Chaos Writing strikes again.
This was supposed to be a continuation of the "Heart Squad" series. I think that series can be salvaged, but I didn't get a chance to work on it over the weekend. The reason being I currently have another project screaming very loudly "Work on me!" in my ear. I did briefly consider ignoring it, but not working on things when they're red-hot in my mind is usually when my productivity goes to hell. If you wake up and your brain is currently bouncing around going "let's work on this thing", it's usually best from a productivity standpoint to get as much work done on that project while the enthusiasm is there. So, that's what I'm going to do.
I've got 3 days before I'm off for a work assignment for a week. I want to see if I can smash as much of this idea as I can before then in case I come back and find the enthusiasm has waned.
I've had a look at where I got to with "The Heart Squad" and think it's retrievable, but I don't want to make it a chore by forcing myself to work on it when something else is screaming for my attention.
As for this mystery project, here's a clue:
You turn and see a monstrous spider woman—an arachne. Above the waist she has the body of an exotic young woman with voluptuous round breasts. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
“Hello, little cricket. I am L'hesperusa the arachne,” she says. “I’m going to suck up all your fluids...”
She pauses to run a moist tongue around her sensual lips.
“...through your lovely hard cock.”
Her words send both a shiver of arousal and fear through you. You don’t think she’ll stop with just your semen.
No time to dwell on that now. The arachne rears up on her long spindly legs and points the tip of her bulbous black abdomen in your direction. It looks like she’s taking aim.
Test of Agility
This will probably be the only post this week as I'm going to hammer away on this thing while it's hot. I have written a lot of text for it over the last few weeks, but I'm not 100% sure on how it will fit together. At the worst, if my programming skills fail me, I'll post the raw text for people's enjoyment.
(L'hesperusa really really likes playing with her prey...)
Showing posts with label #ChaosWriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ChaosWriting. Show all posts
Monday, May 07, 2018
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Update-ry Stuff
No Monmusu Conquered World Text Play updates this week. Other stuff came up and I managed to fall behind.
Also, having got much deeper into the game, I'm starting to understand some of the criticisms people posted when I first talked about the game. It does get repetitive and the lacks the pay-off of either Violated Hero 2's later Bad Ends or VH5's reasonably interesting storyline. It does have a nice range of monster girls and I think most of the animated sex scene snippets work pretty well, but like a lot of Dieselmine games, all the good stuff never quite comes together to form a truly good game.
This is especially noticeable now I've got around to playing Monmusu Quest: Paradox again (more on this later).
I did think briefly about knocking the series on its head, but I'm not far from the end, so I'll post the last remaining segments next week. In future I think I'll avoid doing games where I have no machine translation and stick to ones where the story is a little more interesting or where some element of walkthrough/guide might be useful.
Which brings me back to Monmusu Quest: Paradox. I did write a massive series on the first part that was a lot of fun. I didn't think I'd be able to do the same for the second because of the problems of running text-hooking software on Windows 10. I have found a fix for that, or rather some software that does work, so I'm thinking a Text Play of Monmusu Quest: Paradox part 2 might be back on, providing I find a schedule that doesn't devour all the time I should be spending writing.
So yep, been replaying Monmusu Quest: Paradox a fair bit over the last week or so. The Dargoth translations really improve the playing experience. Dargoth and co. didn't complete a full 100% translation of part one before part two came out, but they seem to have followed a sensible priority list of names/items -> main plot -> H-scenes. I'm nearly done with a replay of part 1 (Just Gnome and 3rd Tartarus to go) and it's been mostly English all the way. If you're looking for English translations of a fave monster girl's H-scene, you might be disappointed (especially if she shows up later in the game), but the main plot seems fully translated from what I've seen so far.
So, there's a decent chance I might launch straight into a Monmusu Quest: Paradox part 2 series right after finishing up with Monmusu Conquered World.
As for my own personal writing, that's rather chaotic at the moment. As usual I have too many projects on the go simultaneously, but at least some of them are approaching completion. Here's the full list for people that might be interested:
H-Space Monster Girl Bestiary
I have one on the way and another batch of ideas to write. I'm still suffering with a bloat problem on story length. At 2.5K words they're not quite long enough to be what I'd consider a quality short story, but are taking up more time to write than the original purpose of sex scenes I flesh out into full stories at a later date. I'm conscious of the fact I'm unlikely to put out a new novel this year. I'm also conscious of the fact I put out the equivalent of an average novel's word count in H-space stories/profiles that I don't really know what to do with.
