Showing posts with label demo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demo. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018

A brief look at Toro Toro Resistance's new thing

Toro Toro Resistance (とろとろレジスタンス) is the person (people?) behind Monster Girl Quest and Monmusu Quest: Paradox.  You might be familiar with those.  I've talked a lot about them in the past.

Toro Toro Resistance has a new thing on the way.

It's... uh... different?

This is going to present a challenge.  How to talk about this without coming off like an overly judgmental prick or have the rozzers knocking on my front door tomorrow morning with a warrant to examine the contents of my hard drive.

I checked out the demo (it can be downloaded from Toro Toro Resistance's blog).  In structure it seems very similar to the Monster Musume HYAKURAN Vol. 1 product TTR put out between MQ:P 1 and MQ:P 2.  i.e. Rather than being a game, it's more a collection of illustrated Bad End scenes selected from a menu.

Choices... choices...

The demo has two encyclopedia entries and an introductory section showing off the artwork for some of the other things that will likely appear in the finished product.  I don't have access to machine translation at the moment, so I can't give more information than what's in the blurb or can be google-translated from Toro Toro's blog.

The main difference to Monster Musume HYAKURAN vol. 1 - and I imagine this will be the main deal-breaker for a lot of Monster Girl Quest fans (it is for me, to be fair) - is this time the monsters don't have the girl part tacked on.  Instead of cum-hungry succubi, harpies, slime girls and the like, there are cum-hungry leeches, insects, plants, worms, slimes, and other oddities.

I think nope.

I'm guessing each will have a encyclopedia entry detailing their stats and a Bad End scene/story.

The central framing device is an unusual shop selling sex toys, with the witchy owner telling stories about their use in a variety of settings.

That in itself doesn't seem a bad idea.  I can see the erotic potential in a witch selling a variety of unusual and living sex toys, which are just a bit too good at sucking semen out of their unsuspecting users.

Slurp? Mmm... nope.

This is not exactly new territory for TTR either.  Their earlier voice dramas had some scenarios where the femdom villainess would set some crazy biological cum-sucking device loose on the hapless (lucky?) hero.  I just didn't think those scenarios were as hot or as sexy as when the villainess set a sexy spider-girl or alraune loose on the hero.

But... diff'r'nt strokes for diff'r'nt folks and all that.

Nope nope nope nope.

However, there is a massive elephant in the room concerning the age of the (un)lucky individuals getting to try out these exotic sex toys.  The work's title is The Encyclopedia of Tentacles for Boys Vol. 1.  The artwork I've seen definitely puts it into the shota-esque category.

While I am intrigued to see what bizarre and exotic organic sex toys TTR's devious mind can come up with, I wish they'd set them loose on a cast of gormless eighteen-year-old university or college students.  It's hard to enjoy a good wank over a sexy witch and her selection of fantastical sex toys when you're concerned someone else (the authorities especially!) might consider the Bad End scenes child porn.

WTF!!!!  Nope!

Kudos to TTR for trying something different, but I think I'll pass on this in these outrage-hungry times and wait for MQ:P 3.

(There's also not enough hawt femdom succubus boobage for my liking.)

Nop...  Hmm, wait.  How much...?

Sunday, April 03, 2016

More animated monster girl sexiness - Monster Girl Island

And while we're still on the subject of animated sexy monster girls, it would be very remiss of me not to talk about Monster Girl Island.

Monster Girl Island is a monster girl hentai game in development by Redamz.  Their site is here.

I heard about them a while back, but somehow managed to get confused on their web page and loaded a demo of another game and then thought I'd somehow already played the demo whenever I heard the game mentioned.

Obviously I hadn't played the demo, as I would have remembered a superb animated slime girl sex scene (and in English to boot).  It's very very good as you can see below (Jump to around 16-17 mins for the start of the smexy stuff).

(I found this on PornHub and embedded it here.  Link to original source in case the embedding fucks up.  Credit goes to Redamz for creating the scene and ValwinMedia for creating and uploading their livestream of the demo.  Hopefully neither will mind me using it here to showcase the game, but if you do, let me know and I'll take it down)

The demo (which can be downloaded from their site from a link just below the banner if you want to try it out yourself) features a bit of scavenging on the beach for some items followed by that glorious extended sex scene with the purple demon slime.  On the game front, I found the movement and item management very clunky, but that's understandable for an early demo and less of a priority for a sex game.

The number one thing a proof of concept for a hentai game needs to do is demonstrate the creator can deliver hawtness, and the purple slime girl scenes succeed amply on that front.  I suspect this is what people were hoping to see from the ill-fated Monster Girl Quest 3D project before it became apparent the creator was totally out of their depth.

Happily, Monster Girl Island looks a lot more promising, although the usual caveats for games in development apply.

If you like what you see enough to want to consider helping the developer out with funding, a link to their Patreon is here.

(As an aside $4K+ a month on their Patreon!  Damn. I'm definitely in the wrong creative discipline! :D ) 

Anyway, looks damn good so far.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

New Monster Girl Thingy Demo from Toro Toro Resistance

Toro Toro Resistance (とろとろレジスタンス) is the person(s?) responsible for the excellent Monster Girl Quest series of games.  You might remember them - I spent a couple of months earlier this year blogging a full playthrough of the most recent, Monster Girl Quest: Paradox!  For the last couple of months on their blog they've been posting screenshots and tidbits from another project.  Today more info went up on their website, including a link to a trial version.

No idea what the exact title of this is.

As for what this is, I don't think it's a game with the same complexity as MGQ:P.  From a brief look at the demo it appears to be a series of scenarios organised using the same encyclopaedia UI and engine from the original Monster Girl Quest.

She's probably going to eat us...
There are two monster girls with brand new artwork - a Sea Anemone Girl and a Blue Slime Girl.  Both are straight Bad End scenes with various H-artwork.  The only player interaction is a "Choose You Own Bad End" option from the Sea Anemone Girl.  From the website it sounds like the finished product will have 33 different encounters.  I look forward to seeing what warped sexiness Toro Toro Resistance throws at us next.

Blue slime girls are a little friendlier... sometimes...

New here?  Like what you saw in Toro Toro Resistance's demo?  Maybe I can interest you in an English language short story take on a Sea Anemone Girl and a Slime Girl.

(this might be the only time I get to match and possibly outsquick something put out by Toro Toro Resistance :) )