Monday, March 14, 2011

Using Fetishes for Fun and Fear

People get turned on by different things. What they get turned on by has a habit of creeping into their work. Take Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof. Did you notice all those long lingering shots of beautiful women's feet hanging out of car windows? And this scene from From Dusk till Dawn gains a whole extra context to my formerly innocent little mind. Who says writers don't have any perks.

A little fetish fuel can add some spice to a story. Where it doesn't work so well, in my humble opinion, is when it becomes the sole focus of the story. In those stories I find I can't relate to the protagonist at all because I don't get the fetish and therefore the character's actions come across as odd. Fine for people in the niche, but of little use outside of it.

Playing through Monster Girl Quest reminded me how smart a lot of Japanese creators are at playing to the fetishes. Loli's, Big Tits, Bondage, Giantesses, Mind Control - take your pick, there's something for everyone. Darkstalkers, a considerably more mainstream game, gave us the iconic succubus, Morrigan, but there's a whole host of other quirks to add a bit of extra spice. Most of the comedy anime/mangas featuring harems will pull the same tricks to ensure everyone has a character to latch on to.

That isn't to say these things are innately perverted (okay Monster Girl Quest is - it's designed to be). From Dusk till Dawn is still a tense crime movie that morphs into an outrageous vampire film halfway through. With a bit extra if you happen to like feet. It's spice. If it's so much the audience starts to feel a little icky, then you've dumped too much curry powder in the Balti.

Unless you make people feel a little icky.

I like mixing up horror and erotica for the mindfuck factor. Targeting fetishes plays an important role in this. What's a turn on for one person, can be twisted into something creepy and horrific for somebody else. One's reading it for the sex, the other for the horror. They're both getting something from the same story. Everyone's happy (at least until Horrorhead rears up and squicks everyone out).

My own weakness. With story titles like Crushed Between Her Breasts and The Biggest Tits in the World, it's all rather boring and obvious really...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monster Girl Quest game out

Remember that hentai game I talked about back here.

It’s out.

I managed to fiddle around with the Japanese website and buy it using my credit card and judicious use of a translation program. It was an interesting exercise in cryptography and sheer bloody-mindedness, and one you don’t have to go through as it’s already up on the English side.

You can get it here:

I imagine I’ll be able to pick up some inspiration for some even more twisted and perverse demons to include in my stories. I’d love to be able to create a game like this. Of course, Horror-head will probably bludgeon all traces of kawaii out of it.

In the meantime the game seems like fun. Steering your character to an untimely end has never felt this satisfying since getting Lara Croft to swan dive off a very high cliff back in the old Tomb Raider days.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Half price offer on, or indy Amazon as I like to think of them, are running an ebook promotion this week. Selena Kitt has signed eXcessica up for the promotion, so for this week (up until the 12th) all eXcessica ebooks are half price on This includes both of my short story collections - A Succubus for Christmas and A Succubus of Valentine's Day.

If you've been thinking about checking them out, but haven't got round to it, now is the perfect time as you can get them each for the low price of $3 or so. If you've already got them, thanks and sorry you missed out on the promo. You can always take this opportunity to check out what some of the other talented writers at eXcessica are getting up to.

I used smashwords a while back to pick up a copy of Edward Lee's "Succubi". It's a bit light on the devilish seduction and a lot heavier on the demons and gore, but a fun book nonetheless. The man writes some good splatter.

I think I might use this promotion to have a little furtle around to see if I can find anything interesting. Horror-head needs appeasing. He's been out of control on the last few stories I've been working on.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Also found in Britain!

A couple of nights ago I had a pleasant little surprise as I realised both my books are available on and are also doing slightly better, at least on ranking. I thought they were only available on the US site for some reason.

Yeah, I really am that out of touch with everyday reality.

I was corresponding with an old university friend. He mentioned a colleague who'd picked up a nice deal with Puffin (I won't mention the name as no children's writer should ever have the misfortune of being linked, however tenuously, with the sexual atrocities I regularly type up on my laptop). We were both quite envious.

I looked for the guy's book on and was surprised to see the kindle version ranked down in 200,000's. Okay, British author, might not have had much of a push out in the states. I flipped over to

Kindle ranking around 25,000. That makes a little more sense.

