Monday, March 21, 2011

A new manyeyedhydra mini-serial starting here!

It’s time to try and boost readership of this blog. Plus I haven’t posted any original stories up on the internet for a while. A while back someone asked for a bone. Well my friend, here’s a nice juicy one for ya.

I have an ulterior motive for this (besides the obvious if-you-like-this-then-go-buy-my-books). There’s a short story I’ve been working on since Christmas that keeps juddering to a halt. By breaking it up into nice bite-sized chunks and posting them up here, I might start to feel enough deadline pressure to get the damn thing finished. Readers baying for new chapters often has that effect.

Er, Succubus Summoning 201. Shhhh!

The story will start proper next Sunday, but in the meantime here’s an introduction to whet the appetite. It goes without saying all work is copyright me (as in M.E. Hydra). Reproduce it elsewhere and I’ll send Nÿte round to tear out your twitching soul. Also, if you happen to have found your way here despite being less than eighteen years old, please leave now. You might be safe for the first chapter or so, but sooner or later the story will head off into areas that will make your hormone-riddled brain implode and I really don’t want to be landed with the clean-up bill.


* * * *

Locked in with a Succubus

A phone rang in an innocuous little terraced townhouse. It was answered by an extremely attractive woman in a chic white fur coat.

“What do you want, Inari?”

The woman seemed irritated by the intrusion.

“Why me? I told you I don’t want to get involved. I’m not one of your game pieces.”

The girl paced. Her delicate nostrils flared with anger.


The girl paused. Suspicion and anger gave way to surprise.

“Really? How old?”

She heard the answer. Her full red lips curled up in a predatory smile. Her cheeks flushed bright red.


To be continued...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Short, Sharp Dose of Reality

Last week I got my first real quarterly royalties cheque. At the princely sum of $84 I think the appropriate comment is “ouch!”

Oh well, we can’t all be Joe Konrath or Amanda Hocking.

If I take the perspective of wanting to be a full-time writer, it's fairly terrible. There's no way I'd ever be able to live off that.

Thankfully, I don't have to take to take that perspective. I'm fortunate enough to already have a full-time job, one I enjoy and is relatively well paid. I can take the other perspective. I'm doing something I like (writing stories) and receiving money for it.

$84 is still $84. That's the second half of the kindle I already bought with money from a Literotica contest plus some books to load it up with. It's more than I ever picked up trying to slog through the old fashioned route of submitting to horror/sci fi magazines and certainly $84 more than the manuscript would have got languishing forgotten on a slush pile somewhere.

It's not all. My first book is still out there, still picking up the same trickle of sales. That means in another three months I'm going to get another $84 or so. Actually, there's two months of the second book's sales on top of that, so it's probably going to be more than eighty bucks. And then later in the year I have a third book coming out. It's easy to see how it can start to mount up. I can't live off it, but on top of my regular salary it's a nice extra to put towards a vacation, or a new TV.

One of the points I've seen raised is the current explosion of self publishing and 'race to the bottom' in terms of pricing will kill writing as a viable profession for all but the already wealthy. I don't really see this. A lot of authors had to start off juggling other jobs with their writing until they made enough to leave the day job behind. An advance can help with this sure, but it can backfire horribly if the first book tanks and they aren't picked up for a second. This is even assuming they make it through the gatekeepers. The vast majority don't and won't ever see a single dime for the manuscript they spent a year or two lovingly putting together.

With self publishing a writer can start to see a return as soon as the book is finished and use this to tailor their life accordingly. I go into work every morning and I write on my spare time. I won't need to think about changing this unless my income from book sales starts to outweigh my regular salary, or my spare time suddenly becomes a lot less spare. And of course, even being comparatively unsuccessful in the meantime still generates a bit of extra cash for a few luxuries.

I enjoy writing and it makes me a bit of extra money. Can't really complain about that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Using Fetishes for Fun and Fear

People get turned on by different things. What they get turned on by has a habit of creeping into their work. Take Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. Did you notice all those long lingering shots of beautiful women's feet hanging out of car windows? And this scene from From Dusk till Dawn gains a whole extra context to my formerly innocent little mind. Who says writers don't have any perks.

A little fetish fuel can add some spice to a story. Where it doesn't work so well, in my humble opinion, is when it becomes the sole focus of the story. In those stories I find I can't relate to the protagonist at all because I don't get the fetish and therefore the character's actions come across as odd. Fine for people in the niche, but of little use outside of it.

Playing through Monster Girl Quest reminded me how smart a lot of Japanese creators are at playing to the fetishes. Loli's, Big Tits, Bondage, Giantesses, Mind Control - take your pick, there's something for everyone. Darkstalkers, a considerably more mainstream game, gave us the iconic succubus, Morrigan, but there's a whole host of other quirks to add a bit of extra spice. Most of the comedy anime/mangas featuring harems will pull the same tricks to ensure everyone has a character to latch on to.

