Thursday, June 21, 2012

New story for Literotica's 2012 Nude Day contest

At some point soon I'll be starting previews for the my next collection, A Succubus for Freedom. Sadly there's the small matter of finishing the last two stories first so I can edit and upload the manuscript. They're putting up a bit of a fight. More news on that when I have an exact publication date.

In the meantime here's a brand new story I've been sitting on until Literotica's Nude Day short story competition opened up:

Iron Girders and Steel Springs

It's a monster at 11K words and is also a bit of a change of pace for me. Bizarrely, given how many horror stories I've written, this is the first time I've tackled this particular horror trope. Actually, if you don't count "Vampiric Boobies" as a vampire story, this is the first time I've tackled any of the big three supernatural horror tropes.

Normally I enter nasty horror stories into Literotica's contests for the amusement value. This time I thought I'd try and put a serious entrant in for a change. Hence the length, slow build-up and additional focus on characterisation (these are common features of most winning entries).

If you like it, and I hope you do, please show your appreciation by rating the story a '5' at the end (given how Literotica contests work, anything else is worse than not voting at all). If you don't like it, sorry and don't worry, we'll be back to the usual succubus-related mayhem in the forthcoming collection.


  1. Not exactly my thing, but well-written regardless. Are we ever going to see what Inari was like before she became concerned with humanity, or has she always been like this?

    1. This one was more for the nonhuman crowd on Lit. I shamelessly locked horror-head in a cage and wrote something with a better chance of winning. :)

      Inari? She's just a well-meaning therapist... ;)

    2. Yep I don't buy it for a second.

    3. I think you could safely have increased the horror aspect of it without pushing away the non-human crowd

    4. I don't know. I've had a few comments about how 'chilling' the ending is because the werewolves kill everyone else. ;)

    5. I don't get it. What's the big deal with everyone dies?

  2. AS an author, would you say generally its better to give a story a 5 rating or none at all on literotica or just for contests?

  3. Good luck in the contest! I'm not a fan of furry/were-creatures, but your writing is great as usual.

    Also, as a horror/monster fan, I was wondering if you've seen Prometheus and have any thoughts about it.

    1. No, haven't seen Prometheus yet. Too busy trying to get the next collection finished. Reviews from my friends have been fairly mixed, though. Sounds like a film with flaws. I'll make up my own mind when I get a chance to see it.

    2. I was more curious about your thoughts on the monsters than the overall quality of the movie. I ask just because I assume your creature from 'Initial Infiltration' was partially inspired by Alien (what with the whole mouth-within-a-mouth thing).

    3. Strangely not, at least not directly. The inspiration for that one came from a hentai picture set (can't remember the source) where a dominatrix-type girl held a smaller man down in that position (her underneath - legs wrapped over his) on a very fluffy white bed. The girl and bed became the polypomp and the mouth-with-a-mouth became necessary mechanics. In that position there needed to be something to bring the man's penis into her sex organ and that was the first idea that popped out (although, admittedly, it was probably seeded there by HR Giger's fantastic alien creation whether I realised it or not! :) ).
