing this up (in 3 days) it came to a whopping 13K words.  The succubi had a lot of fun in this one.

I don't know when the story is going live.  I think I entered it in time, but I have had a few problems with Lit randomly bouncing some of my recent stories.  It is is a little tamer than my usual death-by-sex stories, so I think it should be okay, but you never know.  There was a weird period where I did wonder if Lit had a rogue mod problem, so we'll see.

Anyway, if I do get bounced, I'll just serialize the story here.

Hopefully that won't happen and I'll put up a new post with the story link as soon as it goes live in the next day or so.

As my getting carried away put me under a little time pressure, I had to pause work on the slime girl CYOA for a couple of weeks to get this done in time.  To give an idea of how much time pressure - the first draft wasn't complete until Sunday, so I had to type up about 12,000 words in 3 days.  This does mean the editing window was much much shorter than I'd normally like, so there will probably be a few more typos and sloppy sentence constructions than I'd normally be happy with in the finished story.

Now that this is done I will get back to that slime girl CYOA.  I have a decent chunk of the 1st draft already written, but again, I might have got a teensy bit carried away with all the sexy action...

Sunday, May 07, 2017

"New" Story up on Literotica - "Exile"

Okay, so it's not exactly a "new" story, as "Exile" was the second story in A Succubus Freedom.

I'm not planning on posting the other exclusive stories from the collections anytime soon.  I just like this one and thought it could do with being read by a wider audience.

It was my attempt to write a more literary erotic horror piece like you might find in one of the more upmarket horror anthologies, and I think (caveat: writers are notoriously bad at judging their own work) I pulled it off.

Anyway, read it for yourself.

I like having the odd piece like this around just to prove I can actually write.  I imagine the score and comments on Literotica will remind me why I shouldn't write this type of story too often! :)

It is, however, not a new story, and I know some of you are antsy to see fresh succubus smut.  There is, however, good news on this front.  The writing engines are up and running again.  Last week I rattled off an 8,000 word story I'd been stuck on for over a year.  More info to come next week.

(Hint: Sandwiched by)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

So What Now For Many-Eyed Hydra?

Succubus Summoning 201 is finally done, dusted, and out for you all to buy (aside from the print version, but I'm just waiting on the artist for the full coverflat of that).  That's a great weight off my shoulders.  While it was in an unfinished state I was in an awkward situation of wanting to move onto other ideas, but feeling like I couldn't because the arc was still incomplete.

So what now?

Here's a list of various things I'm planning on getting stuck into over the next few months/year.

First up I want to get the H-space Monster Girl Bestiary back to its regular weekly slot.  There will be a few slight changes.  The last few entries had started to creep up to 2K+ mini-stories, which wasn't the original purpose.  I'm planning to spend the next week or so writing up the various ideas that have accumulated in my notebook so I have a nice surplus to post weekly while working on other stuff.

Literotica's Halloween Contest is on the way.  Last year I wanted to enter as many short stories as I could and ended up with just two (although missing the deadline with "A Chance Glance..." likely resulted in it being a better story overall).  Writing the Nurse Honey story "Last Night of Freedom" under ridiculously tight time constraints for the A Night at McHooligans ebook taster showed me I could do it when sufficiently prodded.  I'm thinking of using the month around the contest as an experiment - a sort of coin-operated Hydra where some of the choices are made by the audience, i.e. you.  I doubt it will be fully interactive, more like a series of options decided by vote or first response, and then I have 2-3 days to get a 5K story based on those options entered into Lit's contest.  Possibly something like what Lunareth has done with their Queen of Butts series.  We might end up with 5-10 cool stories, or I might break down into a quivering heap after a week.  Who knows.  Might be fun.

More on that next week once I've had a think on the framing device and how to make it work.

After that silliness the next step is make the Sandwiched by series a thing again.  I got halfway through Sandwiched by Stomachs before it got knocked aside by more pressing concerns.

The reason why I want to make Sandwiched by work is because it was a test case for a proper serial with continuity - Okasare Kenny.  I always intended that to be an ebook novella series and then in a fit of madness tried to turn it into a daily serial on my blog right after doing the Let's Play of Monmusu Quest: Paradox.  That did not go so well as I predictably burnt out from the posting schedule after a couple of weeks and had to halt it.  I liked the original idea though - 13 monster girls, each in their own novella in a monthly serial spread out over a year.  Given what happened with Sandwiched by I don't think writing it month by month will work.  For that one I'll need most of it, likely at least the first 8 or 9 chapters, in the bank before I start publishing.

Another thing I want to write is a novel idea featuring Nicole.  This is something I've had plotted out in my head for a while.  I wrote an opening chapter a while back, but it was another of those ideas I felt too guilty to push further while the Succubus Summoning 201 arc was still unfinished.

