Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Donation Button(s)

It's been a fairly quiet month sales-wise.  I suppose I should keep my publisher (okay, writing collective of fellow awesome smut writers) happy and remind people I also write books when not blogging about dubious Japanese hentai games.

I'm lousy at the whole monetization side of things because I'm a stupid big softie and find asking for stuff awkward.  That's why I consider myself a hobbyist writer rather than a pro writer.  It would be nice to be able to go full time because then I'd have an extra 8 hours a day to dream up more bizarre and sexy weird stories.  Maybe one day.  I can dream (of sultry succubi).

Other blogs have adverts and donate buttons.  I hate web adverts because they're usually annoying at best and toxic virus delivery mechanisms at worse.  If you ever see adverts for anything other than my own books here it means I've either been replaced with a soulless automaton, or desperately need to pony up cash for a new kidney.

I thought about adding a donation button then remembered I already have something better:

If you like the sexy fiction/game reviews/other stuff I post here and elsewhere on the internet, and are feeling generous enough to ship a few $ my way to incentivize me to keep on writing sexy (and occasionally (okay, okay frequently) horrific) succubus/monster girl stories, click on one of the covers above and buy one of my books.  It's better than a donate button as you'll get additional stories/chapters that aren't found anywhere else.

If you hate Amazon and refuse to give them money under any circumstances, my books can also be found on Smashwords, or even directly from my publisher, eXcessica.

If you already have all of these books, thanks a lot for the support and I hope you enjoyed them.  You're ahead in my eyes and it's up to me to pull my finger out and write more books to tempt you with.

If you'd like to, but don't have the funds, don't sweat it.  That's how it is sometimes.  I'll keep posting new erotic fiction to places like Literotica for as long as circumstances allow (although $$$ is the best way of making sure adverse circumstances stay the fuck away).

That's enough shameless begging.  Time to get back to writing.  Book #7 (should be Succubus Summoning 201) isn't going to write itself.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Where does Hydra get his inspiration from: part 1 of an infrequent series

Monday was one of those days when a whole bunch of news stories caught my attention and triggered some ideas.

I was going to post this on Monday, but I was out drinking that night and after that in the middle of a blog post on something else that I later abandoned because I realised it was pandering to the holier-than-thou crowd, and as they're a group not exactly known for their intelligence or reading comprehension, it was time I was better off spending on something more worthwhile - like writing more succubus smut.

First off there was the story of the poor drunk lass tricked into giving 24 blokes oral sex in a Magaluf nightclub for a $4 cocktail (she thought she was getting a holiday).  This is fairly extreme behaviour even by the usual standards of drunk Brits abroad.  Sadly for her, some wanker filmed it, uploaded it to the internet, and . . . well you can guess what happened next.

While it's an embarrassing story for the poor lass in the middle of it, I thought that scenario could be flipped around into an interesting succubus story.  A group of drunken lads out on the lash in a Spanish tourist hotspot, and then a ribald and debauched challenge organised by one of the tour guides.  The woman is mysterious and extremely sexy, and she seems eager to give out blowjobs to a whole line of blokes.  Of course she sucks out more than semen and that might be a fun story to write from the perspective of the last bloke in the line as he starts to get a feeling something is wrong . . .

Then I heard about a US artist taking a slum vacation in one of Bangkok's shanty towns and using the resulting shack as an installation piece.  I don't really want to judge the bloke.  It sounds horribly condescending to the people that have to live there day in and day out, but he might have done it with the best of intentions.

Of course, in fiction-world, that sort of character can be painted as the stereotypical rich, condescending asshole more interested in stroking their own ego that helping the plight of those in poverty.  Tasty monster girl chow, in other words.  I have a few ideas for some interesting monster girls, but no protagonist to make it a proper story.  Take exotic locale, throw in annoying artist tourist, ring the dinner bell . . .

And speaking of prime monster girl chow.  This showed up in my facebook feed as a (presumably feminist) friend of a friend posted it with a single comment: "vile".

Um, yeah.  I don't do the whole outrage or holier-than-thou thing, so we'll describe that one as a little . . . blunt, and leave it at that.

An anime convention has certain advantages as a succubus story location.  As with Halloween or a fancy dress party, the succubus-type character can be placed in the open.  All the other characters will assume she's just a hot girl in a slutty succubus costume (although I may have used the 'protagonist realises it isn't a costume' denouement a few too many times already).  The protagonist presents options.  They can be an out-an-out bastard, in which case it's a straightforward Cosmic Justice tale.  Or I can muddy it up and give them an insecure centre to make them a little more sympathetic (although last time I tried that I muddied it up too much and ended up with a protagonist more sympathetic than I originally intended.)