Priorities - not one of my strong points. :)
I'll keep adding to them when I get a chance anyway. The setting is a little too hostile to human life at the moment, but I have a few ideas to fix this and make it a little more interesting.
Short Stories.
A H-space piece that builds up the lore a bit. I'm about halfway through this one and I think people will like it. I have it penciled in for Lit's Halloween contest.
Nude Day piece. This one was penciled in for Lit's been-and-gone Nude Day contest. A trio of lads, a derelict mansion, a lot (and I mean a lot!) of succubi in the basement. Intro and first 3rd is done. One of the characters needs a tweak to be less annoying/abrasive.
Novellas/Sandwiched by
"Sandwiched by Smoke". This one's been crawling to completion for a while. I keep coming back to it to add a few more pages. It's inspired by '60/'70s spy serials like The Avengers and The Prisoner and should be a little more zanier than the ickier "Sandwiched by Stomachs".
Sandwiched by Slugs. This was going to be a H-space Monster Girl Bestiary short. I liked the setup and +1 slug girl gives me the sexy slimy sandwich to make it part of the Sandwiched by series. (yes, it'll probably be icky).
Nicole standalone. This was going to be the novel I wrote in between SS201 and SS301. First two chapters are done. I have a rough idea of the full plot and how it ties a bunch of my short stories together. Then chapter 3 hit a roadblock, so it's sitting on the backburner until I get a chance to come back to it.
Succubus Invasion/Barry Lyle. The backup novel I was going to write between SS201 and SS301 for the first half of this year. Chaos writing screwed up here and I kept bouncing myself off the project to do other things (Sandwiched by, H-space Bestiary) instead of blasting this out while the ideas were hot. I thought this was going to be parked on the backburner after I failed to finish it in the first half of 2017, but the words have started flowing again in the past couple of days (which is partly why you're getting this post and not Monmusu Conquered World Text Play part 18). If I suddenly go very quiet in Oct/Nov it'll be because I've decided to stop jerking around and finally hammer this out.
That or:
Succubus Summoning 301.
Unsurprisingly, this is the one I get asked the most about, and the one that should be my greatest priority if I didn't have a very bad habit of my productivity being inversely proportional to the amount of pressure I put on myself to write something. I know I'm way slower than I should be, but I also know I won't (can't) shove out of a bunch of rubbish to cash in on the popularity of the first two books.
If I hadn't finished in-between standalone novel by the 2nd half of 2017, the plan was to move on to SS301. This is broadly in place dependent on where chaos writing takes me. My productivity is so sketchy at the moment I'll settle for writing 10 pages on something random than trying to force a slow half-page out on whatever I think I should be writing.
This probably isn't what people want to hear, but the more I try and push myself, the more my feet dig in on things like this. It'll come when the chapter is ready to come bursting out of my skull (which I don't think will be much longer - Rosa is very keen to go wild after I made a joke of her not getting any in SS201).
This is currently where I'm at. Obviously, I'd prefer to have completed 1 novella + 75% of a novel, rather than 10-50% of about seven different projects, but that's how it is.
Also, having got much deeper into the game, I'm starting to understand some of the criticisms people posted when I first talked about the game. It does get repetitive and the lacks the pay-off of either Violated Hero 2's later Bad Ends or VH5's reasonably interesting storyline. It does have a nice range of monster girls and I think most of the animated sex scene snippets work pretty well, but like a lot of Dieselmine games, all the good stuff never quite comes together to form a truly good game.
This is especially noticeable now I've got around to playing Monmusu Quest: Paradox again (more on this later).
I did think briefly about knocking the series on its head, but I'm not far from the end, so I'll post the last remaining segments next week. In future I think I'll avoid doing games where I have no machine translation and stick to ones where the story is a little more interesting or where some element of walkthrough/guide might be useful.