Which leads us to Succubus Summoning 301.  Phil's adventures clearly aren't over yet, but after the way 201 dragged out, I know I need a short break to work on something completely different so I can clear my head and get enthusiastic about the series again.  This will likely be the book I move onto once the Nicole novel is done.

Anyway, this is a rough plan of what I think I'll be working on over the next year.  Of course, #ChaosWriting might throw me off in other directions, but I won't mind so long as those are productive directions.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Update on Literotica

I contacted Laurel, the head honcho (I believe!) at Literotica, and that appears to have resolved the issue.

Succubus Summoning 213 is now up here and the Cnidarian-Girl story is scheduled to go up tomorrow (I also have the accompanying profile ready to go up on the blog tomorrow).

I'm not sure what happened - gremlins in an automated checking system, overzealous mod with a grudge on a power trip...  Laurel mentioned they've been deluged with submissions recently, so I'd rather believe it was the former rather than the latter (plus tinfoil doesn't really go with the rest of my outfits).  If any of you out there are having similar problems the best thing to do is drop Laurel a polite PM through the site's messaging system.

The good news is that it appears sexy succubus murder-death-kill-by-snu-snu stories are still on the menu.

It also means I don't get to look like a money-grubbing ass for making my long-standing Lit readers wait for the ebook in order to get the last chapter.  It might cost me a few sales going up on Literotica first, but to be honest, most of you have shown enough willingness to support me by buying my books when they come out that I'm happy to keep posting my work up on the internet.

And now I'd better get back to getting that ebook version of Succubus Summoning 201 ready...

Friday, August 05, 2016

Now I have definite blacklist concerns with Literotica

UPDATE 2016/08/09: This appears to have been resolved.  See here.

Rejection #3 for the year. :'(

"In the Tentacles of the Cnidarian" is the fancier name I gave to the H-space Monster Girl Bestiary story I posted yesterday.  I don't normally post the H-space bestiary stories to Literotica as I consider them sketches to show off monster girls I might use later rather than completed stories.  After the problems I had with Succubus Summoning 213 I thought I'd submit the Cnidarian-Girl story as an experiment and... well... the results are a little worrisome.

Literotica normally takes 3 days to reject/approve a story.  This one was bounced in less than 24 hours.

The reason they give for rejection is snuff.  While technically this is true - there is sex and someone dies - I find it a little odd considering that the majority of my stories currently up on Literotica are succubus Bad End stories where the protagonist has mind-blowing sex with a succubus/monster girl and then gets their life drained or worse.  These are Erotic Horror stories after all.  I'm trying, but I can't see how the Cnidarian-Girl story is any 'snuffier' than the one where Nÿte bit someone's eye out, or the one where a character had all their skin ripped off.

Now, it is possible Literotica has changed their policy and the kind of succubus Bad End erotic horror story I specialise in is no longer permitted.  This would suck, both for me and the audience that likes that kind of story (and it does appear to be a popular sub-niche within the Erotic Horror category), but ultimately it's their site and they are the final arbiters on what stories they wish to post.

The other possibility is I've pissed someone off (maybe politically with this anti-SJW #GamerGate story) in a position to make things awkward for me.  Given the seemingly arbitrary nature of the recent rejections and how they don't make sense when compared to the other stories I've had accepted, I am now concerned I might have been blacklisted.

Anyway, I've PM'ed the owner of the site and hopefully they'll clear up what's going on.

I've submitted a lot of stories to Literotica over the years and I'd like to continue doing so... if they'll let me.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Why Succubus Summoning 213 isn't up on Literotica

UPDATE 2016/08/09: This appears to have been resolved.  See here.



Okay, so I suppose I shouldn't have left it with no other comment than a frowny face.

As far as I can tell, in my excitement at finally finishing a story arc I started five years ago, I accidentally fell foul of Literotica's strict rules against self-promotion in my closing note.  This paragraph is likely the sticking point:
"I'm aiming to collect all the 201 chapters together into an ebook/print book.  Look out for that when it hits Amazon.  (Feedback on the ending or anything is welcome – If I've screwed up here, there's still a chance to fix it before the final book version!)"
Literotica doesn't allow advertisements or links to other sites.  This is a reasonable measure to stop the more shameless self-promoting writers from bombarding and annoying readers with an endless stream of BUY MY BOOK! links rather than telling a story.  Also, because of the large number submissions they receive daily, I believe the first line of checking consists of crude text filters and/or rapid skim-reading.  Thinking I might have tripped that with the Amazon mention, I removed the sentence, added a note that there wasn't any advertisements or links to outside ebook stores/blogs and resubmitted.

And got bounced again.

