Thursday, September 01, 2011

12th Annual Literotica Awards

It's time again for the Annual Literotica Reader's Choice awards. It's not as grand as it sounds. I don't think most of the readers know or care it exists, and there's usually a writer or three making a tit of themselves by taking it far too seriously.

It's hard to take it that seriously. There's no prize other than bragging rights and it's an internet vote that struggles to scrape double figures. Mind you, I'm probably just bitter I get nominated for the Erotic Horror category every year and never win it. Not even with "Succubus Summoning 114" surprisingly, and that's been the number one chapter/story on Lit's Erotic Horror all-time top list for just about forever.

This year "Succubus Summoning 202" is up. I keep trying to tell myself it's not important, nobody actually cares, and I should ignore it, but I have a stupid competitive streak That. Won't. Let. It. Lie.

So, to keep it happy, here's the link where you can vote. Or even check out some of the other nominated stories to see what the other writers on Literotica are up to.

The embarassing part is realising just how long it's been since I posted that chapter. I really need to get back to that series.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Song for the Week: Meshuggah - Bleed

Some musical caffeine from Meshuggah to start the week. (From Obzen)

The album version is better as it reprises the fast parts and brings the song to a better conclusion. Bah to the mainstream and their insistence on songs no longer than four and half minutes. Still one of my faves.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Succubus Summoning 201: Literotica or No?

A question from the comments yesterday:

"You mentioned "book", does that mean we won't see any new Succubus Summoning 201 stories being posted on Literotica, but instead have to buy your books?"

The answer is long and complex and when I went past the third paragraph in trying to type it into the comments section, I thought I may was well make it a blogpost.

It depends on how the whole 201 arc shapes up at the end. I stopped going chapter-by-chapter when I was writing 203 and realised I'd gone over 5,000 words with no sign of a sex scene in sight. There are a few new characters to introduce and a lot more background to reveal. 201 is also less episodic overall. This left me with a problem. Either post a huge big chapter on Lit, which no-one will bother to read, or split it up and risk posting a chapter with no sex at all. No-sex chapters go down very badly on Literotica unless they're romance-heavy Twilight clones. I figured my best plan is to write the whole thing out in rough (which I'm still in the process of doing) and then go back through with a chainsaw to edit the whole arc into a more pleasing shape.

There's also the tension between getting readers and getting paid. I love writing and I like posting work up on web sites like Literotica to gain exposure and for the feedback to make me a better writer, but I don't want to be the big soft chump who gives all his work away for free!

I know some writers start series on Literotica and then deliberately make the ending an exclusive to their book. I can see how it works from a marketing perspective, but it strikes me as a scumbag manoeuvre more likely to alienate readers in the long term. It's not how I roll.

I did think about making 201 book only, probably with a super-cheap first month price as a reward and apology to the long(-suffering)-term followers for their patience. I also considered taking down stories when Succubus for Christmas came out. I'm painfully conscious of the 'Why should I pay for it when I can get it for free?' argument.

I don't think Succubus for Christmas and Succubus for Valentine's Day have suffered too much for having some of their content available on the internet for free. It could be argued I might have sold more if those stories hadn't been available for free. It could also be argued I might have sold far less because new readers wouldn't have the faintest idea who I am. Personally, I like having stories up on Literotica for the exposure. If people like them, they can always buy the books to get more stories.

My current plan is to post the remaining chapters on Literotica if I can get them into the right shape. I started it there, so I want to finish it there. I'll keep some additional goodies back for the ebook version and I'll put it out some time before the run on Lit completes. I reckon that should strike the right balance.

It's a horribly long hiatus between 202 and 203, I know. Please have patience. I'm still only a part-time writer. I have to work 9-to-5 on my real-life day-job like everyone else. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Background to Succubus Summoning 101

Remember my Succubus Summoning 101 series? (Yeah the one I will eventually get around to writing a sequel arc to).

Did you have any questions on Phil's background? Or maybe how the Wargsnouts College for Warlocks fits into that world?

I'm midway through the process of editing it into a book to come out early next year. Aside from fixing some dubious grammar and removing the recaps at the start of each chapter, I'm also going to add some extra scenes to give Phil and the world a little more depth. I guess the big question is...

What's missing from the original? What could be added to flesh out the story without adding too much baggage?

(Yes, I know, as the writer I should know the answer to these questions. I do have a good idea of what I'm going to include already, but I'm curious to see what you, the readers, think. Just in case I missed something obvious. Like with Nicole's last adventure and the ending which was a little too obtuse for anyone who hadn't read Delivery Special Soap beforehand. Nobody's perfect! :))

If all goes to plan, Succubus Summoning 101: the novel, should be out early 2012. Then I'll have to finish Succubus Summoning 201. ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Song for the Week: Akercocke - Leviathan

Another British metal band. Sadly, I'm not sure if they're still going. Both Choronzon and Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone are solid albums.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Eihi Shiina Double Bill, Part Two: Tokyo Gore Police

If you thought the manga/anime coming out of Japan was crazy...

Tokyo Gore Police. To use the cliché: it's exactly what it says on the tin.

The film is directed by legendary gore-fx master, Yoshihiro Nishimura, and, exactly as the name suggests, is incredibly gory. This is gore taken up to eleven. People grow chainsaws and cannons out of their open wounds, there's a duel featuring a quadruple amputee with blades on each stump, a girl with crocodile jaws in place of her nether regions, and gallons and gallons of fake blood. At one point a character even uses the blood spraying from his severed legs as a jet pack. It's that crazy.

It's what I love about Japanese films. They aren't afraid to leap out of the box and take off in weird directions to shock and surprise the audience. Sure, some might think the whole thing comes across as silly and nonsensical, but who cares when it's an excuse to come up with scenes of such audacious bizarreness they leave the viewer's jaw on the floor at the whole 'WTF' of it all.

Oh, and Eihi Shiina is lovely and serene throughout.

Once again, I realise I have much further to go.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Eihi Shiina Double Bill, Part One: Audition

Does anyone else think Eihi Shiina is just adorably cute in this scene (from Takashi Miike's 1999 film Audition)?

(In case the name Takashi Miike hasn't already set alarm bells ringing, I should, before you hit the play button, mention Audition is a notorious Japanese horror film. You have been warned...)

(... I still think she's lovely.)

No? I guess it's just me then.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Song for the Week: Cradle of Filth – Lilith Immaculate

A new feature for my blog. This is where I drive off even more potential readers with my highly dubious music taste. As if I wasn’t enough of a walking cliché already, I’m a metal fan. Here’s something light to kick things off.

I’ve been listening to Cradle since Dusk and Her Embrace. They’re a band with ups and downs. I’d given up on them after Thornography to be honest, but then they bounced back to form with Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder and the most recent album, Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa.

If I had the slightest idea how, I’d love to hire the modelling company Cradle use for their album inlays to do my book covers, but I suspect it would cost more than the books are ever likely to make. Maybe in the future, if my writing picks up enough popularity for it to be financially viable.

(A perv can dream, right!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bargain Bin Slaughter: Madworld

I’m a big fan of violent video games, as I might have alluded to in the past, so when I saw this for the Wii for the bargain-bin price of £2.99 I couldn’t resist.

Violence, gore and sick humour; everything I enjoy in a computer game. It also has a succubus/vampiress boss with the most ridiculous pair of gag boobs I’ve ever seen in a video game.

I think I'm in love.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The state, the state, the state is on fire...

We don’t need no water let the muthafucka burn. Burn muthafucka. Burn!!!

The country of my birth, England, appears to be a little ill at the moment. I went back to visit this week, which also coincided with an outbreak of rioting and looting in the major city centres.

Yes, I’m now so maleficent my mere presence drives a country into unrest. Joke.

