Friday, November 03, 2017

Let's Play Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] - 12: The Road to Yamatai

<- Previous: Minotaurs’ Labyrinth

With Caesar’s quest complete, it’s time to head off to Yamatai Village to complete Arthur’s Quest.  First we have to get there.

The road from Finoa to Grand Noah splits in two at a signpost.  The right fork leads to a cave entrance.  On the other side of those tunnels is Yamatai.

These cave systems seem to get windier and more maze-like each time.  The route to Yamatai also has some cave rooms with treasure chests inside.  Look for the cave entrances that look like large cracks.

In the original series, the route to Yamatai was over some snow-covered mountains, where Luka was attacked by a Yuka-Onna snow spirit.  She can now be found in the tunnels to Yamatai, along with the ninja and samurai elves of the original series.

Kunoichi in Torotoro Resistance’s universe are non-supernatural humans or elves that have mastered ancient arts of pleasure to almost succubus levels.  She’ll kill you, but you’ll enjoy every minute of it.

The deadliest of ninja techniques...

The samurai has a filthy mind and loves a bit of tight anal, with the emphasis being on tight.

Samurai elves are very dirty girls

They were all present in the original series, so nothing new here.

What is new is the Nure-onna.

It's a lamia.  Is she like Miia from Monster Musume?

She’s a lamia type and can also be found in the caves on the way to the Minotaur Labyrinth.  She also knows a few filthy little tricks with her snakes, but be warned, she’s a man-eater.

I think this bit of 69 went wrong somewhere...


No, I don't think she's like Miia from Monster Musume.  Helllpppp!

Lamia vaginas – just a little bit too flexible.  Don’t show her any mercy next time, Luka.

The nekomata we’ve been seeing as various NPCs throughout the game also finally show up as encounters in the woods and fields surrounding the village.

Yamatai seems to be based on Ye Olde Japanese fantasy, so most of the monsters in this area are sexy versions of traditional Youkai.  The Akaname, or long-tongue women, return from the original series.  New additions are the Futakuchi, or two-mouth girl...

Um, you appear to have something on the back of your head

...and Kappas.

Kappas, photobombed by a random cat girl

Kappas really like cucumbers for... reasons that are probably best not to ask.

Kappas also like sumo, including some holds that don’t seem legal or fair.

Foul hold!  Foul hold!

Her Bad End is to stick her fingers in our ass, rummage around until she finds our ‘ejaculation button’ and then press it until empty (and unconscious).  Pretty sure that move is definitely not legal in sumo.  It could be worse.  At least she’s not using that cucumber she’s always carrying around.

Kappa also has another scene you can request back at the castle.  It also involves prostate massage (she really likes sticking her fingers in our ass for some reason), but with sex as well.  I think.  This is another one of those pieces of art where I’m not entirely sure which way round Luka actually is.

Two-mouth women are spirits of women that were excessively greedy or gluttonous in their lives and are cursed to return with an insatiably hungry mouth in the back of their heads, if I remember my Japanese folklore correctly.  The futakuchi girls in Monmusu Quest: Paradox also have that perpetual hunger.  Every item drop is a food item.

Despite their uncontrollable hunger, vore is surprisingly absent from their Bad Ends.  Lose to one out in the woods and she’ll tie you up with her hair before letting that mouth on the back of her head suck out every drop of semen.

It's sort of a blow job... I guess...

I’m not sure what to make of it other than thinking there’s probably a really good horror story for Edward Lee somewhere.  Rednecks capture a mysterious Japanese girl to give her a header.  Messy castration ensues.  Fuck it, I’ll write it myself.  Except it will probably have to be British chavs.  I usually fuck up when I attempt to write in an ‘American’ voice (oh H-space, why did I have the US government discover you first).

Futakuchi also has a couple of other request scenes – a more conventional blowjob, frottage between her buttocks, and the same scene with full vaginal intercourse.  She’s also endearingly apologetic when she loses control of her second mouth and sucks out so much Luka is knocked out for a day.