That isn't to say these things are innately perverted (okay Monster Girl Quest is - it's designed to be). From Dusk till Dawn is still a tense crime movie that morphs into an outrageous vampire film halfway through. With a bit extra if you happen to like feet. It's spice. If it's so much the audience starts to feel a little icky, then you've dumped too much curry powder in the Balti.

Unless you make people feel a little icky.

I like mixing up horror and erotica for the mindfuck factor. Targeting fetishes plays an important role in this. What's a turn on for one person, can be twisted into something creepy and horrific for somebody else. One's reading it for the sex, the other for the horror. They're both getting something from the same story. Everyone's happy (at least until Horrorhead rears up and squicks everyone out).

My own weakness. With story titles like Crushed Between Her Breasts and The Biggest Tits in the World, it's all rather boring and obvious really...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monster Girl Quest game out

Remember that hentai game I talked about back here.

It’s out.

I managed to fiddle around with the Japanese website and buy it using my credit card and judicious use of a translation program. It was an interesting exercise in cryptography and sheer bloody-mindedness, and one you don’t have to go through as it’s already up on the English side.

You can get it here:

I imagine I’ll be able to pick up some inspiration for some even more twisted and perverse demons to include in my stories. I’d love to be able to create a game like this. Of course, Horror-head will probably bludgeon all traces of kawaii out of it.

In the meantime the game seems like fun. Steering your character to an untimely end has never felt this satisfying since getting Lara Croft to swan dive off a very high cliff back in the old Tomb Raider days.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Half price offer on, or indy Amazon as I like to think of them, are running an ebook promotion this week. Selena Kitt has signed eXcessica up for the promotion, so for this week (up until the 12th) all eXcessica ebooks are half price on This includes both of my short story collections - A Succubus for Christmas and A Succubus of Valentine's Day.

If you've been thinking about checking them out, but haven't got round to it, now is the perfect time as you can get them each for the low price of $3 or so. If you've already got them, thanks and sorry you missed out on the promo. You can always take this opportunity to check out what some of the other talented writers at eXcessica are getting up to.

I used smashwords a while back to pick up a copy of Edward Lee's "Succubi". It's a bit light on the devilish seduction and a lot heavier on the demons and gore, but a fun book nonetheless. The man writes some good splatter.

I think I might use this promotion to have a little furtle around to see if I can find anything interesting. Horror-head needs appeasing. He's been out of control on the last few stories I've been working on.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Also found in Britain!

A couple of nights ago I had a pleasant little surprise as I realised both my books are available on and are also doing slightly better, at least on ranking. I thought they were only available on the US site for some reason.

Yeah, I really am that out of touch with everyday reality.

I was corresponding with an old university friend. He mentioned a colleague who'd picked up a nice deal with Puffin (I won't mention the name as no children's writer should ever have the misfortune of being linked, however tenuously, with the sexual atrocities I regularly type up on my laptop). We were both quite envious.

I looked for the guy's book on and was surprised to see the kindle version ranked down in 200,000's. Okay, British author, might not have had much of a push out in the states. I flipped over to

Kindle ranking around 25,000. That makes a little more sense.

On a whim, I put M.E.Hydra in and was surprised to see my books come up. Cool, Selena must have put them up on the UK site as well. Okay, so how are we doing?


That was an eye opener. Christmas was also at 15,000.

Okay, so I don't know entirely how the rankings work in reality. It could mean I happened to sell five copies on that particular day. And 7,000 is awful if you're used to the success stories on Joe Konrath's blog. I don't really care. There are 500,000 or so kindle ebooks on the UK amazon site and at that one point in time my book was doing better than 493,000 of them. I don't have an agent. I don't have a deal with a big publishing house. I'm not even at a super low price. I still have my regular 9-to-5 job.

I love this new ebook revolution. For anyone that's ever dreamed of being a writer, now they actually have a realistic chance of achieving their dream. The future looks so promising.

And I intend to fill it with such tales of twisted perversion...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some slightly dubious story titles

A while back I remember reading about a B-movie exploitation-flick producer who kept a drawer full of lurid and trashy film titles, ready to be emblazoned over whatever poor film fell into his grubby mitts. I think he might have been a fictional invention, of either Kim Newman or Neil Gaiman if I was forced to guess. Anyway, through a weird quirk of wormholes and other weirdness, this drawer has crossed time, space and the 4th wall, and taken up residency in one of the deeper recesses of my brain.

My short story titles are getting worse. Okay, so I've already used such gems as "The Biggest Tits in the World" and "The Orgy of the Pink Flesh". The last one was even supposed to be vaguely serious.

This weekend I completed a short story entitled "Vampiric Boobies". I'm currently working on a story called "Don't Fuck The Flowers".

In my scrapbook of ideas I have such delights as "Bloodfuckers of Romania" and "The Giant Pussy on the Wall". Not to mention my epic full novel idea - "Porno Fighters from Planet Earth".


Chances of ever being taken remotely serious as a horror writer: nil.

Gonna have to face the awful truth. I'm the reincarnated soul of a sleazebag exploitation skinflick producer from the sixties. There's no hope for me.

Fuck it. Let's have fun. :)