On a whim, I put M.E.Hydra in and was surprised to see my books come up. Cool, Selena must have put them up on the UK site as well. Okay, so how are we doing?


That was an eye opener. Christmas was also at 15,000.

Okay, so I don't know entirely how the rankings work in reality. It could mean I happened to sell five copies on that particular day. And 7,000 is awful if you're used to the success stories on Joe Konrath's blog. I don't really care. There are 500,000 or so kindle ebooks on the UK amazon site and at that one point in time my book was doing better than 493,000 of them. I don't have an agent. I don't have a deal with a big publishing house. I'm not even at a super low price. I still have my regular 9-to-5 job.

I love this new ebook revolution. For anyone that's ever dreamed of being a writer, now they actually have a realistic chance of achieving their dream. The future looks so promising.

And I intend to fill it with such tales of twisted perversion...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some slightly dubious story titles

A while back I remember reading about a B-movie exploitation-flick producer who kept a drawer full of lurid and trashy film titles, ready to be emblazoned over whatever poor film fell into his grubby mitts. I think he might have been a fictional invention, of either Kim Newman or Neil Gaiman if I was forced to guess. Anyway, through a weird quirk of wormholes and other weirdness, this drawer has crossed time, space and the 4th wall, and taken up residency in one of the deeper recesses of my brain.

My short story titles are getting worse. Okay, so I've already used such gems as "The Biggest Tits in the World" and "The Orgy of the Pink Flesh". The last one was even supposed to be vaguely serious.

This weekend I completed a short story entitled "Vampiric Boobies". I'm currently working on a story called "Don't Fuck The Flowers".

In my scrapbook of ideas I have such delights as "Bloodfuckers of Romania" and "The Giant Pussy on the Wall". Not to mention my epic full novel idea - "Porno Fighters from Planet Earth".


Chances of ever being taken remotely serious as a horror writer: nil.

Gonna have to face the awful truth. I'm the reincarnated soul of a sleazebag exploitation skinflick producer from the sixties. There's no hope for me.

Fuck it. Let's have fun. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Succubus for Valentine's Day available in print!

Hurrah! Whatever issues with getting the print version of A Succubus for Valentine's Day out there have now been resolved. It sounds like the original email request to un-retire it was eaten by the dread Mailer-Daemon monster, never to be seen again.

It's available now from amazon. Or you can even buy it from eXcessica directly.

Here's another little excerpt, this time from The Spiders of Thomisoidus:


Of the list of possible planets to be posted to, Thomisoidus was down in the bottom half. It was a gloomy, brooding place. Vast swathes of the planet’s surface, the only habitable areas, consisted of gigantic twisted trees rising out of a vast primordial bog. The light from Thomisoidus’s sun was so weak the vegetation was all brown, almost verging on black, as if even this small amount of reflected light was grudgingly returned. Beneath the canopy the forest was swathed in perpetual dark gloom. Festooned with decrepit old lines of spider silk, most of the forest Joe had seen resembled the sets from old antique horror flatties.

Thomisoidus wasn’t without its positives. One of them was currently leading their small expeditionary group as a guide.

“We should leave,” Amycis said, checking the silent trees around them. “The fire may attract others.”

Amycis was typical of the Aphantokiles, the indigenous people of Thomisoidus, which meant by Earth standards she was a total babe. She—like all the Aphantokiles—had bright blue skin and long lilac hair. So what, it really didn’t matter when the average Aphantokile had a figure that looked like it had come straight from a Bosom Babe focus node and their cultural philosophy precluded the wearing of any clothes. It wasn’t a surprise The Company used pictures of the Aphantokiles to sucker gullible fools into signing up for five year residency contracts.

Joe was one such fool. He’d been too busy dreaming of a paradise planet populated with blue-skinned alien babes, he’d rushed to sign up before actually bothering to do the research.

Yeah, not so smart. Had he done some checking up first he’d have discovered the things The Company neglected to mention—the endless bogs, the perpetual gloom and the spiders, those damn creepy-eyed giant spiders.