But that’s enough fraternising with the locals.  The destination is Yamatai Village, which can be found here:

Yamatai Village

North of Yamatai is a white mountain and another visit-able location.  That leads to the elf village, but it’s impossible to reach at the moment as you’ll get teleported back to the start after taking a few steps.

East of Yamatai Village is another cave system.  I’m guessing that’s where Yamata-no-Orochi is hanging out.  We’ll check that dungeon out later.

Before then, it’s time to see what has Yamatai Village in uproar.

-> Next: Yamatai Village

Monday, October 30, 2017

Let's Play Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] - 10: The Coliseum

<- Previous: Fossil Cave

The coliseum is a location accessed from Grand Noah.  Leave the city by the west road and you’ll go to the coliseum rather than exiting to the world map.  Some of the teams are excited about trying to win the Queen’s Cup.  One group of guards is excited about being beaten (and presumably fucked) by various monster girls (Both Alice and Sonya call them out as perverts).

Ilias is here with her little party of slime girl and dog girl.  Haven’t you even got around to recruiting a fourth party member yet, Ilias?

(I’m probably going to regret this somewhere down the line when she shows up with a party of elite angels.)

In the foyer there are two NPCs behind the desk.  The one on the right seems to be selling tickets for spectators.  If you try to do this Sonya and Alice will berate Luka for even considering it.  They probably have a point.  If the coliseum is anything like the one from the original series, the fights all end up in big sloppy sex shows.

The person you need to talk to is the girl on the left.  This will enter you into the Queen’s Cup tournament and after some text letting you know a couple of days have passed, you’ll be taken to a staging room within the coliseum.

How to enter the tournament

This is another locked-in quest in that you won’t be able to leave or warp away.  As with all locked-in quests, there is a book to enable us to re-organise the party, change jobs, etc.  There are even a few NPC vendors dotted around the room.

We come back to the action after Luka and friends have already progressed to the quarterfinals.  Ilias and crew are already out, having been defeated by the sea horse marine squad in the second round.

Toldya you should have recruited a 4th member.

Once all the preparations are complete, it’s time to exit the room at the top-left.  That takes us out into the coliseum and a first fight against Arthur the Dullahan.

Arthur has three dark elf flunkies for the player to fight first.  As none of them seem to have levelled up since leaving Enrika, fight is a generous description.  Arthur is a proper boss fight though.  She’s also not new.  ‘Classic’ Luka fought her back in Monster Girl Quest chapter 2 and I’m assuming it’s the same Bad End.

Next match is versus Caesar the Cerberus.  She also has an orc, grizzly and wolf girl squad as a warm-up fight.  They don’t appear to have levelled up either.  Caesar seemed a lot weaker than Arthur.  That sort of makes sense considering she’s number 2 to Arthur’s number 1.  But it’s probably more because she’s a beast girl, and they’re pathetically weak to pleasure attacks.

Mephisto puts in an appearance before the final.

She has no ulterior motive for forcing us through this tournament.  None at all...

Unsurprisingly, she reveals she has ulterior motives.  She wants Luka in the final in the hope a ‘certain’ person shows up.  I wonder how much Mephisto knows as this seems to be another attempt to force history follow the ‘correct’ path.

Is the game going to bait’n’switch us again.  Nope.  Our final opponent is...

The first heavenly knight has arrived

Alma Elma!

Finally, after a long wait, the heavenly knights have arrived.

Should you be tempted to... ahem... throw the fight, her Bad End is the same as the one from the coliseum in the original series.  She ties Luka up with her tail and wanks him off in front of the audience.

We lost.  What a shame.

After ‘beating’ her, Alice correctly points out we shouldn’t get too triumphant about beating an opponent that’s clearly only showing a faction of her true power.

Then... plot-twist spoiler central warnings.

