Toro Toro Resistance (とろとろレジスタンス) is the person(s?) responsible for the excellent
Monster Girl Quest series of games. You might remember them - I spent a couple of months earlier this year blogging a
full playthrough of the most recent,
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox! For the last couple of months on
their blog they've been posting screenshots and tidbits from another project. Today more info went up on their website, including
a link to a trial version.
No idea what the exact title of this is. |
As for what this is, I don't think it's a game with the same complexity as
MGQ:P. From a brief look at the demo it appears to be a series of scenarios organised using the same encyclopaedia UI and engine from the original
Monster Girl Quest.
She's probably going to eat us... |
There are two monster girls with brand new artwork - a Sea Anemone Girl and a Blue Slime Girl. Both are straight Bad End scenes with various H-artwork. The only player interaction is a "Choose You Own Bad End" option from the Sea Anemone Girl. From the website it sounds like the finished product will have 33 different encounters. I look forward to seeing what warped sexiness Toro Toro Resistance throws at us next.
Blue slime girls are a little friendlier... sometimes... |
New here? Like what you saw in Toro Toro Resistance's demo? Maybe I can interest you in an English language short story take on a
Sea Anemone Girl and a
Slime Girl.
(this might be the only time I get to match and possibly outsquick something put out by Toro Toro Resistance :) )