There’s been a lot of talk about the sick state of modern society in all the papers, but I think the illness is not the one they’re talking about. There’s an ideological schism splitting the country, one which, no doubt, any middle-leaning American will recognise with a dejected sigh. Read a right-wing newspaper and they’ll talk about a collapse in moral values which can only be rectified by a good caning, bringing back National Service or simply hanging the buggers until they turn purple and their tongues hang out. Read a left-wing newspaper and you’ll get a lot of handwringing about broken homes, poverty, boredom and legitimate protest.

They’re both bloody idiots.

Poverty is a debased term nowadays. These kids aren’t starving and they have access to far more forms of entertainment than children of decades ago. Several spots of unrest were organised through Blackberries and online social networks according to some reports. Nicking stuff because you feel inferior to multi-millionaire football players in the top 0.0001% or whatever of earners in the country is a fairly venal and piss-poor imitation of the Arab Spring uprisings taking place elsewhere on the planet.

What the kids don’t have is a future. That’s a problem. It doesn’t matter how big a stick you threaten to hit them with. They don’t care. They don’t have anything to lose.

What I hate is the media trotting out the same simplistic right/left-wing ideological solutions which have little relevance to a messy and more complex world. The troublemakers of the past week are scum and need to be punished accordingly, but if they aren’t allowed decent aspirations (playing football for Man Utd or selling millions of records are not realistic aspirations unless you’re phenomenally gifted and lucky) more and more youths are going to go ‘feral’.

The challenge for our glorious leaders is to reengage with these forgotten sumps of society and find a productive use for them. Maybe our politicians could start by setting a better example instead of fiddling their expenses and gorging themselves on the corporate teat. What’s the saying—the fish rots from the head.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Back from the Dead(line)

Ugh, that was painful.

I used to be good with deadlines. Sure, I used to faff around and procrastinate like everybody else in the time leading up to the deadline. Then, with the deadline suddenly imminent, I’d burst into life and get the project finished in a blaze of activity.

Nowadays that bursting into life is more like a feeble stirring followed by a resentful crawl leading to something being spat onto the screen a few weeks later, maybe.

It’s been the same for the last stories of every anthology I’ve written so far. This one was worse as I lost confidence in my ability to do the story justice about halfway through writing it. Normally I’d have tossed it back into the ideas file and gone back to it later, but I’d already made a commitment to contribute to one of eXcessica’s fundraising anthologies and didn’t have an adequate back up plan.

Anyway, it’s done. It’ll be appearing in one of eXcessica’s anthologies next year. I had to pretty much drop everything and focus on finishing that story, even though my productivity went to hell. I hate it. It’s an ugly baby that probably deserves to be drowned in a bucket. Maybe I’ll grow to like it after a few months. I didn’t like Arachne’s Web much after I took the route-march approach to getting that one finished as well. I like it better now.

Deadlines, avoid ‘em I reckon. Write whatever wants to be written and then pick whatever’s most suitable at hand when the time comes around.

Time to get this blog back up and running at regular intervals again!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Adamsing My Deadlines

Whoosh. That's the sound of deadlines whizzing by.

Literotica's Nude Day Contest. FAIL.
The story morphed into something too long and complex to get done in time. I'll stick it on the back burner and chip away at it in time for next year's competition. (This happens a lot. The Christmas story I've got lined up for this year was supposed to be for the competition two years previous :) )

eXcessica Anthology. CRITICAL.
Damn, another story way outside my comfort zone. I really should stick to the big-boobed succubi I know and love. I've got an extension on this one, but I'm probably going to be quiet for the rest of the week while I get it done.

Hmm, now how in the hell am I supposed to make two people skinning each other alive romantic and erotic...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All your fetish are belong to me

Fellow eXcessica writer, Dr Mabeuse, posted a link to this interesting little fetish map in the Literotica forums.

Here’s the original location. (At a size where it might actually be possible to read it!)

It’s quite an educational little diagram. The fun part is working out which fetishes I’ve already covered in stories and which I plan on covering in the future.

I think I might have been playing a little too much Civilization IV recently. I see a map and the first instinct is to work out how to conquer it. Hmm, so I start in Demon with my Succubus harem. S/M’s easy. I’ll leave Nÿte and Physalia to run that one. Various soapy massage type stories give me a route into Messy Fun. My lovely Naga, Amanda, is quite partial to a little bit of Breath Play. From there we’ll take the strategically important Vore, and that will…

Yeah, I should probably cut back on the Civ.

Friday, July 08, 2011

The real masters of literary corruption...

I'm writing in the wrong genre. There I was, merrily typing up twisted tales of hot demon sex in order to corrupt the internet and collapse the whole of humanity into a black abyss, and it turns out the real masters of corruption write romance novels for Mills and Boon.

It’s not the first criticism to be aimed at romance novels. Recently another psychologist claimed they can be as addictive as pornography. They do have a smidgeon of a point. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, ladies, but that super-rich, super-handsome Mr Right you’ve been dreaming of will, in real life, probably (but not always!) be a complete dick and chronically unfaithful. Why? Because they can get away with it.

Somehow, I suspect the M & B crowd would be less than thrilled with a book where the spunky heroine finds her Mr Right…only for him to ditch her for a younger model with a bigger rack ten years down the line. The whole point of fantasy is it’s supposed to be escapism, i.e. better than the messy complications present in the real world. Sure, problems can arise when the fantasy forms the basis of a wholly unrealistic set of expectations, but that’s just about true for any situation where fantasy and reality get mixed up.

Unsurprisingly—and understandably—it’s provoked a bit of a backlash from romance fans quick to defend their reading preferences. There are a lot of them in the comments section beneath the Guardian article.

Presumably those same people will be right behind us in the trenches the next time equally stupid things are written about video games or different flavours of pornography…won’t you? ;)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Nostalgia Gaming: Splatterhouse

Still on the topic of violent video games, here’s a classic from the prehistoric days of lumbering arcade machines.

There was a Splatterhouse arcade machine at my local ice rink and I remember spending a few Saturdays in my youth feeding it 10p and 20p coins. The graphics were totally wacko and disturbed compared to other games at the time. There was a boss with chainsaws for arms, crawling baby things with oversize heads and many vomiting alien monsters/torture victims. The first boss section had waves and waves of bloody worms springing out at you from all angles in a room piled high with red meat. It was sick, it was gruesome and it was fun. There was a satisfying ‘Thwack!’ to splattering enemies up against the back wall with a meaty swing of a pipe.

It was also fiendishly difficult. Back then most arcade games followed a simple formula—a fairly pedestrian stage one, followed by a harder-but-still-possible stage two, and then ramping up into a black hole of difficulty designed to suck all the small change out of your pocket. Mr Chainsawman did for me on many an occasion, although I did see the occasional player stumble past him only to fall at the floating cross and severed ghoul heads at the end of stage four.

A few years back I managed to find a version to run on my PC with MAME (a fantastic program for nostalgia gaming geeks). With infinite simulated 10p coins I would have my revenge, bwahahahaha…

Just about. By level six and an organic corridor full of wibbly embryo monster-things jumping on your back at every opportunity, the game developers are telling you to ‘sod off!’ in no uncertain terms. If it wasn’t for some gratuitous save state scumming (yeah, because even infinite coins isn't enough...) I’m not even sure I’d have completed it at all.

It’s a game I have many fond memories of. It was the first arcade game I remember to really go for it when it came to gross horror visuals. There’s a recent remake I’ve been meaning to check out, even though I’m sure it won’t have that same…you know…Thwack!

I never could pull off that damn sliding kick…

Friday, July 01, 2011

Won't someone think of the children . . .

I’m normally against all forms of censorship, but the recent overturning of a proposed California law to ban the sale of violent video games leaves me perched rather precariously on the fence. Don’t get me wrong, I love violent video games. Whatever games console I have lying around usually gets updated around the same time the next Silent Hill or Resident Evil instalment comes along. I also thoroughly enjoyed playing the notorious Manhunt. However, I’m not sure twelve-year-old kids should be playing these games.

Attitudes are changing now that the Nintendo and PlayStation generation have grown up and are old enough to have children of their own. Video games have grown up too and are no longer seen as solely for children’s entertainment.