The surprise factor on this one might have been helped by my having to use shonky machine translation.  Initially I thought Mephisto was doing the White Rabbit thing of trying to guide history down the correct path (where Luka fights Alma Elma in the final of the Queen’s Cup).  Instead she was using us as bait to lure out Alma Elma.  The succubus queen has turned traitor and is refusing to obey the demon lord (presumably Alice’s mother, or whatever is masquerading as Alice’s mother).

Then... another plot twist.  Mephisto has brought along an ally to bring Alma Elma to heal.

Was not expecting Granberia to show up as well

It’s none other than Granberia.

At this point I’m a little confused.  Are we supposed to side with Alma Elma or Granberia?  That question is answered when Alma Elma joins our party.

Important tip.  You know how a new girl joins your party and you immediately send her back to the castle to wait until you can properly sort out her job and gear later.  DO NOT DO THIS HERE.  You need Alma Elma for this fight.

(Ignore the previous paragraph.  The game is smart enough to not let you remove Alma Elma from the party.  I checked this out later.)

It’s really just a fight between Alma Elma and Granberia.  Luka and friends are mostly here to be a bunch of chumps and eat some of Granberia’s attacks instead of Alma Elma.  It’s not like she needs us.  Anyone that remembers their little sparring match at the end of Monster Girl Quest will know that Granberia is rather weak to pleasure.  Alma Elma knows an awful lot of pleasure skills.

And I mean a lot.

Looks at Alma Elma’s list of sexcraft skills.

Wonders if we can ask her for a sparring session afterwards.  You know, for ‘training’ purposes.

Should you lose, you get a repeat of Granberia’s first Bad End from the original series – she stamps on Luka’s crotch with a big dragon foot until he leaks.  MGQ Bad End scenes have come on a long way since then.

You probably won’t lose though.  Use up all of Alma Elma’s SP on a sexcraft skill like Queen’s Drain, follow it by spamming any black magic spell with a heart icon and big damage bonus, and Granberia will last maybe three or four turns before she’s orgasming all over the place.

Mephisto reveals afterwards her plan had been to soften up Alma Elma with Luka's party and that she’d underestimated her strength.  Alma Elma asks her if she fancies a turn.  Mephisto wisely doesn’t want any piece of that.  That’s her cue to leave.

Granberia tries again to persuade Alma Elma back to the demon castle, but the succubus queen isn’t really interested.  She doesn’t seem to care for the current demon lord’s plans.  She’s a wind that blows where it wants.

Which also means she’s not interested in joining us either (aw, but I wanted a sparring session).  But on the other hand, she’s also happy to concede the final to us.

I guess that means we win.  Yay!

(Sonya doesn’t find it very satisfying).

After ‘winning’ we are awarded with the Queen’s Cup.  So that means we get permission to visit Esta and its nearby Tartarus region.

Well, no, not exactly.  It seems the queen has caught up to the fact that Mephisto might, in fact, be rather suspicious.

(What was it?  The green skin?  The weird glowing tentacles?  Or the fact she calls herself freaking Mephisto?)

She wants us to go and investigate her school of magic to the north of the city.

She’s not the only one with additional quests.  Caesar and Arthur greet us on the stairs with their own problems.

More side quests.  We're never getting to Esta.

Caesar’s problem is minotaurs, or rather a lack of them.  They’ve all run off somewhere and – as leader of sorts of the beast faction in these parts – she wants to get to the bottom of their disappearance.

Arthur, meanwhile, is our excuse to finally go to Yamatai Village.  Trouble is brewing there and she wants us to sort it out.

Okay, so it looks like that Tartarus expedition is going to have to wait.

As usual, when presented with multiple side missions, the best thing to do is to check with Amira back at the pocket castle.  According to her sliding scale of difficulty, Caesar’s quest appears to be next on the list.

Time to put on the cowboy hats.  Looks like we’ve got some stray steers to find.

