Showing posts with label new fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new fiction. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Story - "An Exclusive Performance with Magistrix Synn"

After struggling a bit with writing the mini-boss scenarios for House of Hellish Harlots, I switched to some regular story writing to clear my head and make sure I was productive on something.

I noticed Literotica had a Pandemonium 2024 event coming up.  Writing sexy demons is my forte, so I rattled off a new tale:

An Exotic Performance with Magistrix Synn

Two university lads are invited to an exclusive performance for extremely upper-class clientele.  One is offered a chance to be a participant in a devilishly sexy show... that might just take his soul.

I'm a little rusty at writing regular stories, so this one came out a little longer than intended.  I did think about hacking it back down to a target 5K words, but I remembered doing that to a similar story in the past to less-than-ideal results, so I left it as is.  I might give it a proper edit when it comes time to add it to a collection.

The story is very cynical with not particularly likeable protagonists, so I don't expect it to score all that well.  It's always nice to put out some new fiction though.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

New Story - "In The Red Light Backrooms"

And the new story is up.  Literotica were quicker to approve it than I was expecting, which is great as it's in perfect time for Halloween weekend.  Here it is:

I was aiming for more conventional spooks and scares, so the dial of Erotic Horror is turned more towards the Horror/Weird end.  There is a nice succubus sex scene, so I didn't leave the erotica off entirely.  The story is inspired by the Backrooms stuff, but only the basic idea.  It's not intended to use, adapt or extend any of the existing lore.  If somebody wants to take the idea and run with it further, feel free (just age gate it appropriately!).

I hope you enjoy it.
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

New Short Story on the way - "In The Red Light Backrooms"

I have been working on a new short story for Halloween.  It was originally intended for Literotica's Halloween contest, but it ended up being a little longer than I anticipated (over 10K words) and I couldn't finish it in time.  It is finished now.

It's set in Amsterdam's red light district and influenced by the Backrooms stuff.  By influenced, I mean the first principles concept of someone clipping out of reality and being trapped in a weird place.  The Backrooms itself seems to be one of those big shared internet lore things (like the SCP foundation) and I know very little about it other than the general idea and some youtube short films.  It seemed a cool concept, and fired up the inspiration for this little tale.

Here's a teaser:

Damien Kane and Chris Abbott noclipped out of reality on an otherwise unremarkable summer morning at precisely 11:01.  The where from was a corner of De Walletjes, more infamously known as Amsterdam's main red-light district.  Damien and Chris were there—and let's not beat about the bush—to get laid.

As for the where to...

The corridor of doors stretched off into the distance before turning to the left.  Around that corner would be another long corridor of doors leading to another left turn.  Sometimes it would turn to the right.  Sometimes—more rarely—it would end in a T-junction.  It never opened back out onto the street outside.  If there was even an outside.

The corridor was narrow and claustrophobic, with a low ceiling.  The floor was covered in thick linoleum—mushy and slightly tacky.  The air carried the tang of stale sweat, cheap perfumes, and—beneath it all—a hint of something far less pleasant.  It called to mind sordid and illicit pleasures.  Illumination came from fluorescent tubes above the doors.  They washed everything in a wan glow—sometimes red, sometimes pink.

If the lights dimmed, you ran.

If the lights flickered, you ran fast.

Each door had a large glass window.  For most of them a red velvet curtain was pulled across to hide the room on the other side.  For some that curtain was pulled back to reveal a feminine figure dressed only in lingerie.  Always attractive.  Always sexy.  Never human.

Damien remembered the words of the Irishman.

"You have to pick a door, but it has to be the right door."

How do you know if it's the right door?

"Do you think I'd still be here if I knew that!"

Damien hadn't seen the Irishman in some time.  Maybe he'd found the right door.  More likely he'd walked through the wrong door and never returned.

Damien heard a wet snuffling phlegmy sound.  Far off behind him... for now.

Time to move on.

The story is finished.  I've submitted it to Literotica and it will probably appear there in a few days (usually about 3)

If you don't want to wait, I've already posted the completed story to Patreon and SubscribeStar.  Subscription to either is for the low low price of $1 per month and you'll also get a new "House of Hellish Harlots" update at the end of every month as well (two months before it goes live on the public website).

Friday, September 25, 2020

New Short Story - "The Succubus in Mr Herbert's Summer House"

 I have a new short story available to patrons:

"The Succubus in Mr Herbert's Summer House."

Two street punks in a seaside town are given a strange job watching over a house and a mysterious girl tied up on a bed.

The timed exclusivity is shorter on this one as I'm planning to enter it into Literotica's Halloween Story Contest next week.

It was originally planned for Literotica's Summer Contest, but took me too long to finish and I missed the deadline (my succubi like playing with their food far too much!).  It's a conventional erotic horror succubus story, so it should also fit the theme for a Halloween contest as well.

If you can't wait, the lowest (and only) tier on my Patreon is just a $1.  (plus tax, I think they're starting to hit people with that now.)

Otherwise I'll post again in a week or so with a link to the story on Literotica.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

New Short Story: Joey Farrell Walks Into An Obvious Booby Trap

I finally managed to finish that boobie monster girl story I've hinting at for a while.

It is a Patreon exclusive (temporary) for patrons, because those of you that have been supporting me on there deserve something for your support.  If you're not for whatever reason, don't worry, I will be including the story in my next short story collection (still in progress).

I also have another story in progress which I will be putting up on Literotica.  I don't intend paywalling everything, but I'd like to be able to give patrons something semi-exclusive every month.

As for my own feelings on Patreon, I still don't like them, but I haven't found a better alternative, so I'm stuck there for now.  As I mentioned in the Patreon post, I can't really commit to it as a reliable income stream, so I will be focusing on writing some new ebooks (short story collections, ideally a third Succubus Summoning novel) rather than the CYOA game scenarios on Twine I created last year. 

Here is a link to the new story (patrons only, sorry):

If you are a patron, enjoy boobs, lots and lots of demon boobs!  If not, I hope to have something for you on Literotica fairly soon.

Also, this story was initially planned to go out in November.  If you were a patron for the month of November, but aren't now for whatever reason, you're still entitled to a copy of the new story.  Email me at and I'll email you back a copy if I can find your name on the list of former patrons.

Damn, this was far easier when I just put up ebooks on Amazon!

Anyway, this week has been a a fairly good week for writing.  The break in Prague seems to have done me some good (apart from bringing back the plague).

Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Story - "Night of the Nude Succubus Orgy"

Yay.  I made it.

