Saturday, October 01, 2022

Public Demo Version of "House of Hellish Harlots" Updated to v0.034

In a nice problem for a content creator to have, I have a couple of new(ish) things coming out at the same time.

First up, the last of my old collections, "A Succubus for Saint Patrick's Day", is back up and available to buy as an ebook.  Check the previous post for more details on that.

Because it's a new month, we also have the regular upgrade to the "House of Hellish Harlots" interactive fiction project.  The public website version has been updated to v0.034.  This adds two new harlots:

Huntress Levka (and her 'hounds' Minyette and Zhopa)
This is Huntress 2.  When creating the 'wrestling' faction, I had the idea for a trio of huntress scenarios similar to the 3 Pels of the artificial being faction.  Like Diana, Levka wants you to 'fight' her hounds.  Unlike Diana, she has two of them.

The two 'hounds', Minyette and Zhopa, are primitive lust daemons (but still clearly sapient despite being used as 'hunting hounds').  I took a little inspiration from GW's Slaanesh demons for their design, but made them a little less spiky and also more explicit in what they can do.

Levka was originally a big muscular oni, but trying to write her with Russian 'hulkspeak' just didn't work at all.  I think the huntress lore I created with Diana seems to have been well-received, so it made more sense to make Levka a slightly wilder member of the same hunting manor.

Huntress Levka is intended as a Tier 2 harlot, but towards the bottom end in difficulty (round 6 or 7).

This is the dodgeball arachne.  Her scenario takes some ideas from the old "Escape the Arachne" CYOA, but is completely rewritten and with a different character.

She references quite a few stats, but it's mostly behind scenes.  She will probably be a Tier 1 harlot, but is borderline between Tier 1 & 2.  She has a few stat checks, but there are multiple ways to make them easier.

L'iaculatia was another weird one to type up.  On my side it looks like a ton of variations, but as the tests are done behind scenes, the player will mostly be reading and pressing continue.  I'm still iffy on this as a design philosophy.  It made sense for the early design, but the scenarios were intended to be a lot shorter.

You can play the public demo version here at

Patrons are two releases ahead.  I gave them v0.036 at the end of the month.  This only adds one new harlot, Succuba, but she's a very versatile succubus with 10 different sex scenes.  I wouldn't say she's 10-harlots-in-1 as her scenes are deliberately quite short, but at 9,000 words she's one of the longer harlot scenarios.

You can find the Patreon release here.

I also know some people won't or can't use Patreon, so I've also opened up an alternative subscription source at SubscribeStar.  This will receive the same updates and releases as Patreon.  The only exception is the polls, as I don't currently have enough subscribers to justify it (and will change the moment I get enough subscribers to justify it).

You can find the SubscribeStar release here.

And because this weekend isn't busy enough, I've also had some commissioned artwork come back.  Because I don't want things getting lost in a flurry of posts, I'll be showing that off next week.

I hope you enjoy the new HoHH release!


  1. Good harlots but a few questions:

    1. Is the Spider girl getting pregnant when you bang her after giving her the right gift and passing her test?

    2. Why doesn't Levka join the wrestling? Or reward the man with sex with her? A bit of a downer her as you don't get to fuck her.

    1. 1. Still working through Arachne lore for my setting. Succubi/Lust daemons usually use sex for feeding. However, the arachne in Succubus Summoning was clearly after Phil for procreation. There is also some nice horror potential to play around with what's been hinted for the arachne life cycle. I imagine the House probably follows classic brothel rules and the Madam doesn't like her gals getting pregnant. For daemons with unusual biology/life cycle, there might be exceptions...

      2. Saving her for a possible later side quest scenario involving her and Diana together.

  2. Got an email notification for a comment that appears to have been swallowed by blogger:

    "Are you submitting anything to the Literotica's 2022 Halloween Contest?"

    1. Probably not this year. HoHH and getting the old collections back up on Amazon has taken up most of my time this year. I will be writing some new stories over the next couple of months, but I need to hold them back as ebook exclusives.

      I do have a few ideas for suitable Halloween stories. I might put a day or two aside to see if I can blast one out. It would have to be something where I really hit a good flow, and I'm not the quickest of writers generally, so I'd say probably not this year, but I do want to get some new stories back up on Literotica again.
