As with Succubus Summoning 101, I'm intending to include a few extra short chapters to fill in some background info on the world and characters. Here's a question for you all out there:
What bits of the Succubus Summoning 201-213 chapters did you find unclear and what additional background would you like to see filled in?
This is mainly about the college and the other students (Darvill in particular). I know you all have a lot of questions about Verdé and the others, but I'm keeping those cards close to my chest for the time being. ;)
The other thing I'm planning to do is to release "A Night at McHooligans" as an ebook novella just before Succubus Summoning 201 comes out. The reason for this is because I don't know how many readers are aware of the series/shorts on Literotica and other places, and anyone going straight from Succubus Summoning 101 to Succubus Summoning 201 is going to wonder who the hell Carnivrillarofax is and how Phil knows him. (There was no good way of incorporating the short story in Succubus Summoning 201 without it being out of sequence or wrecking the flow of the plot - I did try! :D)
The options are to price the ebook "A Night at McHooligans" as free or 99c (same as the Sandwiched by series, which I will be getting back to once Succubus Summoning 201 is out). Free would likely leave me out of pocket once commissioning cover art and extra time spent editing/formatting is taken into account. On the other hand, I loathe charging people for things that are already free online (I know some people don't mind this as they see it as supporting future work, but I don't want to take the piss). So, if I was going to slap a price tag on this, I'd like to make sure there were some nice extras there so readers would feel they were at least buying something.
That leads me to:
What extras would you like to see in an ebook version of "A Night at McHooligans"?
Character bios? Spellbook? Mini bestiary within the universe? An original short story might be an option, but it would likely need to be very short for me to be able to finish it in time. Maybe a gratuitous excuse for a drawn-out sex scene with one of the five succubi. I know some people have been begging to see some more Nurse Honey sexy action. This is also a possibility.
Anyway, tell me your desires in the comments below and I'll see I can give Succubus Summoning 201 (and extras) the release it deserves.
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You on patreon. That's what I'd like to see. Lemme give you a buck a month, I'll still buy your books.
ReplyDeleteCharacter bios would be nice.
I'd love a little more intra-hell expose - we've seen tantalizing glimpses of complexity. Hell appears to be the glue between worlds? Do the succubi visit those other worlds? They have relations with the other dominions - how deep does that river go?
We've seen the Succubi take our intrepid dude on training sessions - do other demons use these succubi to train people they contract with?
That'd be nifty, seeing the su8ccubi return (or not) another demon's master a few decades low, a little worse for wear but smarter.
(make a new ebook of spells)Spells - lord, you could go on forever on some spells, couldn't you. I bet you could make a standalone ebook for the spells we've seen the succubi use, complete with short little histories or demonstrations of their usage >_>
A couple I can think of would be A) How loyal are the Scrote's succubi to him, and how much of it is through being forced, or do they just "serve" him because they find it amusing? Would be interesting to know the details of what exactly the "master" relationship Phil and the Scrote have with their succubi entails. Also, B) How did Verde and the others end up meeting Carny, and is it normal for them to be so friendly with others outside their circle (mainly wondering if it's Carny that's unusual as a Wrath demon and/or Verde and the others that are unusual as Lust demons). Basically just exploring the relationships between characters that we didn't see much of during the chapters so far. Looking forward to the book version coming out! Also would be interesting to see what that Pride envoy or whatever at the very end of the last chapter does for fun.
ReplyDeleteWould be interesting to see some of the mini stories of Verde, Rosa, Nyte, and nurse honey do during their meditations and other summoning for them like the kid that summoned Verde and Rosa in a threesome.
ReplyDeleteAlso on that note. I am a little confused as to what makes a person a master. Since that kid could summon Verde and Rosa he couldn't be those master Since Phil was already thier master or can succubi have more than one master...
Also brings to mind what does being a master of succubi mean.
As far as night at mchooligans goes... I would prefer that story to be inserted I to the 201 arc but as you said you have tried I won't pressure too hard. But I have seen some stories have a short side story included in them with either italics or a few asterics separatin the stories. But I release the bar scene is a longer short story.
So that leads me to have night at mc hooligans to be release with cearulean circles included and perhaps any linking middle stories I might have missed and sell it at 99c to 199. I would totally buy that. And also the later on thing I would love to support you more if i am able not sure on dedicated money but lump sums sure.
Also some thing to think about is tell is more about verdes plants. Maybe like a profile thing as in h-space.
May come back with more ideas a in a bit.
Keep up the good work!!!
What bits of the Succubus Summoning 201-213 chapters did you find unclear and what additional background would you like to see filled in?