Not everybody appears to have caught on

It always reminds me of a (possibly) apocryphal story about a video/DVD rental store clerk and a certain, highly notorious, Japanese animated film.

Dad walks up with two young sons in tow and puts a copy of Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend on the counter.

I’d like to rent this film.

Clerk looks down at fresh-faced young boys.

Um, I’m not sure it would be suitable for them.

Whaddya mean. It’s a cartoon. Action, explosions, giant robots, that kind of thing.

Um, it’s quite . . . extreme.

Don’t be silly. It’s a cartoon. Rent me the goddamn film or I’ll call your manager.

Clerk (hands up):
Okay. Whatever you say.

The next day.

Dad storms back into store and slams video down on the counter.

You sick fuck! What are you doing renting me this sick filth! Fucking pedo! I’ll call the police on you.

Um, I did say it wasn’t suitable for minors.

I don’t mind age restrictions. They’re good defence when the moral meddlebutts try to use the Think-of-the-children! card when they want to ban something. Britain, I think, uses a similar ratings system to the one used for movies, which seems sensible to me. When the moral meddlebutts next get in an indignant froth about the latest GTA or Manhunt and how children shouldn’t be playing such sick filth, it’s easy to counter by pointing at the 18 certificate and asking how children are playing the game in the first place. Think-of-the-children! becomes Where-are-the-parents? and draws a lot of venom out of the meddlebutt’s attack. I’d rather developers had the freedom to create games for adults covering adult themes, without worrying about a latter-day Mary Whitehouse whipping up a moral panic and shutting them down.

Like the original blogger, I’m not sure if this is a victory to be celebrated. It’s always hard to know with these things. The moral meddlebutts are getting sneakier at depriving the public of things the meddlebutts disapprove of. There are ways to ban things without explicitly banning them, in the same way a NC-17 rating will financially destroy a film in the US. Maybe this was a battle that needed to be fought and won.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prick-Tease Muse

I think my muse might be a prick-tease. All of Saturday before me and she's off shopping/drinking/tormenting poor misguided souls. Come Sunday and just before I'm due to head off to cricket practise she's back with fiery inspiration.

Write this story now, now, now!

I know her lies. If I cry off practise, she'll be gone again within an hour and it'll be another afternoon lost to the great time-suck that is Civilization. I'm better off getting out in the sunshine and giving the little (cancerous malignant creators of filth) grey cells a good airing.

Looming deadlines are always odd for me. Sometimes they spur me on, other times I grind right down to a halt. Time for a project switch methinks to get the juices going again.

A prick-tease muse, hmm. Given the kind of stories I write, I really shouldn't be that surprised . . . :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Harry Potter and the Future of Publishing

There have been rumblings about JK Rowling’s new online venture, Pottermore. This week those questions were answered. While Harry Potter fans will understandably be delighted by the new collaborative web site thingymajiggum, it’s the eBook side of things that’s of interest to those of us with a toe (nail) in publishing.

The Harry Potter series is one of the most lucrative franchises in the history of publishing. And JK Rowling holds the electronic rights…

Can you say million dollar diamond mine.

The publishing world has been thrown into a lot of turmoil with the rise of eBooks. Age-old ways of doing things are being ripped up. Authors are going it alone and grabbing a bigger slice of their own pie. The interesting question was always going to be how one of the most successful authors ever would bring their much-loved series to the digital market.

Well the answer is out and I suspect various high-level Amazon and B & N execs were choking on their coffee this morning. The Harry Potter books will come out online, but exclusively from the Pottermore site.


That’s really taking control of your work. Rowling didn’t cut out her publishers entirely, they’re still playing a role, but it sounds like she thinks she’s big enough to manage just fine without the services of the biggest bookseller in the world.

Interesting times indeed…

Monday, June 20, 2011

Plans and Schemes

The "Locked in with a Succubus" mini-serial is over, so now it's time to move onto pastures new. Here's my current todo list.
  • Write story for Literotica's Nude Day contest. This may involve weres. It may actually appear in this year's contest. Bearing in mind I originally intended Locked in with a Succubus as a Valentine's contest entrant it's probably safer to assume it'll appear next year.
  • Write story for an eXcessica anthology due out middle of next year. This has a hard deadline of July 17th. Time to start sweating...
  • Clean up Succubus Summoning 1o1 and get it ready for publication. My first novel, yay! I'll be adding a lot of extra scenes to develop Phil's character a bit.
  • Gather enough stories from my stockpile to put a 4th collection together in time to go out first half of 2012. A little hampered in that the current stockpile is a bit lacking in stock.
  • Complete Succubus Summoning 201. I suspect the only item in the list some of you care about. I kind of feel all GRRM about it as it's been clattered all over my schedule because I'm always behind with other things. Thankfully, I have most of the plot planned out in my head and it will be everything you hoped it would be :D.
  • Anthology collection #5 for Halloween 2012. (yeah, right. Dream on snail-pace writing boy!)
Of course, most of this won't actually appear until 2012, which is kind of in the way-too-far in the future category. What about the right here and right fucking now. Here's the 2011 run down.
  • There's the Literotica Nude Day contest story (assuming I finish it in time). You can also expect to see me mount equally fruitless challenges against the unstoppable juggernaut of HEA romance (with or without vampires) in:
  • Literotica Halloween contest. Because all my stories qualify.
  • Literotica Christmas contest. Because it's already written (naughty, naughty elves!).
  • A Summer Dance with a Succubus is in one of eXcessica's forthcoming anthologies. Oh dear, some readers are going to be in for a shock if they go on from that to my other stories. Oh well, everyone has to get a little Unretrofied now and again ;)
  • A Succubus for Halloween. Collection #3. Yum. Lots of new goodies including a brand new Nicole story. Be warned, it fits Halloween well. Horror-head is awfully hard to rein in for that time of the year. Halloween Nÿte is in there and it isn't even the most fucked-up, nastiest story.
I enjoyed writing the Locked in mini-serial, so I can see myself doing something similar around Halloween to promote the book. Not sure on what yet. Giving away stuff is fun, but I've got to keep some things back otherwise my writing career will be extremely short-lived ;)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus: The Inside View

Okay, so it looks like I need to run through an explanation after all. :)

Whether people got it or not depended on whether they'd already read my earler story: Delivery Special Soap. That's a fail on my part as I always intended the recurring characters and cheeky little references to enhance the stories for the readers who were familiar with my other works, but not be essential to the understanding of the story for the first time reader.

Here's a little peek from the other side to clear up any confusion:

Demons (and possibly other mythological beings) exist in that world, but they're rare and largely unknown. George doesn't know they exist. Inari, the mysterious woman he does some odd jobs for, does and she has a problem.

Virgins are extremely tasty delicacies to a succubus, especially the nice ones and even more so the older ones. As Nicole points out, George is quite the hot commodity in the succubus world. Inari knows it's only a matter of time before one of the nastier demons (Like Orchrhys in Delivery Special Soap) catches his scent and makes a snack out of his soul.

George hints at Inari's earlier attempts in Part 6, although he doesn't recognise them for what they are.

The problem is he's now too old and a little too tasty. (Hinted at twice. At the very beginning Nicole isn't going to let him into her house. He also mentions about the masseuse, Arisa, making an excuse and leaving. They're worried they're going to eat the poor guy!)

The wine is important as most of you probably guessed.

Mysterious label. No recognisable branding. Yeah, that's not wine. It's how George is able to have a lot of sex with Nicole and not meet the usual fate of most of my protagonists when they have a lot of sex with a succubus. It keeps his energy levels high enough so he doesn't die. (Hinted at again. Nicole recognises what it is. As soon as George shows her the bottle she changes her mind and lets him in)

Nicole picks up on George's slightly submissive tendencies, but gets it wrong with the first room - a classic dominatrix dungeon - she picks.

The second room is right and Nicole reveals her succubus nature. Because of the wine she can also be a little more sexually aggressive than normal.