As can be seen from the list of entrants to Lierotica's Nude Day Erotic Story Competition, I did just manage to get my story in before the deadline (by about 45 minutes according to my reckoning - leaving it fine just adds to the drama).

Here is the direct link:

Night of the Nude Succubus Orgy

A bit about it.  I wanted to start with a traditional horror/ghost story opening going over the history of a spooky old mansion... and then it turned into a big old porn fest, probably one of the porniest stories I've ever written.  Oh well, I'll have to write that traditional spooky horror/occult tale some other time.

The opening is a bit long, cynically so.  There is a weird quirk to Literotica contests where it's better to have a reader give up half way through than have them read to the end and give the story an "ok" 4 out of 5.  Because of how the scoring works, it's better for a writer if they're given no score at all rather than a 4 (or lower).  Shorter stories have traditionally suffered for this in their competitions.  So stick with it, even if you don't care for the wobbly occult stuff, it gets a lot hotter and sexy later.

Another note on Literotica contests.  Please don't vote more than once or bomb other writers entrants.  One, it's not very sporting and two, Literotica has algorithms to spot that type of behaviour and the votes just end up getting scrubbed.

While I wouldn't recommend starting an erotic tale this slow, it was fun to play around with all the Crowley stuff.  Aleister Crowley is a real-life historical occult figure and tends to get name-checked a lot in this type of story to give them a pseudo-grounding in reality.  The indie adult game "Lust for Darkness" I talked about a couple of weeks ago clearly took some inspiration from Crowley's exploits.  A bust of his likeness can be found in the mansion and one of the books you can find mentions Crowley's Thelema religion.

Rather humorously, I botched my research and had to make some last minute edit changes as the original date I had for when the ritual took place was during a time when Crowley had already moved back to England.  The body double stuff is pure fiction on my part.

The succubi also developed stronger characters than I was expecting.  I'm tempted to use them again.  Maybe there's a full novel here once I include the other succubus scenes.  Obviously it will depend on how the story is received.  I enjoyed writing it, but that might not necessarily translate to people enjoying reading it!

If you did really like one (or more) of the succubi in the story, let me know in the comments below and I'll see if I can give them some more action in a future story.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some good news, finally - a new Literotica story on the way

Some good news, finally, as the title says.

I've kept quiet about this one, mainly because I wasn't sure I'd get it finished in time and I didn't want to repeat what happened with "The Heart Squad" earlier this year.

Literotica is currently running their annual Nude Day Erotic Story Contest.  I thought I had a good idea for last year, then failed to finish it on time, because I've had a rough patch of struggling to finish stories.  I dusted it off for this year... and just about got it done, considering I posted it just now, about an hour before the contest deadline.

The main reason is I... uh... might have got a little carried away.  Normally I aim for around 6K words for a short story.  When I finished typing this up (in 3 days) it came to a whopping 13K words.  The succubi had a lot of fun in this one.

I don't know when the story is going live.  I think I entered it in time, but I have had a few problems with Lit randomly bouncing some of my recent stories.  It is is a little tamer than my usual death-by-sex stories, so I think it should be okay, but you never know.  There was a weird period where I did wonder if Lit had a rogue mod problem, so we'll see.

Anyway, if I do get bounced, I'll just serialize the story here.

Hopefully that won't happen and I'll put up a new post with the story link as soon as it goes live in the next day or so.

As my getting carried away put me under a little time pressure, I had to pause work on the slime girl CYOA for a couple of weeks to get this done in time.  To give an idea of how much time pressure - the first draft wasn't complete until Sunday, so I had to type up about 12,000 words in 3 days.  This does mean the editing window was much much shorter than I'd normally like, so there will probably be a few more typos and sloppy sentence constructions than I'd normally be happy with in the finished story.

Now that this is done I will get back to that slime girl CYOA.  I have a decent chunk of the 1st draft already written, but again, I might have got a teensy bit carried away with all the sexy action...

Monday, March 05, 2018

The Heart Squad (part 5)


A shape flowed out of the darkness and stepped in front of him.  It was the tall and busty flame-haired woman.  She was still wearing nothing more than a longcoat over frilly pink lingerie.

Had she been waiting out here all this time?  She must be freezing her nips off, Kurtzburg thought.

If she was, she gave no outward sign.  She greeted Kurtzburg with a breezy smile.

"Mr Kurtzburg, we never realised you had to work so late."

She glanced up at Kurtzburg's floor, where everything was in darkness.

"You must have been so lonely, working up there all on you own.  You should have let us know.  We would have come up and kept you company."

A stretch limo—sleek and gleaming white—pulled up alongside them.  The back door opened and two excitable women leaned out.

"Hello, Mr Kurtzburg," they said in unison.

Both looked younger than the flame-haired woman and were just as attractive.  He recognised them from the pictures that had been sent him.  In person they exuded a strong aura of wanton sexuality.  They seemed like the type of girls that did anything and everything.

"I think there's been some mistake," Kurtzburg said.  "You have me mixed up with someone else."

"You are Mr Piotr Kurtzburg, of..." the flame-haired woman reeled off Kurtzburg's home address and even his date of birth for good measure.  "I don't think there's been any mistake."

Nope, that was rather... specific.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Someone thought you deserved it," the flame-haired woman said.

That didn't help Kurtzburg at all.

"What did you think of the chocolates?" she asked.

"Um, I didn't... um... eat them.  The QA women shared them."

The woman looked disappointed.

"Oh well, can't be helped," she said.  She smiled.  "Their husbands and boyfriends will be in for a good night tonight.  What about you, Mr Kurtzburg?  Are you ready to embark on a night of unadulterated passion and hedonism?"

She held out her right arm, simultaneously blocking Kurtzburg's path and directing him in the direction of the back of the limo.  The two girls, all smiles, beckoned him to join them on the back seat.  A third girl regarded him with sultry interest from an open window.  Wow.  They'd looked attractive enough in the pictures, but were even more gorgeous in the flesh.

Kurtzburg was tempted.  Sorely tempted.  But...

...this was way too good to be true.  There was no way it could be legit.

"I don’t think I can get into that car with you," Kurtzburg said.

"Aww," the flame-haired woman said.  "Don't be so uptight.  Those inhibitions aren't healthy.  Come with us.  We'll help you lose them.  It will be fun."

She moved forwards to caress him.

Instinctively, Kurtzburg stepped back.

"Sorry, I think this is all one big misunderstanding.  You have the wrong guy.  No-one would arrange all this for me."

The woman placed a hand on her hip.  Her lips pouted in irritation.

"My, you are an awkward one."

Her sensual lips turned up in a smile.  Her eyes twinkled.  For a brief—split second—moment, Kurtzburg would have sworn he saw a pink flash.  Then...