Too late now, he was stuck here, four and a half years still to go on his contract. What a moron.

He consoled himself by watching the lovely curves of Amycis’s ass waggle from side to side as she walked in front of him. Absently, he fantasised about that perfect peach bouncing in his lap even though it was a waste of time. It wasn’t that the Aphantokiles weren’t approachable, it was was complicated.

Joe was woken from his daydream by a sudden crack and cry of surprise. Part of the felled log they were walking on gave way underneath Amycis’s feet and she toppled over the side. They weren’t very far from the ground and it was only a short tumble to the floor below. Thankfully the bog wasn’t so deep here and Amycis had fallen into a shallow section where the water didn’t rise much higher than her calves.

Everything would have been fine—Amycis was unhurt and already getting back to her feet—but then a monstrous spider appeared out of the gloom right behind her.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beware the 'quick' story ideas...

Blegh. Another weekend gone and about the only writing done was dragging what I thought would be a simple little short story idea painfully over the last thousand words or so needed to complete it.

I've had that happen a few times. Usually I let an idea gestate in my head for a while until it picks up the missing pieces. Sometimes I'll have a story arrive that's nearly already full-formed right away. Then I get the foolish notion to take a break from the current writing project to scribble down the story right away. I mean it's all there. I practically don't have to think. Surely I'll be able to bash that out in a couple of days.

It never works out that way. I wonder if it's because the story already seems so fully formed. It's too rigid. There's scene A to scene B to scene C and chunks of cool dialogue that have to be rammed into the appropriate holes. What seems seamless in the mind doesn't always fit together when typed on a computer screen. Then it becomes a bloody minded exercise to bludgeon the story into place.

It seemed so simple at the start.

Take one arrogant online massage parlour reviewer. Add one savvy receptionist prepared to call bullshit on his wheedling for a discount/freebies. After all, what kind of serious reviewer would announce themselves beforehand. Project further and imagine how the lovely naga, Amanda, would deal with an incredibly rude client and...

Ewww. I thought she was one of my nice ones. Horror-head, did you really have to hijack this?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Succubus for Valentine's Day and tales of Perilous Printing

I don't seem to have much luck with CreateSpace. My first book accidentally became available six months before its proper release date. This resulted in some people's orders being cancelled, which was a little embarassing. It happened because the book wasn't sent back into temporary retirement after I got my advance author copies.

This time around the opposite problem has occurred. The book is now out, but the print version is still stubbornly stuck in 'retirement'. Very frustrating.

It's a shame as the print versions produced by CreateSpace are very nice. I wasn't sure what to expect and was really pleased when the copies came through the post. Nothing soothes the savage egomaniac quite like having a book with your own name (okay pseudonym) emblazoned on the spine, sitting on a shelf at home. Aah...

Okay, time to move on before I start sounding like a self-important twunt.

I'm not holding them right now and saying, "Precious". Honest.

Apologies to anyone waiting to get hold of a print version of A Succubus for Valentine's Day. I'll put an announcement on twitter as soon as the technical problems are resolved.

Thanks to everyone who picked up a copy of the ebook. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Perfect Valentine's Day Antidote

I think I'm cursed when it comes to marketing. After a couple of weeks hyping up A Succubus for Valentine's Day as coming out on Friday the 11th, it doesn't appear for the kindle until the 12th, I'm still waiting for CreateSpace to unretire the print version so people can buy it and this post is a day late because my internet access went kaput over the weekend.

Anyways, enough griping. It's out.

Here's your antidote to the cloying tide of sugary sweetness that is Valentine's Day.

Not much love, romance, flowers and chocolate here I'm afraid. However, there is plenty of hot, sinful sex with wicked, sensual and deliciously depraved succubi to enjoy. And a few scares as well...

The ebook is available from eXcessica, Amazon, Smashwords and various other online stores.

If you'd like a print version then it can also be purchased from Amazon and eXcessica. I'm still waiting for CreateSpace to unlock it, but hopefully that will happen shortly. (Or I'll send Nÿte!)