I also now have the desire to create a 'landwhale' succubus character for the hell of it.  Big, curvy, beautiful, irresistible . . . yum.

For anyone writing their own stories, taking newspaper/online articles and thinking up a possible 'masquerade' explanation for what's happening behind the scenes is a good story-telling exercise.  But avoid the obviously weird ones, because hundreds of other writers will already have gone through the same thought processes and scrawled down the exact same story.

And then there's my highly fucked-up imagination.  I saw this:

(I found it on E-Hentai galleries, bizarrely enough.  The artist is Caroline Jamhour and more of her work can be found here)

. . . and remembered the eyes-as-nipples scene in Ken Russell's Gothic.  I was thinking there wasn't really anything I could do with--

The demon woman has eyes where the nipples should be.  She pushes her boobs into the face of her victim.  The eyes in her breasts eat the eyes of the victim and then take their place.  They send feelers into the brain and the victim sees . . .

Um, thanks imagination.  I guess.

That was one day of the little black cells working on overdrive for new story ideas.

If it sounds vaguely interesting, I can write some more where-did-that-idea-come-from pieces for the stories I've written (assuming I can remember, some are a few years old now).  Let me know in the comments below if there are any you're curious about.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Hentai Game Review - Demon Angel Sakura

Actually, I did a full playthrough of this over the past week, starting here.

They seem most gleeful about this eating you thing
In Demon Angel Sakura you play a dude with pigtails in a dress sent to hell to retrieve a stolen mirror.  The inhabitants of hell are giant monster girls that all want to molest and then eat you (yes, it's a vore game).  Demon Angel Sakura is nominally an action platformer, but that's basically an excuse to string together a bunch of sexy Bad End hentai scenes.  Having a Super Easy difficulty mode means even the most useless (i.e. me) should get to the end and see all the content.

As other people have pointed out, it's kind of short, but that's typical for this type of game.  Or at least used to be until the dedicated-beyond-all-common-business-sense とろとろレジスタンス spoilt us all with the exemplary Monster Girl Quest.  As a game there's not much to it.  It's better to think of it as a series of animated H scenes strung together.

The art style is very cartoony, but on the plus side everything is fully animated.  It's also already translated into English and doesn't require any fiddling with auto-translators to work out what's going on. 

Content-wise there are five different monster girls with the last two having two different ending scenes.  With a bonus NG+ scene on top that gives 10 weird-n-wacky H scenes for your ten bucks.

Whether it's worth those 10 bucks will depend on what you're looking for.  As a game it's very slight.  It's not Eroico or the Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria, and if you're expecting more of a game you're going to feel hard done by.

If you like vore and in particular giantess scenes (and know what I'm talking about if I mention the word Felarya), you'll probably get the most out of this.  On the other hand, even if vore and giantess fetish doesn't float your boat, you can - like me - revel in the kind of warped imagination that came up with these scenes, drew them into a computer and animated them.

I wasn't joking when I said fucked up...

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Let's Play Demon Angel Sakura! part 6

And we're still bravely soldiering on through Demon Angel Sakura, our continuing mission to seek out and encounter new boundaries of sexy squick.  Part 1 is here.

First a quick aside.  On a google search for "Angel Demon Sakura" I noticed quite a few hits were being hidden as possible child abuse.  Not sure if it's related to this game.  As far as I'm aware the protagonist is a cartoon representation of a sissified young male adult (emphasis adult) in a giantess setting.  I assume this is the case for all the monster girl/succubus hentai games I look at unless the creator makes a big thing about the protagonist being underage/a child (at which point I leave the game alone).  If you've wandered here because you get turned on by child abuse or get turned on by getting outraged over things you think might be child abuse, I'm afraid this site won't have much to offer you.  We're all about the big-boobed, lascivious succubi here.

With that out of the way, let's continue.

Yesterday poor Sakura ended up being used as sex toy by a randy giant octopus (this should tell you all you need to know before going further).

Skylla is fairly easy to defeat on super Easy Mode as she’s so big I can’t really miss.

She’s also quite friendly after the battle and even helps Sakura out on his quest.

And now for the big twist: the mirror wasn’t stolen recently; it’s been here for yonks.  Big Angel Queen is a liar.  (We probably should have guessed this.  Never trust an angel in a Japanese videogame).

Off to the Palace of the Mirror we go and presumably the final boss.  Slime, Treant and Skylla were all spoiled in the promo pics for the game, but I have no idea what the final boss is.

Oh, it’s you.  Sort of.

Sakura is the classic two-in-one, hence the whole demon angel thing.  The forbidden mirror reveals this and allows the demon half to come out and play.  She grows to giant-size and then it’s a battle against Dark Sakura.

