Monday, May 26, 2014

Resurrecting the #DailyWriting Tag

For most of last year I used the #DailyWriting tag on twitter as an aid to writing.  I set a target of either typing at least 500 words or handwriting 3 notebook pages a day (roughly 1-2 hours of writing).  Before going to bed I'd tweet the word/page count.  I doubt the people of twitter cared either way, but having the illusion of witnesses was a good way to keep me honest.  It was a good discipline aid.  One of the best tips for writing is to make it a habit.  Once it becomes a habit it's a lot easier to keep the words flowing and a few pages every night eventually pile up into a full novel.

I stopped doing it earlier this year.  A big part of that reason was because I'd become pissed off with twitter and all the self-righteous, holier-than-thou jerks that stink out the place.  It was also because I was worried it had become a creative straitjacket - that I'd end up joylessly grinding out a bare minimum of useless words every night because of trying to keep to arbitrary targets.

I was also worried about how it would look on my twitter feed.  Posting word counts is often sneered at as something those vulgar self-published types do.  It's just not the done thing.

By the way, that reason above is without a doubt the stupidest reason of the lot.  A quick check of most of the more vocal, sneery writery types on social media will reveal them to be rather light in the publishing credits column.  Give those characters a wide berth (and most online writing communities in general, though there are exceptions) and your muse (and readers) will thank you.

Anyway, I decided to stop using the #DailyWriting tag.  I was getting the pages done anyway and there was no need to bore the world with the proof.  Then indiscipline crept in.  A couple of weeks ago I was off work and had a good writing week where I finally burst through a Succubus Summoning chapter that had been blocking me for a while, as well as finishing off another short story that had been clogging up the tubes for a bit.  Then the following week I was a lazy cunt and barely got anything done at all.

After that I decided to resurrect the #DailyWriting tag.  I'm a shameful procrastinator.  Once I start writing I can normally clock in a good hour or two.  Starting that first hour and not bumming around on facebook or youtube is the problem.  It's surprising how much difference a little tag can make.  When I stopped using it I'd have those nights where I'd fart around until the clock ticked past midnight and then think, fuck it, it's too late.  The first night I decided to start using it again the same thing happened, but instead of going to bed I thought, no, let's get those 3 pages written first.  Sometimes a little psychological push is all that's required.

So the #DailyWriting tag is back and you can follow my feed here:

It also has the nice side effect of reassuring people I'm still alive and writing during those periods when this blog goes quiet.  I know a few people were concerned about that given the shit that went on earlier in the year.  It should also give an idea of what I'm working on currently and how far along I am.  (The next chapter of Succubus Summoning needs a further 2.5-3K words typed up and a full edit before posting).

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Random update to reassure people I'm still alive

Oops.  Saw PaperClip's comment on the last post and realised my going quiet here combined with some of the unfortunate nastiness from the start of the year might have led people to draw the wrong conclusions.  I thought I should post something here in case people were concerned and before I get a reputation as a serial internet flouncer.

Dark Souls 2 was fun.  About 100+ hours of fun to be exact.  That's part of the reason why I try to avoid computer RPGs now.  The Dark Souls series is one I'll make an exception for.  While the sequel isn't as strong as its predecessor, it's still damn good.  I've completed the main story and while I'm still playing it, it's more an hour or so here and there rather than must-rush-home-from-work-and-play-until-1am.

I did think about writing a few blog posts on reviews/hints and tactics, and some other blog posts on other things, but decided that the time I was spending on trying to scratch blog posts together was writing time I should be spending on stories and more particularly Succubus Summoning 201.  If it's not something I can hammer out quickly, it's time I should be spending on a new chapter/story.

Real life work has kept me a little busier than normal.  My usual writing method is to write longhand in notepads and then type up afterwards.  While the writing longhand in notepads might sound a little 1800s, it works for me as pen ink can't be backspaced and rewriting a first draft improves it a great deal.  My usual writing work day is to stay behind after work to do the typing up and maybe do a couple of hours of handwritten drafts before I go to bed.  For the last couple of weeks those couple of extra hours have needed to be spent on the day job instead.  Such are the realities of the hobbyist author with a 9-to-5 (or 7 in this case) job to pay the bills.

The Easter break was pretty good for me as I managed to get my head down and back to the notepads/typing.  After postponing the last collection I turned on ChaosWriting, which promptly thought trying to start two brand new novels and four new short stories was a good idea.  Oh ChaosWriting, you naughty little scamp you.  It's a pretty good methodology for being prolific with short stories, but you never know what's going to fall off the production line next.

