I said I was going to put it up on a website somewhere and finally, it's here.
As will be apparent, my web-fu lags a long way behind my writing ability, so the current website is very minimalistic. It has a 'play' button and you can play the game demo in the browser, so it represents a start. Now I have something in place, I can add to it later. For now, I felt my limited web skills would make something awful if I tried to be clever, and so went for basic functionality.
If you like it, please spread the word. If you're an artist and inspired to make sexy art of these characters, please get in touch. Good art is something this project desperately lacks.
I put a non-paywalled version out so I can gauge interest and hopefully raise funding for artwork. If you'd like to help support, I have my Patreon. If you'd like to help support but would rather gouge your own eyeballs out than give money to Patreon (understandable), any suggestions for alternate funding approaches are welcome. I'll probably add them as a sidebar to the website at a later date.
"The House of Hellish Harlots" is currently a text-only game made in Twine. I think it has the potential to be a decent Western eroge. It's a bit bland and text-only now, but every project has to start from somewhere.
And now we have a proper public demo.
This was fucking amazing MEH. I love how every Harlot has her own quirks. I do like how some are deadly and some are mostly harmless.
ReplyDeleteYou have a very interesting take on the succfairies, especially the dick destroying one. *shivers*
The world building of the Lust Dominion is what I liked most about it. The Barman coming from a unique Dominion, the daemons having different tastes, and the fact there is a sect where daemons want to use sex to make the world a better place rather than just fucking and eating everyone.
I have a strong feeling that Inari and Nicole follow that sect.
However, the most fucked up Harlots are Sammy, Rose (gothic lolita), and the damn "butt" fairy. What's the point of the Lolita even being there if she just outright kills the dude.
What is she anyway? She's sure as hell no succubus that's for sure.
My heart breaks for Sammy. Do you think we'll get a scene of the MC telling her it's a lie, or will she flat out deny it?
Hard to feel sorry for the dick destroying fairy. Like Rose, why is she even there?
I was happy seeing Boobella and Nurse Honey there. They were awesome. I wonder what Boo did to force her in the House?
Will we get a scene of the MC escaping anyway? I really want to see what the Lust Dominion Hellhounds are like.
Are they a pack of rabid sadist succubi, or are they literal demonic dogs?
Will you also include a "Powder Room" scene where the Harlots chat with each other to give them more Character Development?
Glad you're liking it. Currently, I'm working on adding the base content. A lot of the harlots throw up questions that will answered in subsequent scenarios I'm aiming to add later.
DeleteAwesome man. Will you let your fans create a Harlot for you. I have an idea for two Harlots.
ReplyDeleteA Succubus Magical Girl.
Nine-tailed demon fox woman (think adult Tamomo from MGQ)
What do you think?
It's something I'm thinking of opening up to patrons at some point (or other supporters). Somebody already wants a kitsune, so there will be fluffy tail when I get around to writing it.
DeletePretty good. Would like the option to filter out fetishes somewhere down the road (SHIT FAIRY what on earth)
ReplyDeleteThe long term plan is to group the harlots into clans or factions, with only 4 or 5 'active' for any run. As the groupings will be based around fetishes, that will give the player the option to veto the 'vore' group, for example, if they really don't like that content.
DeleteUntil then, the Elegant Woman usually hints at what a harlot is up to if players want to avoid certain content.
I'm having a tough time figuring out Sorpresa Ombra. I know that Calliophi will recommend you seek Sorpresa out if you ask for sex; that Sorpresa hates small fluffy things; and that the gas mask charm will probably help in the encounter.
ReplyDeleteClearly, I'm missing something because I'm still getting bad-ended by Sorpresa. The Elegant Woman's clue is that Sorpresa won't harm those who have been claimed, but I can't figure out how to satisfy this.
Any hints I could get would be much appreciated...
Sorpresa isn't Calliophi's sister. That's the dancing lamia I haven't written yet (There was supposed to be a sexy snek release, but the project stuttered around that time and the sexy sneks have come out in separate releases with Calliophi's sister still to come.)
DeleteSorpresa is a tricky one. She needs a high constitution, but she also tracks a secret value that I'll reveal more about later. The hint I can give is that if you visit girls that share her fetish (smothering) beforehand she might give you an easier time.
Ohhhh I was totally barking up the wrong tree then, thanks for the hint!
