Thursday, January 23, 2014

Let's Play Violated Hero 4! part 12

And back to ManyEyedHydra’s boss-by-boss walkthrough of Violated Hero 4.  VH4 is a highly explicit and frequently squicky hentai game.  Consider this fair warning if you’re easily bothered by such things.

Last off . . .

Actually, let’s not go there ever again.  We have a nice saved game where Anua, the donkey-eared hyena thing was soundly thrashed and we can pretend that the . . . other stuff . . . never happened.

Okay.  Anua falls to her knees, Lilith reminds her of their bargain and because Anua lost, she gets to join the inevitable pile-on that will be inflicted on Luka-clone at the end.

After the fight Luka-clone remembers that little tidbit about Lilith being one of the devil kings and understandably freaks out.  Lilith pulls out the convenient “Because I was bored” explanation that seems to be Violated Hero’s goto for when powerful characters behave in a way that doesn’t make much sense.  Luka-clone is sensible enough to realise she could have killed him the moment they first met, so he might as well carry on going along with her for now.

(Hey, I wrote that story as well.  It didn’t turn out so well for the protagonist . . .)

And then it’s back to Anua’s territory to clear the other paths.  I thought I noticed something funky with the XP gain from some of the other areas.  I have a hunch there might be an XP penalty for letting the harem handle the fight and test it by letting Luka-clone fight all on his lonesome.  Surprisingly he wins.  Unsurprisingly my hunch proves incorrect.  VH doesn’t do complex (other than a tendency to make the last boss a ridiculous brick wall).

Then it’s off to angry Makina’s area.  Her wandering mook is another palette swap.  This time the weird frog rider.

I was going to bitch about them not even bothering to find a mook to match Makina’s computery/robot theme.  Then I realised that’s a little harsh.  The wandering mook designs are a significant improvement on past designs.  Especially when you consider this is what they looked like in the first game:

At the end of the path there are loud thudding sounds and a shadow falls over Luka-clone.  It’s Makina and she’s either a tank or piloting a big mech.

The conversation is fairly short and shouty because – as established through the game so far – Makina is permitted only one emotion and that is anger.  I’m still curious if VH4 has different introductory scenes depending on which order you fight the devil kings.  They could have written it so the scenes make sense regardless of order, but as Lilith is behind one of those doors that seems a little difficult to pull off.

Ah, this helps a little.  Makina is riding some kind of machine.

She also has 300 more HP than Anua.  Her attacks bring up targeting sights and other machine-type explosiony things.  None of which appear to do much damage.  I stick to the same plan of throwing all my SP to Lilith and drinking potions to top up when I’m out.

It’s all going well until my internet punks out.

Wow Makina, that really is dirty pool.

Okay, Violated Hero 4 isn’t an always-online game (After the massive public beatings handing out to Diablo 3, Sim City and the Xbone, hopefully developers/publishers will decide to leave that term back in 2013, preferably in an unmarked grave), but my machine translators require the internet.  Feels apt that the internet connection would flake out while fighting the computer/machine girl.  Anyway, a swift hammer to the router (card-carrying IT professional, we’re allowed to do such things) and we’re back just in time for the tentacle attack.  Oh, this is a new one I think – some kind of fleshy, veiny thing.

The battle gets a little tricky in the middle as the random number gods start throwing up 100s instead of 1s.  I manage to pull through, but burn up virtually all of my potions in the process.  With Makina defeated we . . .

Oh yeah.  That’s not why we’re here is it.  Rewind!

Luka-clone on his own does about as well as you’d expect a wimpy masochist dude to do when charging a humongous mecha with naught but a sword.

(null damage)

After the fight Makina scoops us up and gives us a look I don’t like at all.  This is going to be painful isn’t it . . .

Bzzt.  Bzzt.

Ow.  Ow.  Ow!

Time for the electroshock-induced ejaculations.

Part of the reason this is a day late is because I was going to write a long screed about not posting the following pic because it’s a little too shota-ery.  Personally, I’m here for the big-boobed and sexually femdom monster girls, as I assume most of you reading are as well.  Sadly there are also plenty of holier-than-thou thugs that love taking things out of context to justify them getting off on self-righteous rage, and I didn’t want the risk, however small, of them causing any potential real world hassles with their online thuggery.

But then I realised that’s how they win.  That’s how they censor you.  (and why anyone who says Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Reprisal is a complete and utter moron to not realise the latter is an exemplary tool for crushing the former.  If you consider yourself a liberal and have ever used that wretched “Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Reprisal” meme, go hand in your liberal card and go over to the other desk where those nice men in black uniforms and skull insignia have some big black boots for you to try on.)