Go on, enjoy a little succubus loving this Valentine's Night. You've only got your soul to lose...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another excerpt from A Succubus for Valentine's Day

A Succubus for Valentine's Day and other tales of Perilous Pleasures is out on Friday. Here’s another little excerpt to get the juices flowing. This is from Puffed Up, a decidedly non-serious little superhero tale:


“Who are you?” the red-skinned girl asked, staring up at Straight Arrow with green eyes that shone like lamps in the gloom.

Really? She didn’t know who he was? Straight Arrow was astounded. She’d come here, to his city, with the intent to set up a new criminal empire, and she didn’t know who he was. No matter, she’d find out soon enough.

“I’m Straight Arrow,” he answered.

“Come in, Straight Arrow. My pleasures are for all,” Papavia said, her voice smooth and seductive.

“You misunderstand,” Straight Arrow said, striding purposely down the centre of the hall. “I’m here to free these people from your evil influence.”

“Evil?” Mistress Papavia said. “These people come to me of their own free will and I give them pleasure. Don’t I?” she said to the blonde girl in her lap, running a hand tenderly through the girl’s spiky hair.

She opened her legs a little wider and a large puff of white smoke welled up out of her vagina. The blonde girl’s head was engulfed and she squirmed in bliss as she inhaled the fumes. Straight Arrow watched in disgust as she reached down and began to masturbate herself, in public.

“Such a judgemental expression,” the mutant said. “It won’t matter. Soon my vapours will relieve you of your prudish sentiments.”

Straight Arrow laughed.

“Guess again slut-queen.”

Did she really expect him to be that green? Him, the most prepared crime fighter on the East Coast.

He tapped his mask. “Filters,” he said. “Your mutant emissions will have no effect on me.”

He knew, just knew, it would turn out to be a pheromone emitting mutant, or something like it, and had prepared accordingly. That’s why he was the best.

“So, are you going to come quietly or am I going to have to work up a sweat?” Straight Arrow walked down the centre of room towards her. “Believe me, babe, you don’t want me working up a sweat.” He flexed his considerable muscles for added emphasis.

“Mutant?” Papavia said.

She started to rise from her throne. The blonde girl protested sleepily as Papavia moved her head aside.

“Babe!” Papavia snarled.

Her eyes flashed red as she stood upright on her cloven hooves. A pair of wings, black and leathery like a bat’s, unfurled behind her back.

“I am Mistress Papavia, succubus and Arch-Delectatiotrix of the second circle of Hades!”


Hmm. I think our hero might be in a wee bit of bother... Check it out this Friday!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

New manyeyedhydra Stories!

They do exist. I’ve been hoarding them as I aim to hit that half and half ratio between stories I’ll post up on the internet and stories I’ll keep for the anthologies. If you’re feeling withdrawal symptoms, there are three brand new stories in A Succubus for Valentine’s Day and other tales of Perilous Pleasures to look out for.

Puffed Up
An arrogant superhero tracks down the source of a new drug, Sin, hitting the streets. He discovers the drug has a hellish origin. Will his much-vaunted abilities be enough against the magical wiles of a succubus?

Fans of Garth Ennis’s work with series such as The Boys might like this one. Those with a smoke fetish or an inflation fetish might get a little extra from the story. And it goes without saying it’s perfect for fans of femme fatale super-villain vamps.

The Spiders of Thomisoidus
Off we blast into the future for a Science Fiction tale. Poor everyday dude Joe Baneham gets suckered into signing up for a five year commission on what he thought was a paradise planet filled with hot, blue-skinned alien babes. Unfortunately for him, the babes are completely inept at sex and the planet is a swamp-ridden dump infested with monstrous spiders. Things look up when Amycis, one of the beautiful indigenous locals, falls for him. But what dark secrets of her race is she hiding...?

Spiders, silk, blue-skinned alien babes, bondage and plenty of sexy teasing are all present in this little tale of extremely perilous pleasure.

Foam Shower
A guy, a girl and a very steamy shower scene. I put up an excerpt last week here.

Also features foam. Lots and lots of foam.

The other tales have been tweaked and touched up from their original versions. The title tale, A Succubus for Valentine’s Day, has a different ending to before. It’s even nastier. Beware of cutesy-looking succubi that are summoned from black stone tablets, especially when they offer to play Cupid. Brrr....

