<- Previous: Ilias Temple Ruins II
Hmm, probably isn’t going to be much time or space for recaps, so let’s forge on straight from where we left off (I played the game that way anyway, I had to split this section into two posts because there was too much damn exposition).
The bad Black Alice floating around is the bad Black Alice from the original MGQ reality. She’s also a god. This could cause problems.
A chaotized Ilias just about manages to tell us about the two worlds where the monster girls and angels won out convincingly when the monster girl delegation of Lilith, Morrigan and Astaroth show up.
Rather conveniently as it happens, as they are able to continue the exposition as this world’s Ilias finally succumbs to chaotization and falls apart.
(Again you’ll have to excuse my clumsy interpretations. AI machine translation is not ideal for text-heavy games.)
Lilith and friends are from the world where the legendary ancestor monster girls won against Ilias and were not sealed. It’s a monster girl paradise of complete freedom (where I’m guessing human lives are both awesome and very very short). Unfortunately, they realised they need to unify the worlds to prevent chaos from destroying them all. Their plan is to suck the souls of everyone over into their world and unify that way. Unfortunately (again!), in order to pull the soul across into their world they have to kill the individual in this world. However, the more a world deviates from the proper history of the original world, the faster it’s destroyed by chaotization. Which is why they’ve been trying to prod Luka along a similar path to his canon counterpart.
This also explains the war-like behaviour of Alice’s mother. She knew this plan would require a big slaughter, but she didn’t her daughter to have that blood on her hands, so she usurped the throne to be the bad guy the universe needed.
Then the angel faction from the other world crash the party. They’re led by another Eden.
She's from an alternate reality. You can tell because she's wearing clothes. |
They come from the world where the angels crushed the forces of darkness and everyone lives happily in constant worship of Ilias. Their masterplan is not revealed, but I imagine it involves something similar to the heaven version of Esta.
I’m also guessing that the Ilias route has the angels arrive first and explain their plan before Lilith and sisters show up.
The two trios exchange insults before getting ready to kick off an epic battle.
Uber catfight! |
Sonya tries to get in the middle of them to play peacekeeper.
No, Sonya love, you don’t want to get involved in this. You’re outclassed. This is not the time to...
“Battle acts between people who come form parallel worlds are forbidden.”
Huh, that’s a very stiff way of... Oh.
I mean pint-size Ilias did warn us right at the beginning of MQ:P part 1 – “You should watch her. I know everything in this world because I created it. I do not know her.”
The angels and succubi spot something isn’t right as well.
And something isn’t right. Really not right.
Uh oh |
Sonya, Luka’s “childhood friend”, was really an apoptosis secret agent the whole time.
(okay, this is probably as big of a “twist” as Alice being the demon lord in the original series.)
She’s also very high level apoptosis. She grabs Gnosis’s arm and the angel has to cut it off to escape before Sonya absorbs all her energy.
Yup, we have problems. Luka tries to get through to her without any success. Looks like the final boss of part 2 is Sonya.
The endboss is Sonya |
She’s referred to as Sonya Mazda, which I think is also Sonya Heaven, although I’m not 100% on this. In this form she’s absorbed light energy and taken on an angelic aspect.
Should you lose to her, she gives you a suitably angelic send-off.
Prepare to be ridden hard |
She rides you to nirvana... literally. MGQ angels aren’t that dissimilar to succubi. They can suck the energy out of humans and the way they like to do it usually involves a lot of ejaculations and cum. For an apoptosis monster girl it’s actually rather vanil—
Yeep! |
Pass the vodka, please.
Her first incarnation isn’t all that hard to beat. First time around I didn’t really pay attention to Alice’s warnings, wandered up with whatever party I had at the time and managed to just about muddle through Sonya’s first stage.
First stage?
Oh yes. Did you think you were done after that?
Defeating Sonya does not result in the usual pledge of friendship. Defeating her is only the prelude to worse things as Sonya starts to download Adramalek into this world.