At this point I went "Hmmmm."  The rejection reason was clarified as they don't like writers referring to any writing outside of Literotica, but this doesn't match up with the guidelines they give in their FAQs, which are more concerned with forbidding links to or mentions of other websites.  As it's a second rejection, I have to assume this isn't a case of an auto-filter tripping up and returning a false positive.

So, hmmmm.

Of more concern is this is the second time I've had a story/chapter rejected this year.  The reason none of the H-space monster girl bestiary shorts have appeared on Literotica is because the first one was rejected for snuff/violence concerns despite being far tamer than many of the other erotic horror stories I already have up on Literotica (like this one, for example).  Admittedly, I'd submitted the H-space Bestiary story through an alt account (that clearly announced itself as an alt of my main account) and stories from new accounts might be subject to tighter moderation.

So, I dunno...

I've seen other writers remove their work from Literotica after getting it published (self or otherwise) or even start serials with the intention of pay-walling the ending off in an Amazon ebook (I understand writers' desire to get paid, but this is a dick move).  I didn't want to do either of these things with the Succubus Summoning series, but to be honest, having the last chapter of the arc bounced for what seems like really trivial reasons turned something that should have been a source of some excitement for me into something that put me into a bit of a funk.  As a result I decided I wouldn't be making any further effort to tweak the chapter into a version that might be accepted.  I have reserved a provisional release date from my publisher, eXcessica.  The ebook version will be coming out soon.  Literotica can wait until after that.

After the ebook is out I'll probably go back and make another effort to see if I can get Succubus Summoning 213 accepted by Literotica, or remove the whole 201 arc, depending on how I feel.

The main purpose of this post is to have something to refer Literotica readers to when they ask why 213 hasn't gone up.  Or for when/if someone accuses me of dick moves when they see the ebook come out before the ending on Literotica.  (I'm not holding the ending hostage - it's here on my blog if you want to read it.)

Gah.  What an annoyance.  Oh well, the chapter has been submitted.  It's out of my hands as far as I'm concerned.

As for the collected Succubus Summoning 201 novel, I'm still waiting for cover artwork and other things.  As soon as I'm confident everything is ready I'll start publicising the official release date.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Updates and a (Maybe) Story Bonanza for Literotica's Upcoming Halloween Story Contest

By maybe, I think three stories...  Maybe.  Maybe more.  Whenever I try to be a bit more definite about these things something goes horribly wrong and scuppers all the plans.

Anyway.  Literotica's annual Halloween contest is on the way.  The details of which can be found here.

As an aside, if you're a budding writer that likes succubi/monster girls and is not afraid to get your hands dirty with a little bit of explicit smut, contests like this are a great way to cut your teeth and find readers.

As for me, currently some of my projects have stalled and trying to bludgeon through them isn't doing my productivity any good.  I think I'll use this contest as an excuse to let #ChaosWriting out of the cage and see how many short stories I can blast out during the three weeks of the contest.  With a bit of luck that might clear my head and get the production line moving again.

The first story is already submitted.  You should see that go up tomorrow when the contest officially kicks off.  After that I'm not sure what we'll get or how many.  That's the beauty of #ChaosWriting.

I'm not trying to win this time.  There's been a trend in recent competitions for some entrants to go long, and I mean 90K-word-novel long.  With the way Literotica's scoring system works, it's pretty much impossible for a good 5-10K short story to place over a good 90K+ novel, so I'm not going to worry about it.  This is more an exercise in clearing out some old ideas and trying to get back in touch with what made me so prolific in my early days writing for Literotica (being more carefree and less trying to brute-force stories at a guess).

There's another two stories where I'm nearly done with the first draft, so I reckon we might see three new stories in October and hopefully more if the juices really get flowing.

So where does this leave the other stuff?  Here are a few updates.

Sandwiched by Series
Sticking to a hard monthly schedule isn't working here.  I like the covers and concept, so it will continue, but with a more flexible release schedule. i.e. When the story is done and I'm happy it doesn't feel rushed.  The next one is "Sandwiched by Scyllas" and I'm about 60-odd% done with it.

Okasare Kenny Series
The original idea was for this to be the monthly serial for 2016. Then I tried to use it as crazy live-novel-writing challenge, which was a cool idea, but a bad thing to launch into with other stories (in particular Succubus Summoning) still incomplete.  The Sandwiched by series was a trial to see if I could keep to a regular monthly schedule for a series with more continuity.  I'm not confident I can do that at the moment, so I won't officially (re)launch Okasare Kenny until I have six months or so worth of chapters in the can and can be confident it won't stall like Succubus Summoning 201 did.