Except it goes wrong and she loses control. Her behaviour should (I hope!) seem a lot different in Part 9 compared to other chapters.

George passes out and then wakes back up. What happened in the meantime? Another oblique hint. George notices smudges on her cheeks. Succubi can cry and Nicole was extremely upset a few moments before. She thought she'd killed him.

Of course, I'm not going to tell you this. Why spoil the fun when there's another three chapters of will-she-won't-she-kill-him to play with! :)

It's all from George's PoV, so he doesn't realise. Nicole, ever the sublime consort, slips straight back into her role as the teasing demoness. At this point George is in no danger. Nicole has already taken his virginity and gorged on his energy. The final pieces to explaining her behaviour drop into place in Part 12 when she tells George she knows what his secret fantasies are.

The explanation for it all is in the epilogue when Nicole tells Inari her "stink is all over him".

Yeah, if you haven't read Delivery Special Soap, you've got no chance with that one. In the world Nicole inhabits, it makes sense for demons not to tangle with each other over a single human when there are so many others to prey upon. Nicole has fulfilled Inari's request. She's taken George's virginity (so he's no longer a beacon of tasty snackness to other sex demons) and claimed him as 'her kill'. Which was Inari's aim right from the start. Whether the other demons hold up to that, well that's another story...

That's a bit of a booboo on my part. Oblique references to link the story with Arisa from the earlier story are one thing. It's an Easter Egg for the people that spot the reference. Making it vital to understanding the denouement . . . that's the kind of clever-cleverness that falls straight into stupid.

Oh well. That's the good part about putting stories up for free. It's easier to make the right corrections before they find their way into anthologies. :)

I hope that clears things up anyway.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus, part 13

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12.


The demoness with horns, wings, tail and empty black eyes lounged on the great big black waterbed. She picked up a phone from the shelf behind her and dialled a number.

“It’s done,” she said.

She stretched in contentment.

“Yes, he was extremely enjoyable.”

Her face darkened.

“There was a . . . moment. It passed.”

A smile returned to her face. She looked at the human lying still on the bed. Her devil’s tail lifted up off the mattress and she used the tip to tickle the man’s nose.

“My stink is most definitely all over him. Your little virgin has been comprehensibly despoiled. That should keep the others away.”

She grinned as George’s nose twitched and he murmured. Still in his sleep, his arms flailed ineffectually at her teasing tail. He snorted and rolled over on the bed.

“Mmm, you don’t need him back right away, do you? I was thinking of keeping him for a little longer. One day, that’s all.”

Nicole heard the reply. Her smile widened, revealing the delicate points of two fangs.

“Oh good. Send over another bottle of that wine.”


Now, hopefully, if I’ve done my job correctly, that ending should make sense and, if you go back and read again from the start, you should find a lot of Nicole’s actions and words take on a whole extra meaning. If there are still questions, I’ll put up an explanation filling in the gaps from Nicole’s side next week sometime. (As a hint—this previous story might help).

I hope you enjoyed this little serial. If you liked it, please support my writing by buying my books. A brand new story featuring Nicole is in my third collection,
A Succubus for Halloween, coming out—appropriately enough—Halloween this year. I’ll put up more details nearer the time and maybe even find another little serial to run to promote it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Non-Human Morality

When it comes to non-human characters I like them to be . . . well, not human. This means they probably have a set of attitudes, thought processes and values which are completely alien to us. Not everything, some stuff’s going to be the same, but enough for some of their actions and responses to surprise every now and again.

The Doctor from the BBC’s series Doctor Who is a classic example. Alien. Looks human. Big big heart(s). Saves the world multiple times. But every so often is a bit . . . weird. The current actor playing him, Matt Smith, has got that whole a-bit-too-weird-to-really-pass-for-human thing down perfectly. Tom Baker was also brilliant (although I suspect he might actually be an alien marooned down here on earth . . .)

That little spice of alienness is really important to me. I hate reading urban fiction with vampire or werewolf protagonists where the characters display a completely human array of emotions and reactions. If the author hadn’t told me the character had fangs, super-strength, was centuries old, whatever, I doubt I’d realise they weren’t human at all. Feels like a waste (Although I can’t argue with the success of that genre. Maybe my wrong is everybody else’s right! :) ).

I think this is why I might be so reluctant to write anything from one of my succubus’s point of view. It’s hard to avoid humanising a character and takes away a lot of their mystique.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus, part 12

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11.

A day later than planned, but never mind.

“I lied,” she said.

George stared at her.

Nicole smiled. She traced a circle around his nipple with a coquettish nail. “I’m a demon, what did you expect?”

George deflated inside. She was never going to let him go.

“Aww, such a hurt look,” Nicole teased.

“It’s not fair,” he said.

Nicole laughed. “Oh come on. You’re thirty-four. You must know by now the world isn’t a fair place.”

She reached over and retrieved the bottle of wine from the shelf.

“It’s a pity,” she said. “If there were a few more like you, maybe it would be better.”

“Then I suppose you’re doing your job,” George said. “Servant of Satan and all that.”

He felt so stupid. He’d thrown everything into that last bout of sex. He felt so drained he didn’t even have the energy to lift his head from the mattress. He’d played right into her claws, again. She was a demon; of course she wasn’t going to keep her word. He was such an idiot.

Nicole looked at the wine bottle. Her eyes became a little distant. She smiled.

“Yes, I suppose I am,” she said.

She brought the bottle to George’s lips and he greedily gulped it down. It was so delicious. The wine settled in his stomach and emitted a warm glow. All of a sudden he didn’t feel quite so exhausted. What was in it—crack? His mouth even followed the bottle as she took it away. Don’t, she’d only make him beg for it next time.

If there was a next time.

Nicole shook the bottle with a frown on her face. There was barely a swallow left in the bottle.

“Oh well,” Nicole said. “All good things must come to an end.”

She poured the last dribbles between George’s parched lips and tossed the now empty bottle over the side of the bed.

“Mmm, I was saving this for last,” Nicole said.

She lay down on George and then rolled them both until she was lying on her back in the centre of the large, circular waterbed with him on top of her. The classic missionary position, although George didn’t feel like he had any control.

His erection didn’t get a chance to go down from his last bout of ejaculations either. The moist lips of Nicole’s vagina wrapped around the head and sucked his whole length down inside her. The soft walls of her sex pulsed and undulated around him. He was back to full hardness and trembling in a matter of moments.

Nicole’s legs wrapped around him. Her arms went around his neck. Her great black wings unfurled and then folded around his back like a latex cloak.

“This is nice,” Nicole said. “Relaxing.”

George felt weak, like a kitten, but pleasantly so. He slumped on top of Nicole, his chest resting on the soft pillows of her breasts. There was a pleasant tingling sensation wherever Nicole’s smooth skin came into contact with his. It had a strange draining effect that left him relaxed to the point of immobility. Every breath he took was filled with the sensual perfume of her body.

“You don’t have to do anything at all,” she sighed, her breath whispering through the hairs on the back of his neck.

The walls of her vagina bunched up around his shaft and then rolled down, giving him a pleasant little tug. Her soft lips brushed against his tender throat. Her thighs squeezed his sides. Her membranous wings stretched across his back, hugging him closer.

“You’re mine,” Nicole whispered in his ear. “There’s no escape. I’m going to drag you down into deep, delectable darkness.”

She’d wrapped him all up in her body. There was no way George could get free. He sighed as her pussy contracted around his cock and gave him a teasing little suck.

He wasn’t even sure he wanted to get free.

“How does it feel to have your favourite fantasy made flesh?”

Her vagina squeezed again. The moist walls, soft like sumptuous cushions, rubbed against his glans.

What fantasy?

“Haven’t you always wanted to be enthralled by a creature of the night?” Nicole whispered in his ear. “You like to watch the horror movies with the sexy vampiresses. They arouse you.”