Morrigan tries to stop her only to have half of her energy drained in the process, replenishing everything apoptosis Sonya used up in the fight and giving her snazzy new chaos powers on top of that. She also doesn’t prevent Sonya from summoning Adramalek, who arrives in a much more buffed up form than the one we last saw.
Adramalek has been working out since we last saw her |
This is a much better use of her character. I always thought Adramalek came out of nowhere and was a weird choice for end boss in the first chapter. This time around she fits much better. She comes to worlds. They die. You should fucking fear her.
The angels and succubi obviously do. Her arriving here is enough for them to temporarily set aside their differences and team together to fight her.
That leaves Sonya’s second form, Sonya Chaos, to us.
Okay, this is the real endboss of [part 2] |
Should be fine. Luka is level 60. Most of my back row can’t fight at all, but my front row is probably still over-levelled. We should be able to muddle through it like bef—
I'm not sure I want to know what's going on here... |
Spoiler. It was not fine.
Not fine at all.
Nope |
Come back Delphinus. All is forgiven. I’m not really sure what’s going on in this Bad End. Sonya sort of brings Luka into her body. Then has a second body to hug him from behind while something (probably best not to think too hard on what) starts sucking away on the dangly bits. Finally, it ends with two becoming one... the bad way.
Sonya’s second incarnation is considerably tougher than her first form. She hits like a truck. I came back with a proper party of level 60s—in the back line as well—and it was still a pretty tough fight. As always, Alicetroemeria is handy to have around.
Beating Sonya doesn’t seem to improve things much. The combined team of succubi and angels are able to take down Adramalek, but as Lilith points out, it doesn’t matter. They’ve already beaten her twice before. She just comes back stronger.
It looks like curtains for the world anyway. The angels, being MGQ angels, decide this is a lost cause and run back to their world. Lilith says this world is too important and her and the other succubi opt to stay. To be honest, I think we’re at world
past tense at this point. We appear to be standing in void.
Then Nuruko pops up. She’s the other “mysterious being”. What, another hidden apoptosis?
Not quite. She appears to still be on our side. She sucks up all the chaos, reversing the chaotization of the world, and mutates into a much bustier form.
Nuruko? |
Then the elemental spirits realise she’s another spirit, just like them. Of chaos? I’m not sure. She dismisses Adramalek from this world and restores Sonya before returning to her original loveable (sort of) Nuruko form. She’s also managed to revert the chaotization and return the world back to how it was before.
Afterwards the succubi are of a much friendlier disposition. Morrigan is offered as a new party member. Luka is hesitant at first, remembering how they slaughtered the Luddite village. Lilith points out they did it to save the world (and to be honest, those Luddite assholes had it coming anyway).
I suspect this is also route-dependent. I imagine if you have Ilias it’s the three succubi that run straight after the battle and one of the angelic trio joins the party, although I’d need someone on the Ilias route to confirm that in the comments.
Sonya wakes up with no knowledge she’s really a world-ending apoptosis. Morrigan is keen to kill her, but Luka refuses to let that happen.
So what do we do now? Do we continue to the demon castle to stop Alice 15th... who’s only taking on the role of a mass-murdering monster because she feels that’s the only way to save the universe?
Stopping Alice 15th becomes moot anyway. As soon as Lilith and Astaroth get back to the castle they send a message that Alice 15th is dead—killed by a hero.
History repeats, or rather, snaps back to the initial path |
Realities may diverge, but some events are constant. Remina blows up. Marcellus kills Alice 15th. Luka slays Ilias?
And that’s the note the game leaves us on. Not sure where [part 3] is going at this point. There is a lot going on!
Time to roll credits.
But we’re not quite done yet. There are some post-credits quests, including the permanent recruitment of Alma Elma, which I’ll cover in the next post.
-> Next: Post-Credits Side Quests (Alma Elma!)