Which brings me back to Monmusu Quest: Paradox. I did write a massive series on the first part that was a lot of fun. I didn't think I'd be able to do the same for the second because of the problems of running text-hooking software on Windows 10. I have found a fix for that, or rather some software that does work, so I'm thinking a Text Play of Monmusu Quest: Paradox part 2 might be back on, providing I find a schedule that doesn't devour all the time I should be spending writing.
So yep, been replaying Monmusu Quest: Paradox a fair bit over the last week or so. The Dargoth translations really improve the playing experience. Dargoth and co. didn't complete a full 100% translation of part one before part two came out, but they seem to have followed a sensible priority list of names/items -> main plot -> H-scenes. I'm nearly done with a replay of part 1 (Just Gnome and 3rd Tartarus to go) and it's been mostly English all the way. If you're looking for English translations of a fave monster girl's H-scene, you might be disappointed (especially if she shows up later in the game), but the main plot seems fully translated from what I've seen so far.
So, there's a decent chance I might launch straight into a Monmusu Quest: Paradox part 2 series right after finishing up with Monmusu Conquered World.
As for my own personal writing, that's rather chaotic at the moment. As usual I have too many projects on the go simultaneously, but at least some of them are approaching completion. Here's the full list for people that might be interested:
H-Space Monster Girl Bestiary
I have one on the way and another batch of ideas to write. I'm still suffering with a bloat problem on story length. At 2.5K words they're not quite long enough to be what I'd consider a quality short story, but are taking up more time to write than the original purpose of sex scenes I flesh out into full stories at a later date. I'm conscious of the fact I'm unlikely to put out a new novel this year. I'm also conscious of the fact I put out the equivalent of an average novel's word count in H-space stories/profiles that I don't really know what to do with.
Priorities - not one of my strong points. :)
I'll keep adding to them when I get a chance anyway. The setting is a little too hostile to human life at the moment, but I have a few ideas to fix this and make it a little more interesting.
Short Stories.
A H-space piece that builds up the lore a bit. I'm about halfway through this one and I think people will like it. I have it penciled in for Lit's Halloween contest.
Nude Day piece. This one was penciled in for Lit's been-and-gone Nude Day contest. A trio of lads, a derelict mansion, a lot (and I mean a lot!) of succubi in the basement. Intro and first 3rd is done. One of the characters needs a tweak to be less annoying/abrasive.
Novellas/Sandwiched by
"Sandwiched by Smoke". This one's been crawling to completion for a while. I keep coming back to it to add a few more pages. It's inspired by '60/'70s spy serials like The Avengers and The Prisoner and should be a little more zanier than the ickier "Sandwiched by Stomachs".
Sandwiched by Slugs. This was going to be a H-space Monster Girl Bestiary short. I liked the setup and +1 slug girl gives me the sexy slimy sandwich to make it part of the Sandwiched by series. (yes, it'll probably be icky).
Nicole standalone. This was going to be the novel I wrote in between SS201 and SS301. First two chapters are done. I have a rough idea of the full plot and how it ties a bunch of my short stories together. Then chapter 3 hit a roadblock, so it's sitting on the backburner until I get a chance to come back to it.
Succubus Invasion/Barry Lyle. The backup novel I was going to write between SS201 and SS301 for the first half of this year. Chaos writing screwed up here and I kept bouncing myself off the project to do other things (Sandwiched by, H-space Bestiary) instead of blasting this out while the ideas were hot. I thought this was going to be parked on the backburner after I failed to finish it in the first half of 2017, but the words have started flowing again in the past couple of days (which is partly why you're getting this post and not Monmusu Conquered World Text Play part 18). If I suddenly go very quiet in Oct/Nov it'll be because I've decided to stop jerking around and finally hammer this out.
That or:
Succubus Summoning 301.
Unsurprisingly, this is the one I get asked the most about, and the one that should be my greatest priority if I didn't have a very bad habit of my productivity being inversely proportional to the amount of pressure I put on myself to write something. I know I'm way slower than I should be, but I also know I won't (can't) shove out of a bunch of rubbish to cash in on the popularity of the first two books.
If I hadn't finished in-between standalone novel by the 2nd half of 2017, the plan was to move on to SS301. This is broadly in place dependent on where chaos writing takes me. My productivity is so sketchy at the moment I'll settle for writing 10 pages on something random than trying to force a slow half-page out on whatever I think I should be writing.
