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Thursday, March 03, 2011

Also found in Britain!

A couple of nights ago I had a pleasant little surprise as I realised both my books are available on and are also doing slightly better, at least on ranking. I thought they were only available on the US site for some reason.

Yeah, I really am that out of touch with everyday reality.

I was corresponding with an old university friend. He mentioned a colleague who'd picked up a nice deal with Puffin (I won't mention the name as no children's writer should ever have the misfortune of being linked, however tenuously, with the sexual atrocities I regularly type up on my laptop). We were both quite envious.

I looked for the guy's book on and was surprised to see the kindle version ranked down in 200,000's. Okay, British author, might not have had much of a push out in the states. I flipped over to

Kindle ranking around 25,000. That makes a little more sense.

On a whim, I put M.E.Hydra in and was surprised to see my books come up. Cool, Selena must have put them up on the UK site as well. Okay, so how are we doing?


That was an eye opener. Christmas was also at 15,000.

Okay, so I don't know entirely how the rankings work in reality. It could mean I happened to sell five copies on that particular day. And 7,000 is awful if you're used to the success stories on Joe Konrath's blog. I don't really care. There are 500,000 or so kindle ebooks on the UK amazon site and at that one point in time my book was doing better than 493,000 of them. I don't have an agent. I don't have a deal with a big publishing house. I'm not even at a super low price. I still have my regular 9-to-5 job.

I love this new ebook revolution. For anyone that's ever dreamed of being a writer, now they actually have a realistic chance of achieving their dream. The future looks so promising.

And I intend to fill it with such tales of twisted perversion...