Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Obligatory still alive post :)

Yeah, I know I've gone and done that fade out thing again.

I've been off and away doing other stuff for the past month that has eaten most of my weekends.  It's fine as it supplements my income and allows me to keep paying the bills and put food on the table.  (And the travel is a great source of story inspiration as I'll reveal in a future blog post).

I would mention more, but I'm starting to realise why other writers keep shtum about projects until they actually come to fruition.  It's a much better way of managing expectation.

I have been writing, but not H-space bestiary stories.  My current rule for #ChaosWriting is if I get the urge to write Succubus Summoning, I drop everything else and write that, as it's the number one thing I need to get done at this point in time.

More later (when things come to fruition).


  1. Thank you and glad you're still out there.

    1. Same here. Take as long as you need, and may your muses give you what you need to do what you want done.

  2. Nice. Take as long as needed. I always know you'll have great erotica for us.

  3. Woot glad ur alive!!!

  4. Its no problem man take as much time you need. Smart people know when dissapear for awhile means you are taking care of more important things. Only obnoxious dip shits that keep stating they need their "fix" or thinking you quit don't understand that writers also have a life they have to live. So take as long as you need to get, besides I like being surprised anyway.

    1. I dunno. I find it complimentary when people are eager to see new stories. :)

      I wish I could write faster.

  5. Real life gets in the way. It just does. For all of us, sometimes.

    Glad you're still around. We'll all still be here when you have the time for this again.

  6. I can wait for eternity. Your stories worth it.