A Succubus for Valentine’s Day and other tales of Perilous Pleasures, out next week from all good online ebook stores. Please support me and buy a copy so I can continue to corrupt the internet with my twisted tales of perverse pleasures. ;)

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Valentine's Day Variety Box

One of the things I noticed when putting together the stories for A Succubus for Valentine's Day was the variety. There's a sequence in the collection that runs from Harry Potter parody, to superhero story, to science fiction set in the future, to modern-day horror, to swords & sorcery fantasy, and then to a story with gangster elements. That's variety. Whether or not that's a good thing...

Well it scares the shit out of me to be honest.

Now, I could try and run the usual arrogant bastard bullshit and burble some nonsense about transcending genres. And then someone else could make some catty remarks about firing blindly with a blunderbuss in the hope of hitting the target, any target.

Variety isn't a bad thing. It keeps things from getting predictable. Too much and a collection goes all patchy, like buying the new album from a favourite band only to find there's two decent tracks, a real stinker that's unlistenable, and a whole bunch of meh to round it out.

I think I'm okay on this one. The settings vary, but the stories are all essentially horror. The femme fatales are sexy and the sex is blistering hot. Job done, as I hope you'll find out next Friday.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"A Succubus for Valentine's Day" out in two weeks

My second collection of short stories, A Succubus for Valentine's Day and other Tales of Perilous Pleasures, is out in two weeks time. Here's a little excerpt to whet your appetite - a steamy shower scene with a succubus some of you might have seen before:

The girl pulled off her costume. Normally Pat would have respectfully looked away and allowed her to shower in a kind of pseudo-privacy, but they were far beyond such civilized niceties. The air in the shower crackled with the intensity between them. Primal forces were at work here.

The girl’s eyes locked with his as her costume fell to the floor. The swimsuit had only hinted at what lay beneath, what was revealed to Pat took his breath away. She had the figure of a svelte savage beauty—lithe, athletic and with a perfectly flat stomach. Pat was entranced as she padded across the floor to him like a jungle cat through exotic waterfalls. He knew he was her intended prey and didn’t mind. It was refreshing for the roles to be reversed.

Pat put up his arms to welcome her into his embrace, but she casually batted them away, sliding her body behind his instead. The erect points of her nipples rubbed against his back. Her hands came around and roamed over the firm contours of his chest and the taut muscles of his stomach. She liked what she found, leaning forward to blow warm air in his ear before planting a light kiss on the lobe.

She broke off her hug and continued moving round behind Pat. She plucked his shower gel from an alcove in the tiled wall and squeezed out nearly all the contents down the front of her body. Pat watched, his long dormant cock twitching to life, as the thick amber gel oozed down the valley between her breasts. She rubbed the gel into her flesh, bringing it up to a creamy white lather.

She turned to smile at Pat, a mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes. She upended the plastic bottle and emptied the last of the shower gel in a thick dollop on top of her outstretched palm. She discarded the empty bottle and padded stealthily behind him.

She pressed her breasts against his back again and Pat felt the slickness of the lather between their bodies. She moved her body against him, sliding up and down, side to side and in circular movements, using her breasts like a sponge to wash his back.

Different, and...pleasant.

Pat gave a shocked tremble as she reached around and closed her gel-slathered hand around his erect cock with an audible squelch. The coolness of the gel caused Pat to suck in an involuntary ‘ooh’ of surprise. It was a pleasurable shock though, and became more pleasurable as she slid her hand up and down his shaft with liquid pumps.

She giggled in his ear, the sound light and fresh like a bubbling mountain stream. Pat turned his head back, meeting hers for a wet kiss beneath the warm shower spray. She continued to pump his cock while spreading creamy lather across his chest with her other hand.

A Succubus for Valentine's Day and other tales of Perilous Pleasures - Out Feb 11th.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

For the shy and awkward...

This is for the shy and awkward at school/university/college.

It gets better.

(this is where I eat lunch)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spiders, Silk and Sex

Oo-er, Succubus Summoning 201 has gone a bit...spidery. When the chapter goes up later this year (once I've got the whole arc down in rough draft), it'll probably be my first story up on Lit featuring that Monster Girl staple: the spider-girl or arachne.

