Friday, April 22, 2016

H-space MGB Profile: Great Fog Puffer

Name:  Great Fog Puffer
Type:  Demon (Command doesn't approve of me using this word, but I don't care, it's the only one that fits)
Habitat:  Unknown.

A large organism about seven to eight feet tall and fifteen to twenty feet long.  The torso and head are humanoid, resembling a naked woman of Amazonian proportions, but clearly not human as the fog puffer has red eyes, pinker skin and fleshy tendrils instead of hair.  The fog puffer's exposed vulva, while human-like in appearance, is considerably larger in relation to the rest of her body.

The fog puffer's bottom half is the stuff of nightmares, being a long hairless slug-like mass of soft pink flesh.  The most disturbing part are her legs, or should that be arms, as she drags her bulk over the ground using a row of human arms and hands that run along her sides like the legs of a centipede.

Some of my colleagues have been quick to dismiss these descriptions as hallucinations induced by the copious clouds of psychotropic 'fog' produced by the great fog puffer.  They haven't seen the more horrifying denizens of H-space.  I have, and can vouch that "like a jumble of human parts stitched together by a mad Frankenstein" is a more than adequate description of some of the horrors that can be found in this dimension.

I wonder.  If we were to go back far enough in scripture, would we find pictures or descriptions of the great fog puffer and other H-space horrors?  Did some find their way across the dimensional barrier to our world and become the angels and demons of our early religions?  Could they do it again...?

Attack Strategy:
The lower slug-like half of the great fog puffer is filled with large air chambers.  The fog puffer draws air into these chambers and seeds it with a complex mix of psychoactive compounds before blowing it out through their vaginal opening as a dense fog.  The drugs within the fog have an effect on human libido, raising it to the point where the affected person is overwhelmed and can think of nothing else but gratifying their sexual desires.  As a strategy it's disturbingly effective at incapacitating opposition.  Each fog puffer is capable of inundating a wide area and it only needed a small group of around five to ten to neutralise one of our forward operating bases.

While the fog puffer's vagina is considerably larger than a human's, they are able to contract the inner walls tight enough to be able to perform sexual intercourse with human males.  Although, as with most H-space denizens, the act of sex is used for feeding rather than procreation.  Some fog puffers engage in conventional intercourse, others open out their vagina wide enough to ingest their prey whole into their soft lower body.  Either way, the result is the same—the fog puffer's prey is subjected to massive sexual overstimulation and depleted of their life and fluids.

There is little for comfort here.

The fog puffer's psychoactive gases are just as effective absorbed through the skin as inhaled, which means gas masks provide little protection.  Our medical staff are currently trying to come up with an antidote, but this will likely take some time as the limited samples we've been able to obtain have proven curiously... resistant to analysis.

Even if we were able to negate their airborne psychotropic agents, great fog puffers possess similar regenerative capabilities as other succubus-class H-space denizens.  Given their size I estimate it would take considerable sustained firepower to take one out.

On a more positive note, the great fog puffers are large and slow moving.  We're not sure how they were able to approach FOB Helmuth unnoticed, but it likely involved the betrayal or elimination of one of our sentry outposts.  In future we will need to be more vigilant to ensure the tragedy of Helmuth is not repeated.

Threat Level:

Great fog puffers should be thought of not as exotic H-space organisms, but as siege weaponry for a military force that is utterly alien to us.


  1. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but... you counter this monstrosity with a ladder, or narrow stairs, or any sort of steep incline. The gas gets to you, but that thing is stuck away from you until it gets bored.

    1. She could probably climb a ladder (all the hands on her underside), but there are likely spots she couldn't reach because of her size/bulk. Anyone affected by the gas would likely need to chain/handcuff themselves to something to resist the temptation to go to her while under the influence. This wouldn't solve the problem of the other succubi that are using her fog clouds as cover...

  2. Is the gas flammable if so start using flame throwers or starting fires.

  3. I'm thinking of a story where these confront an ISIS unit. That would provide some entertainment! I can do the ISIS half of the story and you can do the hindig :)

    1. It would be amusing. Not sure how the ISIS dudes would get into hell-space, though. I suppose I could always bring the demons to them... :)

    2. That's no problem. They can find an underground passage in a ruined city out in the Iraqi desert, which leads to a wormhole to H Space.

  4. Wonder when we'll see a H-space creature lose. Don't get me wrong I'm liking whats been done but after this last one that shows a coordinated attack on a military base I'd like to a scene where the Humans turn a H-space feeding attempt against her or on another H-space creature that was also attacking. Still a human gets 'eaten'but the group manages to more or less survive the attack that was men't for all of them.

    1. I've implied that some have lost. The lower threat level ones are killed all the time (jellyfish girls shot down over Lake Latex, others been captured and dissected). Direct accounts of this happening would likely not be that sexy... :)

      I'm only telling the stories of the sexy stuff (because my main emphasis is Erotic Horror). The other stuff is still happening off-stage so-to-speak.

      Saying that, I will try to work in a few tales where the guy gets the sexy stuff and walks away.

    2. I was thinking more of two different Monster girls attacking a group of soldiers at the same time, in the confusion both attack the same male. leading to nether wanting to let go of there catch. The 'poor' male is sandwiched between the two while they argue giving the rest of the troops time to re position themselfs to save there comrade. They succeed in getting him out before the girls could come to a agreement and escape. The soldier later on wonders out of camp and runs into the two monster girls again who had come to a agreement to 'split' him between the two. apparently he was a tasty looking male.

    3. Funnily enough, there's a novella/novel I'm in the early stages of that progresses along these lines. Only instead of a soldier, it's a student. And it's 7 different succubi that are fighting to be the one to get his soul.

    4. Are you referring to succubus summoning or a brand new thing?

    5. One of a number of things I want to start writing, but can't really until I get Succubus Summoning 201 done.

  5. Regarding the fog puffer, wouldn't using both gas masks and NBC suits ( be able to provide protection against fog puffer gasses?

    1. NBC/hazmat suit would do it. Not sure how easy it would be to fight off the other demons in one, though.

    2. I may have a story that may have the solution for that��
