Saturday, April 30, 2016

H-space MGB Profile: Scarlet Imp

Name:  Scarlet Imp
Type:  Imp (Lesser Demon)
Habitat:  Mountainous and rocky regions.

In build and structure they resemble a human girl in their late teens.  In comparison to the succubi they look like young waifs, although there is no evidence they are the juvenile form of succubi.  This is likely the scarlet imp's mature form and they are a separate species.

Scarlet imps are named for their red skin.  They also possess the devil-like features of stubby horns, wings and a tail.

Attack Strategy:
Scarlet imps are lesser demons* and appear to be the common foot soldiers of whatever passes for a military in H-space.  While not averse to taunting opponents with obscene sexual suggestions, these displays lack the hypnotising power of more powerful HSIOs.  Instead the imps fight with melee weapons—commonly tridents.  The points of their weapons are coated with a drug that rapidly induces unconsciousness upon entering the bloodstream.  The scarlet imps fight to capture rather than kill and this is reflected in their tactics.

*I know some of you have problems with the use of the d word, that it has no place in science.  To this I say it's just an identifier based on their appearance, and already frequently in use amongst the men anyway.  The name doesn't have to have the same metaphysical connotations. Although sometimes I wonder...

Scarlet imps fight with conventional, if drugged, melee weapons and appear not to possess any exotic attacks.  This doesn't mean they should be taken lightly.  They are stronger and more competent fighters than their waif-like appearance might suggest.

They possess regenerative capabilities, but not as powerful as the more advanced HSIOs.  Most terminal wounds are just as effective on them as they would be on a human.

Threat Level:
Low (but don't be fooled by their appearance, they wield their unorthodox melee weapons with a great deal of skill).

If scarlet imps are foot soldiers, then who or what do they take orders from...


  1. Bonus profile for the other monster girl in the Paizu Succubus. Yes, you can have snu-snu with these without horrible things happening during/right after coming (although there is a good chance they'd knock you out afterwards and take you to something more dangerous...)

  2. Red and with horns and a tail.... They sound rather like the Demon from my own Badlands series, though of course - since I don't do erotica - the Demon is both a protagonist and not sexual in any way despite being nude. Are you planning stories with these imps and the Paizu?

    1. Bill, read the 2 posts before this one for the story featuring these two creatures.

    2. I intended them to be more along generic devil lines rather than some of the weirder monsters I've been throwing out.

      I wouldn't be surprised to see these characters pop up somewhere else at a later date. I'm pretty bad at catering to people's waifu fantasies given that I have far too much fun creating nightmare fuel, but I think there might be possibilities in a cute scarlet imp going rogue.

    3. I intended them to be more along generic devil lines rather than some of the weirder monsters I've been throwing out.

      I wouldn't be surprised to see these characters pop up somewhere else at a later date. I'm pretty bad at catering to people's waifu fantasies given that I have far too much fun creating nightmare fuel, but I think there might be possibilities in a cute scarlet imp going rogue.

    4. Nightmare fuel mhh... Say Mr.Hydra would you create something like the Wired twins;)

    5. The wire twins, mmm... :)

      Clive Barker and Hellraiser were big influences on me (although I'm not sure what hand Barker had in those cenobites as they're from the 5th Hellraiser film and he hasn't had a say in the film series for a long time).

      I normally focus more on the sexy than the scary, but sometimes I like to let horror-head out to play... ;)

    6. The wire twins are sexy in a way. If you Don't pay attention to their face. I had feeling Clive Barker had Influence on you. When first Introduce Nyte. It was that or Daemonettes from warhammer. Speaking of Clive Barker. You think the New Hellrasier movie that coming out would be good?

    7. I made a ver.2 of my Mummy Queen and I made another desert dweller posting stuff on here is a pain wso I sent you pms on Monstergirlunlimited plz check them out and see if you like them.

    8. Cool, will go check 'em out. (A little later than planned - this week's story took longer than expected.

  3. Oh Oh i have a good name for the one the scarlet imps takes orders from. The Daimyo Imp good name huh? But i was thinking of Echelon Succubus, a much more powerful version of the succubi in H-space and also has a bladed tip that can pierce armor.

  4. Yay, an H-Space monster girl you can freely have sex with without the soul draining. did they found out this? Did they capture one and ordered a man to have sex with it?