Since the last post I've finished another short story, done about 4,000 words of another, added another ten pages or so to Succubus Summoning, and written the first chapter of another novel (Think Violated Hero, but with the most perverse monster girls ever imagined - more on that later).  Definitely still writing, but a little slower and more chaotic than usual over the past couple of months (been that sort of year).

The next Succubus Summoning chapter should be the next thing out.  Not going to give a date as it would probably be another filthy lie.

The other reason for a lean spell at the succubus bordello here is there's been a paucity of hot new monster girl eroges.  The Violated Hero walkthrough was fun and boosted the hits.  I had plans to make these walkthroughs a regular feature . . . and then the hot new monster girl hentai games dried up (or I might have missed them - feel free to recommend any I might have overlooked in the comments below).  After a lean spell it looks like Dieselmine has come to the rescue with an add-on for Violated Hero 4 featuring Lilith, the vacuum cleaner robot girl and two new fan-made girls that didn't make the full game.  Yep, I will be blogging that, just as I did with the full game.

As with the ending to the other post - still here, still writing, not going away anytime soon, but unfortunately still hopelessly chaotic when it comes to writing new stuff.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

The reason things have been so quiet around here:

I'm a massive fan of the original Dark Souls game.  From Software seem like a defiant holdout from the days when developers made classics like the original Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 2, and the early Silent Hill games.  The sequel isn't quite as perfect as the first Dark Souls (which was a masterpiece of level design), but is still a damn good game.

I might post some more stuff on it later.

But not a full walkthrough.  The game is too large for that.  And most of my deaths have been of the embarrassing, falling-off-a-ledge-to-my-doom kind (including multiple times in the tutorial area, much to my shame).

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hentai Game Review - DramaraQuest I

And now for a review of the other battle-fuck RPG-maker clone I played over the Xmas holidays (before I decided it would be a good/idiotic idea to blog a detailed walkthrough of Violated Hero 4).  Dramaraquest is another porn parody of a more famous JRPG – in this case Dragon Quest.  I know a little bit more about that franchise as I’ve played the 9th installment (and also ruthlessly porn-parodied it).

Dramaraquest takes various iconic monsters from the DQ franchise and boobifies them into sexy monster girls.  It’s another battle-fuck game, so combat is about getting stuck in with your willy and trying to make the girl come before you do.  The monster girl artwork is pretty good and like both ROBF and Tokyo Tenma (all the JRPG franchises are getting the full porn-parody treatment it seems) the game utilises simple CGI distortions (jiggedy jiggedy) to give the illusion of animation.

DQ monster, with added boobies...

Fellow strugglers with Japanese kanji will be glad to note it is nowhere near as complex as ROBF.  Levelling up is straightforward – your attack and defence improve, making you able to take on previously impossible-to-defeat monsters and enter new areas.  Combat is also straightforward.  You start as a hero sent on a quest to find a missing princess.  At the tomb of a former hero you find two spells – one takes monster girl’s clothes off, the other restores healthy/potency – and then set off to battle-fuck various boobified monsters into submission.

Monster girls appear on the map and in dungeons as black clouds (bosses are indicated with a crown).  After defeating them an icon appears over their head, so the player can avoid them if they don’t want to go through the same fight again.

Lost in the woods

There’s also a special area in the castle where the player can refight (read fuck) already defeated monster girls.

One harem. Management not responsible for loss of life through sexual exhaustion

Despite being another RPG-make clone requiring key items to be found to unlock areas, it’s mercifully simple.  The only area I really got stuck on was failing to spot one of the corridors in a locked area of the northwest town led off-screen to a dungeon.  Other than that the game is relatively straightforward.

Along with the various semi-naked monster girls there are a number of town NPCs to seduce/be seduced by.  Some of these supposedly correspond to characters in the DQ series.  A couple of these encounters even reference DQ’s legendary puff-puff attacks in a more . . . ahem . . . direct interpretation.

A more literal interpretation of DQ's classic "puff-puff" attack...

For a while I thought I was going to rate this even higher than ROBF.  The fight artwork is better and they make better use of the limited animation.  Unfortunately, as I went deeper into the game the lack of variety in the monster designs became more glaring.  Most of the monster girls have only two attacks and there is heavy use of palette swapping.  This might be fine if you like a particular girl but would rather her hair was blue, etc.  For me I like to push on into new areas to see what new monster girls are revealed.  Reaching the final castle and realising all the new enemies aside from the final boss are palette-swapped versions of girls already seen before is a little disappointing.

"Blue hair is so passé..."

Overall it’s not a bad game.  It’s not as frustrating to play as some RPG-maker clones, but it’s also a little short and lacking in variety compared to similar games.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Hentai Game Review - ROBF

Time to catch up on some reviews of games I played over the holiday period.  ROBF has been sitting on my hard drive for a while.  The title stands for Ragnarok Online Battle FuckRagnarok Online is a fantasy MMORG and I assume ROBF is a porn parody.  I say assume because I know absolutely fuck all about Ragnarok Online.