-> Next: Minotaurs' Labyrinth.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Let's Play Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] - 9: Fossil Mine

<- Previous: Grand Noah

We’re on a quest to find some dragon scale stone to upgrade a gear.  This is the fifth of these blacksmith quests (and the first of part 2).  They’re usually pretty straightforward – go to location, go to bottommost level, walk up to the big pile of sparkly stone and press the action button.

The quest location is very easy to find.  It’s the mine entrance just south of the city.

Entrance to Fossil Mine

Unsurprisingly, the mine is infested with monster girls.  There are more frog girls and two brand new monster girls.

The first is some kind of nope bug.

Attack of the nope bugs!

Oddly, it’s one of the few monster girl names in my translated file that’s still in Japanese.  I think it’s Chrysanthemum Bug or something like that.  She looks like a caterpillar girl, but I guess she could also be a peripatus/velvet worm monster girl.  (Yep, that is a thing.  I wrote a H-space story, “Onychophoral Dreams”, featuring one, and that was inspired by artwork I’d seen floating around on the internet.)

Do I want to know what's happening here?

I’m not even sure what’s happening in this pic, so I think it’s probably best to leave well alone.  In her temptation scene, she sucks our cock into... something and extracts all the ‘milk’.

Her bad end has Luka all wrapped up in silk while she gives him a multi-handed handjob, followed by a blowjob finisher.  These are reversed in her request scenes, with the multi-handjob being her 10-affection scene and her temptation ‘sex’ unlocked at 100 affection.

The second new monster girl is a big-titted spirit girl and she is up there and in the running for one of my early favourites of the new batch.

Busty ghosts in need of bustin' (but not by the new lot, coz they're shite)

Her temptation scene is to wrap her big soft boobies around Luka’s cock and lick away at the glans with her long tongue.  Should you fail to resist that (guilty… sigh), she’ll move onto a sloppy blowjob with a lot of sound effects and deep throat Luka until he’s nearly empty.

She's hungry for more than cum

The nearly is an important distinction here.  Luka realises quickly that she’s slurping out his lifeforce as well as his cum (it’s what ghost girls do in MGQ-land), but the spirit girl tells him not to worry as she’s not going to drain him fully.  As with the Will-o’-wisp girl she finishes up with a “the taste is delicious, but if I take any more you’ll die.”

Aww, the ghost girls in MQ:P [part 2] are so considerate.

It’s still a game over, though, as Luka likes it so much he abandons his mission to come back and... well... come, again and again.

Like nope bug, if you recruit spirit girl, you can request an extended version of her boobilicious temptation scene back in the castle.

I'm sure we can spare a little bit of lifeforce...

Mmm.  Being wrapped in heavenly soft boobs and licked all over.

For all of the Monster Girl Quest series’ rep for squick and weirdness, you might be forgiven for thinking the game’s primary speciality is titjobs from what we’ve seen so far.  I’m sure that will change.  We’re going to get Xelvy-ed at some point.

And we do, the moment we’re foolish enough to open that suspiciously placed chest near the entrance.

Yargh! MIMIC!!!

The mimics have upgraded again.  This one is called Boxed Girl.  I’m not sure what’s trying to burst out at the seams of that wooden box, but it does not look girl.

As with all mimics, she’s a fairly tough fight.  It’s also another indication I’m probably over-levelled, as I was able to beat her.  The mimics seem designed to whomp any player not prepared for them the first time around.

Boxed girl has a mystery prize box shtick to her.  Her temptation move is to try to get the player to open her treasure box by inserting a ‘key’.

I think we all know what she means by ‘key’.

It seems a pretty naff temptation move.  I mean, what kind of idiot is going to voluntarily insert their erection into a slimy hole lined with wriggling tentac—

*shakes head*

Goddamn it, Luka.