...Kurtzburg was sitting on the back seat of a luxurious stretch limo surrounded by four gorgeously uninhibited young women.

What the hell.  You only live once, he thought to himself.

to be continued...

Friday, March 02, 2018

The Heart Squad (part 4)


The first text message arrived at two o'clock.

"Are you excited for tonight?  We are.  xoxo, the Heart Squad."

Number withheld.

Kurtzburg was less rattled about this one.  It was his work phone.  It wouldn't have been hard for the Heart Squad, whoever they were, to get it.

A picture followed.  It was a close-up of the flame-haired model kissing the camera with the other three girls in the background behind her.

All four women were exceedingly attractive.  They looked just like the women you saw on TV gliding around the swanky parties.  Starlets.  Celebs.  'It' girls.  Ironic given that his own profession, which also shared the same two letters, was often at the opposite end of the spectrum when it came to glamour and social skills.

Then it clicked.

If they looked good enough to be TV people, they might be TV people.  Which made this a... Valentine's Day prank?  Yes, that sounded plausible.  Probably one of the cheap'n'nasty reality TV shows.  Kurtzburg had no idea which.  He didn't watch much TV nowadays, preferring instead to spend his leisure time playing videogames or solving coding problems.  He also had no idea why they'd singled him out.

Okay, he did.  It was because he was fugly and surrounding a mumbling fugly with four bombshell beauties would make for appropriately cringe-inducing TV.

He had no idea why they'd singled him out in particular.

Oh well, that mystery would have to wait for later.  He had to fix this bug before the end of the day.

Betts came back with the box of chocolates and a guilty expression.  The tray was empty.  For all of Betts's talk of sharing them with the whole office, Kurtzburg doubted the box had even left the QA section.  He didn't mind.  Given their suspect origin, he hadn't been planning on eating any of them.

* * * *

Kurtzburg got another text at three.

"We're going to have so much fun together."

You're going to be so disappointed, Kurtzburg thought, deleting the text.

Another at four.

"We'll be waiting for you outside after work."

You'll be waiting a long time then, Kurtzburg thought.  Judging by how this bug fix was progressing, Kurtzburg didn't think he'd be finishing until at least eight.  He wasn't too thrilled about it.  He'd been looking forward to getting a few hours in on the new space Civ game, Master of the Crimson Nebula.


"It's almost time.  We can hardly contain ourselves.  Can you?"

The innuendo was obvious.  Kurtzburg felt it in his loins anyway.  Despite not being the most active in that department, he still retained some sexual desire.  He really wished he lived in a world where four hot girls would whisk him of the street and take him out on a wild night of partying and debauchery.

This was not that world.

Kurtzburg was not a chump.

He was also too busy anyway.

He looked at the screen.  Goddammit.  Comment your goddamn code, people.

The messages stopped after five-thirty.  The office had already emptied out.  Kurtzburg was the only one left still tapping away at his keyboard.

He did feel a little sorry for whoever was behind these Valentine's Day fun and games.  They must have realised something had gone wrong by now.  That Kurtzburg wasn't coming out or had already given them the slip.

Sorry, hah.  What was he thinking?  They were likely only doing this to set him up for embarrassment... or maybe even worse.

Shame though.  He would love a wild, sexy night with four hot, gorgeous women.

Yeah, right.  Like that would have actually happened.  He wasn't a chump.

He got up and trundled to the drinks machine to pick up a can of Red Bull.  Caffeine makes code.  He looked at the screen and focused on the problem at hand.  It was trickier than he'd first thought, but he felt he understood the problem now.  He reckoned he'd be able to fix it before leaving tonight.

He checked in the solution at 8:31.  Half an hour later than he'd estimated, but not too bad.  He got up and stretched.  Most of the office was dark.  Kurtzburg packed his things together, walked to the exit and switched off the lights.  His stomach rumbled.  Maybe he should have eaten some of those chocolates after all.  He could pick up a kebab on the way home.

He walked down the stairs and out the front entrance.  The night was a little nippy.  He adjusted his coat and turned right.  His bus stop was at the end of the street.

A shape flowed out of the darkness and stepped in front of him.  It was the tall and busty flame-haired woman.  She was still wearing nothing more than a longcoat over frilly pink lingerie.

to be continued...

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Heart Squad (part 3)


There was email awaiting Kurtzburg when he got back to his desk.  Also not a surprise.  There was always email waiting for him.  One of them wasn't like the others, but Kurtzburg wasn't aware of that until he opened it up.

"Hi Piotr.  We're the Heart Squad!"

It was followed by a picture of four extremely attractive and provocatively attired women sitting in the back of an expensive limo.  They were all smiling at the camera and holding their arms out.  Kurtzburg recognised one as the gorgeous flame-haired courier who'd delivered his card and chocolates this morning.

"We're so looking forward to making your Valentine's Day an unforgettable one."

Kurtzburg frowned.  He was normally super-careful about which emails he opened.  He was sure this had been another work email when he'd clicked on it.

He lifted his small round spectacles and rubbed his eyes.  Must be tiredness.  It had been a hard slog over the past couple of weeks to get the latest patch ready.

He became aware of someone standing next to his desk and hurriedly deleted the email.

He looked up and saw it was Leah Betts from the QA department.  She was looking down at the chocolate box.

"Aren't you going to open them?" she asked.

"I dunno," he mumbled.

"You do know it's customary for employees to share their Valentine's chocolates with the rest of the office."

"It is?"

He tried to remember if anyone had ever brought chocolates around to his desk.  Not that he would have remembered or even registered if they had.

He glanced back at his screen.  Was that email with the picture of the four hot semi-naked women in the back of a limo gone yet?  Yes.  Thank fuck for that.

Not that he needed to worry.  Betts was still staring down at the chocolate box.  "Go on.  Open it up," she said.

Kurtzburg shrugged.  He opened it up.  It was a box of chocolates.  The cover was sickeningly saccharine.  Kurtzburg flipped the lid.  Yes, they were chocolates.

"Ooh, those are fancy," Betts said.  "Have you got a posh bird you've been hiding from us?"

Her hand hovered over the tray like a vulture about to swoop.

Kurtzburg was reluctant to take one.  Where had they come from?  Why him?  You heard stories.  Food being tampered with.

Betts selected one she liked—a little brown nut from near the centre of the tray.  She plucked it out and brought it up to her mouth.

"Wait!" Kurtzburg said.

Betts stopped, eyes opened wide in sudden surprise.

"I don't know where they're from," Kurtzburg said.