George had told no one about those fantasies. Reeves as Harker in the castle of Dracula. “How’d—”

Nicole cut off his question with a luscious kiss.

“A guess,” she said. “But an easy one. A good succubus is adept at sensing the desires of her prey. I heard your heart quicken when you saw my fangs and wings, and you haven’t exactly put up much of a fight.”

George sagged. Was it true? He knew he found her incredibly sexy, but surely he didn’t want this—his death?

“Now it’s real,” Nicole said, her soft breath tickling against his ear. “Here you are, drawn into the embrace of a dark beauty. Mesmerised, seduced and helpless as she folds her wings around you and puts her fangs in your neck.”

Oh god, it was true. Her words sent a thrill of pleasure through him. His manhood swelled and twitched inside her snug sheath.

Nicole chuckled. Her hot lips brushed his throat.

“I can bite you,” she whispered, soft and barely audible. “I have fangs. Would you like me to sink them into your throat?”

George felt two sharp pinpricks. He panicked and started to squirm.

The pinpricks went away. Nicole laughed.

“The bite doesn’t interest you,” she said. “It’s the feeling of being seduced and overwhelmed by a dark temptress. That’s the turn-on.”

She hugged him tighter and writhed beneath him, rubbing her breasts against his chest.

“A good thing,” she said. “Biting’s messy. Blood goes everywhere. Not very sexy.”

Nicole crossed her ankles behind his buttocks and squeezed, pulling him down deeper into her velvet depths. The fleshy walls of her sex throbbed and pulsed against his twitching erection.

“A succubus drains her victim in a much more pleasurable manner.”

Her luscious vagina squeezed around his cock. She stimulated the head with rhythmic tugs of her flesh. George tensed up right away. Pleasure and anticipation thrummed along nerves as taut as piano wires.

“Can you hold on?” Nicole teased.

George groaned. He felt like he was vibrating like a struck tuning fork. Her fleshy tunnel squeezed and sucked on his cock, enveloping his member with hot, wet kisses. Her moist walls slid over his pulsing hard-on like the finest silk.

“I don’t think so,” she said.

George’s balls felt like they were boiling. He trembled as he tried to deny the instincts of his body.

“Oh yes, you’re close. My vagina’s going to slurp you all up.”

Gngh-no, George thought. Her pussy gripped the base of his cock and pulled him deeper into her. Fleshy walls sucked on him like a mouth.

It was her mouth.

Nicole hugged him closer, enfolding him in the heat and scent of her body. Her pussy sucked on him with rhythmic pulses. Too much. He was welling up.

“Mmm, time to drink.”

A gasp of air escaped George’s mouth. The molten flesh of her pussy stimulated him beyond the limits of his resistance. He came.

It was like no ejaculation he’d experienced before. It was like a river of mud—slow and constant—running from his cock with slow, deep throbs. Each throb was a spike of purest ecstasy, each almost a separate orgasm in themselves, all running together as one.

“Ooh,” Nicole sighed. She ground her hips against him, stimulating the flow to continue.

Her vagina pulsed around him with slow, steady contractions, pumping the semen from his body. Pumping his fluids—his life—while he was kept helpless and overwhelmed with sensations of purest bliss.

“It won’t hurt,” Nicole said, her voice soft. “You’ll fall right asleep.”

George slumped on top of her. His energy was ebbing away. She pumped it from his body and into the ravenous pit of her sex along with his seed.

“You’re like most shy guys. You want the wanton temptress to give you the sexual release you’re too nervous to ask for, but you’re so insecure, the fantasy only works if you make her the femme fatale—interested only in your blood.”

Nicole let his head fall over her shoulder, into the black silk sheets of the bed. She placed a hand on the back of his head, and let her smooth cheek brush against his.

“So silly. You’re far more of a man than the shallow peacocks you envy.”

Nicole sighed. Hot sticky fluids bubbled up around his spurting penis.

“And far far tastier,” Nicole purred. “The nice gentlemen always taste the best.”

Her vagina continued to pulse around him with long, slow throbs—like a great velvet heart. He felt the beats flow through him, a pleasure which washed away all other sensation. His ejaculations were long slow waves rolling through his body. He was pouring, emptying, into her and—god help him—he couldn’t bear for it to end. His eyelids drooped shut. He felt tired now—drained and sleepy. There was no fear or panic. His only thoughts were a constant series of sighs and moans—the soundtrack to a hundred porn films all overlaid on top of each other.

“This brings back memories . . .” Nicole said, “. . . of times past, when the world was larger and existence was simpler. A chapter long closed. As it should be.”

George felt like he was sinking. Like the bed was growing softer and softer and, wrapped in Nicole’s embrace, he was sinking into its depths. Pleasure enveloped and surrounded him in a second skin. It saturated all his tissues.

“Mmm, I do so enjoy playing the wicked sensual predator.”

Nicole hugged him tight and dragged him down into deep, delectable darkness. George closed his eyes and the darkness welcomed him into its embrace.

Oh Nicole. To be concluded . . .

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Crowd Funded Publishing

This is an interesting idea I read about recently. are looking to apply the Crowd Funding model to book publishing. It’s a simple enough concept. An author pitches an idea for a book. If enough people pledge enough money then the book becomes reality. Supporters can also get additional benefits depending on how much they pledge.

It’s interesting because it takes away some of the guesswork in judging whether a book will be successful or not. The creative industries tend to be a little conservative and risk averse, preferring to go for a slightly tepid ‘sure’ thing rather than gambling on something unusual.

This model mitigates a lot of the risk. Have a niche idea? Not sure there’s a big enough audience? Well, you can see right away. The project either generates enough interest and funding to get off the ground or it doesn’t.

I don’t think Unbound have it quite right just yet. The initial writers they have on board are already famous (Terry Jones, Amy Jenkins). While it’s good for them to see whether an idea is viable or not, it would be nice to see it used to uncover some unknowns.

I think the minimum £10 pledge is too high as well. There are the other benefits, but £10 for an ebook is a little steep, even with the extras. I wonder if they’re missing out by not having a £1 or similar mini-pledge option. £1 is closer to an impulse amount and might generate a lot of money from people that otherwise wouldn’t be interested in pledging the full tenner.

I think this model might be more interesting if applied to manuscripts from unknown writers. Here’s the first three chapters and a synopsis. If we get X thousand pledges, the book will become reality.

It’s got to be better than the sodding slush pile . . .

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus, part 11

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10.

Nicole frowned. “It’s not much of a chance. You are quite inexperienced in the arts of lovemaking . . .”

“I’ll take it,” George said.

Nicole’s black eyes glimmered. Her smile became crafty.

“Make me come,” she said.

George paused. He didn’t know what to say.

“When it comes to a succubus and a human male, the succubus has total control in all matters concerning sex,” Nicole said. “As you’d expect of a being who is an absolute personification of carnal desires.”

She sat cross-legged next to George. Her tail curled round into her lap. She stared down at the flicking, arrow-pointed tip.

“Unfortunately, the gulf in experience makes it very hard for a succubus to achieve full satisfaction,” she said.

Her thumb and forefinger came together in a circle around her tail. She moved her hand up and down in an imitation of masturbation.

“What do I need to do?” George asked.

He felt a lot of trepidation. He had no real experience and he was dealing with an entity that lived off sex. Still, a slim chance was better than no chance at all.

Nicole tapped one clawed finger against her cheek. Her other hand went down between her legs and she ran a black fingernail between the moist folds of her sex.

“Mmm, it’s no good with me on top,” she mused. “It’s against your nature, but you’ll need to take the initiative. Be forceful. And work extremely hard. Mmm . . . yes . . . this might give you the best chance.”

She hopped up on all fours and faced away from him.

“Come over here,” she ordered.

Her tone was sweet but the words slipped right through his ears, hooked talons in his brain and tugged. George was on his knees and moving towards her before he even realised.

“Wha-how?” George said in surprise.

“Darling, you should never release your seed in a succubus’s cunt. It gives her a degree of control over you.”