It’s not as icky as I was expecting.  Like the mermaid merchant, boxed girl likes to drain Luka’s gold as much as his sack.  Her scam is to get people to shove their dick in the hole in an attempt to unlock her ‘treasure’.  When Luka fails to resist her sexy palpating of his penis, she talks him into handing over more gold for another try.  And another.  And another.  And another…

On the plus side, we have plenty of gold.

On the negative side, I don’t think even Luka has that much cum.

For a Xelvy, it’s fairly restrained, to be fair.

Anyway, that’s enough playing the slot machines, we have some rare stone to retrieve.

It’s fairly easy to find.  The staircase icon is a little different, and does blend in a bit with the background, but not enough for you to miss it.  Just head west from the entrance.  On the next floor the quest objective is to the northwest.

The quest objective

And that’s that.  No boss encounter here.  Grab the stone and head back to the blacksmith.  This unlocks Dragon Scale gear.

Now we should be ready for the Coliseum.

-> Next: The Coliseum

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Let's Play Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] - 8: Grand Noah

<- Previous: Finoa

We’re off to Grand Noah.  On the way there’s a fork leading off to Yamatai to the east.  That’s for later according to Alice.

Don't turn right just yet

Further north the path loops back south and we get another campsite scene.

These camps are getting a little crowded

The campsite is starting to look a little crowded with all the recruits to Luka’s ‘harem’.  I would have said the characters here are the ones the player should focus on levelling up for the extra dialogue pieces, but so far those additional bits of dialogue have been fairly random.

(and occasionally amusing – take librarian boss Cornelia to the casinos of Grandeur and you’ll find out she’s a bit of a gambling fiend on top of being a fan of racy romance literature.)

The camp scenes are pretty cool for giving the cast a little bit of development.  The phoenix Mini is free of Don Dahlia’s control, but she still likes her pot.  Promestein and Alice are usually the characters to talk to for additional information.  Promestein seems a little too happy that all the other angels might have died.  Alice is a bit down over the defection of her heavenly knights to her mother, but gets over it by resolving to give her mother a good slapping.  Being sealed in a loli form isn’t going to hold this demon lord back!

Grand Noah

The guards try to stop us on entering Grand Noah, but it appears Luka’s fame has already begun to spread.  Despite this, we still need permission if we want to visit Esta and explore the Tartarus location next to it.  I suspect fighting in the coliseum might be involved.

The blacksmith here talks about dragon scale weapons and armour.  Sounds like we’re due another gear upgrade.  The quest for that is in the caves just south of Grand Noah.

There’s mention of the Queen’s mysterious advisor, Mephisto.  Yup, that name doesn’t sound evil at all…

There’s a house with a sickly kid in it.  Some people are spreading rumours he might be a spy because he refuses to sign up.  Instead the lad is sensible enough to know he’s too wimpy for the first line and would rather have a role boosting morale with songs and poems and the like.

There’s another battle fucker, although I wonder if she might need a talk with sickly lad about suitability for certain professions.  Heavy armour and giant axes are not things I’d normally associate with sensual pleasures.

Are you sure you're in the right profession?

I was expecting the Queen’s castle to be off-limits for now, but a couple of words from Sara is enough to open the gate.  Inside there are more NPCs to talk to in order to glean more background information.

Everyone is terrified of Grangold’s ant girls and automatons.  There is a bit of rivalry going on between the first two regiments.  The 1st regiment is led by the Dullahan from MGQ chapter 2.  The 2nd is led by the Cerberus you also fight around the same time in the original series.

Hmm, of course, the big question is:  Where is Alma Elma?

The queen is upstairs.

Queen of Grand Noah

She and Sara chat and initially it seems like she’s going to give us a permit to go investigate Esta.  Then the mysterious Mephisto shows up.

The Queen of Grand Noah's totally trustworthy and not at all suspicious adviser, Mephisto

Yup, not suspicious in the slightest.

She’s not convinced about our strength and suggests we prove ourselves in the coliseum first.

