I said I was going to put it up on a website somewhere and finally, it's here.
As will be apparent, my web-fu lags a long way behind my writing ability, so the current website is very minimalistic. It has a 'play' button and you can play the game demo in the browser, so it represents a start. Now I have something in place, I can add to it later. For now, I felt my limited web skills would make something awful if I tried to be clever, and so went for basic functionality.
If you like it, please spread the word. If you're an artist and inspired to make sexy art of these characters, please get in touch. Good art is something this project desperately lacks.
I put a non-paywalled version out so I can gauge interest and hopefully raise funding for artwork. If you'd like to help support, I have my Patreon. If you'd like to help support but would rather gouge your own eyeballs out than give money to Patreon (understandable), any suggestions for alternate funding approaches are welcome. I'll probably add them as a sidebar to the website at a later date.
"The House of Hellish Harlots" is currently a text-only game made in Twine. I think it has the potential to be a decent Western eroge. It's a bit bland and text-only now, but every project has to start from somewhere.
And now we have a proper public demo.