This probably isn't what people want to hear, but the more I try and push myself, the more my feet dig in on things like this. It'll come when the chapter is ready to come bursting out of my skull (which I don't think will be much longer - Rosa is very keen to go wild after I made a joke of her not getting any in SS201).
This is currently where I'm at. Obviously, I'd prefer to have completed 1 novella + 75% of a novel, rather than 10-50% of about seven different projects, but that's how it is.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Updates and a (Maybe) Story Bonanza for Literotica's Upcoming Halloween Story Contest
By maybe, I think three stories... Maybe. Maybe more. Whenever I try to be a bit more definite about these things something goes horribly wrong and scuppers all the plans.
Anyway. Literotica's annual Halloween contest is on the way. The details of which can be found here.
As an aside, if you're a budding writer that likes succubi/monster girls and is not afraid to get your hands dirty with a little bit of explicit smut, contests like this are a great way to cut your teeth and find readers.
As for me, currently some of my projects have stalled and trying to bludgeon through them isn't doing my productivity any good. I think I'll use this contest as an excuse to let #ChaosWriting out of the cage and see how many short stories I can blast out during the three weeks of the contest. With a bit of luck that might clear my head and get the production line moving again.
The first story is already submitted. You should see that go up tomorrow when the contest officially kicks off. After that I'm not sure what we'll get or how many. That's the beauty of #ChaosWriting.
I'm not trying to win this time. There's been a trend in recent competitions for some entrants to go long, and I mean 90K-word-novel long. With the way Literotica's scoring system works, it's pretty much impossible for a good 5-10K short story to place over a good 90K+ novel, so I'm not going to worry about it. This is more an exercise in clearing out some old ideas and trying to get back in touch with what made me so prolific in my early days writing for Literotica (being more carefree and less trying to brute-force stories at a guess).
There's another two stories where I'm nearly done with the first draft, so I reckon we might see three new stories in October and hopefully more if the juices really get flowing.
So where does this leave the other stuff? Here are a few updates.
Sandwiched by Series
Sticking to a hard monthly schedule isn't working here. I like the covers and concept, so it will continue, but with a more flexible release schedule. i.e. When the story is done and I'm happy it doesn't feel rushed. The next one is "Sandwiched by Scyllas" and I'm about 60-odd% done with it.
Okasare Kenny Series
The original idea was for this to be the monthly serial for 2016. Then I tried to use it as crazy live-novel-writing challenge, which was a cool idea, but a bad thing to launch into with other stories (in particular Succubus Summoning) still incomplete. The Sandwiched by series was a trial to see if I could keep to a regular monthly schedule for a series with more continuity. I'm not confident I can do that at the moment, so I won't officially (re)launch Okasare Kenny until I have six months or so worth of chapters in the can and can be confident it won't stall like Succubus Summoning 201 did.
A Night With Ceptophthorié
Alas poor game-writing experiment. This one got shoved to the back burner when I fell behind on first A Succubus for Saint Patrick's Day, and then various other things. It's something I want to do, but I have to get my other writing stuff sorted first.
Jackson in HRPG-World
This is tailor-made for putting up on the blog in small chapters. I need to get other things done first (Succubus Summoning 201!) before I can get back to this. And I will get back to it because I know how the story pans out and I'm very excited to see readers' reactions to it. ;)
Succubus Summoning 201
The big one. The one I really should get done considering Succubus Summoning 101 outsells all my other books put together. Why aren't I on it? It didn't get done in November/December last year basically. That was when I went through a rather drastic life change that involved losing my job and changing countries. It got put to one side while I got back on my feet (and aside from not being as productive with my writing as I'd like, I am thankfully back on my feet) and now I'm having a little trouble picking up the threads again. I should be able fix this once I get around to the editing process in assembling the previous chapters into a coherent ebook. I'll be on that as soon as I've had my fun with Halloween. The aim is still to get the ebook finished before the end of the year and out as soon as there's an opening in eXcessica's publication schedule. The final two chapters (of 201) will be posted as soon as they're written though. I'm not going to let readers wait for them longer than they have to.
Some updates anyway. It's been a weird 12 months. Hopefully the next 12 months won't feature quite as many missteps, fumbles and failed experiments.
In the meantime I hope you enjoy the free Halloween stories (however many of them there end up being).