Told you.

But before we do that, Alice suggests we upgrade our gear by retrieving some dragon scale stone from the fossil mine just south of Grand Noah.

Sounds like a sound plan, so we’ll head off there next.

-> Next: Fossil Mine

Monday, October 23, 2017

Let's Play Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] - 7: Finoa

<- Previous: The Open Seas

So far Monmusu Quest: Paradox [part 2] has done pretty well in throwing new monster girls at us.  The only repeats so far have been Dagon and one of the mermaids.  And if you happen to like Arekishi’s big-boobed paizuri scenes, well…

Your brave sacrifice will be remembered, but forge onwards we must.  There are many more monster girls to fuck is a world (possibly many) in need of saving.

The next location is Finoa, which is north of the Navy HQ and can be found here:


And the originality comes juddering to a halt.

In the countryside around Finoa we can find centaurs...

Something for the bronies?


Something for the gardeners?

…and some of UN_DO’s frog girls.

Something for the... I got nothing.

We’ve slotted back onto Luka’s path from Monster Girl Quest [chapter 2].  These were the first three monsters en route to Grand Noah if I remember right.  Centaur was a training fight to see if you’d remembered you’d picked up Gnome.  Forget that and you ended up wedged against a tree and stuck in wrong horse pussy.

Remember, it doesn’t count as bestiality if they can speak.  Gnooommmmeeee!  Haaalp!

The froggies have three request scenes back in the pocket castle – a tongue job, a communal tongue job and a frog sandwich with Luka in the middle.  I’m not sure if any of these are new.  In their first appearance I remember they had different Bad End scenes depending on how many Luka had knocked out before succumbing.  Maybe the tongue job scene is new.

Frog girls are very talented with their tongues

Not much else new here, but as Torotoro Resistance is trying to remain faithful to his original series, it makes sense.

Finoa is also a bit nothingy.  I am back to relying on machine translation, so it’s possible I might have missed a quest somewhere.  Aside from that, the NPCs here are mostly just information sources for the new continent.  From them you can learn that:

The next Tartarus location is west of Grand Noah and difficult to get to as it’s right in the middle of a lake.

There is another disappeared village.  Just like Rubiana in part 1, all the inhabitants of Esta have mysteriously vanished.

There’s lots of talk about avoiding the draft to fight the war against Grangold, which doesn’t appear to be going very well.

Despite all the war, people are still excited about the Queen’s Cup held in the coliseum of Grand Noah.  Ah, I remember that from the original series.  When you lost, you got fucked in front of the whole audience.  Good times.  Does this also mean we might be seeing a first appearance from Alma Elma?  The heavenly knights were conspicuously absent from the first game (aside from a recording/hologram of Tamamo).

Yamatai Village, another location from the first game, also gets a mention.  Alice advises visiting Grand Noah first to upgrade gear as the monsters on the way to Yamatai will be too strong for us currently.

Lastly there’s mention of a mysterious school of magic, which, I believe, is a new location.

There’s also the obligatory battle fucker – Lara.

Footjob technique.  Either that or she's trying to pull Luka's head off

My Luka might be a teensy weensy bit on the over-levelled side, so it’s not exactly a contest.  Ironically, she drops Cat Gloves, an accessory that bumps the rate of finding items to %150.  If I’d had that earlier, my Luka might be a more sensible level than 40 (that damn Grizzly Bear rare drop, grr).

As an aside.  In the first game I levelled up a lot of characters in Merchant for the buff to gold drop.  If you’re a completionist, I’d recommend following the Fortune Teller/Gambler path instead as these give abilities that improve item drop rate and trying to get the rare item drops is by far the biggest grind when it comes to removing all those ??????s from the library profiles.

Anyway, there’s not much going on in Finoa.

(I’ve botched a translation and missed something, haven’t I?)

Time to head off to Grand Noah.

-> Next: Grand Noah