She looked back at George and gave him a wicked smile. She waggled the lovely peach of her ass.

“I probably should have mentioned that earlier,” she said.

Yeah, thanks for the warning, George thought sourly.

“Now come and fuck me.” That voice again, jerking his body around on sugar-sweet puppet strings.

Before he was even aware, George was kneeling behind the lush swell of her behind with a hand stroking up and down his erection. Her tail flicked and twitched, exposing the little bud of her anus. George paused. Her tail lifted. The orifice relaxed and opened. The dilations and contractions, the moist lining behind, the hint of deep tight depths, all drew his gaze. A target.

His hand stroked up and down his bulging erection. All he needed to do was push forward.

George did, but at the last moment his hand steered his cock downwards, plunging it into the silken sheath of her vagina instead.

She hadn’t given him permission for the . . . other place.

Nicole chuckled.

“Always the gentleman,” she said.

She rocked back into him. Her whip-like tail slithered over his hips and curled round behind him.

“You could have, you know,” she said. “I wouldn’t have minded.”

The tip of her tail pressed up against the sphincter of his anus. Not hard enough to enter, but hard enough to imply it could.

“Of course, I’d have then felt obligated to do the same back to you,” Nicole said with a sultry chuckle. “Fair is fair.”

George shivered and instinctively jerked forwards. Forward meant plunging deeper into Nicole’s velvet depths, which he suspected was what she’d intended. She gave a contented moan and stretched her back like a cat. The soft curves of her buttocks pressed into his crotch.

“It’s not as bad as you think.” Her tail tickled around the rim of his anus. “It’s quite pleasant.” The tail gave his asshole a delicate little prod. “But I fear you’d empty out very quickly if my little tail started tickling away on your prostate.” The tail moved away and the tip tickled against the underside of his testicles. “Far too quickly to get me anywhere near orgasm.”

George allowed himself a little sigh of relief as her tail slithered off down his inner thigh.

He placed both hands on the soft flesh of her ass and held on as he began to thrust back and forth into her. His cock slipped in and out of her moist sheath.

“Ooh yes, that’s a nice rhythm,” Nicole said. “You can go harder.”

George did, although he wasn’t sure it was by choice. His hips had slipped the leash of his mind and were rocking back and forth of their own accord. In. Out. George plunged into her silken sex again and again.

“You can drop that tentativeness,” Nicole said. “Women like sex too. Harder.”

She braced her legs and rocked back against him, meeting his thrusts with perfect timing. The bed sloshed and swayed beneath them. George was worried he’d lose his balance and slip out of her, but he didn’t.

“I’m not a porcelain doll,” Nicole said. “You’re not going to break me. Harder!”

I’m trying, George thought.

He grasped her hips—her flesh felt so good beneath his fingers; warm, soft, like a pillow he never wanted to let go of—and pounded her harder, harder, harder. She didn’t mind. She wanted more, more, more.

In. Out. His swollen erection sliding between her fleshy drapes. Feeling the friction as her moist vaginal walls rubbed against him.

Make her come.

In. Out.

Sheesh, this was knackering.

Sweat-soaked hair drifted down across George’s vision.

Focus! In. Out. Make her come.

Nicole’s pussy convulsed; clenched and dilated around him. George’s cock plunged right into a thick vaginal secretion that felt as soft and as rich as squirted cream. His mouth fell open as his dick was engulfed in pleasant tingles.

George paused. Nicole murmured in pleasure and writhed against him. The walls of her vagina crawled up and down George’s penis in soft little undulations. His hands slipped from the smooth skin of her hips. Her vagina swelled, pulled away and thick tingling juices were pumped over his cock. George stopped.

That felt so—

No. He mustn’t stop. He was hers for sure if he stopped.

George grabbed her hips and redoubled his efforts. Waves of force rippled over the taut skin of her buttocks as his hips slapped against her. Her round breasts jiggled and swayed.

In. Out. Fucking as if his life—and soul—depended on it, which they did.

Nicole quivered and shivered. The elastic walls of her vagina clenched and unclenched around his dick. Each squeeze felt like a sunburst of pleasure in his loins.

He was going to—

No! Focus on something else.

His breath rasped in his lungs. It reminded him of cross-country running back at school.

He fucking hated cross-country running back at school.

No good. Her ever so pliant pussy squeezed and rubbed against him. Rich warm cream enveloped his member. Nicole was breathing heavier now—deep husky breaths.

No good. Her vagina clenched again and George felt the wet suction pull on him as he fell back for another thrust.


George groaned. He was coming. He felt it welling up inside him—from his balls, from his hips, from his toes.

Nicole chuckled in triumph. The motions of her vagina changed, became like a mouth sucking on a lollipop.


No. Even though he was coming, he’d still remain hard for a short while.

He rammed his spurting cock into her as deep as it would go. Nicole gave a surprised yelp. The yelp changed to louder and louder moans as he thrust back and forth into her. George squeezed every last drop from his protesting muscles as he jackhammered against her. It was the last sprint to the line as his dick sprayed his seed inside her.

Nicole shivered. The trembles travelled through her body, spreading to her partially folded wings. She paused, gave a loud sigh. Her pussy exploded around George, flooding his lap with warm, sticky juices.

That had to be it. Completely shattered, George collapsed back onto the comfortable, yielding surface of the waterbed. He lay there, breathing heavily.

Was it enough? It had to be enough.

Nicole shuffled across on her knees and straddled his supine form.

“That was . . . very good,” she said. Her full breasts moved up and down as she got her breath back. Her pale cheeks were flushed deep red. Her crotch was sticky with their shared juices.

She fell forward on top of him and rubbed her body against him, sighing in contentment.

“So, can I go?” George asked.

It had to have been enough.

“No,” Nicole said.

“But I thought—”

Nicole stifled his protests with her soft lips and warm breath. She broke off the kiss and looked down at George. Her black eyes glittered like stones.

“I lied,” she said.

To be continued . . .

Friday, May 27, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus, part 10

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9.

A little later than planned. Took three rewrites before I was happy with the chapter.

“Did you think I was done with you?” she said.

George had thought she was done with him, to the point of doing him in. His relief at finding himself alive and still breathing was tempered by his fear of the demon sitting astride him. She still had his penis.

“And don’t think the usual male weakness will save you,” Nicole said.

Her vagina pulsed. A warm, thick fluid poured into her fleshy cavity and submerged George’s trapped cock. Nicole closed her eyes and murmured. Her vaginal walls slowly undulated, stirring the fluid around his erection and massaging it into his flesh.

George gasped. His hips twitched. His cock surged back to full hardness and strained, eager to burrow deeper inside her. The sudden rush of blood made him feel woozy.

“I can keep you hard for weeks,” Nicole purred.

She wriggled her hips, rubbing more of her juices into George’s throbbing penis. He couldn’t move. The slightest motion and his over-aroused cock would rub up against her vaginal walls, incapacitating him with a burst of intense pleasure. She had him completely helpless and she knew it.

He noticed something odd with the tattoos on Nicole’s side, just below the curve of her right breast. The black lines didn’t seem as clearly delineated as before. It was like the black ink was running. Or—and this must be a trick of the subdued light—Nicole was bleeding as the sharp lines of her tattoos dug into her flesh like razor wire.

“What happened . . . earlier?” George asked. He feared the answer.

“You passed out,” Nicole said. “Anyone would think you’d never had sex before.”

Her lips turned up in a mischievous smile.

“Sorry,” she said. “Couldn’t resist.”

She tweaked his nipples.

“No one will be able to tease you about your virginity in the future,” she said. “It’s gone. The wicked succubus sucked it right out of you.”

“Was that all you took?” George asked. “It felt like . . .”

His recollections were hazy. He remembered both terror and incredible pleasure, a feeling of coming apart and being drawn up into Nicole’s body as she lay on top of him.

“. . . you were sucking out my soul.”

It was strange to use the word. George didn’t really believe in souls and that kind of thing—

He hadn’t believed in the existence of devils either . . .