It's not my first spider-girl story. Both of my previous spider-themed stories (there's one in the forthcoming Valentine's Day collection) managed to bypass Literotica somehow. Here's a taste of what you're missing from "Arachne's Web" in A Succubus for Christmas and other tales of Devilish Delights.

Gordon was underground, but he wasn't sure where. Unlike the other vaults he'd visited in his dreams lately, this room was so vast he couldn't see the walls in any direction. Old cobwebs formed gauzy hangings all around him. Dream or no, Gordon didn't want to see the spider that had produced them.

He picked his way through a forest of silken threads. They were sticky and stronger than they looked. Pulling them off his naked skin when he accidentally brushed into them was energy-sapping work.

Gordon heard a chuckle from above him, feminine and dripping with evil.

“So eager to return to my parlour, little fly,” the voice said.

Gordon looked up and saw Arachne sitting above him. She was completely naked and sat, suspended, in the white threads as easily as if they were a hammock or swing chair. Her green eyes sparkled and her luscious red lips curled up in a cruel smile as she looked down at him.

“You can't resist my body,” Arachne said with a smile.

Struck dumb, Gordon said nothing. He was mesmerised by the curve of her tits.

Arachne leaned back and opened her legs, baring the hairless gash of her pussy to him. As Gordon watched she reached down and caressed her smooth labia. One of her fingers slipped inside and her breathing roughened to soft little gasps. Gordon felt his own arousal grow as he watched her play with herself.

Arachne's gasps grew louder and huskier until finally she gave a strong shudder. He watched, astonished, as a stream of thick white liquid jetted from her pussy. The liquid solidified in the air to form white strands that floated down and stuck to his exposed flesh.

What the? Gordon thought.

It was silk, just the same as the old threads around him.

“I'm not letting you go now,” Arachne said, her luscious lips curled up in a cruel smile.

She sprayed more white fluid from her pussy and it rained down on Gordon in gossamer filaments. He tried to brush the strands away, but they adhered to his skin and tangled together like a net. When Gordon tried to back away he tripped over and fell into a dense knot of threads. Hopelessly entangled, Gordon could only look on as Arachne, moaning and sighing with pleasure, squirted more and more strands of silk over his supine form. They looked feathery-light, but Gordon couldn't break them and soon his arms were entangled as well.

Arachne laughed at his struggles. She flipped over onto her front, her hands grasping old threads as if they were ropes. There was something unnatural about her body, as if her arms and legs had joints in the wrong places.

Gordon paused in his struggles and watched in astonishment as Arachne descended down from above, supported by a thick white rope of silk extruded from her pussy. She abseiled down like a spider, flipping as she approached the ground to land lightly on her feet.

What was she? Gordon thought. The lithe curves of her body were absolutely breathtaking as she walked towards him, but there was something utterly alien about her that registered in his most primal senses. He resumed his struggles, desperate to escape the thing walking towards him.

Go on, you know you want to read what happens next...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Changing Face of High Street Horror

While I was back home for the Christmas holidays I paid a visit to my local Waterstones to see what was lurking on the horror shelves.

Paranormal Romance is still very much the ‘in’ trend. So much so there was a whole rack of shelf space given over to ‘Dark Fantasy’. Love 'em or loathe ‘em, it doesn’t look like the hunky dudes with fangs and the hunky dudes with fur and fangs are going away any time soon.

In the actual ‘horror’ section proper—Waterstone’s labelling, don’t look at me like that!—Monster Mash’em’ups are the other bandwagon rolling down the hill. I haven’t read them and sort of suspect they’re a one-punchline joke stretched far beyond its use-by date.

Of course, it’s because of this kind of nonsense Christopher Fowler (I wish I had a blog like his—he must type like a zillion words a minute or something) and Maura McHugh kicked off the Campaign for Real Fear.

Me, I’m kind of ambivalent. These are not the horror books I want to be reading, but they are for a lot of other people and they enjoy them enough to buy them by the truckload. Few things piss me off more than the whole snobbish ‘your taste is rubbish, you should read/watch/listen to what I’m reading/watching/listening to’ attitude, so I’m not going there. Even if it means I must accept the existence of true horrors like Eastenders, Friends and X-Factor.