A Night With Ceptophthorié
Alas poor game-writing experiment.  This one got shoved to the back burner when I fell behind on first A Succubus for Saint Patrick's Day, and then various other things.  It's something I want to do, but I have to get my other writing stuff sorted first.

Jackson in HRPG-World
This is tailor-made for putting up on the blog in small chapters.  I need to get other things done first (Succubus Summoning 201!) before I can get back to this.  And I will get back to it because I know how the story pans out and I'm very excited to see readers' reactions to it. ;)

Succubus Summoning 201
The big one.  The one I really should get done considering Succubus Summoning 101 outsells all my other books put together.  Why aren't I on it?  It didn't get done in November/December last year basically.  That was when I went through a rather drastic life change that involved losing my job and changing countries.  It got put to one side while I got back on my feet (and aside from not being as productive with my writing as I'd like, I am thankfully back on my feet) and now I'm having a little trouble picking up the threads again.  I should be able fix this once I get around to the editing process in assembling the previous chapters into a coherent ebook.  I'll be on that as soon as I've had my fun with Halloween.  The aim is still to get the ebook finished before the end of the year and out as soon as there's an opening in eXcessica's publication schedule.  The final two chapters (of 201) will be posted as soon as they're written though.  I'm not going to let readers wait for them longer than they have to.

Some updates anyway.  It's been a weird 12 months.  Hopefully the next 12 months won't feature quite as many missteps, fumbles and failed experiments.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy the free Halloween stories (however many of them there end up being).

Thursday, October 02, 2014

New story for Halloween – What Kevin Did Last Summer

It’s that time of the year where I go shamelessly vote-whoring.

Literotica’s 2014 Halloween story competition has started and I have a runner.

Actually, it was supposed to be my entrant for the Summer contest, but the succubus ended up having far too much fun and the story grew too long for me to finish in time for the deadline.  Like pretty much every story I’ve written, it also fits the Halloween theme.  So I entered it into that competition rather than wait until next year.

Hope you enjoy it.  It’s a hot one:
What Kevin Did Last Summer

I talked about how voting works in the Literotica contests back here.  In short, anything other than a 5 is worse than no vote at all.  Literotica is also fairly sharp at spotting shenanigans.  Bashing competitors and multi-voting on a favoured story doesn’t achieve anything as they have a good filtering system for removing dodgy votes.  It’s why I like Lit’s contests.  I play fair (I don’t even vote on my own entrants) and can still place.

I don’t know how this one will do.  “Streetwalking with a Succubus” placed in the money last year.  This features a similar character to Nicole and is nicer than my usual ambush-the-unsuspecting-paranormal-romance-fans-with-horror-and-vore entrants.  The sex is hot, but the story might not have as strong an aww factor as my previous winners.  We’ll see.  A lot will depend on the quality of the other entrants (no full-length novels this time, please!).

Speaking of Nicole.  While I was writing “What Kevin Did Last Summer” I had an idea for a story—possibly even novella or novel length—featuring both Nicole and Madam Voluptula together.  How does that sound?  Would you like to read about Nicole and Madam Voluptula double-teaming some poor (lucky!) unsuspecting dude?

Sunday, September 07, 2014

This should have been when I tell you about a hot new story, but...

This week didn't exactly go to plan.  Actually the whole of August didn't exactly go to plan, considering I was too ill to do anything for half of it.

I did have a good idea for a (loosely) summer themed story for Literotica's current story contest.  It was last minute, but I reckoned I might be able to finish it this week and get it out before the deadline of Saturday midnight.  (This is also why the Violated Hero 5 updates have been absent this week).

Then I got distracted by the #GamerGate stuff and had to hack up one of those mental hairballs just to get rid of it.

Even then I thought I might make it, until I realised how long the story wanted to be.  By Friday I had typed up 7,500 words and just needed to finish the 1st draft, type up the rest, edit it and then get it in before midnight.  Didn't seem so bad, except the rest of the story ended up running to 21 pages.  The succubus decided she was going to give someone a thorough sexual working over in this story.  It's a new succubus character, but I think people will like her.  It's also a really steamy story.  Plenty of hot succubus sex in this tale.

You won't have to wait too long to read it.  I didn't make this deadline, but Literotica's Halloween contest isn't far off and pretty much all of my stories are appropriate for that theme.  It will give me a chance to properly edit it so I don't embarrass myself with tons of typos and grammar errors.  I'll let you all know as soon as it's posted.

On the positive side, as soon as I realised I wasn't going to make it I switched back to Succubus Summoning and finished typing 210 up.  I'll edit that over the next couple of days and it should be up next week sometime.

As for Violated Hero 5, I'll get back to that tomorrow.

And for me:

Stop getting distracted by political things...
Stop getting distracted by political things...
Stop getting distracted by political things...