I’m glad I’m on Super Easy mode as it’s quite hard to trigger the Bad Ends for this fight.  Most of the time she blasts me with dark energy and it’s a boring Game Over rather than a filth-filled, fully-fledged Bad End Game Over.

In fact, to even trigger the attacks that bring about Bad End, you have to do enough damage to her for her clothes to come off.  Then the game gets truly demented as she hovers around the temple trying to piss on us.

I’m not a hardcore vore fan and I tend to prefer conventional sexy rather than grossout-comedy-for-sniggers sexy, but I must admit I do have a soft spot for when a creator just flat out goes for it and keeps on going for it until common decency is just a speck on the horizon and we're deep in Sushi Typhoon or A Serbian Film territory.

Dark Sakura has two Bad Ends.  The first is more pandering to the giantess fetish.  She grabs Sakura in some magical spinning prison thing and floats him back to her mouth.  She sucks him off and then swallows him.  After chewing for a bit (no cutaway shot of that, thankfully!) she shrinks back down to normal size and announces she’s Sakura now.

The other ending is Sushi Typhoon to the max.  She wraps her tail around Sakura and uses him as a buttplug.  Headfirst into the ass goes poor Sakura and her tail has a play with him.  That’s not enough for Dark Sakura and so, after making him come a few times, the tail shoves him all the way inside.  Then he gets stuck.  The humiliation isn’t complete as Dark Sakura tries to fart him out (it really is that kind of game) and the scene ends with trapped Sakura wriggling in her ass.

Dark Sakura is the final boss.  After defeating her we get a cut scene where . . . something happens.  Even with the English subtitles I’m not sure what happens.  I think the mirror tries to take her.  Sakura doesn’t want that and so he runs away.  He does something funky with his powers that looks like he’s trying to bash his head between his two fists and this results in Dark Sakura materialising outside his body.  I thought this might be the usual ending for these split personality things where the angel and demon halves end up in different bodies, but no, apparently Sakura is now too demony to go back to heaven.  I’m guessing he exhausted all his divine powers.  Sakura and Sakura walk off into the sunset together (and are probably eaten by the first monster they encounter, him being without powers and all that, silly boy).

Back in heaven, Sakura’s fairy friend gets so sad he hasn’t come back she flies through the portal into hell (and is presumably eaten by the first monster she encounters).

The end.

Oh, but now we must have unlocked that NG+ thing I mentioned in part 1.  A quick restart and there is an option to go away with fairy Kazari.  Maybe this will give poor Sakura a nice end.


(Actually, it is sort of sweet in a severely fucked up kind of way.)

I'll finish off with a review thing tomorrow.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Let's Play Demon Angel Sakura! part 5

And more from the squicktastic hentai/vore game Demon Angel Sakura.  Part 1 is here.  Yesterday we had our skull eaten by Treant, so it's time to dish out some demonic/divine justice.

After zapping Treant good it’s time to move onto the fourth level, Lake Clarus.

Rather unwisely Sakura decides to strip off and frolic in the shallow end.  This attracts the attention of the ginormous Skylla (I assume this is a misspelling and they meant Scylla).  She’s the classic half giantess, half giant octopus (but without the wolf heads of myth).  Emphasis on Giant!  She decides Sakura looks tasty and it’s time for boss fight no. 4.

Skylla starts out by flinging massive pink tentacles at Sakura and we have to dodge by bouncing between the upper and lower level.  She also has another attack where she lifts up her sea-shell bikini and squirts milk out of her ginormous boobs.  Yay for crazy imagination.  The milk attack is like Treant’s energy attack in that it triggers a boring end rather than a Bad End.

Skylla has two bad ends depending on whether Sakura ends up wrapped up in the top tentacle or squashed under the lower tentacle.

Losing to lower tentacle squashing has her scoop Sakura up and use him as a human dildo.  Into the pussy headfirst goes Sakura and much moaning and grunting as Skylla rubs him up against her 'button'.  Asphyxiation by vagina aside, it’s all going reasonably well until Sakura loses control of his bladder.  Skylla decides to join in with the watersports, which pretty much ends up with Sakura dunked headfirst into a lake of piss.  Oh boy.

And you thought you had it bad in VH, Luka-clone buddy.

The second Bad End is triggered by being caught by the top tentacle.  Skylla decides to milk out Sakura by squashing him between her enormous breasts and jiggling them around.

After much bouncy-bouncy Sakura is out of baby juice (and loses control of his bladder . . . again).  Time for a typical giantess vore scene as Skylla swallows him whole and we get the classic vore cutaway scene of victim jiggling around in stomach.