DeleteAh so that's why. Anna Boa and Sorpresa isn't Caliophi's sister. I do feel sorry for her. Caliophi and her sister would definitely be more happier serving Inari giving how much good snake girls they are.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the virgin, non-virgin, and sexual relationship of the MC should actually be a big deciding factor in how every Harlot sees the MC.
Would the Harlot love to pop virgins?
Would she like mind breaking a married man (Reverse NTR)
Would she spare a virgin? Or wouldn't control herself and devour a virgin?
Would a non-virgin that had one night stands would be less interesting than a virgin?
I wonder if you'll include these factors when you get a chance.
Also another idea I have for a Harlot is a sexy elf girl. If you are going to include spider girls, snake girls, and slime girls, don't forget about the elf girls.
Im really interested to see what "Hellish" spin you are going to do with elves. I was intrigued by the sheep girl and Succfairies.
Will wait for your reply.
I have to be careful on the complexity. I can do a rough check in the first couple of rounds if the player 'lost' semen. It would be a nightmare to track virginity and differing reactions to it. The main character is also slightly older than the standard H-JRPG protagonist, so there's a reasonable assumption they would have had sex before being trapped by the House. The player does have an option to declare their character a virgin with Panta Prota in the first round, but after then I have to assume they've been 'popped' or go crazy trying to handle all the variations. Maybe for a game where that was a more relevant plot point - but the ordering is just too open-ended in HoHH.
DeleteElves are tricky for HoHH. The harlots are pretty much all lust demons rather than traditional fantasy races. It's difficult to think of what they can offer that couldn't be covered by a regular succubus or dryad/plant girl.
hey, I couldn't find a "contact me" form or any way to contact you privately anywhere, so I wrote to you in the DeviantArt chat...
ReplyDeleteHaven't logged in to DeviantArt for a while. :)
DeleteI saw your comment. The stop message in the game at the moment is intentional rather than an error message. The reasoning should become clear as I add more harlots.
Your comment form seems to hate my browser settings...
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought I was going to write a lengthy list of points I had to say about this demo, but finally decided to keep it short and just state the main problem I have with it.
While I can't complain about the writing, the gameplay leaves quite a bit to be desired. It forces try and error and save scumming, while at the same time giving the RNG a chance to ruin whatever bit of strategy you're coming up with.
If you want to market this as a game and not just a collection of "Bates in H-Space brothel" stories, there needs to be more influence the players have on the outcome of the scenarios, other than just go in and hope there are somewhat clear hints why they keep dying.
It should get less random once I develop out different factions and start to assign the harlots different difficulty tiers.
DeleteThere will always be a slight trial-and-error component, as it's an updated (and smuttier) version of the old text adventure game books. The hint system with socialising a harlot and talking to the Elegant Woman is there to mitigate some of that.
As the player learns more information on each harlot, they should be able to manage the RNG. The Doctoress can temporarily raise or lower wrong stats/dispositions and the mulligan system gives the player a way to avoid 'no-win' combinations of 3 harlots. At the moment, the 3 harlot selections can be pretty bad if the player is unlucky as late-round harlots can show up together in the 1st round. As I add more harlots, they will be given round boundaries, so the player has a chance to accumulate the right protective charms and other resources to survive the harder harlots.
To set my prvious comment in perspective: On my firt try, the first three harlots I got were:
DeleteSgriosar Balgan-Buachair
Alsharajea Hira
Morticia Rose
One that seems like a guaranteed loss, one that may be clearable with the right charms (I'm not sure, but at least the Lolibaba didn't sell them), and Hira seemd to be the only one with a realistic chance to solve, but I still kept dying no matter what I tried.
When I started a new game, I got a better selection with at least one that clearly communicated what you needed to beat her (Veronicella), which was cosiderably more fun.
By the way: Is there somewhere a hint on the purpose of the black rose gift or is that something you want the players to find out for themselves (Veronicella helped me with that too)?
That's an unfortunate trio of harlots to get on the 1st round. It's why I added the mulligan system. Talk the Madam and she gives a token that allows the player to replace a bad selection with 3 new harlots. The other two are always fatal (Sgriosar is going to be expanded later to have a quest to make her 'safer') and Hira is fatal on the 1st round.
DeleteThe Black Rose gift was my way of incorporating a 'surrender' option as seen in the hentai JRPGs. Most of the harlots will offer hints, so if it gets a player once, after then they can use it deliberately. (For some harlots it will redirect a player from a horror end and give them the regular sexy Bad End instead.)
It has been 84 years...