Anyway. Literotica's annual Halloween contest is on the way. The details of which can be found here.
As an aside, if you're a budding writer that likes succubi/monster girls and is not afraid to get your hands dirty with a little bit of explicit smut, contests like this are a great way to cut your teeth and find readers.
As for me, currently some of my projects have stalled and trying to bludgeon through them isn't doing my productivity any good. I think I'll use this contest as an excuse to let #ChaosWriting out of the cage and see how many short stories I can blast out during the three weeks of the contest. With a bit of luck that might clear my head and get the production line moving again.
The first story is already submitted. You should see that go up tomorrow when the contest officially kicks off. After that I'm not sure what we'll get or how many. That's the beauty of #ChaosWriting.
I'm not trying to win this time. There's been a trend in recent competitions for some entrants to go long, and I mean 90K-word-novel long. With the way Literotica's scoring system works, it's pretty much impossible for a good 5-10K short story to place over a good 90K+ novel, so I'm not going to worry about it. This is more an exercise in clearing out some old ideas and trying to get back in touch with what made me so prolific in my early days writing for Literotica (being more carefree and less trying to brute-force stories at a guess).
There's another two stories where I'm nearly done with the first draft, so I reckon we might see three new stories in October and hopefully more if the juices really get flowing.
So where does this leave the other stuff? Here are a few updates.
Sandwiched by Series
Sticking to a hard monthly schedule isn't working here. I like the covers and concept, so it will continue, but with a more flexible release schedule. i.e. When the story is done and I'm happy it doesn't feel rushed. The next one is "Sandwiched by Scyllas" and I'm about 60-odd% done with it.
Okasare Kenny Series
The original idea was for this to be the monthly serial for 2016. Then I tried to use it as crazy live-novel-writing challenge, which was a cool idea, but a bad thing to launch into with other stories (in particular Succubus Summoning) still incomplete. The Sandwiched by series was a trial to see if I could keep to a regular monthly schedule for a series with more continuity. I'm not confident I can do that at the moment, so I won't officially (re)launch Okasare Kenny until I have six months or so worth of chapters in the can and can be confident it won't stall like Succubus Summoning 201 did.
A Night With Ceptophthorié
Alas poor game-writing experiment. This one got shoved to the back burner when I fell behind on first A Succubus for Saint Patrick's Day, and then various other things. It's something I want to do, but I have to get my other writing stuff sorted first.
Jackson in HRPG-World
This is tailor-made for putting up on the blog in small chapters. I need to get other things done first (Succubus Summoning 201!) before I can get back to this. And I will get back to it because I know how the story pans out and I'm very excited to see readers' reactions to it. ;)
Succubus Summoning 201
The big one. The one I really should get done considering Succubus Summoning 101 outsells all my other books put together. Why aren't I on it? It didn't get done in November/December last year basically. That was when I went through a rather drastic life change that involved losing my job and changing countries. It got put to one side while I got back on my feet (and aside from not being as productive with my writing as I'd like, I am thankfully back on my feet) and now I'm having a little trouble picking up the threads again. I should be able fix this once I get around to the editing process in assembling the previous chapters into a coherent ebook. I'll be on that as soon as I've had my fun with Halloween. The aim is still to get the ebook finished before the end of the year and out as soon as there's an opening in eXcessica's publication schedule. The final two chapters (of 201) will be posted as soon as they're written though. I'm not going to let readers wait for them longer than they have to.
Some updates anyway. It's been a weird 12 months. Hopefully the next 12 months won't feature quite as many missteps, fumbles and failed experiments.
In the meantime I hope you enjoy the free Halloween stories (however many of them there end up being).
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Sandwiched by Slimes: You Choose the Ending
Yep, I totally got carried away on this one. I blame it on the two slime girls having far too much fun playing with their food. I'm currently over 8K words with possibly another 1-2K to go. Other than the story being later than planned I'm happy with it going long rather than short. You, the reader, will definitely get your 99c worth from this one (more so if you like slime girls and enjoyed stories like "Jackson in HRPG-World 3" and "A Real-Life Goo Girl").