Trends are cyclical anyway. Someone’s going to write the book where the shy but pretty heroine falls for the tall, dark and handsome vampire...who then tortures her relentlessly over the next couple of hundred pages by making her watch while he kills everyone she ever cared about, and we'll remember that vampires are actually really fucking scary.

Next year it will be...well, probably no Waterstones and its slot taken by a shop selling iPhone cases and other tat, I reckon.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sticking with Dead-Tree Technology

One of the things I was happy to pick up over the Christmas break was a fresh set of A5 writing notebooks. It seems a bit weird to still be writing out stories longhand in the age of word processors and other computery goodness, but I find that works best for me. I’m old enough to remember my mum typing up estimates for my dad on a fancy electronic typewriter, but not old enough to have ever used one myself.

I keep trying to kick the habit. Ink and bits of dead tree, I mean it’s so primitive. Look, there’s this lovely shiny laptop with a blank screen all waiting to be filled with words. And look at this keyboard, so much faster and more efficient at producing words than that awkward scratching.

It never works out that way. It’s that delete button. It’s far too easy to use. If you’re of a slightly perfectionist bent (which I am), the delete button is the concrete block waiting on the tracks to derail the writing process. It’s too easy to get stuck at a point in the story, writing and re-writing variations of the same sentence over and over until I completely lose the thread of where the story was supposed to be going in the first place.

I like my little writing pads. They’re the tortoises—slow and steady—of the writing process. They’re a little more portable than laptops and don’t run out of battery. I like taking one with me to lunch and getting a couple of extra pages done over the break. I like the steady accumulation of pages until a story or chapter falls out. I like how I can write any old bollocks to skip snags, because it’s only the first draft after all.

With discipline (and maybe some tape applied over the delete button), I could do most of this on a word processor. I think I like the little pads because they're a clear separation between first and second draft. It doesn't matter if the first draft was done on paper or typed in Word, I usually end up typing the whole thing again for the second draft. I find it's the best way to trim out all the needless fat from a story. Copying up from a notebook is easier than having two Word's open and the fonts at magnifying glass size.

Alas poor trees, it may be a while before I'm weaned off you yet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More fun with Japanese translations...

I’m quite impressed with this automated machine translation malarkey. I mentioned it last week when I talked about a Japanese game coming out that looked like fun. A quick poke around the website reveals they’ve (I think it’s the same people, but I may be wrong) also done a series of audio plays. The name of the series auto-translates to “Whispers of human habitation Rina - Tengai - Slutty girl and inhuman treatment”, which is probably wrong as that sounds horribly unwieldy.

If you like my stories, then you’ll probably enjoy these audios as they feature being captured and then by various femdom-y succubi and monster girls. For those that like that kind of thing, they even provide some alternative endings with a more vorish bent. Mostly it’s lots of shlurp shlurp (with a variety of squelchy sound effects that sound like a brush being plunged back and forth into a pot of paste) until the victim ejaculates themselves to death (or exhaustion). My faves are probably Vol.7 with the Arachne and Vol.10 with the big-titted Succubus Lilia (Lily I presume).

They are in Japanese, which normally would be a substantial hurdle if, like me, you can’t speak a word of the language. Thankfully, they also provide transcripts of the audios. These are also in Japanese, but with handy use of Ctrl+C and Translation Aggregator, voila, English words fall out. Again, it’s automated machine translation, so the usual caveats about using common-sense and imagination to make sense of the translations apply. Mapping the transcripts to the voices is a little tricky, but I found it got easier once I started recognising the “fufufus” and the “ora oras”. After that it’s a case of lying back and enjoying their work. The corrupted little story-making cells in my brain have certainly been twitching with fresh inspiration.

If they are the same people, I think it’s a pity they aren’t planning to include voice work in the forthcoming game. Some of these scenarios rendered as a game would be a lot of fun I think.