Definitely a vore/giantess fetish game, but we’re going to battle on to the end.  After all, it can’t get any worse for Sakura.  Can it?

Friday, July 04, 2014

Let's Play Demon Angel Sakura! part 4

Continuing the playthrough of the lewd, rude and undoubtedly squicky Demon Angel Sakura I started here.

Turns out I really need Super Easy mode as even with a screen full of hearts I still end up nearly dying trying to blast Lamia away.  There were probably attack patterns I failed to recognise and learn.

Anyway, it’s off to the Village of the Rabbit People for level 3.

They seem friendly enough as Sakura sits around chatting to them.  However, they also look considerably bigger than Sakura and I have visions of the poor lad ending up in the village cooking pot.

Ah, the rabbit people are the prey animal of this hell.  Normally it’s cat girls.  Never really understood that as cats are efficient little buggers when it comes to killing stuff, as any cat owner will tell you.  But back to the story.  An unseen monster attacks the village, Sakura gets on the back of one of the bunnies and they all make a dash for the nearest safe-hole. 

Which turns out to not be very safe as the 3rd boss teleports right inside.

Boss 3 is Treant.  She looks like a cross between a pitcher plant girl and a dryad.  Like a dryad, she uses roots to entangle (and molest) the giant bunnies and Sakura.  During the cut scene she boasts about how good her digestion system is.  As a demonstration she drops one of the bunny girls into her fleshy pitcher bit and after some wobbly pulsy animations, spits out a skull.

Alas poor bunny girl, we never knew you at all.

This makes Sakura mad and it’s time for boss fight 3.

Treant teleports around the boss fight arena and fires two missile types.  The first is a glowing green ball of energy.  The second looks like a rock and causes molesto-vines to erupt from the ground.  Only the molesto-vines appear to do anything smexy, as dying to the energy blasts doesn’t even give a Bad End ending.

For the Bad End Treant makes use of the two captive bunny girls.  First up she rams Sakura’s face right into the asshole of one of the hapless bunny girls.  Has a definite liking for the femdom stuff does Treant, I reckon.

As Sakura is male and males are apparently rare, Treant decides to harvest his sperm for “science”.  She does this in a fairly creative way by sandwiching Sakura between two busty bunny girls and rubbing them against him while sucking up his cum with a long suction tube vine thing.  Not a bad hentai scene actually - an imaginative use of a plant girl (and rabbit girl fluffers).

It’s a little too good.  After four pops from Sakura, Treant thinks he’s enjoying it too much and that pisses her off.  That means we leave the sexy behind and finish off with the vore ending as Sakura and the two bunnies end up in the pulsing pitcher.  A few wobbly squooshy bits later and Treant spits out the skulls.

That’s not even the end of it.  Treant catches Sakura’s skull and starts munching on it.

Cold, Treant.  Cold.

Come back tomorrow when we’ll zap her good.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Let's Play Demon Angel Sakura! part 3

This is continuing the mini-playthrough of the mini hentai game Demon Angel Sakura I started here.

Yesterday, Sakura (who we found out was actually male) got jiggled around in giant slime girl cleavage and made into soup.  This was not an auspicious start to his (mis)adventures in hell.

After shooting the slime girl enough to make her wobble away we’re off to level 2: Astrum Hill.

Ey up, looks like boss 2 is a large lamia.

Oh, maybe not.  She offers to show us the way to the mirror we’re looking for . . .

. . . which is an obvious trap, as she takes us back to her nest and promptly jumps us.

Lamia’s attacks consist of rushing back and forth, jumping halfway across the screen, or bending over and exhaling clouds of aphrodisiac poison.  Once Sakura has taken enough damage to knock his dress off the Lamia switches to smexy grapple attacks that have to broken out of by hammering back and forth on the left and right arrow button.  If the poison breath envelops him, Sakura immediately sits down and starts wanking until he shakes free of it (or runs out of hearts).  Lamia’s other attack is to pick us up and hug us tight between her boobs.

Her Bad End is more cleavage hugging and rubbing Sakura up and down until he comes between her breasts.

She even wonders if this is good for her skin while breathing aphrodisiac all over him and licking the top of his head with her long snake tongue.  The game creators seem to have a thing for water sports as well as Sakura strikes a small but defiant blow back by pissing all down her.

Then it’s time for the vore finish.  All the cool vore kids have their lamia ingest their prey through the vaginaDemon Angel Sakura eschews this and stays old skool as Lamia opens her mouth and down the hatch we go.  All the vore tropes are present as we get the belly bulge and the cutaway shot of Sakura in the stomach.

Poor Sakura would probably even take THORN PUSSY! in Violated Hero 5 at this point.