Showing posts with label jonathan ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jonathan ross. Show all posts

Friday, March 07, 2014

SFF Community inserts foot in mouth, fires cannon at it...

And it looks like another shitbomb has exploded in the over-tight rectums of the SFF community.

The context:

A lame joke:

Not to be outdone, the horror fiction community is planning to get Russell Brand to emcee the Bram Stoker Awards . . . so they can abduct him and sacrifice him to the Great Old Ones.

"Yeah, we're tired of those SFF dudes grabbing all the publicity," a commentator for the Horror Author's Association said.  "We're gonna grab Brand, shave his hair off, carve a pentagram into his scalp and then sacrifice him to Shub-Niggurath at the stroke of midnight.  That'll show those SF snobs who the real crazy muthafuckas are."

And that'll be that on the subject.

I did have more written, but what's the point.  I already know the community is toxic.  It's what happens when hyper-sensitivity, self-righteousness and rigid inflexibility to other opinions all coalesce in a gigantic noxious turd.  Better to stay the fuck away.

Outside starts to look not so bad when Inside is a slowly collapsing black hole full of sharks biting chunks out of each other.  I suspect I'm not the only writer reaching this conclusion.

I'm going to stick to writing the best stories I can.  It might take a while for word to filter through the outer void, but if the stories are good people will come to read them.

Outcast-Writer-And-Happy M.E. Hydra.

P.S. In happier, less-pitchfork'n'torch-mob news I returned to writing Succubus Summoning this week.  Time to get Phil's adventures rolling again.