Anyway, I'm coming up to the end and interestingly there are two paths I can take. I could follow the route of a happy ending where the protagonist escapes or is let go from their sticky clutches (after being given many happy endings of the other kind). Or I could take the other path to a sexy-but-terminal Bad End where the protagonist has their life and soul slurped out. Oddly, I have no real preference. When I first came up with the idea I leaned one way, but as I was writing the story I thought the other option might also work.
Then I had a mischievous idea. Why not open it up to a little bit of audience participation? So let's have some fun. Let me know in the comments below if you'd rather this story had a Happy Ending or a Bad End.
Interestingly, this decision will likely have further ramifications. I'm very flexible when it comes to planning my longer story arcs. I think of characters as game pieces placed on a board. I remember the status and position of the pieces at the end of each story and that often acts as inspiration for future stories. "Sandwiched by Slimes" is set in one of my existing universes. The characters from here will likely pop up again, but I haven't yet locked in their roles. They could be antagonists or allies. The path taken here will likely have a say in determining how I use them in the future.
Sometimes it's the metaphorical act of tossing a coin that determines the decision rather than the outcome of that coin toss. If the coin comes up tails and you wished it had come up heads then you know the heads decision was the one you wanted to take all along. For this reason I reserve the right to completely ignore all results and go with the path I think is right.
This also has the happy side effect of avoiding any spoilers. Sure, the vote might go for Happy Ending, but you won't know for sure I acted on it until you read the story.
As it is kind of dickish to give readers a choice and then completely ignore it, I will penalize myself if I take this option. I'll make one of the stories in my current stockpile available to read for free on Literotica. (This will also have the happy side effect of forcing me to write more new stories to ensure my collections have the requisite mix of exclusive material).
So let's embrace some true #ChaosWriting. Thumbs up or thumbs down. Happy Ending or Bad End. Let me know in the comments below.
After 24 hours we have:
Happy Ending - 9
Bad End - 4
(and a few I wasn't sure on, but was going to use as a tiebreaker in favour of happy in the event of a tie.)
The public have spoken and it's a thumbs up. However, Caesar is capricious and cruel and may not necessarily follow the will of the people.
I'll see if I can get the completed story out next week.
Anyway, I'm coming up to the end and interestingly there are two paths I can take. I could follow the route of a happy ending where the protagonist escapes or is let go from their sticky clutches (after being given many happy endings of the other kind). Or I could take the other path to a sexy-but-terminal Bad End where the protagonist has their life and soul slurped out. Oddly, I have no real preference. When I first came up with the idea I leaned one way, but as I was writing the story I thought the other option might also work.
Then I had a mischievous idea. Why not open it up to a little bit of audience participation? So let's have some fun. Let me know in the comments below if you'd rather this story had a Happy Ending or a Bad End.
Interestingly, this decision will likely have further ramifications. I'm very flexible when it comes to planning my longer story arcs. I think of characters as game pieces placed on a board. I remember the status and position of the pieces at the end of each story and that often acts as inspiration for future stories. "Sandwiched by Slimes" is set in one of my existing universes. The characters from here will likely pop up again, but I haven't yet locked in their roles. They could be antagonists or allies. The path taken here will likely have a say in determining how I use them in the future.
Sometimes it's the metaphorical act of tossing a coin that determines the decision rather than the outcome of that coin toss. If the coin comes up tails and you wished it had come up heads then you know the heads decision was the one you wanted to take all along. For this reason I reserve the right to completely ignore all results and go with the path I think is right.
This also has the happy side effect of avoiding any spoilers. Sure, the vote might go for Happy Ending, but you won't know for sure I acted on it until you read the story.
As it is kind of dickish to give readers a choice and then completely ignore it, I will penalize myself if I take this option. I'll make one of the stories in my current stockpile available to read for free on Literotica. (This will also have the happy side effect of forcing me to write more new stories to ensure my collections have the requisite mix of exclusive material).
So let's embrace some true #ChaosWriting. Thumbs up or thumbs down. Happy Ending or Bad End. Let me know in the comments below.
After 24 hours we have:
Happy Ending - 9
Bad End - 4
(and a few I wasn't sure on, but was going to use as a tiebreaker in favour of happy in the event of a tie.)
The public have spoken and it's a thumbs up. However, Caesar is capricious and cruel and may not necessarily follow the will of the people.
I'll see if I can get the completed story out next week.
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