So fuck that and fuck them.

As we continue on a reminder that

a) The main character is stated to be an adult.
b) It’s fantasy.
c) We’re here for the boobies.
d) It’s A Fucking Cartoon!
e) What part of “It’s fantasy” did you not understand?

And rage over.  Makina’s angriness must be contagious.

Either that or all those electric shocks have frazzled my brain.

Makina shocks Luka-clone a lot and then slurps up his cum in some kind of fleshy tentacle housed in a metal tube.  I skip through this one pretty fast as the art has veered too much into shota protagonist having nasty stuff done to them rather than big-boobed sexy monster girl doing naughty stuff to me.  Plus, Luka-clone’s getting in the way of seeing Makina’s magnificent tits.

Onto scene two and that’s much better.

Makina has some ass.  But remember she’s also a fully-formed woman with personality (even if that personality is just anger).  There’s lots of femdom taunting while she rides Luka-clone and it’s all vaguely vanilla.

Apart from when a metal tube goes up Luka-clone’s ass.

Actually that probably is vanilla in VH-world.

Then it’s back for the palace for the “a few months later” scene.  Lilith asks after Luka-clone (Aw, she really does care) and Makina tells her she has him incorporated within her machine.  Lilith decides against seeing as she doesn’t like cold, unwelcoming metallic things (sniff, she doesn’t care that much).  Sharia’s still bored and decides it’s time to start a war with the gods for shits and giggles.  Makina is very excited by the prospect and calls on her installed bag of ambulatory semen to charge her up.

And then it’s welcome to the machine.

 Makina climbs on top of Luka-clone and rides away while his arms and legs are clamped immobile.  Oh dear, Makina wasn’t kidding about that being integrated into the machine part.  Circuits start growing across Luka-clone’s body.  Such a control freak, Makina.

And thus Luka-clone was incorporated into the machine of Fortress X.

Could have been worse.  Nobody pissed in our mouths this time, I suppose.

Next up it’s time to experience the loving tentacles of Neptune Queen Selene.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Story - "The High-School Sweetheart Removal Agency"

Time to insert a brief writing interlude.

Literotica's annual Valentine's Day story competition kicked off today.  I'm not eligible to win anything (as "Street-walking with a Succubus" picked up 3rd place two contests ago), but I threw in a new tale anyway as these contests are good showcases to pick up new readers.

Not being eligible means I don't have to worry about the score, and not having to worry about the score means I can have fun and enter one of my darker tales.  And the theme is slushy, sentimentally pappy Valentine's Day.  What black-hearted demon wouldn't want to stomp a big hoof right through that heart-shaped box of confectionary?

Yep, this is very much an Anti-Valentine's Day tale.  There are succubi and sex, and it's considerably darker than the opening few paragraphs might imply.

Here it is - "The High-School Sweetheart Removal Agency".  I hope you enjoy.

(Hehe, there's already been one comment about thwocking me in the balls with a baseball bat.  I think they're joking, though.)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Play Violated Hero 4! part 9

Hello and welcome back to MEHydra’s Let’s Play walkthrough of Violated Hero 4.  If you’ve only just joined us, this is a hentai game and the following post is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

When we last left Luka-clone he’d just been dragged off to a mansion to make little baby vacuum cleaners with a loopy robot maid.  I’m not that into robot chicks so we’ll rewind the tape and smash her circuits in.  As ever the strategy is to pump cock (I did warn you this wouldn’t be suitable for minors) into Lilith’s tail/tentacle thing until she makes the bad girl fall over.

Marietta goes into repair cycle . . . until Luka-clone thinks about entering the mansion, at which point her protective programs kick in and she threatens to self-destruct and blow everything up.  We decide not to enter the mansion and Marietta decides to join us to make sure we don’t enter the mansion.

Okay, okay.  I get it, Violated Hero.  You don’t have any artwork for this big impressive mansion.

Screw it, we have Jeuri of the infinite gold production.  We can buy our own mansion and it will be twice as large and impressive, so nah!

Oh, so your fancy mansion has another 1,000 hot robo-chicks.

. . .

Um, yeah, I’ll concede that’s impressive.

I think I can guess what did for the old mad scientist perv.