ReplyDeleteI finished up 201 yesterday, so it's fairly fresh in my mind. Hmmm... Maybe some scenes explaining Darvill's little group and their individual motivations, especially how they got to where they were when they met their ultimate fates? One big thing that's been bothering me is that incident near the end of 201, where Pride daemon pretty much let Phil go without issuing her own test. I was left uncertain if they had plans for him, or if they'd somehow heard of or witnessed one of his previous adventures (especially Scrote's Succubi's little "test," ) and judged him based on that. A little scene to hint at what's going on there would be much appreciated here.
What extras would you like to see in an ebook version of "A Night at McHooligans"?
Maybe a bit more on what Carny was asked to do at McHooligan's, especially why? Just a scene of him being hired to do the job would be pretty interesting.
Phil passed the pride test when he decided not to ravish the succubus in his "Wow, I just beat them all" rush. He was very proud of that, but thankfully avoided the fall. I might tweak the pride daemon's dialogue to make that a little more obvious.
DeleteAs for Carny, I think that's better implied. I don't think the full details would add anything.
"Phil passed the pride test when he decided not to ravish the succubus in his "Wow, I just beat them all" rush."
DeleteAt the same time, he also passed the common sense test this way :D
Utterly off-topic, but have you read "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman? It contains a certain sex scene that could have very well come out of your mind, only written by a globally acclaimed author. It's easy to Google.
ReplyDeleteYup, the Whore of Babylon scene is a classic. Gaiman has a knack for creating interesting femme fatales. Neverwhere had the velvet lamia as well if I remember correctly. Gaiman is definitely an influence on me, along with Barker and others. I did have plans to write more mainstream horror/fantasy back then, but then I figured out that path was completely shut off to no-contact-network plebs like me and decided to have fun writing succubus porn instead. I don't regret it in the slightest :D.
DeletePersonally, I'd kill for a spellbook with captions from Phil. Make it totally in-universe, and you could offer a more solid idea of the realms of Hell and the way the spells interact with each other.
ReplyDeleteHow about a short story about a Succubus that was captured 200 years ago by monks and placed in a secret location. The Monks die in some battle.. and the Succubus is forgotten.. until someone finds her. She might be weakened.. Just a thought I'd love to see you write.
ReplyDeleter u Yshomatsu? :D
DeleteI think I remember this plot:
Nope :) Thanks for the link!
DeleteHaha you know my stories were influenced by you Mr Hydra. Though Anon's idea isn't exactly what I wrote, it's a great idea. If you decided to go with the idea I would not be offended at all, could even change the monks to something else to fit into your own worlds.
DeleteI dont know there are a lot of things... But most interesting would be something about the Scrote like the others already said. Darvil would also be interesting. But then again we all know what happened to him. So how important is it, to know more about him? I think it would be better to focus on the character that are still alive.
ReplyDeleteAlso one or two short stories with the realease... maybe? For example I have seen that a lot of ppl were asking for more Nurse Honey content. So maybe a short story about her. In chapter 208, near the end, NH mentioned a stag party in Tallinn. So maybe a short story about that. I think everyone would appreciate that (me inlcuded. NH ftw).
And in terms of money... I think its fine to ask for 99c for "A Night at McHooligans". I would pay it, other ppl would pay it. We love your work so... yeah
Succubus Summoning wise: I too would like to know more about the teachers, the shadow counsel (whatever they are called), and Scrote's relationship with the other teachers and students.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I would also love is to read about a scene of practical magic in the classroom setting where Phil demonstrates a modicum of proficiency before the Pride chapter. Maybe spin it off the Harry Potter Dualing Club scene in book 2 with the narcissistic incompetent professor. Might be fun to see another student go "Wuff" in flames by accident. That might also allow you to do some spells without getting sucked into writing a whole new set.
For McHooligans, I would love to hear about how Carny and Rosa decided to team up to kill the gang or maybe a bit more about Phil's burger flipping, no life and how he got into Wargsnouts.
Something I think would be nice in the McHooligans anthology would be something like "A Day at Wargsnouts". Phil is constantly harassed by his own succubi, and the members of the "Darvill group" are all rather similar minded and only shown when offed by Phil's succubi.
ReplyDeleteSo maybe a story how a "normal" (as far as warlocks can be normal) student experiences a typical school day at Wargsnouts could be interesting. (Just now I remembered that's something I also missed in the Harry Potter books :D.)
I have to agree with this post. As far as the setting is concerned, Wargsnouts is barely developed. Its the end of year 2 and we know more about hell (which isn't much) than we do about the school. If we are going to see more action at Wargsnouts, waiting until year 3 to develop it seems like an error.
DeleteYep, that was why Succubus Summoning 201 stumbled for a while. The plan was to focus more on the college, but the story kept bouncing back to the succubi's castle in hell. Maybe for SS301.
