I tend to cover some weird hentai games on this blog and the Demon Angel Sakura series is possibly one of the weirdest. While Luka of Monster Girl Quest and the various protagonists of the Violated Hero series have it bad in some of their Bad Ends, I doubt any would trade with the eponymous "hero" of Demon Angel Sakura.
Demon Angel Sakura is a platformer. The first two games (which I covered here and here) were boss rushes where the diminutive Sakura had to fight off various monster girl titans lusting after his body (in more ways than one). Gameplay-wise the series was little more than an excuse to show off some lushly animated and bizarre Bad Ends.
The third instalment has expanded the gameplay a great deal. Now there are platforming levels in between the bosses jam-packed with minor enemies, each with their own lovingly-animated Bad End should Sakura not avoid or blast them out of the way.
Nothing to see here. Just a giant succubus shooting hearts out of her pussy... |
The enemy variety is a big step up from the previous games. Instead of 5-8 bosses with 1 or 2 Bad Ends, this time there are 24 minor enemies and 6 bosses/NPCs (with some having a 2 scenes). Each is fully animated and you don't have to worry about farting around with auto-translators as the game already comes with an English translation.
As with the previous games the focus is on vore and other bizarre fetishes. Over the course of the game Sakura ends up being eaten (repeatedly), dissolved to mush between giant titties, inserted in a giant pussy and pissed all over, and other weirdness. It's not a game for the faint-hearted or easily squicked out.
Flower Girl seems harmless enough. Wait, is that our skull...? |
This time there is a little bit more range to the debauchery. Not all of the monster girls want to eat Sakura, or shove him where the sun don't shine. Some of the monster girls just want to give Sakura a good hard fucking. The addition of more vanilla scenes might make the game a little more appealing to monster girl hentai fans that were put off by the hardcore weirdness of the previous two chapters. (Although you're still going to be seeing Sakura in cutaway shots of churning stomachs an awful lot).
It's still a short game, but there is a lot of H-content. The level design is also surprisingly fiendish. I had that classic end-of-an-Ian-Livingstone-Fighting-Fantasy-Gamebook moment when I reached a series of four doors on the final level with only one key in my possession. I had to search the internet and a thread on ulmf.org revealed the other keys were sneakily hidden on previous levels. Thankfully there is a shop system selling items to help with this, so the scavenger-hunt backtracking to find the missing keys is not as irritating as it first looks.
This is moderately sane compared to other stuff in the game |
The other thing to note is that the difficulty level changes which monster girls appear on certain levels. Unlocking all of them requires putting the game difficulty back up Normal or higher. Although, thankfully for platformer-incompetents like me, this can be done mid-playthrough after the bosses have been cleared.
Overall I think the extra quantity did come at the expense of some of the quality. The Bad End scenes felt a little shorter this time around and the boss scenes in particular didn't really do anything for me. As always, YMMV on this depending on which particular fetish weirdness falls in your zone. Gameplay-wise, the only thing that really irritated me was certain indestructible enemies with one-hit-kill attacks. Those fricking Obesity Fairies... Grr.
A Sakura-Eye view of some 69 |
That's Demon Angel Sakura vol. 3, a game where you cross big drops by being farted out of the butthole of a giant fairy. Do I need to say any more... :)