Betts's frozen expression of surprise thawed out into a contemptuous grin.

"They're Valentine's Day chocolates.  You're not supposed to know who they're from."

She rolled her eyes and popped the chocolate into her mouth.  She chewed.  Her eyes widened.

"Ooh, these are yummy," she said.  "It tastes like... ooh."  A hand involuntarily drifted down to her crotch.  Her cheeks reddened.

"Mandy, you have to try one of these," she called back to the adjacent QA section.

She looked back at the box with naked avarice.

"You look busy," she said.  "You want me to share them around the office for you?"

Kurtzburg mumble-grunted a yes and Betts went away, taking the box of chocolates with her.

Then his attention was caught by something on his monitor.  A heart-shaped balloon floated to the top of the screen and popped to reveal the word, "Tonight."  A lipstick kiss flashed on the bottom right of the screen and was followed by, "The Heart Squad."

Kurtzburg's stomach lurched.  Had that email downloaded a virus onto his machine?

He went through a series of diagnostics and found nothing untoward.  He rubbed his eyes again.  He couldn't have imagined it, could he?

And what did they mean by "tonight"?

* * * *

The first text message arrived at two o'clock.

to be continued...

(Also, Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] playthrough to resume tomorrow Wednesday.  One was more ready than the other so I flipped the days).

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Heart Squad (part 2)

Part 1

Kurtzburg didn't get around to opening the card until after he'd cleared all of the morning's urgent tasks.  Not that it shed any more light on the mystery.

It was one of those standard giant-size Valentine's Day cards you could pick up in any high-street shop.  Kurtzburg's name was on the cover of the plain red envelope, written in elegant handwriting.  Kurtzburg didn't know of any other Piotr Kurtzburgs in the company, so it must be for him.  For whatever reason.

"Happy Valentine's Day from the Heart Squad," was written on the inside in the same elegant handwriting.

Kurtzburg had no idea who or what the Heart Squad was.

Someone had drawn cute little cartoon bats all over the inside of the card.  Some of them were carrying pink hearts.  The ones that weren't had long tails—that looked more like devil tails—looped around in the outline of a heart.

Maybe he had a secret admirer.

Kurtzburg nearly laughed out loud at the thought.

He was no catch.  Even by the not-that-high standards of the typical IT male, Kurtzburg was distinctly below average.  He knew his nickname around the office was "moleman."  His co-workers didn't seem to care that he knew either.

He supposed it was different.  At school they used to call him Penfold after the character in the Danger Mouse cartoons.

It didn't bother Kurtzburg all that much.  Maybe at some point in the past, but he'd long grown out of letting it upset him.  You couldn't help what you were born with, as far as he was concerned.  There were a few people in the office he didn't like, but he just tended to avoid them.  As for the rest, they were fine.  They let him get on with his work and he let them get on with theirs.  The only time they interacted with Kurtzburg was when they wanted something done.  This was also fine with Kurtzburg.  That's how work worked.

Now there was this card.

Kurtzburg would have put it down to a prank played by Dave Gregg, except Gregg had left the company two years ago.  Foxtrot Tech had been a different place then and 'Greggsy' was the office prankster—a larger than life character with a big mouth.  Kurtzburg hadn't got on that well with him.  Gregg was a massive extrovert.  Kurtzburg was a massive introvert.  There were clashes.

That was then.  Times moved on.  The kind of 'hijinks' Gregg used to get up to, especially with the female staff, were no longer tolerated in the modern workplace.

Kurtzburg turned the card over.  There were four glossy lipstick impressions of kisses on the bottom left corner.  They'd been added later rather than printed on the card.  Written over them in the same elegant handwriting were the words:

"Look forward to tonight."

This was just like one of the 'jokes' Greggsy liked to pull.

But not anymore.

Not since that business.

* * * *

That business had involved Roberta Ross.  Kurtzburg was dragged into her office just before lunch.

"Care to explain that little incident this morning?" she asked.

Ross was all cold angles and hidden landmines.  She was a short, mousy-haired woman that favoured power suits despite running the traditionally laidback IT department.  Kurtzburg respected her professionalism and efficiency, but he couldn’t ever bring himself to like her.  There was a furious intensity about her, as if she was always a couple of countdown ticks away from an explosion, and Kurtzburg didn't want to be anywhere near the blast radius.

"I don’t know," he mumbled.  "A mix-up, I think.  Someone set up a prank and got the wrong man... person."

Ross fixed him with steely grey eyes.

"I don't know or care what you and your friends get up to outside of work, but if they are your friends you should let them know the next time they pull a stunt like this it will be you that has to bear the consequences."

Ross turned back to her monitor.

"The latest patch is running late.  I need that bugfix done before you leave tonight."

Meeting over.

Ross had joined the company as a junior programmer three years ago and had risen meteorically to the position of department head.  It was her complaint of sexual harassment that had resulted in Dave Gregg's termination.

It hadn't come as much of a surprise.  Greggsy had always been a little too free with his mouth around the female staff.  Even freer with his hands.  That kind of behaviour was no longer tolerated.

There had been a similar controversy involving Ross and another senior developer, Jake Packman, about a year later.  Unwelcome advances.  Hands touching parts of the anatomy hands should not touch.

That had been a surprise.  Like Kurtzburg, Packman was a quiet person who kept to themselves.  Unlike Kurtzburg, Packman was married and seemed happy with domestic life.

You never could tell with the quiet ones, the office had gossiped.

Packman had 'resigned'.

Kurtzburg turned off the voice-recording app on his smartphone as he left Ross's office.

With Gregg it hadn't been a surprise.  Packman, however...

* * * *

There was email awaiting Kurtzburg when he got back to his desk.

to be continued...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Heart Squad (part 1)

This the story I wanted to enter into Literotica's Valentine's Day short story competition.  I didn't finish it in time and it isn't finished now.  I seem to have a problem finishing stories at the moment, which is rather vexing.  So, I'm going to do as what some nice soul in the comments suggested - start posting what I have as a serial here in the hope that will provide the impetus to get the rest done.  The first parts will be pretty slow with uneven breaks as this was originally intended as a 5-6K word short story rather than a serial with classic cliff-hanger hooks.

As a quick aside, I'm not going to abandon my current playthrough series of Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2].  Currently my write-up has caught up to where I am in the game and I need a bit of breathing space to get ahead again.  If all goes to plan I'll get back to it next week and run it alongside this.

The Heart Squad (part 1)

Piotr Kurtzburg didn't expect to receive cards and chocolates on Valentine's Day.

He certainly didn't expect to receive cards and chocolates hand-delivered by a statuesque bombshell of a model.