—but it seemed like the only explanation which made sense.

Nicole laughed. “Don’t be silly. You wouldn’t be talking to me now. Taking out a person’s soul is like removing the batteries from a toy soldier. They cease to function.”

A chill ran up George’s spine. She was speaking from experience.

Nicole leant over him until her abyssal eyes were staring right into his.

“You had sex with a succubus, a being with complete mastery of the carnal arts. For your first time. It was too intense. You passed out.”

It sounded like it made sense, George thought. But what about—

No, best not to go there. Let those memories stay buried in the dark, forgotten corners of his mind. A man could go mad if he thought about it too much. He could throw his life away in a crazy, self-destructive quest to recapture those sensations.

There were smudges on Nicole’s cheeks—black like oil but very faint, as if she’d already wiped most of it away, leaving behind only these barely perceptible traces.

Her claws tickled the skin around his navel.

“Mmm, what to do now,” Nicole mused.

“You could let me go,” George suggested, more in hope than actual expectation.

Nicole sat up, tilted her head to the side, smiled.

“Your libido really is low, isn’t it,” she said. “I see now why it took so long. Most men are usually begging me for more sex by now . . . even though they know they shouldn’t,” she added, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

“I can’t.” She shrugged.

She placed her hands flat on George’s chest.

“It’s a little embarrassing actually,” she said.

She pushed down on George’s chest and used the leverage to lift her hips. George felt a strong tugging sensation on his cock. Her vagina had clenched tightly shut around the root. Where Nicole went, George went too . . . if he wanted to remain a man.

“I really can’t,” Nicole said.

“Oh,” George said.

“My vagina appears to have developed quite an attachment to your penis,” Nicole said. “It’ll relax in a while. Until then it does rather restrict what I can do to you. Hmm, let’s see . . .”

She wriggled and attempted to swivel on George’s cock. At first he was terrified she’d twist his manhood right off, but the swollen entrance to her vagina seemed to slide around his root easily enough. It was only when she attempted to lift her body off him that her orifice tightened up around the base of his cock and refused to release him.

“This is so embarrassing,” Nicole said.

She manoeuvred her body through a full one hundred and eighty degrees. Then she leaned backwards—George’s penis still inside her—until she was lying on top of him with her folded up wings flat against his chest.

“Better,” Nicole said. She smiled up at George’s reflection in the mirror. “I think we’ll lie like this for a while. Consider it a respite.”

She picked George’s hands up off the mattress and placed them on top of her full breasts.

“Something for you to play with while we wait.” She smiled up at the mirror.

She gave George’s hands a squeeze, which in turn caused him to grope the ripe round curves of her breasts. The flesh was soft, warm and eminently squeezable. George wasn’t sure which was hungrier for the touch—his hands or her breasts.

Nicole took her hands away. George’s stayed where they were. He didn’t have much say in the matter. Nicole’s breasts might as well have been coated in superglue for all the chance he had of removing his hands. His fingers clutched and squeezed her boobs, seduced and enslaved by their weight and smooth texture. Normally, George would have been too embarrassed to paw and grope at a woman’s bits like this, but he felt an illicit charge of pleasure as his fingers roamed over her lush curves. And shame. To take pleasure in groping her like a lecherous pervert.

“Naughty naughty fingers,” Nicole purred.

She closed her eyes and stretched on top of him like a cat. He knew she was enjoying the shame she caused him.

George’s fingers brushed up against a chain.

The key!

He remembered. She’d put it on a chain and hung it around her neck. Now if he could just hook a finger around the chain and slip—

Nicole opened an eye. The muscular walls of her vagina clenched around his cock hard enough to make his eyes water.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked sweetly.

“N-n-nothing,” George said.

Please don’t crush my cock, he thought. How could she be so powerful down there?

One hand closed over George’s. The other lifted up the key. It glinted as it swung on the end of the chain.

“Aww, you were after this,” Nicole said. “How sweet.”

Her vagina relaxed around his cock. George went from feeling as though his manhood had been trapped in a vice to feeling as though it was sunk in luxuriously soft putty. A gasp slipped from his open mouth. Her sex burbled and more warm fluids swirled around his cock. Her walls stroked against him in pleasant undulations. It didn’t matter that their sexual organs were sealed together. She didn’t need to move; the internal motions of her vagina were friction enough. The flesh stroked and stroked up his shaft and teased the end with moist kisses. George felt like he was being stroked up higher and higher, as if his hips were rising up off the mattress and he was floating up to heaven.

His cock throbbed and erupted within her. He pumped another great load of semen into her undulating warmth. The soft walls kept stroking and stroking, coaxing more and more juice from his straining manhood until finally he crashed back down on the soft bed. His head and arms lay limp on the mattress. Droplets of perspiration beaded his brow.

Nicole was as perfectly composed as ever.

“Are you really sure you want this key?” she asked.

The moist interior of her vagina squeezed and rubbed against the fleshy head of his spent cock. Sparks of pleasure cascaded through his trembling nerves.

George paused to catch his breath. “Yes,” he wheezed out.

Nicole sat up.

“How disappointing,” she said. “We’ve barely started and already you want to leave. My seductive powers really must be waning.”

She lifted her body off him. George’s erection was finally out from the hot, smothering confines of her vagina. He was horrified by how much he wanted to put it back there.

Nicole reached over to fetch the bottle of wine from the shelf. There was no outpouring of liquid from her sex. While within her, George’s cock had been flooded with her juices. He’d added great spurts of his own semen to the mix. Yet not a dribble escaped Nicole’s vagina. She’d absorbed it all.

She put the bottle to George’s lips and poured in some of the contents. Relishing the sweet taste, George greedily gulped it down.

“If I stay here I’ll die,” he said as she returned the bottle to the shelf.

Nicole sat cross-legged on the bed next to him. He shivered in pleasure as she cupped his balls in a warm palm. Her claw hooked under and tickled around his anus.

“I suppose I shouldn’t begrudge you your survival instincts,” Nicole said.

She lightly squeezed his balls and George gasped, his spine contorting backwards. It felt like a flash, like a warm spark of electricity. He felt something reach up into his abdomen, grab pieces of him and drag them down into his balls. In a matter of moments they swelled back up and felt as plump and as fully loaded as if he’d gone without masturbation for a month.

Nicole looked at the key in her left hand. She ran the fingers of her other hand up and down George’s twitching erection. She tapped a claw thoughtfully against the swollen head.

“You seem like a nice gentleman,” she said. “And I’m not the completely heartless demon I appear to be. Maybe I should give you a chance to escape.”

George’s ears pricked up.

Nicole frowned. “It’s not much of a chance. You are quite inexperienced in the arts of lovemaking after all.”

“I’ll take it,” George said.

To be continued . . .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Part 10 is delayed by vacation :(

I'm currently on vacation in a lovely East European city. I was hoping to write up part 10 and get it posted while I was out here, but beer, friends and other things have intervened. (A final proof check on the print version of "A Succubus for Halloween" mainly).

Diabolic tease that she is, I'm sure Nicole would approve of leaving readers stuck on tenterhooks. Barring mishaps, Part 10 will go up on Wednesday with Part 11 (Assuming poor George hasn't already expired in ecstatic bliss) following in the usual Sunday/Monday slot.

So much for thinking I'd gotten ahead on the serial . . .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Erotica: When Your Chapter Has No Sex

I’ve started posting the “Locked in with a Succubus” chapters up on Literotica. It’s the first time I’ve gone outside of the Erotic Horror category. I thought I’d try and see if I could pick up some new readers by posting in the NonNuman category instead (and then promptly lose them as the story heads off into too-dark territory). The first chapter (intro + part 2) went live yesterday.

It has the worst score of any of my Literotica stories.

(lower even than "The Biggest Tits in the World", where I screwed up and tossed out a mental image most readers spotted right off was simply impossible—although I do have a fix now)

That’s something I was expecting and knew I’d have to take on the chin. People like their erotica to have, you know, naughty bits.