We’ve cleansed another area, so it’s off to the Demon King castle where poor Makina has to hand the report in to Sharia.  The other two chime in, but to be perfectly honest I can’t really tell them apart.  One has seashells on the side of her head and the other has big floppy donkey ears and that’s about it.  I think they might have worked out Lilith’s up to no good, but as Translation Aggregator comes back with “cannot read a straw alligator, either” I can’t be totally certain on this.

Sharia still seems uninterested by the whole thing and all the demons retire back to their realms to await the coming of the (not so) mighty ambulatory bag of concentrated semen.

The 4th area is now unlocked.

But before heading off there I go back to 100% the last area in case there’s anything I’ve missed.

There wasn’t.  VH4 doesn’t seem big on special event tiles other than bosses, unless I’m unerringly missing them.

Area four looks like a rope bridge between some rocky peaks.  New area means new wandering mooks and VH4 continues the run of okay monster girls with some dragonnewt-type girls.

Her tail’s on fire but she still has tan lines.  #MonsterGirlWorldProblems.

The level-designer might have gone on a coffee break for this one.  A few tiles in a straight line and then the boss.

About halfway through the game I was trying to remember which bosses were remaining without checking the main VH4 website.  I remembered them all apart from this one – the red oni.  I suppose she might seem a little bland when the competition consists of cyclops siamese twins, a giant worm with a slime girl for a tongue and a strange wolf girl with very scary giant werewolf faces behind her.

This is Red Ogre Hisui.  She doesn’t have an ogre-ish face.  It looks more like a cute elf face.  Those thighs however . . .

Fear for your nuts, Luka-clone.

Before the fight she asks for our name because it’s traditional for red oni to inscribe the names of the people they fight on their breasts.  I guess she has space.

In the fight the random generic sex tentacle returns as Hisui uses a red version of Lilith’s tail/tentacle despite not having any discernible tail or tentacle.  It doesn’t matter as Luka-clone is well flattened before the four spunk hearts light up.

Hisui is a very polite red ogre, so she apologises in advance for the humiliation her code of honour dictates she must inflict on fallen foes.  Uh oh.

Um Hisui, I don’t think you need to apologise for this.

She rubs her ‘watermelons’ against our penis.

Yep, pretty sure you don’t have to apologise for this at all.

Much white stuff comes out and Hisui gets really excited about the taste.  So much so she decides to take Luka-clone as her husband and make babies.

In scarlet ogre society the man apparently has little say in this matter.

After Luka-clone passes out from much watermelon pressing she drags him off to her bed for some intensive baby-making nookie.  Wow, Luka-clone is a beast.  Three whole days and he’s still at it.

Hisui won’t let us go.  Not until she’s pregnant.  Her pussy is not going to take no for an answer either.

It’s okay though.  Give her a baby and she might let us go.  You can do it, Luka-clone.

Hang in there.

Can you hear me, Luka-clone?

Oh dear, it looks like the ambulatory bag of concentrated semen has finally emptied.

Fade to black.

So sad.  I guess the stars weren’t right for this relationship.  Three days though, bloody good effort.

Hmm, while I don’t have many red oni stories, there was a lot of paizuri in that Bad End and I do have this charming little paizuri story.

. . .

Yeah, we’ll put the chalk mark next to MEHydra for this round then.

That makes only one sub-boss left, the rather intimidating-looking Fenrir the Wolfess.  I have a bad feeling about that one . . .

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let's Play Violated Hero 4! part 8

This is part 8 of my continuing walkthrough of the hentai game Violated Hero 4.  The usual rules apply.  Begone prudes, holier-than-thou bores and people under the age of 18 (but at least you guys can come back when you’re old enough).

Last off Luka-clone vanished inside a chest for infinite sexy times with Jeuri on a bed of gold coins.  This is far too good of an ending for him, so we dragged him back out for the rematch.  Sorry Jueri, you’re very cute and glittery and all that, but it’s time for splatdown.  Two hits from Lilith later and Luka-clone is up to level 16 (Capitalism – JRPG style).

Jeuri takes the attitude that if you beat it, you bought it, and joins the party.  She also lets us know she can make gold from our semen anytime.  That’s a cute little power . . . waitaminute!  That’s awesome!

Hey Luka-clone buddy, you thinking what I’m thinking?  How about we blow off this quest, take Jueri and go buy a kingdom somewhere.  We can even have our own harem (and with girls that don’t try to eat us or suck us up like a carton of juice).  How about it, buddy?

Oh, he isn’t thinking what I’m thinking.

Onward to certain inevitable gruesome Bad End at the hands of the Demon Lord.