Her visit caused quite a stir in the office.  A six-foot-tall, jaw-droppingly beautiful woman walking around in nothing more than a longcoat and sexy lingerie was not a sight the average British office worker expected to see on your typical miserable and overcast February morning.

"Happy Valentine's Day from the Heart Squad," she said to Kurtzburg before handing over an oversized card and heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Dumbfounded, Kurtzburg just accepted them.  He was blown away by her appearance.

One.  She was really tall.  Taller than Kurtzburg's five-ten.

Two.  She was still perfectly proportioned despite her height.  She had a perfect feminine physique—full hips, fuller chest, and long long legs.  She also had big big hair.  It was red—flame not ginger—and complexly coiffured in a style Kurtzburg hadn't seen since the kitsch sci-fi films of the sixties.  Her smile revealed perfect white teeth.

Three.  She was clearly wearing nothing more than underwear beneath her longcoat.  It was pink, frilly and sheer enough for her nipples to be visible beneath.

That alone should have been enough to have her stopped long before reaching Kurtzburg's desk.  Except...

Four.  She had overwhelming presence.  This was the hardest to explain.  Not only did she look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, she also had this aura that flooded out of her and subsumed all around her.  She seemed the sort that had the chutzpah—and looks—to blag her way into anywhere.

What Kurtzburg couldn't understand was why she was here for him.

When he'd finally gathered enough presence of mind to stop gawping at her like an open-mouthed yokel, he said, "I think there's been some mistake."

"Are you Piotr Kurtzburg?" she asked.

Kurtzburg gave her a slight nod of affirmation.

"Then there's been no mistake.  Happy Valentine's Day."

For one awful moment, Kurtzburg thought she was going to perform a striptease for him right there and then and in front of the entire office.  Under other circumstances, Kurtzburg might have been okay with this.  He was your typical sex-starved male nerd and her body was extraordinary.  But not here.  Not with the whole office watching.  Not with his cheeks almost burning as brightly as her hair.

Instead she dipped her head forwards and kissed him on each cheek, continental style.  On the last kiss her head slid on until her sumptuous lips were level with his ear.

"See you later," she whispered.

Then she turned on the spot and walked away, leaving a very befuddled Kurtzburg standing there with his mouth open and holding a heart-shaped box of chocolates.  He was still surrounded in a cloud of her perfume.  Faint traces of it stayed with him for the rest of the morning.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 8

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6, Part 7

Rosa looked at Verdé.  "What happened to you?"

"Playtime with some bedmistresses from the Palace of Infernal and Iniquitous Pleasures," Verdé said.

Rosa raised an eyebrow at Verdé before continuing on with her introduction of the armoured daemon standing at her side.

"Anyway, I found someone.  Valkarykarynarökris Helvargan will give our novice his final—"

The armoured daemon, Valkarykarynarökris, stared at Phil with piercing blue eyes.  Her gaze was so intense Phil had the uncomfortable feeling she was stripping the skin, flesh and bone away to stare right through to what lay beneath.

"It is not necessary," Valkarykarynarökris said, cutting Rosa off mid-sentence.

Then she turned on her heels and left the room through the portal Cέrμləa had created, leaving two speechless succubi and a baffled Phil behind.

"My, how rude," Verdé said.

"That's pride daemons for you," Rosa said.  "No wonder no-one likes them."

She looked at Phil.

"Do you think it counts?" she asked Verdé.

"I think so," Verdé said.  "Is that all of them now?"

"Hmm, let me see," Rosa said.  "Carnivrillarofax... Mr G... Ûmūn Šag..."  She counted them off on her fingers.  "...Puff and Pfaffle... Cέrμləa."

"Tsk, Ab'ĝalga," Verdé corrected.

"Ab'ĝalga," Rosa repeated.  "And Valkarykarynarökris Helvargan just now.  I think that's all of them.  Well, aside from that dominion."

"No-one counts that dominion," Verdé said.

Phil listened to them without having the slightest idea what they were talking about.  He had other things on his mind.  He kept glancing nervously at the door, expecting a vengeful Astrapia and friends to burst through the door at any moment.

"Well, if that is all of them..."


Both turned to Phil with broad smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations, fledgling.  You are now officially a warlock."

"Um, isn't that something the college determines after seven years?" Phil said.

The two succubi laughed.

"This calls for a celebration," Rosa said.  "Let's go find some yummy students and screw them to—"

"Meditate," Verdé interrupted.

Rosa glanced at Phil.  "Oh yes, meditate."  She looked Verdé over.  "You look like you could do with a spot of meditation."

"The bedmistresses play a little rough," Verdé said.

Rosa raised an eyebrow again.

Phil said.  He glanced again at his door.  "Shouldn't we be worried about those bedmistresses?"

"It will be fine," Verdé said.  "Little skirmishes like this are a regular part of the daemon world.  They rarely go further."

"If you're worried we can have Nÿte talk to Mother Diabolica," Rosa said.  "She might even let Nÿte bring one back for you to play with.  Was there one in particular you'd like to fuck?"

Phil didn't have the slightest clue how to respond to that, so he didn't.

Fortunately he didn't have to, as a young girl with blue hair, horns and red eyes appeared on the other side of the doorway to hell.

"Ah, Cέrμləa is here to give you your lesson for the day," Verdé said.  "We'll leave you with her while we go off and..." she shared a glance with Rosa.  "...meditate."

"Yes, and discuss some other things," Rosa said, giving Verdé a pointed stare.

"I know what they mean by meditate," Phil said after they'd left.  "I'm not that stupid.  It's not as if I could stop them anyway."

"You should be happy," Cέrμləa said.  "Congratulations are in order."

"I don't suppose you feel like explaining what it all means," Phil said.

"Those that would wield daemons must demonstrate they can overcome all their daemons, not just the most prominent," Cέrμləa said.

Phil wrestled with understanding, before giving up.  "Um, I don't suppose you could be more specific?"

"Sure," Cέrμləa said.  "The first daemon a human attracts to them is one that reflects the greatest weakness in their character.  That daemon can grant power, but mostly it's only interested in the human's soul unless the human shows promise.  Weak masters are of no use to us.

"Given you were a lonely, horny teen with no knowledge of the opposite sex, your daemon was always going to come from the Dominion of Lust.  You survived the first trial, but a warlock must prove they can withstand the temptations of all the other dominions.  The exception to this is the eighth, the Dominion of F—"

She put a hand to her mouth.

"Oh wait, it's far too early to talk about that one.  You all should forget I even mentioned it.