It’s always a dilemma. I like my sex scenes to be surrounded by a strong story and the problem with Plot with Porn as opposed to Plot? What Plot? is sometimes the plot heads off into areas with no sex. So what do you do? Crowbar in the naughty anyway, or cross your fingers and hope the story is compelling enough to keep the readers interested until the next pair of jiggling boobs appears on the horizon?

I’m a bit weird, so the story is always sacrosanct to me. No sex unless it fits naturally into the plot.

Fortunately for me, when you write about succubi, sex always naturally fits into the plot!

I was going to combine "Locked in with a Succubus" into one single piece, but I think it might diminish the impact of all those teasing little chapter endings. It’s given me some ideas on how to put my 4th collection of short stories together. I’ll see what happens on Literotica over the next couple of weeks. If everyone gets bored waiting for the hot stuff to happen and buggers off, then I’ll know it was a failed experiment.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Locked in with a Succubus, part 9

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8

“Oh crap,” she said.

Puzzled, George looked up.

Nicole sat astride him, motionless aside from the up and down movements of the waterbed beneath them. Her sex had contracted snugly all around his cock, holding him firmly inside her. It was very tight, but not uncomfortably so. In fact, it felt very pleasant. Her vagina was warm, almost hot, and his dick felt like it was stewing in pleasure.

What was happening?

Nicole’s eyes were shut and her face was expressionless, perfect like a porcelain doll. Her vagina slowly started to peel back from the root of George’s cock.

Her sex convulsed.

George’s whole body tensed up. An involuntary gasp burst from his mouth.

The soft walls of her pussy squished around his cock like warm putty and then squeezed. He felt powerful suction roll all the way up his shaft.

And beyond.

He felt it in his trunk, in the blood vessels running throughout his body. The pad of soft fleshy tissue enveloping the head of his penis expanded like bellows and he felt the pull right through his balls and down to his curling toes.

Aaaah. Another involuntary gasp shot from his lips.

Nicole’s head dropped forwards. Her lovely supple lips pouted in a cute little ‘o’ as a short sigh of pleasure slipped from her mouth. Her pale cheeks blushed deep red.

Her vagina pulsed again and a whiplash of breath-taking pleasure thrummed through George. His spine arched backwards, pressing his shoulders back against the mattress.

Nicole lifted her head up and gave a strange alien cry, like some kind of exotic bird or beast. She looked down at George and he was unnerved by what he saw. It was Nicole’s beautiful face, but it looked like a host of emotions were churning away beneath the surface. Something was coming through, something demonic and full of lascivious hunger.

George knew then he was in trouble.

“Mmm,” Nicole murmured.

She relaxed and sank down on George, letting his trapped erection be drawn up deeper into the smothering flesh of her vagina. The muscular walls undulated and sucked, sending another blast of ecstasy rushing through George’s body.

He didn’t know if this had been Nicole’s intention from the start or whether something had gone wrong, but instinctively he knew he was in mortal danger. He tried to lift his shoulders up from the swaying bed.

Nicole looked at him with eyes as cold as distant galaxies. She sang words in an alien tongue. They sounded like the sweetest, purest notes, but with dissonant harmonies like metal coming together in a car crash. She made strange motions with her hands, as if she was dragging her claws through soil or clay even though there was nothing before her but empty air.

Glistening threads, like angel hair or the finest spider silk, drifted down onto George’s chest and shoulders. Where they touched him, they sapped his strength and left behind a state of pleasant enervation. His shoulders fell back on the bed and stayed there.

“You think you can escape,” Nicole mocked. “You’re inside me.”

Her sex pulsed again and George trembled. The muscular walls bunched up around his shaft and rolled to the head in a kind of lascivious peristalsis.

Nicole whispered more words so alien they slipped past his ears like shimmering silver fish. George felt the strange constriction around the base of his cock relax. A few moments ago he would have given anything for it to be gone. Now, he would have given twice as much to put it back.

He was naked, completely exposed. The liquid interior of Nicole’s vagina slithered and tugged at him. She had full control. George felt she could make him come at any time, but instead her motions were slow and practised. She teased him with silken tugs that left him always just short of a threshold that kept rising a little each time. George squirmed and writhed beneath her like a fish caught on a line. The pleasure kept building and building until the denial of release became a kind of torture in itself.

Nicole shifted position on top of him. She sat up straighter and tilted her head up to the ceiling. She held out her hands with the palms facing upwards. Her wings extended behind her. If they’d been feathered rather than membranous like a bat’s she might have looked like an angel in prayer. She even whispered words that sounded like prayer. George thought he saw a nimbus of purple flickering light around her form, but that could have been his imagination.

It was hard to think of anything. Pure sensation overwhelmed him. Nicole might have looked still and composed—with her only motions short, controlled thrusts of her hips—but the interior of her vagina was alive. George heard liquid sounds as the thick, soft walls of her sex crawled over his erection. Her lust had engulfed him whole. It felt like an alien heart had invaded his system and his blood was now dancing to the beat of the intruder organ.

“Now,” Nicole commanded in a soft voice.

The soft meat of her vagina wrapped tightly around his penis and pulsed.

George gasped through gritted teeth. His hips bucked upwards.


His cock spewed an enormous load of semen into the succubus’s pussy. The fleshy pad at the end of her vagina absorbed it all and then sucked on the head of his cock for more.

Oh god.

He obliged. He had no choice. His cock throbbed again and again, each time depositing another hot, sticky load into the succubus’s smothering grip. On and on—

How much—

—more and more—

—could she take?

—as George writhed and thrashed in the throes of pure animal orgiastic release.

The ejaculation kept going, way past the point it should have ended as George pumped jets, streams, rivers of cum into her greedy sex. She absorbed it all and exhorted him for more, more, more!

He couldn’t. His body . . . there wasn’t . . .

Nicole leant over him. She caressed the side of his face with clawed fingers. Her face was feral and strangely all the more beautiful for it, like seeing the model in the flesh rather than her sculpture. Fires raged in the depths of her abyssal black eyes and yet George saw something which glistened in the corner of one of them—a tear maybe, but blacker than the deepest sin.

His body convulsed. He was still coming. What, he had no idea; his balls must have emptied already. Her sex continued to throb around his cock like the beats of a great fleshy heart, pumping the goodness and vitality from his body.

George’s movements quietened down. A cold numbness was spreading throughout his abdomen.

And still his body sang with pleasure, as if he wanted this continue forever and ever and damn the consequences. Forget the future, enjoy the now!

Nicole lay on top of him. Her full breasts rested on his chest. George’s eyes, holdouts from the revolution she’d instilled in his flesh, pleaded with her to stop. Nicole crushed her soft lips against his and stole the breath from his lungs.

Her skin felt so hot against his. A raging furnace.

George was coming apart inside. His pieces were dismantling, becoming firewood to fuel her flames.

The tide of pleasure rose up and claimed the last of George’s thoughts.

It was wonderful, the most natural thing in the world. He felt only the contentment of absolute release as the deep deep darkness rose up to envelop him.

* * * *

George jerked awake with a gasp.

What? Where?

The bed. He lay in a shallow, comfortable depression in the centre of Nicole’s waterbed. And Nicole . . .

The demon was still on top of him. She looked down at him. The stark, perfect beauty of her features contrasted with her horns and empty black eyes. She placed the neck of a bottle against George’s lips.

“Drink,” she ordered.

She upended the bottle and a trickle of sweet liquid passed between George’s lips. He recognised the taste as that moreish wine he’d drunk earlier, only now it seemed even more delicious. He gulped it down like a parched man finding water in a desert.

Nicole took the bottle away, much to George’s disappointment. He lifted his head up and saw Nicole was still sitting on his crotch. The lips of her labia were splayed and pressed against his body. He couldn’t see his penis. It was still inside her. Inside the succubus.

“Did you think I was done with you?” she said.

To be continued . . .