Afterwards Lilith is kind enough to let us see the map of her conquered areas.  She then puts the willies up Luka-clone by mentioning that the four devil king generals will be sure to be aware of his presence now.

So when are you going to tell him you’re one of them, Lilith dear?

We go back to 100% Jueri’s area.  Jueri’s special attack is to throw gold coins at the enemy.  That seems wasteful.  Oh well, it’s not as if there are any shops to buy stuff in.

Or much variety to the other event tiles.  In fact, compared to VH2 and VH3, there has been a lack of story event tiles other than the boss at the end.  Lilith rejoined the party halfway through Echidna’s area, and that’s been about it.  There haven’t been any of those game-end-deciding choices to make either.  I’m less sorry to see them go.  The options were never picked up by AGTH translation, which meant I often had to guess blind.  And that usually resulted in arriving at the end to find Amu (VH2) had locked herself in her room in a sulk and I couldn’t complete the game anymore.

It does seem like Dieselmine have stripped out a lot of the extra elements from the previous games.  This might have been a cost to getting the 4th game out so quickly.  It’s a shame, as other than Lilith the rest of the main characters and story seem a little underdeveloped.  So far.

At the end of area 3-3 is a mansion.  Allegedly.  The background still shows the same crystal cave.

We go to enter and . . .

It’s boss number 8.  This is the other fan-created monster – Marietta, the robot maid.  The various translation sources used by Translation Aggregator have some differences of opinion as they think she’s asking us what we’re doing at the “hotel”, “museum” and “hall” respectively.

It transpires a mad scientist built Marietta 700 years ago and she’s gone a bit peculiar in the centuries after he died.  She also seems a bit keen to suck Luka-clone with her vacuum cleaner attachment.  I think her scientist creator might have been a bit of an old perv.

The fight is pretty funny as her normal attack swooshes make it look as though Luka-clone has been slapped about the face by a mop and her sex attack involves using the end of a vacuum cleaner in a way not covered by the warranty.  (Don’t try this at home.  Not unless you want to make a very embarrassing phone call to your local A&E department.)  The more you damage her, the more eager she is to “suck the muck”.  As by this point I’ve switched to Luka-clone’s attacks, there’s not much damage heading in her direction.  A few mop slaps later and it’s time for the Bad End.

Her first scene starts with Luka-clone on his back and her standing over him.  Luka-clone is pretty much a masochist doormat, so it’s inevitable he’d run into a girl that wanted him to clean him like one.  Marietta tramples our dick a bit with silk-stockinged feet while vacuuming our chest.  Apparently her creator programmed her to behave this way.  Told you he was an old perv.

Being trodden on like a doormat produces a typically messy response from Luka-clone that Marietta is only too happy to suck up with her vacuum cleaner.

And why mess around when you can go right to the source.  (Again, don’t try this at home.  Really!)

Marietta sucks up a lot of semen.  The suction is strong enough that Luka-clone worries about his dick getting torn off.  Now I’m nervous.  Surely Violated Hero wouldn’t go that far . . .

Marietta turns up the power and we let go with a big spurt.  There are vacuum motor sound effects in the background.  I suspect this is all aimed at a player kink far beyond my ken.  She even accuses us of wanting to make her vacuum cleaner pregnant.  There’s probably a bizarro story or ten there.

After we pass out Marietta drags us inside and then it’s a double team as she introduces Maid Robot Type M-10 Mel.

Hey this could be cool.

Oh, they want to clean us like this.

Well done Luka-clone.  You’ve officially graduated from doormat to bedside rug.

We’re into more conventional BDSM fetish territory here.  There’s silk stockings, guy being trampled, some toe sucking, more vacuuming . . . ouch! . . . more trampling.  All the time Marietta is talking about making her vacuum cleaner pregnant.

So Dieselmine had a fan competition and one of the winners was, “I’d like to be cleaned like a rug by two hot robot chicks.”

Yep, not even going to bother fighting this round.

Come back for part 9.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's Play Violated Hero 4! part 7

And it’s back for my walkthrough of Violated Hero 4.  Usual rules apply - if you’re younger than 18 or want to get all holier-than-thou about a dodgy Japanese smut game, fuck off now (especially the holier-than-thou twats).

Before carrying on, just a quick mention that Dargoth has an English translation of Violated Hero 3 here.

Last time we ended up with reptile tails in the colon thanks to Echidna.  In the proper fight Echidna doesn’t really hit that hard, but she’s tough enough that it takes three facials to Lilith to take her down.