"Anyway," she continued.  "You were given trials corresponding to each of the other dominions.  You survived them.  You are now, by the accords of hell, a warlock."

Phil went over her words.  "That was surprisingly clear and understandable," he said.

"It was?" Cέrμləa said.  "Hmm.  Oh well, you should probably take it with a pinch of salt.  I'm not the most reliable when it comes to explanations."

So much for clear and understandable, Phil thought.  Shaking his head he stepped through the portal and back into hell.  At least he was still alive.

Cέrμləa lingered on the threshold and stared through the doorway into Phil's bedroom on Earth.  She reached out with a finger and tapped on the open doorway as if it was a sheet of glass.  Glowing ripples of blue light spread out from the point of contact even though, to all extents and purposes, there was nothing there but empty air.

"Soon," she whispered.

And that's that for the Succubus Summoning 201 arc.  I hope you've all enjoyed it despite the rather infrequent update schedule.  It's not the end of Phil's adventures with deliciously salacious succubi.  I'm going to take a break from this series to write up some other story ideas that have been sitting patiently in the back of my head, but then I'll return with Succubus Summoning 301 to pick up some of the story threads I've deliberately left open.

I'm aiming to collect all the 201 chapters together into an ebook/print book.  Look out for that when it hits Amazon.  (Feedback on the ending or anything is welcome – If I've screwed up here, there's still a chance to fix it before the final book version!)

Thanks for reading!

Next week will be back to the H-space Monster Girl Bestiary shorts.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 7

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, Part 6

Astrapia wiggled her ass again.  Her sex winked wider, giving Phil a tantalizing glimpse of her moist pink interior.

And now it was time to collect his deserved reward.  All he had to do was step up, place his palms flat on the smooth curves of her bum and thrust.

Yeah right.  Like he was that stupid.  He knew how succubi operated.

Phil turned and went to Verdé.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded.  Phil noticed there were faint little crow's feet at the corner of her eyes, but their presence was fleeting and they were gone by the time he helped her to her feet.

"Thank you," she whispered and placed a soft kiss on his cheek that made him feel like the whole of his body had been wrapped up in a pleasant warm glow.

She put her robes back on.  Phil looked anxiously at the bound succubi.  He didn't know how long the vines would hold them.

"We should leave," Phil said.

"You know, there is a perverse irony to this situation I would find highly arousing if I wasn't so exhausted," Verdé said.

"You're missing out," Astrapia called out to Phil.  "You have no idea of the pleasures my pussy can bring you."

"We really should leave," Phil said.

Verdé put her arm around Phil and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked—too slowly for Phil's liking—out of the room.  He kept glancing behind him as they walked back to his room.  It was one of the few occasions where he was glad to find Rosa waiting in his bedroom.

She was not alone.  Standing next to the red-headed succubus was a stern-looking woman wearing full plate armour.  Rosa was tall by human standards and the woman standing next to her was easily a full head taller.  Or rather, daemon.  Her lips were cobalt-blue in colour and the teeth behind them were pointed, as were her ears.  Her skin, where it was visible, had a blue rather than pink tinge.  Her armour was white with gold trim and so elaborate it looked more like a piece of art then a suit of protective gear.  It had been polished so brightly it hurt the eyes to stare at for too long.

Who was she?  She resembled some kind of fantasy paladin or valkyrie.

Yes, who is she?  To be concluded...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 6

A couple of days later than planned.  I was ahead of schedule when I posted the 4th and 5th parts.  And then ended up banging my head against the wall trying to fix a few awkward paragraphs in this part.  When that happens, rather than keeping on banging my head against the wall for no discernible progress, I've found the best editing fix is to put the second draft on the side for a few days and then come back to it with a fresh mindset.

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4, Part 5

He reached up and placed his hands on her tits.

"Yes, you can touch them."  Astrapia's voice oozed exultant triumph.

They thought his magic was bound along with his body.  It wasn't.


Torrents of flame erupted from Phil's hands and flung the succubus backwards.  He smelt the acrid tang of her burnt flesh.  Her body was still smoking as she hit the floor on the other side of the room.

He'd spotted and recognised the magic-nullification circle before he'd sat down.  It had been easy enough to reposition the chair to break the circle.  So easy he'd assumed it was the first part of the test.  Unfortunately, he hadn't spotted that the circle was actually part of a complex composite of two circles overlaid over each other—one to nullify magic, the other to bind humans.

Or should that be fortunately.  Astrapia would have noticed something was wrong the moment the circle failed to activate.  Realising he was unbound, she would have been forced to take him more seriously.  In a magic duel between him and an aware and unsurprised succubus Phil knew there would only ever be one winner.

He wondered if that was what had happened to Darvill.

It was ironic, Phil thought.  His ineptitude had given him a chance to survive this.

Astrapia stirred on the floor.

Phil knew he hadn't killed her.  Daemons regenerated, even from fire.

Blackened patches of burnt skin sloughed off Astrapia to reveal healthy pink flesh underneath.

Phil cast his mind back to Cέrμləa's lesson on magic circles and plucked forth a dispelling incantation.  He knew they weren't effective when used inside the circle, but he was hoping he'd already weakened the circle by breaking part of it.

"Mulucric exnida Restrac Homnus."

He felt resistance as if it was pressure squeezing his skull.  He pushed harder with his will and felt the bubble of magic energies give and then break.  The spectral light surrounding the chair winked out and Phil felt relief as the crushing force pinning him to his seat went away.

Astrapia lifted her head.  Fury raged in her shark-black eyes.  Phil's magical flames had scorched an ugly red trail across her scalp.  Silky black hair was already growing up through the blistered skin like fresh shoots.

He didn't have much time.  Phil went down on one knee and placed a palm flat on the stone floor.  Yes, it was there, burrowing through the dark places, waiting for his call.

"Ĝiškimiti za bursaĝ ul Urpâdu ni Guberim li Išduum Qištu!"

Green vines burst out of the stone flagstones.  They coiled around Astrapia's body and bound her to the floor before she could stand up.

Seleucida paused from sexually draining Verdé.  "The Vines of Dārû Qištu?  How can a nov—"

Phil extended his left hand.  Vines erupted from the wall, wrapped around Seleucida and Paradisea, and yanked them away.  They were pinned to the wall as if chained there.  Thick green fibrous ropes wound across their mouths, gagging them.

"Well done.  Well done," Astrapia said.

The succubus, fully regenerated in all her icy beauty, was trussed up like a roast hog with her butt sticking up in the air.  Despite this she still had the supernatural succubus ability to look intensely alluring no matter how undignified her current state.  She looked less a prisoner and more like an alt glamour model engaged in rope bondage.

