Saturday, February 04, 2012

Succubus Summoning 101 is out! (as a novel)

It's Friday. There have been a few minor teething problems, but Succubus Summoning 101, the novel, is now out and available to buy in both eBook and print form.

Apologies to anyone trying to buy from the eXcessica site today. It should now be available to buy instead of displaying as coming soon. You can get it here, and the print version from CreateSpace is also available here.

It's also available from the major online ebook stores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords, and in a variety of formats.

This is sort of my donation button if you enjoyed reading the series. Thanks for the support and I hope you like the little extras in the novel.

Succubus Summoning 201 should be out later this year. That's a release to get more excited about... ;)


  1. It's cool to see this out! Uh hopefully no one's found out about the online version.

    On another note, one good way I read about to get people to buy a printed version of the book is to include little freebies you wouldn't find by just reading the online version.

    An example of this is from Howard Tayler of Schlock Mercenary fame. Schlock Mercenary is a webcomic which can be read for free, but if you buy the printed book volumes of this comic, the printed book version has a special cutaway of a type of ship in the series. This special cutaway can't be found in the online webcomic version.

    1. There are extras that aren't in the online version ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