ROBF is another RPG-maker clone and – as it’s a battlefuck game – sex plays a heavy part in the combat rather than just being something that happens in the Bad End when you lose.  The objective is to get the monster girl to come before she does the same to you (as opposed to games like Violated Hero where you’re both fighting normally to knock the other out, or Monster Girl Quest where Luka is mostly trying to beat the horny monster girls off with his ludicrously impractical sword).

The sex battles are done well in ROBF.  The artwork is consistent and while it isn’t up to the high standards of games like Violated Hero they’ve added limited animations to represent the different attacks each monster girl uses.  It’s not particularly fancy, but it works well.  The Bad Ends vary according to which attack the girl defeats you with and are mostly repeats of the same animations from the battle drawn out for added sexiness.  It’s impressive how much even a limited bit of animation adds.  If you liked Erotical Night, but thought the monster girl designs were too bland, ROBF is a game you’ll want to check out.

I liked the Alraune girl (or Hydra as she’s referred to in the game).  Her boobs swell up and down when she’s pumping cum out of you with a tentacle.

Pumpity pumpity . . .

ROBF is also one of the most proper-ist RPG’s I’ve played.  Levelling up means more than just increases to strength, defence and hit points.  There are skill trees, new attacks to be learned, tons of different items, quests, even a collectible card system that provides different stats boosts when equipped.  It’s complex.

What shall we get from the random skill generator this level . . . ?

Unfortunately, when you don’t read Japanese and are relying on iffy machine translation, that complexity can be become a drawback.  There were a lot of times when I wanted to move onto the next area but couldn’t because I hadn’t found the right item or spoken to the right townsperson.  It feels harsh to criticise the game for my linguistic failings, especially as it was never intended to be played outside Japan, but it is a valid point.  If you like sexy monster girls, want more of a game with your smut and can read Japanese, you’re going to think ROBF is amazing.  If only the first two apply, then expect a lot of frustration and scanning of forum threads while you try to work out how the hell you’re supposed to enter that pyramid in the desert town (or even unlock the first sewer dungeon).

Trying to figure out how to get in some of these locations will drive you crazy.

Making the player jump through a few hoops to unlock new sexiness isn’t that bad of a thing.  While I liked the openness of games like Violated Quest and Violated Fantasy, it is easy to blast through all the content a little too quickly.  ROBF gives more value by rationing out the hawtness.  This can fall down, though, if the player enters a new area and finds none of the new monsters are their particular cup of tea.  For me the main evil castle was a little disappointing as the monster girls were mostly bland.  I was looking forward to see how the game represented a classic succubus and I didn’t find any.

Not a succubus, but she still wants to suck out your soul

Overall it has a good variety of different monster girl types.  There are also plenty of scenes with various NPC girls for fans of less monstery hentai.  There’s plenty of depth including extras such as being able to buy your own house and also catch certain monster girl types to fight for you (and hang out at your house to provide other . . . uh . . . services).  Definitely not for the fainthearted though.  Trying to battle through this with AGTH + Translation Aggregator was tough.

Friday, March 07, 2014

SFF Community inserts foot in mouth, fires cannon at it...

And it looks like another shitbomb has exploded in the over-tight rectums of the SFF community.

The context:

A lame joke:

Not to be outdone, the horror fiction community is planning to get Russell Brand to emcee the Bram Stoker Awards . . . so they can abduct him and sacrifice him to the Great Old Ones.

"Yeah, we're tired of those SFF dudes grabbing all the publicity," a commentator for the Horror Author's Association said.  "We're gonna grab Brand, shave his hair off, carve a pentagram into his scalp and then sacrifice him to Shub-Niggurath at the stroke of midnight.  That'll show those SF snobs who the real crazy muthafuckas are."

And that'll be that on the subject.

I did have more written, but what's the point.  I already know the community is toxic.  It's what happens when hyper-sensitivity, self-righteousness and rigid inflexibility to other opinions all coalesce in a gigantic noxious turd.  Better to stay the fuck away.

Outside starts to look not so bad when Inside is a slowly collapsing black hole full of sharks biting chunks out of each other.  I suspect I'm not the only writer reaching this conclusion.

I'm going to stick to writing the best stories I can.  It might take a while for word to filter through the outer void, but if the stories are good people will come to read them.

Outcast-Writer-And-Happy M.E. Hydra.

P.S. In happier, less-pitchfork'n'torch-mob news I returned to writing Succubus Summoning this week.  Time to get Phil's adventures rolling again.