DeleteSome of my favorite parts of the books are dialogue between any of the five Succubi and/or Carny and I'd love to get a little more content of that!
ReplyDeleteWe NEED more Nurse Honey, yes. I want to give you more money for this. We need it
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more back story on the Scrote, more about his "valve", how he controls his succubi, and a story involving where he loses control and they control him. That would be hot as he is always the one in control.
ReplyDeleteFuture plot points ;)
DeleteI definitely wish for my Nurse Honey standalone story! She is the most terrifying of them which I guess why I find her so fascinating.
ReplyDeleteAnd just get a patreon or donate button or something already! I think people would be happy to contribute when you make great stuff like this. This image sums up my feelings:
I'll be looking into Patreon after the last-minute panic to get Succubus Summoning 201 off to the publishers is out of the way. More thoughts/requests for suggestions on that to come.
DeletePerhaps a Carny special volume. Throw "McHooligans" and "Chance Glance" together with a short backstory on Carny (you'd have to write that).
I like this suggestion. "Chance Glance" would be a perfect addition.
DeleteI think we can all agree about a short story for Nurse Honey and Verde. They were the only two succubi that didn't get a one shot. Hell, Nyte got two, and was the "rescue" to Devon in Chance.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the story collections we've bought had stories that are free to read. If you haven't gotten a lot of negativity from those then I don't see a problem with 99cents for the short story. I'd pay it and view it as supporting you. If you added anything at all to it, it'd be a welcomed surprise.
ReplyDeleteI agree with a few of the other posts that some of the extras in 201 should be details or content with the school, conversations, background or full scenes, anything would be nice. I feel like I don't know much about the school but that might just be me not remembering.
I still think Phil's test at the end of the book should have more tease before he fights back. It worked well with your cliffhangers on the blog but as a whole it seems too short or rushed. Thought the fight once he stands up for himself is great.
I look forward to reading any/all changes/additions you make to it once you're finished
A nurse honey story with Phil would be nice. She is one of the more unique succubi, and it doesn't feel like she has spent much time with Phil recently, despite (seeming) somewhat fond of him
ReplyDeletepersonally, i'd like to hear more about Ab'ĝalga.
ReplyDeleteThough a Nurse Honey single would be interesting (and hawt), I would also like some more back story on Cerulea: we've seen several of her forms, and yet we know nothing about her power or madness (however they might be related)... and that includes the fourth-wall breaking.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you've intrigued me with Rosa... the Scrote's succubi talked about her as if she were legendary, yet the first time they met she dismissed her pretty quickly.
More intel on Darvill and his blokes might be helpfull too.
More future plot points... ;)
DeleteI actually really liked how you fleshed out some of the demons from other dominions. Could you perhaps slip in more on Pride Demons?
ReplyDeleteMore smut, please. I'd like to see something on what Rosa and Verde did during the night they left Phil with Puff and Pfaffle.
ReplyDeleteHydra If I may make a Suggestion? Is it possible
ReplyDeleteyou can add a bio/origin stories on Phil Succubi? Who is Rosa,who is Verde,who is Nurse Honey,who is Cerulea,and who is Nyte? Succubus summoning was one hell of a ride. It got me to start writing. The more I learn about phil the less I understand his Succubi. Not in the they look like human woman but are actually very alien. No it more like there background characters with a few lines are two. I never get a glimpse of their past(At least I don't think i have)their likes or dislike,their family(or concept of it),ranks,ambition,and goals. For example was Nyte always a Sadomasochist,or was a normal succubus who overtime became like that? Why does verde out of all the other succubi,care more about Phil going as far trying and succeeding in saving his life in Succubus Summoning 205. Was Cerulea every normal. Why should Phil be worry about Rosa finding out his secret? Who was Nurse Honey first victim. Things like these is what I'm interested in. If it doesn't interfaire with the story or distract from it. By the way I notice that Phil last name is Rowling. Is that a reference to J K Rowling author of the Harry Potter series?
Really big future plot points. ;)
DeleteI can't answer the questions on the succubi just yet, but I also know I have to start planning how long certain series are going to run. At the moment I have a few too many open-ended series running and I want to avoid the X-files/Lost trap of kicking the explanation can down the road until it all becomes nonsensical.
Hydra, even though I know little of the creative writing process it seems like you made quite an accomplishment as a writer recently.
ReplyDeleteI have to imagine it is challenging as hell finding ways to satisfy and motivate one's muse yet you seem to have done it. Not sure what did it, but I love how you are really engaging your fans in the evolution of your writing. Whatever the case, well done!
I would like to read more about Verde. Phil did her once up the ass, and it's all. More lovin'.