The cold fury had left her face and she was all warm smiles as she spoke to him.

"Congratulations.  You passed the test.  You have demonstrated your power as a warlock."

He'd done it!  The realisation flowed through him in a giddy wave.  Phil could scarcely believe it.  He'd defeated them.  He'd used his own magic and defeated succubi.

"And now you can claim your spoils."

Astrapia gave the luscious curves of her ass a little waggle, as much as the vines would allow.  Nestled between her legs like a hidden treasure were the clamshell folds of her sex.

"It is the law.  The strong have supremacy over the weak.  You defeated me and now I am yours to do with as you see fit."

The clamshell folds of her sex rippled and parted enticingly as Phil stared at them.

Yes, it was true.  He'd beaten her.

He looked around the room, at the other two succubi chained to the walls with green vines.

He'd beaten them all.

What a rush.

He wasn't a useless dork in a dead end job.  He wielded magic.  He summoned daemons.  He defeated daemons.  He was a warlock.

He looked at the three daemonesses trussed up helplessly by his magic.

That was him.  He'd done this.

He was good.

No, better than good... fucking awesome.

"I am yours, but... please don't be too hard with me," Astrapia said.

There was a rightness to her words.  This was how this world worked.  He'd seen it time after time.

And now he was part of this world.  He was a warlock... a real warlock.

Astrapia wiggled her ass again.  Her sex winked wider, giving Phil a tantalizing glimpse of her moist pink interior.

And now it was time to collect his deserved reward.  All he had to do was step up, place his palms flat on the smooth curves of her bum and thrust.

to be continued...

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 5

Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4

Swishing her fan back and forth, Astrapia stood up and approached Phil's chair.

"Run," Verdé said.  "This is not a test.  They're not following the rules.  They killed the other one."

"Darvill?" Phil said, shocked.

"We identified him as a potential future threat, so we eliminated him on behalf of our master."

Phil couldn't believe what he was hearing.  He knew Wargsnouts was crazy, but crazy enough to let the teachers murder their own pupils with daemons...?  That was beyond fucked up.

"I'm no threat," he protested.

"I know you're not.  You're a worm," Astrapia said.  She tickled the tip of Phil's nose with her perfume-scented fan.  "But the Palace of Infernal and Iniquitous Pleasures is the representative of the Dominion of Lust on this Earth.  We won't brook any interference from low-class, no-house little slut daemons."

"Stop talking and run."  Verdé pushed out the strained words in between helpless gasps and sighs.  "Go get Rosa or Nÿte."

Astrapia turned to her and laughed.  "The impudence.  Nÿte?  Rosa?  What lies have you been feeding this poor worm?"  She turned back to Phil.  "Let me guess.  Did she claim to be the Eréš Nūkric?"

"Run, Phil," Verdé sighed.  She shuddered as another powerful climax overtook her.

Astrapia pulled aside Phil's robes.  She swept her fluffy fan across his nipples.

"He doesn't want to run.  He wants to stick his big fat cock in my luscious wet cunt and fill me with his hot, gushing spunk.  Don't you, worm."

What Phil wanted to do was think.

He knew he couldn't run because of the circle binding him.  He also knew he couldn't use the emergency dismissal incantation on them either.  They were The Scrote's daemons.  Only he had the authority to send them back to their plane.

However, there was something else Phil could do.  While Astrapia had been taunting Verdé and teasing him he'd been sending out mental feelers.

Yes, he could sense it.  It was much weaker here, weak enough that Phil would have to put a lot into the summons, but he thought he could still reach it.

Astrapia pushed his legs together and straddled him.  Her pussy gaped hungrily.  She looked at him like a cat with a mouse as she ran her feathered fan over his exposed skin.

He also had another advantage.

He reached up and placed his hands on her tits.

"Yes, you can touch them."  Astrapia's voice oozed exultant triumph.

They thought his magic was bound along with his body.  It wasn't.

to be continued...

Monday, July 11, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 4

Part 1Part 2, Part 3

"So it's going to be like that," Verde said without the slightest hint of fear or concern.

The two succubi converged on her.  They did not fight, at least not in any way Phil recognised as fighting.  If anything it resembled more a sizzling-hot three-way lesbian orgy.  Phil supposed it made sense for succubus fights to be about sex as well.  He found it hard to follow.  At first there was a Sapphic embrace as Verdé and Seleucida squashed their tits together and rubbed their nipples against each other.  Their lips met in wet sloppy kisses and their hands roamed all over each other's curves while they let out sighs of pleasure.

Paradisea joined in.  She pressed her breasts up against Verdé's back and reached around to grab Verdé's tits.  The other succubus's eyelids fluttered and her cheeks reddened as Paradisea's fingers clamped Verdé's nipples and tugged them.

Verdé had no intention of letting the other succubi do all the work.  Her hands lit up with a soft green glow.  She brought her left hand down between Seleucida's legs and the other succubus gasped in pleasure as Verdé inserted first one and then two fingers between the hairless folds of Seleucida's pussy.  All three went to the floor in a tangle of heaving bosoms, groping hands, lapping tongues and lewd sighs.

"Enjoying the show?" Astrapia said to Phil as she languidly fluttered her fan of fluffy pink feathers.  She cocked her head.  "Oh, are you feeling left out.  Don't worry, I'll show you how good it feels to fuck a succubus of real class."

She uncrossed her legs and her hairless sex winked at Phil, revealing the moist pink interior.  Phil's gaze was drawn to it and held.  The succubus wrapped her sexual aura around him like a velvet-gloved fist and squeezed.

It took most of Phil's willpower to tear his gaze away.  He looked over to the writhing pile of nubile flesh on the floor to his left.  It was hard to see who had the upper hand.  Verdé maybe.  She was on top of Seleucida and her fist was buried up to the wrist in the other woman's sex.

"Is that all you've got?" Seleucida said coldly.

Or maybe not.

Paradisea struck.  Her tail plunged into Verdé's ass like a lance and the green-haired succubus threw her head back and let out a shocked gasp that was more pleasure than pain.  Seleucida slithered off Verdé's hand and turned.  The end of her tail puffed up and she embedded it in Verdé's vagina.  Verdé shuddered and let out a cry.  Glistening juices squirted out of her pussy as Seleucida's tail probed deeper.

If it had been a fight it was now over.  Verdé lay unresisting between the two succubi and gave out little panting sighs of bliss as the other succubi's tails throbbed and swelled in her ass and vagina.  This wasn't a sex act, Phil realised.

"You're hurting her," he said.