There is some hentai artwork of varying quality included with the volumes. Some of the victims border a little too close to shotacon for my tastes, but that’s often par for the course with these things. Oi, artists! Real succubi can take down real men y’know! It’s only pixels in case anyone’s feeling too outraged. Me, I’m just here for the freaky monster girls with big boobies.

Well worth a listen if you fancy being teased and taunted by a Japanese energy-sapping succubus. My Japanese vocabulary has increased, albeit with words I suspect I must never ever utter in public! ;)

Sunday, January 09, 2011

"Divine Matches" anthology out this week

"Divine Matches", a new anthology from eXcessica, is out this week and it features one of my stories!

This is a collection of erotic tales about mythical creatures and gods and goddesses. My contribution is "Naga Special Massage" and features a naga, a creature with the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a snake, in a modern day setting. Technically, I suppose it should be "Nagi Special Massage" as she's female, but even mythical entities have to move with these modern, liberated times! In the story, she takes a man suffering from claustrophobia and shows him she's very adept at using her serpentine body to give a sexy full body massage. And then things get hotter...

Anyway, check it out if you fancy getting a taste of what the other talented writers at eXcessica are up to.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

A game release I'm looking forward to

This game at looks like fun. It’s a Japanese RPG. You play a brave lad who picks up his sword and heads out into the world looking for adventure...and ends up being, um, molested by various sexy monster girls.

There’s a demo up which features a bit of introduction and a fight (sort of) with a slime girl. It looks a bit like Succubus Quest, only with more elaborate ending sequences when you lose the fight (which is the fun part let’s face it).

Yes, it is in Japanese, but I managed to hook it up to some automated translation software. Which sounds rather complicated, but thankfully a very nice person up on has posted a comprehensive guide on how to set this up. The translations are far from perfect, as you’d expect from automated machine translation, but if you use your imagination they’re good enough to follow what’s going on.

The first part of the game is scheduled for around January/February. They boast of featuring nearly 200 types of monster girl in the finished game, some of which look very weird indeed judging from the side menu. That sounds awesome, but also a little worrying. 200 seems like a heck of a lot of work. If the rest of the encounters are as detailed as the one with the slime girl in the demo, the game would still be awesome even with only 20 types. I’d rather see a completed game with fewer enemies than a too-ambitious project doomed to an eternity in development limbo.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to its release when I can go forth and engage in unmentionable sexual acts the world from dastardly demon girls.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year's Writing (Non)Resolutions

There’s probably going to be a ton of these spunked onto the web. Given how just about everyone breaks their resolutions before the holiday season is over, I’m going to engage some reverse psychology and create some resolutions for things not to do in the hope I break them spectacularly.

1. I’m not going to write faster.

This needs work. When I first started writing stories for Literotica I told myself I wasn’t going to get bogged down with the self-doubt and obsessive perfectionism that had afflicted my horror short story writing and just have fun. Now I’m starting to take it a little more seriously, the stories have grown more complex and elaborate and the flaws have crept back in. This year I want to get back the fun and less worrying about what I’m writing.

2. I’m not going to make more frequent blog posts.

Related to 1 above. More writing and less chiselling. Often I’d have an idea of something to post, tie myself in knots with attempting to write it and then abandon the whole thing because it was taking too long. These are supposed to be quick blog posts, not graded essays.

And now the individual writing projects.

3. I’m not going to polish Succubus Summoning 101 up and get it ready for publication.

I should have done this earlier. It’s popular on Lit and about the right length for a novel. Plus, if I don’t do it, some sleazebag will probably try and plagiarize it as has unfortunately happened recently to various Lit authors.

4. I’m not going to finish Succubus Summoning 201

Ugh. Important rule for building up a fanbase—don’t leave them waiting months for the next chapter. Sorry peeps. 203 has been stuck on the backburner for a while now, mainly because the 201 arc has a plot I thought I needed to work out in advance. It’s a fallacy of course. I wrote 101 a chapter at a time and it dropped nicely into place.

5. I’m not going to finish two more short story collections.

This is the tough one. I should be able to get one done, but getting a second finished will be very much dependant on speeding up my writing, especially as I don’t have much left in the pool of already finished tales.

Now let’s get down to breaking those resolutions as fast as possible!