As an aside, it’s a little unfortunate Dieselmine didn’t spend much time on the combat mechanics for this instalment.  Borrowing some of the puzzle-battle elements from games like Monster Girl Quest would have made the fights a lot more interesting.  At least with Lilith, Demon-Lord-to-be, on the team most of the fights are over quickly.

Afterwards Luka-clone congratulates himself on winning.

You tell yourself that, buddy, it’s not what I saw.

Luka-clone also thinks he’ll have trouble persuading such a strong demon to join the party and is surprised when Echidna can’t join fast enough.

Ah, Echidna and Lilith have something going on.  She must have promised to make her one of the demon knights once the revolution is won.

Using Echidna’s special attack I discover she’s very particular about her semen.  She complains it’s not dark enough.  I’m not sure how you go about darkening semen.  Maybe if you squeeze hard enough to burst a few blood vessels . . .

And I think we’ll stop right there before the girl with the body of a ginormous Boa Constrictor gets any ideas.

Echidna’s area has three paths through it, which means having to fall into the same bloody trap twice.  I do get to run into Cherry, the one wandering mook I’m missing from the area.  And very sweet she is too (aside from the whole trying to bash my skull in with her big club thing).

Area 3-2 is Mimic’s area.

Mimics have been a classic RPG monster ever since Gary Gygax put them in the 1st D & D Monster Manual back in 1977.   Nothing says Gotcha! better than a treasure chest growing teeth and trying to bite a player’s arm off.  Mimic-type monsters are a nice tool for sadistic GMs/game creators as they teach players to be wary of inviting treasure chests.  Anyone who’s gone through the second half of Dark Souls cautiously prodding every chest they find with a very long spear will know exactly what I mean.

As most monster girl hentai RPGs are pretty much computer RPGs with added boobs and pussy, it’s inevitable that mimics would also undergo boobification.  MGQ has creepy girl in a chest full of acidic goo, in ROBF they respawn with peeking eyes and zip around the corridors, and in Level 1 Yushe Breeding Program they force you to have anal sex with their locks (don’t ask, it’s a weird game).

VH made theirs a boss.

She’s up on the cast list – Jueri (Jewellery) of Jewels.  When you start area 3-2 you see her silhouette as the boss for that area.  So much for the surprise factor.

I was hoping VH4 might do something sneaky, like have the path end in a chest icon (as some do) and have her spring out and trigger a battle.  But no, it’s the same exclamation mark as all the other areas.  For all the weirdness of their character designs and H-scenes, the makers of VH are surprisingly staid and unimaginative when it comes to gameplay and plot.

To be fair, Jueri is a pretty good monster design.  She’s a slime girl that looks like she’s made out of molten gold.

In the prequel to the fight she complains about not having any game for a long time.

Um love, have you considered taking a refresher course on Ambush Predation.  This whole level might as well have had neon lights and a big arrow saying “A mimic is here.”

I let Luka-clone handle the fight.  He loses.

After winning the fight Jueri tells us she’s going to make us gold.  Poor girl, all she wants is to be worn.  Or maybe not as she grabs Luka-clone . . .

. . . and gives his crotch a good sniff.  Apparently she wants to check Luka-clone isn’t a girl.  I can forgive her for being unsure.

And then, blowjob scene!

I guess this is the point where they give the voice artist a lollipop and ask her to suck it as loudly as possible.

Oh, Jueri really wants to turn him into gold.  She takes semen and turns it into gold.  That seems a really useful ability.  One of those and a university fresher’s ball and you’d collapse the gold price faster than Mansa Musa.

After giving our pipes a good suck she drags us into the TARDIS-like interior of her chest for Bad End part 2.

And it’s not all that bad at all.  All she wants to do is ride Luka-clone and make beautiful . . . uh . . . coins all day long.  Even lying on the coins isn’t all that uncomfortable as she can soften them.  I think VH might have gone just as soft.

Um, this is supposed to be a Bad End, right?

This should be a walkover for MEHydra in the contest of squick.  Except I’ve not actually written any stories featuring mimics.  I probably should have remembered my narrow focus on succubi before getting into this.  Another no contest win for VH.

Back to the chest.

I’d stay in there if I were you, Luka-clone.  It’s not likely to get any better.

But we haven’t been squeezed by Lilith’s intimate bits yet.

Oh yeah.  Good point.  Up you get Luka-clone, we’ve got a Demon Queen to fuck . . . uh defeat.