This was feeding.  The knowledge of it changed what Phil was seeing, made it loathsome, like watching giant leeches suck the life fluids out of hapless prey.  As he watched, little bulges ran up the succubi's tails.  Verdé's fluids... life?

"Concern for your little slut daemon, how weak," Astrapia said.  "To let a little tramp like this wrap you around her finger.  You're no warlock at all."

They were feeding off her, draining her.  He had to stop this.

Phil went to stand up.  Astrapia laughed and tapped the tip of her tail on the floor.  White light erupted around Phil as the magic circle surrounding his chair activated.  He was slammed back down as if the force of gravity had increased ten-fold around him.

Shit, he'd missed that one.

"Anyway, there's no need to fear for your little slut," Astrapia said.

"I'm not going to suck out all her vitality," Seleucida said.  She sucked on her finger with sumptuous lips.  "Just enough to leave her looking like a wizened old crone."

"It won't be permanent," Astrapia said.  "She'll regain her former beauty in, oh, a century or so.  We don't kill our own.  Humans, however..."

Swishing her fan back and forth, Astrapia stood up and approached Phil's chair.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 3

Part 1, Part 2

"As delightful as this all is, it is rather unnecessary," Verdé said.

Astrapia fluttered a fan of fluffy pink feathers and gave Verdé a glare that detracted from her otherwise seductive appearance.

"My master has already passed the first trial..." Verdé continued.

He had? Phil thought.

"...and you are of the same dominion, so..."

They might have been from the same dominion, but the other succubi did not seem to like Verdé being there at all and showed their disapproval with stony glares.

"I'm not saying it's a total waste," Verdé changed tack.  "Even if he might not look keen now, I'm sure my master would love to experience some of the famed sensual skills of the incomparable bedmistresses of the Palace of Infernal and Iniquitous Pleasures."

"Which house do you belong to?" Astrapia asked Verdé.  "I know you're not from the Palace of Infernal and Iniquitous Pleasures.  The Garden of Exquisite Tortures?  No, you're far too vanilla for them.  The Pagoda of the Euphoric Lotus?  No, I don't see it.  I don't think you're from one of the minor houses either."

Verdé gave a disarming laugh.  "I know the Palace of Infernal and Iniquitous Pleasures is built upon tenets of order and discipline, but those tenets are not shared by the rest of the Dominion of Lust.  I have no house.  I have no need of a house."

"You see your mistake," Astrapia said to Phil.  "You've allowed yourself to be seduced by a pair of low-class lust daemons wanting to use you as a cheap ticket to this Earth.  A warlock of greater distinction and class would have chosen more wisely than a pair of no-house tramps."

"Now you're being rude," Verdé said.  "Not that I mind.  Nasty talk gets me so wet."

She paused.  Her nostrils dilated and she frowned.

"Has a soul been spilled here recently?"

"Seleucida, Paradisea, quieten this impudent slut."

"So it's going to be like that," Verdé said without the slightest hint of fear or concern.

to be continued...

Yes, it's a short update.  I couldn't resist not passing up that cliffhanger. :)

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Succubus Summoning 213, part 2

Part 1

"Oi, what are you up to, Greenie?" he asked Verdé.  His prominent lower jaw jutted out like a bulldog's.

"I thought I saw a little bit of fluff on her arm," she said, all innocence as she withdrew her hand.

Mr Buggeritall eyeballed her.

A spark of mischief lit up Verdé's green eyes.  "You can watch," she said.  "I'm sure you'll enjoy the show."

Mr Buggeritall considered it...

...but not for very long.

He jammed a thumb against his chest.  "The only one that gets to mess with toots is me," he said.  "We're going to go far together."

Adriana gave an apologetic smile for her imp's antics, but there was none of the desperation Phil had seen before.  It was as she'd said—she'd accepted it and come to an accommodation with the noisome imp's presence.

"You know it has to happen at some point," Verdé said.

"It will... when she's ready," Mr Buggeritall said with a determination that belied his tiny uncouth form.

The door to the test room opened and Phil's name was called out.

"I wouldn't worry," Adriana called after him.  "I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Another one with promise," Verdé said as she and Phil walked to the test room.  "Although she still has a long path to walk."

Phil was more concerned about his path coming to an end right here.  He was looking at the succubus standing next to the open door and feeling anything but fine.  Butterflies fluttered in his stomach and random facts and pieces of information swirled through his head in a great impenetrable swarm.

Phil really really hated tests.

He entered the room and saw it was as Adriana had described—the only people in the room were three of The Scrote's succubi.  With a sinking feeling Phil recognised the one sitting in the chair opposite him.  She was the one who'd made him ejaculate into her hand on the very first day he'd gone to one of Stine's fast-track lectures.  She also recognised Phil and smiled as though he was a piece of livestock she'd already bought and owned.

"Ah, the student who summoned a pair of inferior lust daemons.  Phil Rowling, isn't it?" she said.

Phil nodded.  "Um, how should I address you, Miss...?" he asked.

"Miss?" The succubus laughed.  "We're not decrepit husks.  I am Astrapia, this is Seleucida and that is Paradisea.  We are here to see if you are fit to call yourself master of daemons."

She gestured to an empty chair opposite her.

"Sit down and we'll begin."

Phil looked down at the chair.  He repositioned it and sat down.

That seemed easy enough, he thought.

Then the succubi started to take their clothes off.  Admittedly, they hadn't been wearing much to begin with—little more than the skimpy black costumes of showgirl dancers—but there was a big difference between not much and nothing at all.  Phil's eyes boggled and his Adam's apple worked furiously as the sex daemons peeled off their bodices to expose the bulging pink hemispheres of their breasts.  Was there a succubus that didn't have a body gorgeous enough to turn a glamour model green with envy?

The succubus that had shown Phil in, Paradisea, saw his discomfort and paused.  "Surely as a master of succubi you must be used to this by now."

"Yes, what a splendid idea," Verdé said as she removed her diaphanous green robes and hung them over the back of Phil's chair.

Phil was once again surrounded by gorgeous naked woman.  And as usual he wished he could enjoy it without being terrified for his life and soul.

"Why don't you take off your robe as well?" Seleucida asked.

"We're already naked," Paradisea said.  "You'll feel more comfortable if you're naked as well."

"If you're worried about your size, you shouldn't be," Seleucida said.

"We don't care how big or how small they are," Paradisea said.

"We suck them all," Seleucida said.

"Fuck them all," Paradisea bent closer to whisper in Phil's ear.

And now Phil had a single, hard, reason to keep his robes on.

"As delightful as this all is, it is rather unnecessary," Verdé said.

to be continued...